HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 125 Living in Knockturn Alley

Nimbus 2001 is not officially on the market yet, but it can be pre-ordered, as long as you pay a deposit.Draco ordered one as he wished, feeling his son's uncontrollable joy, Lucius nodded secretly in his heart.He rarely took the initiative to buy things for Draco in the past, for fear that he would lose his mind and become indifferent.

During this period of time, Lucius had a new understanding. Rigorous education is of great help to a child's growth, but proper pampering is also crucial.Draco was his only son after all.

Lucius Malfoy tried to find a different balance from the past, and a new idea was about to come out: Draco was first his son with Sisi, and then he was the heir to the Malfoy family.Which one is in the front and which one is in the back? He has a new definition.

Rommel asked Heimdall several times if he wanted to order one as well, but was declined.Mr. Wells, the owner of the high-end Quidditch store, also strongly recommended the Nimbus 2001 to Heimdall, extolling the many advantages of the latest model, comparing it with the previous 2000, and suppressing the strength of the old model. Holding the new model and showing off the limited edition brochure, Heimdall still didn't nod.

"The Nimbus 2001 is very helpful for competing Seekers. Unlike Draco, I have no enthusiasm for Quidditch. Even if I bought it, it would be overqualified." Moreover, his broomstick was directly provided by Xingyun Company for free. When signing the contract, it is stated that they will provide at least two new products every year, in other words, one per semester, so why waste money so much?

Rommel reluctantly hinted that his son did not need to save money for himself. He was not that poor. The Finnish Ministry of Magic did not withhold his salary.

Heimdall said with a serious face: "Then let's not spend it indiscriminately." His eyes were shining, and he had a standard miser's face.

Although he knew that he made this tone on purpose to comfort himself, Rommel couldn't help but feel a little disappointed: his son didn't ask him to buy anything, and his father was very lonely...

When the group passed by Lihen Bookstore again on their return journey, Lucius told them that the result of the application of Mr. Lockhart with a big mouth had come out, and in fact it was just a matter of going to the newspaper to announce it to the world.If there were no accidents, Draco would see the great Gilderoy at school when school started in September.

Draco muttered, "I'd rather continue to put up with Professor Lodge..."


Rommel also lived in Malfoy Manor.This father doesn't like the living environment in the UK very much, and he doesn't like to make friends with the dignitaries in the UK, so every time he goes on a business trip, he will live in the "dilapidated" Sturluson Manor.This time, he agreed to Mr. Malfoy's invitation immediately. Heimdall guessed that the two fathers might have something to talk about.

On the afternoon of the second day after Rommel moved in, he and Draco were called into the master's study by the house elf.Draco had previously told Heimdall that his father's study was an important place in the family, and even he, as the future heir, was rarely allowed to enter the room.

Lucius' study room was not as luxurious and spacious as Heimdall had imagined, and compared with the whole magnificent and luxurious house, it seemed relatively simple.A large desk was placed in the middle, and in front of the desk was a set of dark brown leather sofas. The entire wall behind the desk was covered by a dark green curtain, on which was painted the Malfoy family crest inlaid with gold thread.

In addition to the male master, there were also Rommel and a strange man in the study.To Draco's surprise, his mother was there, as he had no memory of his mother ever setting foot in his father's study.His mother once told him: The study room is your father's private domain, and the sun room is my place. Even if you become a husband and wife, you should keep some private space of your own.

Seeing the two boys come in, Mr. Malfoy pointed to the sofa and asked them to sit on it.

"Let me introduce you." Lucius looked at the strange man sitting on Rommel's left. "This is Mr. Circe." The strange man immediately stood up.

He has a long and sharp face, wide eyes, narrow and straight nose, short dark chestnut hair and a pair of dark brown eyes. Although he looks ordinary, he looks energetic, and his clothes are not fashionable but decent.The eyes are neither flattering nor arrogant, and the distance is kept properly, which makes the first impression on people very good.

Rommel raised his hand, "This is my son Heimdall."

Circe approached Heimdall and held his hand, shaking it up and down, and said excitedly, "I've heard of you for a long time!"

Heimdall was confused by his enthusiasm as if seeing a relative, why did he look up to him for a long time?

"This is Mr. Malfoy's only son." Rommel introduced Draco calmly.

Circe turned his heels, grabbed Draco's hand and shook it vigorously, "I've heard of you for a long time, I've heard of you for a long time..."

The two boys glanced at each other, dare this person know this greeting? !Clearly a misnomer.

It's no wonder that people can't look at it, it's good to look at it without opening your mouth.

Draco sat down beside his mother, and Heimdall sat down on Rommel's right.

Lucius cleared his throat and said, "Mr. Circe is the representative of Purongrong Integrated Services Company, and he came here specially for us today." He looked at his son. "Mr. Circe and his colleagues will replace all the protective magic in Malfoy Manor, and add other auxiliary magic according to the specific situation. It will inevitably be troublesome to enter and leave the manor in the future. You need to prepare early."

"Why do you need to reset the magic protection?" Draco sensitively sensed something was wrong, and said anxiously. "Did something happen?"

Lucius remained silent, and Narcissa also showed a hint of embarrassment on her face.

"With all due respect, it is for the child's own consideration to conceal the child, but blindly protecting it is definitely not a good strategy. The ivory tower is not invincible." Rommel suggested. "Besides, Draco has passed the age of ignorance. Don't you two have confidence in your son's ability to accept it? Are you planning to keep it a secret?"

"Sissy." Lucius looked at his wife, who gritted her teeth and nodded to her husband.

Seeing this, Draco became even more nervous. His parents had never felt so sad in front of him. What happened?

Heimdall leaned towards his father and asked in a low voice, "What's going on?" Did some disaster happen to the Malfoy family?

"It's okay, don't be nervous." Rommel patted his hand, "I'll know in a while."

Under the joint explanation of Lucius and Narcissa, Draco learned a lot about the little-known past, the relationship between their family and the mysterious person, and also learned that his father was a Death Eater. fact. (PS: Narcissa is also a Death Eater, we artificially excluded her)

Draco's hands were clasped tightly together, the tensed knuckles were as pale as his face. "That means the mysterious man will make a comeback, and our family plans to betray him." He said dryly. "I didn't expect Harry Potter to be the savior..." Draco smiled wryly.

"Honey, don't worry, your father and I will protect you." Narcissa grabbed his hand, trying to ease his heart. "Although the mysterious man has activities, he is actually very weak. Otherwise, he would not have the idea of ​​playing the Sorcerer's Stone. Even if there is a day of war, our family will be able to escape safely."

A stern look flashed across Draco's eyes. "No!" he said. "I want to learn to protect myself! Protect this family! You don't have to worry," he smiled at Narcissa, full of masculine firmness. "For the future of the Malfoy family, even if it is inevitable, I will fight them to the end!"

Narcissa burst into tears and hugged her son tightly.Lucius was relieved and moved that their little Draco had grown up.

Heimdall looked at the family of three who couldn't calm down, what a happy family, he thought enviously.

"How about I find you a mother?" Rommel murmured next to his ear. "Let's form a happy little family too?"

Heimdall's body shook unsteadily.

"It's so touching."

Circe suddenly let out a distasteful sigh, and wiped the corners of his eyes with a handkerchief. It was worth noting that the pink handkerchief was decorated with a circle of pale pink lace, and the outer edge of the lace was rolled with glittering silver threads.

Heimdall thought to himself, this person's preferences are quite individual and special... Even after wiping for a long time, there is no sign of moisture on the silk surface.

So he said to his father, "It's a character."

The father replied: "That is, I don't want to see who found it."

In the subsequent conversations, they learned that Purongrong Comprehensive Service Company has a wide range of businesses, and the entourage business takes up a small share. Generally, it only deals with repeat customers or old friends, and rarely actively seeks new sources of income.For example, this time it was introduced by Rommel.

"Our business scope only covers the continent of Europe, and it's the first time we've accepted a job in the UK." Circe took out the contract from the briefcase, put it in duplicate on the desk, and moved it in front of Lucius.Seeing Lucius sign the contract, he held the contract and said with emotion: "The company has not received a distinguished client like you for a long time, and the last time was ten years ago."

Lucius said casually, "Which country's dignitaries are they?"


"I must have introduced a lot of business to your company later, right?"

Circe had a sigh of "stop talking". "The whole family is dead."

The people present were surprised, especially the Malfoy family of three. "How could it be? What happened?" Lucius couldn't help asking, it was impossible to question his protection ability in front of him, so he had to try his best to be tactful.

"The family was not at peace in the first place. In order to fight for the inheritance, the son killed his father, the brothers fought against each other, and brothers killed each other. After all the bloody toss, there was only one seedling left. What we protected was the ultimate winner. After the contract expired, he expressed that he did not want to renew the contract. On the third day after all our people were evacuated, he died in the bedroom of the official residence."

Lucius was puzzled, "Didn't you mean the final winner? How could he still be killed?"

Circe sighed, "It's suicide."

Everyone was speechless.

Having more children is not necessarily a blessing, and having more money is not necessarily a good thing.


The staff of Purongrong Comprehensive Service Company came to the door the next day. A total of six people came. Except for Circe who discussed the specific planning arrangements with family members, the other five people non-stop checked the original magic settings in the manor.The Malfoys are very pleased with their professionalism that says less and does more.

Heimdall likes to observe these people in his spare time. They arrive at [-]:[-] a.m. every day to set up magic protection, and leave at [-]:[-] p.m., repeating the cycle.The three meals are not settled in the manor, and except for working hours, they can't see each other at all.Narcissa wanted to treat her well, but they refused.

According to Circe, these people will always monitor every move in the manor in the dark, only when there is a crisis, and they will never disturb the normal life of the owners.Heimdall thought with emotion: The dragon who sees the head but does not see the tail is the highest level of bodyguards, right?

Rommel stayed in the manor for a week, which is already the maximum limit. After all, his workplace is not in the UK. This time, he used the name of a business trip to make a profit for himself. If he does not go back, he will hit the face of the Minister of Magic of Finland.

On the 23rd, Heimdall received a letter from Neil from Bulgaria. She said in the letter that she would go back in two days. Heimdall missed the small house with sloping beams very much, so he left behind his father and planned to Move back to 57 Knockturn Lane.

Rommel originally meant to let his son stay for a longer period of time. Living in Malfoy Manor is quite reassuring. Maybe at the end of August he can find time to come to England again, and then send his son to school.Later, under Heimdall's persuasion, he reluctantly agreed to let him move back. Rommel thought that Snow would return to England at the end of July and early August, and then he would find another reason to go to Belgium to join him.Because the specific itinerary could not be determined, he did not tell his son his plan.

The Malfoy family was very reluctant when they learned of the plans of the Strulusons and his sons, especially Draco, who really wanted Rigg to stay, preferably until the start of school.

The new protection magic in the manor is about to be deployed. As an outsider, it must be more inconvenient for him to come and go than the owner. For the safety of Malfoy Manor, Heimdall believes that he should not stay any longer.Another point is that he found that the new protective magic has a certain effect on magical animals, and the toffee and pods have been a little restless these days.Olar had similar symptoms at first, and recovered on his own after being housed in the owl shed on the estate.The pods later told Heimdall that the bodyguards seemed to have added some attack curses specifically for dark magic creatures, which, while harmless to humans, interfered with magical animals to a certain degree.

For the consideration of the three animal friends, Heimdall decided to move back.

Knowing that he couldn't stay no matter what, Heimdall left the Malfoy Manor where he had lived for nearly a month under the concerned watch of the Malfoy family.Before leaving, I promised my cousin that I would write to him often.

After reluctantly saying goodbye to Rommel, Heimdall entered Knockturn Alley.In the beginning, those gloomy wizards habitually pestered him and said some deceptive and deceptive words, but it was discovered that his attitude changed drastically later on.The wizards of Knockturn Alley are very different from the wizards of Diagon Alley. The wizards of Diagon Alley like to use product introductions to express their thoughts on their friends. The wizards of Knockturn Alley prefer to be straightforward. Not malicious.

After bidding farewell to those strange wizards in ragged clothes, Heimdall excitedly ran towards No. 57. The pod cat had a good impression of this alley, and often lingered in front of the dilapidated window.

From a distance, Heimdall saw Neil, who was wearing a light blue wizard robe, coming out of the door, and then turned around and walked in another direction. Because of the distance, Heimdall suppressed and wanted to stop her impulse.It's no surprise that I haven't seen each other for a year.After looking at the door for a while in the direction she was leaving, Heimdall pushed the door open and entered.

He pushed open the door leading to the small living room, opened the cage and released the toffee. Olar had already flown into Heimdall's room through the open window, and was currently dozing off on the bird stand.

Heimdall didn't enter the living room, but turned around and walked into the kitchen connected to the entrance. After more than a year, the kitchen furnishings are still the same as before.After pouring a glass of juice, with a biscuit in his mouth, he entered the small living room through another door.

Then, he saw a man named Victor Krum sitting comfortably on his favorite linen color-striped armchair, looking at him leisurely.

Heimdall felt that his ability to bear it must not be weak, because at that moment he was still wondering why the fruit biscuits were salty when chewed...

"Oh, hello..." He gnawed on a biscuit and said vaguely.

Victor raised his eyebrows, said nothing, and raised a hand to pat his leg.

A certain boy held a cup and a biscuit in his mouth, and sat on his boyfriend's lap in two steps in three steps.The whole process was done in one go.

Victor took away the cup that was in the way, leaned close to his mouth and took the remaining half in one gulp, bit it into pieces, moved away half an inch, and swallowed. "Open your mouth," he ordered, pressing Heimdall's lips again.

Heimdall let out a breath, and Victor's tongue got in...

Someone put down the cup in his hand, and the teacup made a crisp vibration when it hit the table. He felt that the boy became stiff for a moment, and Victor let him go. Heimdall was a little embarrassed, and he pursed his lips and looked at the sound.

On the three-seater sofa, Bernick was sipping a cup of tea that he didn't know how many cups he was drinking. Seeing this, Duncan jumped up and ran towards the toilet as if his butt was on fire—it's not easy to make a quiet scene board.

Heimdall touched his nose and said in a low voice, "You guys are here too..."

For some reason, Bernick wanted to cry when he heard this.

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