HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 121 Flying in the sky?Running on the ground?Swimming in water?

Heimdall is no stranger to Animagus, but this familiarity is limited to theory.At the beginning of the semester, he handed in a thesis on Animagus. Professor York, who assigned homework, didn't come this semester, and it was due at the end of the semester. Forgot about it.

Heimdall dug out the books that introduced Animagus to review, and almost every related book would tell readers that this magic is very difficult to practice and takes a long time.Some people have worked hard for ten years and finally achieved results, but the changed form is far from ideal.

Although Animagus appears to be a kind of magic that advertises that people can transform into various animals at will, in fact, people who use this magic cannot choose what kind of animal they become, but can only become the most suitable animal for them.

Therefore, these books will always add a sentence "transformation requires courage" to warn readers.

How should we treat the phrase "become the animal that suits you best"?What is the most suitable animal for you?Heimdall was confused and confused.

Undoubtedly, transformation magic is different from other types of magic. Words and deeds cannot satisfy the conductivity of the magic, and only by experiencing it personally can one understand the true meaning.No wonder the major magic schools never included Animagus in their transfiguration courses, not only because it took a long time to practice, but it was also very difficult to explain, and maybe some students didn't understand what was going on until they left school.

Heimdall spent two days re-memorizing the contents of the book, and then went to Professor Katenen and told him that he wanted to practice Animagus.

"I've been waiting for you to say this." Professor Katenen opened the lid of the teapot, and the sweet and rich fruit aroma immediately wafted out, tempting the olfactory system.Heimdall stared intently at the pot of tea, and quickly changed from standing to sitting.Professor Katenin showed a happy expression as if pampering: "Would you like to try it? There are also desserts with tea." He opened an oblate dessert jar, which contained strangely shaped and exquisite biscuits.

Heimdall nodded hurriedly, took the blue flower teacup on a white background from the white-haired professor, sniffed it deeply, and took a sip. The wonderful taste immediately bloomed between the taste buds of his lips and teeth. He quickly took a bite of the fragrant and crispy tea Mixed fruit biscuits, mixed with the aroma of tea and swallowed...then let out a long and happy sigh.

Professor Katenen folded his hands and pressed his chin, and said gently: "This is from a friend who owns a dessert shop. It is said that it is a new product of his family. It tastes good, right?"

Heimdall came back to his senses, and suddenly figured out what he had done, and quickly put the cup back on the table. "Excuse me, Professor." He was stiff again. "You just said you've been waiting for me?"

The white-haired professor was kind and kind: "It should be said that I was waiting for Professor York."

"Professor York knew there would be such a day?" Heimdall couldn't believe it. Could it be that the Transfiguration professor is also a part-time prophet? !

Professor Katenin raised the teapot and filled his cup with tea. "Didn't he give you the Animagus homework?"

Want to practice that magic after doing your homework? !A certain boy still finds it illogical.

As if seeing what he was thinking, Professor Katenen put down the teapot and said with a smile: "Actually, according to Professor York's proficiency in transfiguration, he has every chance to become an outstanding Animagus."

Heimdall understood. "Did something happen?" He asked curiously.

Professor Katenin said without changing his face: "He dare not."


"He didn't dare to practice, he was afraid to see his Animagus form." Professor Katenen continued to expose his friend's old background. "Not everyone has the courage to try this magic. People are usually afraid of the unknown, and York is one of them." The professor shook his head helplessly. "He said he had dreamed that he had turned into a bedbug and believed it was a prophetic dream from a wizard who warned him not to jump into a fire pit."

Heimdall wanted to laugh but didn't dare to. "What does this have to do with me? Why does Professor York want me to practice Animagus?"

"It's not just for you, he has hinted at all the students that York likes. It's worth mentioning that you've only succeeded in it over the years."

That is to say, if I dare not dance, I let my students dance...

Heimdall was silent for a long time: Was he the only one who was fooled into it?

"How is it?" Professor Katenen leaned back, resting his back on the soft and thick back of the chair. "If you really make up your mind to practice, I will give you the greatest help. You still have to rely on yourself to practice this kind of magic."

"I've already thought about it before I came here. I want to become an Animagus." Speaking of which, Heimdall hesitated for a moment. "Is it really impossible to predict the future shape? I can only resign myself to fate?" This kind of "sit and wait" feeling is very bad.

"Yes, yes..." Professor Katenin hesitated. "There are many folk methods for predicting shapes, which have never been recognized by academics. Many methods are quite unreliable, and the accuracy is often outrageous. If you want to try..." He said and looked at Heimdall.

The latter nodded. "Then try it, whether it is accurate or not, at least it will be more practical in the early stage."


While eating lunch, Carlo Jones suddenly asked Heimdall: "Are you going to practice Animagus?"

Heimdall was a little surprised, "How do you know?"

"It's easy to guess." Jones pointed to the "hard-working" classmates around him, and then tapped the hard-covered brick book in front of him. "Whether you read it or not, everyone is doing their duty as a student—preparing for the final exam. Only you have kept "Tracing the Roots: Animagus" for several days in a row. You are so arrogant!" The little fat man was jealous.

"I call the stupid bird to fly first." Heimdall said naturally. "Strive to practice this magic before graduation."

The little fat man was even more dissatisfied, "If you are a 'stupid bird', what are we?" Isn't this kid showing off?Jones was cautiously skeptical.

"Why don't you try it too?" Heimdall mobilized. "This magic is very cool. Have you ever seen Professor Katenen's Animagus form? It's a wolf. It's actually the same as his pet. This is the first time I've seen a living wolf." A certain boy became delusional again .

Carlo Jones' eyebrows twitched. "Professor Katenin's pet? Is it a wolf? Never heard of it." The little fat man tried his best to keep his expression unchanged, the little heart in his body had already scratched and scratched and rebelled.

"Have you considered it?" Heimdall didn't have to get his approval, but just thought this magic was cool and exciting, and wanted to challenge it. "If you also want to participate, gather at Professor Katenen's office after the fourth class tomorrow afternoon to make a shape prediction."

Jones vaguely agreed.

Heimdall also mobilized Leon, but unfortunately, Master Blueleg had no interest in this at all, so he had to give up.

The mobilization was quickly forgotten by Heimdall, so he was startled when he came to Professor Katenen's office the next afternoon.

The first years waved to him as soon as they saw him, and the hallway where you could hear a needle drop became as crowded as a Muggle supermarket.

"Why are you all here?" Strange, at a glance, there are at least twenty if not thirty.

"Carol said." Ryan looked very excited. "We all want to know what animal we'll turn into."

Dare to feel that these guys came here specially for "fortune-telling".

"I didn't do it on purpose." Jones touched his nose and said guiltily. "I just mentioned it to them, I didn't expect it to turn out like this."

Based on past experience, Heimdall understands that his so-called "just mentioning it to them" is definitely more than just a moment. If Carlo Jones goes to work in the news media industry in the future, he will definitely be very popular, and he will certainly be no better than Rita Skeeter, who is stalking Difference.

At this time, Professor Katenen came out of the office, holding a thing covered with a black cloth in his hand, and announced in public: "Everyone, go to the Transfiguration classroom to gather."

The first graders all huffed and walked to the classroom ten steps away. It was Professor Katenin's usual teaching place and a special classroom for the Transfiguration class.

The seats in the Transfiguration classroom are arranged in a fan shape, and the podium is raised by more than one meter. When the teacher stands on it, the students below need to look up to see it. This design is mainly based on the teaching characteristics of Professor York.Professor York pays great attention to hands-on ability, that is, the practical application of transfiguration. After clearing the theoretical knowledge for students, he will repeatedly practice it for students. People cover it.

Although Professor Katenen is a substitute teacher, he is also a serious and responsible professor.His teaching method is slightly different from that of York. He likes to call the students to the podium one by one to operate, and then assists in corrections.The students benefited greatly as they refined their magic through this process.In the final analysis, Professor Kattenen is also a do-it-yourselfer.

Professor Katenen put the things in his hand on the podium, and uncovered the black cloth. Inside was a crystal ball that looked a little old. "The shape prediction is just for peace of mind, it's not counted. Just try it, don't take it seriously." Professor Baifa said not at ease.

As for whether the students can listen to it or not, it is beyond his control.

The prediction magic chosen by the professor is easy to say. Put your hands on the crystal ball and gently touch it, then close your eyes and empty your mind. When your magic sensing ability matches the detection of the crystal ball, some Incoherent screens, based on these screens, you can guess your Animagus form.

It's really not reliable.A certain boy muttered in his heart.It sounds abstract, a bit like a magic stick.And no one has ever taken divination, which is a subject that can only be taken in the third grade or above.

Easier said than done, this prediction has not been smooth from the very beginning, and no one can tell how to empty the brain. Many students fell asleep with their crystal balls in their arms as soon as they closed their eyes.

After tossing back and forth for a long time, when Professor Katenin was as calm as Professor Katenin and wanted to give up, someone finally matched.None other than Carlo Jones.Fragments of the picture sometimes disappear on the spherical surface, and you can see trees, streams, and soft land covered with dead leaves...

"What kind of hint is this?" Many unsuccessful students began to complain. "The scope is too big, and it's not targeted at all. How can we guess?"

It can only be seen that it is running on the ground, and one more point, based on the visual distance, it is unlikely to be insects.

Heimdall told the uneasy Carlo how he felt, and the latter was relieved. "As long as it's not a bug, everything else doesn't matter."

It turns out that everyone discriminates against insects a little bit.

Next, it was Heimdall's turn. He sat down very carefully, stretched out his hands very carefully, touched the cool and smooth surface of the crystal ball very carefully, and closed his eyes to try to get rid of distracting thoughts.It is really difficult to implement this, try not to think about other things, but other things will squeeze in front of you desperately, no matter how hard you rush, it will not help.After several attempts to no avail, he decided to do the opposite.I started to think wildly, and the memories of the past emerged one by one.Just as he was wondering if he would fall asleep if this continued, the picture suddenly got out of control.

Unfamiliar, never-before-seen scenes broke through the memory and suddenly appeared in front of his eyes. Heimdall couldn't control them, and could only watch helplessly for a moment flashed quickly, and then disappeared like a meteor.

Then, he heard the exclamation of his classmates.

Heimdall opened his eyes, and Ryan crowded up to him excitedly, and said loudly, "It's a flying animal, it's great!"

Yes, Heimdall knew that his Animagus form could fly. He saw the treetops, snow-capped mountains and the distant horizon, and even faintly heard the howling wind...

Flying bugs shouldn't fly high, right?wild duck?wild goose?crow?There are so many birds in the world, which one is it?A certain boy is in a tangle.

Then he cheered up Ah Q again, at least skunks, cockroaches, and slugs are completely impossible.

After the entire forecast was over, very few produced results. Except for Heimdall and Carlo Jones, Ryan also succeeded. What he saw was blurrier than others. The judgment made by Professor Katenen said that it might be An animal that lives in water.A few other successful students directly refused the practice, they just came to join in the fun, in fact, most of the first graders were like this.Prediction is one thing, actual implementation is another.

People's attitude towards transformation magic is better to watch than participate.

Therefore, the three who finally decided to practice the transformation magic of Animagus were Heimdall, Carlo Jones and the handsome guy Ryan.

Professor Katenen did not rush them to start immediately, but assigned a few homework assignments and reported the titles of several books to enrich their knowledge of Transfiguration and increase their reading during the holidays.Any magic is inseparable from a theoretical foundation, and basic teaching is very important.

Animagus practice doesn't start until after school starts.

Carlo and Rian breathed a sigh of relief. The final exam was enough for them to have a headache. Fortunately, Professor Katenen didn't make the situation worse.

During dinner, Heimdall told his boyfriend the result of the prediction, and Victor stared at him for a while, "Isn't it a cat and raccoon?" There was a hint of disappointment in his tone.

Heimdall was very puzzled by this nonsense, "Why is it a cat lizard?"

A certain boyfriend stirred the soup on the plate with his head down, and said calmly, "Because that thing is not big, has a bad temper, is aggressive, and is hard to please." He raised his eyes to look him up a few times with some meaning. "It fits your image very well."

After waiting for a long time, he didn't get a reply from Heimdall, and found that he was staring at a large bowl on the table, with a look of hopelessness.

Victor found his facial expressions very intriguing, "What are you thinking?"

Heimdall raised his eyebrows, "I'm mentally simulating putting that bowl upside down on your forehead."

Victor tried not to laugh out loud at his accent.This little guy is really interesting. A certain boyfriend is looking forward to his future life more and more.

The author has something to say: Because we are very fond of flying animals, so it is subjective.

The following is the form of Heimdall Animagus - the white falcon (Icelandic national bird)

The scientific name is Falcorusticolus, and the English name is gyrfalcon. It is a medium-sized raptor of the Falconidae family of the Falconidae family and the largest raptor in the world.Feather color changes greatly, there are dark type, white type and gray type.

Except for isolated populations in the Central Asian plateau, it breeds only in the polar regions.It can fly to low latitudes in winter when there is a lack of food.Plumage color ranges from pure white with black stripes to dark gray with bars.The legs are covered with feathers.White falcons fly close to the ground to hunt rodents and birds such as hares in the tundra and coastal areas.The only natural predator is the peregrine falcon.In traditional falconry, the white falcon is the king of birds.

(The above information comes from Baidu Niang’s selfless dedication)

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