HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 119 Drinking Rules and Regulations

After eating lunch, not only did I get a loan, but I also got a boyfriend. Heimdall felt that life is so fucking amazing—we are also people with a "family".

Although novices who have never been in a relationship may not be able to hit the earth-shattering sparks when they meet, but there is nothing wrong with talking about heart-to-heart chats, reminiscing about the past, thinking about the future, and looking through the old calendars by the way, who knows As soon as he started, he was interrupted by an external force.

Heimdall was about to talk about his financial plan, when Victor opened his mouth to eat the tender tofu, the head of the potion bottle design and research office let out an octave-high howl, passing through the hall, and plunged into it. The ears of the two of them rushed to their eyes at a lightning speed, not to mention that grabbing Heimdall was a big bear hug.If he didn't hear the popping sound, and if he didn't know that the school has a ban, Heimdall really thought he had Apparated.

"It's over!" A certain room chief roared next to his ear, causing his right ear to buzz.

Heimdall wanted to push him away, but unfortunately the other party was too excited to notice.There was the sound of rubbing clothes, Victor stood up, put his hand on the shoulder of the head of the potion bottle research room, and the moment he withdrew his hand, a certain head also let go of his arm.

"Why are you pinching my shoulder?" Chief Nicholas Barbara grinned dissatisfiedly. "I'm not a golden snitch." He complained while rubbing his sore shoulder blades.

Victor sat back calmly, and said flatly, "You obviously lack exercise, Barbara."

In his life, Nicholas hated others making a fuss about his short stature, and he would explode at the slightest sign of trouble.

It wasn't the first time Heimdall met him, so it was more or less clear. When he saw that he blushed suddenly, and looked like he was about to curse, he immediately grabbed his wrist. "What did you just say?"

Nicholas was immediately diverted from the target and became excited again. "It's the design competition that our potion bottle research room participated in. I just received a letter today, saying that our entry has survived three rounds of elimination and officially entered the final!" He said, taking out a letter from his pocket, The envelope is gorgeous and exquisite, and the interlocking spike-shaped concave-convex patterns can be seen under the light.

Heimdall just glanced at it and shook his head, "I don't understand French."

Nicholas didn't mind, took out the letter paper and nodded, and translated it to him word by word.The voice was loud, cadenced, and full of emotions that could not be restrained. Heimdall quickly entered the state and was really happy for him.

It is said that the research laboratory has had no harvest for three years, missed international competitions for several years, and regional competitions are just a formality, and it has never been able to advance to the top level.The design competition held in France this time is only a second-rate competition. Such a result can make Nicholas so happy. It is conceivable that his life was not very easy before.

Nicholas, as if meeting a bosom friend, dragged Heimdall's wild and wild delusions, and the latter was very cooperative, listening with gusto, without blinking his eyes.

A certain boyfriend was thrown aside as a matter of course, and his status plummeted.Victor himself found it funny that he was not as good as a glass bottle.As soon as he pushed away the cup and stood up, Nicholas sat down on his buttocks. Victor was speechless, and turned to look at the piece of soft tofu that he couldn't bite. In desperation, the boyfriend turned around and left with a long sigh.

"What time does Quidditch training end today?"

Victor stopped immediately and turned around. "same as usual."

Heimdall nodded, looked at him and said, "I'll find you when the time comes." Without waiting for an answer, he turned his head and continued the unfinished discussion.

On the last step, Mr. Kroom smiled slowly, then strode towards a table and sat down.

"In a good mood?" Duncan put down the newspaper in his hand and studied the expression of his old friend. "Looking at you...could it be done?"

Victor intentionally kept things secret, shrugging his shoulders: "It's okay."

"What do you mean it's okay?!" Duncan was very dissatisfied with this ambiguous answer, grabbed Victor by the collar and ordered: "Say it clearly! It's because I'm such a helper!"

"If you can't speak, just say a few words." Victor pulled his hand away. "I don't know what you mean by 'success'. It's not enough by my standards."

Mr. Orville was confused. "If it works, if it doesn't work, if it doesn't work, it won't work. What is the method?"

Victor told him briefly, of course, the key points were omitted.

Duncan slapped the table with a smile. "I just said that kid is not simple, what's the probation period for dating." He glanced at his friend sympathetically. "Do you have the feeling of shooting yourself in the foot with a rock?"

Victor would not give him a chance to laugh, and said with an understatement, "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if it hits a rock or not, it's mine."

Duncan smacked his lips, feeling very unfulfilled, and wisely chose to change the subject: "It's so simple? It seems that Rigg still has a good impression of you." Then he muttered to himself. "Shouting under the city wall and setting off the suspension bridge? After all, you should fight for a few rounds and kill half of your life before hanging the white flag. It's boring, so boring." Duncan sighed and shook his head. "Victory is not martial, you should toss it hard to be energetic..."

Mr. Krum on the side wanted to Awada him.


As soon as the fourth class in the afternoon ended, Heimdall received a notice from the student union that they had handed over his request, documents and signature to the principal, and everything would be decided after Karkaroff returned to school.The problem is that Mr. Principal's return date is uncertain, and it is said that he was stumbled by an official from some country.In fact, everyone knows in their hearts that where they are being tripped, it is good that Mr. Principal didn't trip others.

Heimdall estimated the time, seeing that the final exam was approaching, and this semester was hopeless.After returning to the laboratory, he had a serious explanation with Toffee, and patted his chest to promise that he would get what he wanted next semester, and handed over a large box of bribes by the way.

Toffee was delighted to see Tang, and immediately expressed her understanding.

All in all, it's a happy ending.

The Potion Bottle Research Office entered the finals and was expected to win the championship. Nicholas was overjoyed, so he called several well-connected directors to celebrate together.Everyone doesn't want to go to the cafeteria, it's a space shared by all the teachers and students in the school, right now just being shortlisted doesn't mean winning the championship, even if they are celebrating, they don't want to make it too extravagant and make people laugh, so the few people put their eyes on the open space at the bottom of the corridor .

Nicholas said to Heimdall: "Sooner or later, that piece of land will be incorporated into the experimental research laboratory, and our research laboratories will have no chance to get a share in the future. If you step on your feet now, you will not be in vain as the head of the laboratory. "He is particularly confident in the results of the criticism.

Talking about celebrating is actually talking about the mountains together in twos and threes, which is not as formal as adults do.

Heimdall used decorative magic to arrange it briefly, and put a few chairs. The effect satisfied Nicholas, because Heimdall made the whole space exactly like the potion bottle research room, removing some unnecessary structures , the emphasis is on strengthening the decoration.

The chiefs who were invited did not come empty-handed, some brought food, games, drinks...some even brought wine.

Durmstrang explicitly forbids students to drink alcohol, but the vodka in the experimental laboratory has been placed in the cabinet in good condition, and no one has confiscated it. Besides, the bottle was there when Alvin Benson was there.

In the beginning, everyone was more reserved and restrained. They all spoke politely and behaved in a controlled manner. As a result, after drinking two cups of yellow soup, their faces changed completely.Fortunately, subconsciously, he was guarding against himself. Although the scene was a little funny, it was not chaotic. At least no one went crazy with alcohol.

Heimdall had expressed concern to Nicholas before that drinking alcohol is forbidden. Does it matter if they know the law and break the law?

Nicholas told him nonchalantly that near the end of the term, the teachers were busy running around, and the managers were as busy as a spinning top, and no one would care about this, so he could rest assured.

The result of letting go of 1 hearts is to lie on the ground.Nicholas was really happy, he opened his stomach and poured it down. In the end, he felt that the wine brought by others was too weak, so he insisted on drinking the bottle of white spirits in the laboratory.Heimdall couldn't resist him, but he didn't want to put the wine bottle in his hand, he was like an alcoholic, and then he drank it to the ground.

Heimdall shook the empty wine bottle, worried that he might be poisoned by alcohol, and hurriedly asked the Linde Brothers to send him to the school doctor.Turning around, I found that there was another heroic scene in the back, each of them was staggering, and the positive image that I usually worked hard to maintain was destroyed.

In desperation, Heimdall knocked on the doors of those research rooms and asked them to send someone to carry their head back.

After finishing the busy work, he sat on the chair in the laboratory and rested for a while, took out his pocket watch and looked at the time, thinking of his new boyfriend.Heimdall tidied up and left the door of the research room.

Walking halfway, he suddenly started to feel dizzy, remembering that he hadn't drank less, most of them were the masterpieces of the department heads, and he couldn't get rid of it, Nicholas alone drank a lot of him.Nearly half of the bottle of white spirits went into his stomach.There was no reaction before, and Heimdall thought he could drink well, but it turned out that he was just slow on the head.

He stopped and walked all the way, although his gait was unsteady, he still dawdled safely to the Quidditch field.

A person came towards him, Heimdall stared his eyes wide and wanted to focus, but no matter how he looked at it, it was a double image, and he didn't realize it until the person walked up to him, oh, isn't this boyfriend...


Because there was no one waiting for a long time, Victor decided to come out to have a look. He knew that Rieger was a trustworthy person, and he would definitely come.As a result, not long after walking out, I saw a figure walking towards this side very slowly, like an old man with handicapped legs and feet, taking a step and resting twice, and swaying from side to side.

You can tell which one it is just by looking at the outline. Seeing him like that, Victor couldn't help but want to laugh, and hurried up to meet him.

As soon as he got close to him, he smelled a smell of alcohol, so he quickly stabilized his shoulder with his hand, because the boy almost stepped on the stone on the side of the road, and then he heard him muttering vaguely: "... Be careful... be careful..."

Victor shook his chin amusedly: "Have you been drinking?"

"Huh? Uh... drank it." Heimdall nodded a little later, his brows were slightly wrinkled, his eyes were half-closed, and there seemed to be a hazy mist in his eyes.

It was obvious that he was trying to concentrate.

"Why drink?"

The long eyelashes were lowered, and the misty pupils were covered. After waiting for a while, Heimdall suddenly forced himself to open his eyes wide: "To celebrate." After speaking, he shook his head vigorously, trying to shake off the dizziness.

Victor pulls him back, preventing him from banging his head against a tree. "Celebrate what? For Barbara?"

"...Yes." After staring for a while, the eyelids drooped again.

Seeing the situation, it is better to send him back, and he is not at ease in the locker room. Thinking of this, Victor hugged him and walked towards the south tower.

"Why go back?"

Victor tried to keep his tone as casual as possible: "I'm tired and want to rest."

Heimdall groaned for a while, and opened his stuck eyelids vigorously after a while: "This is not the way to Sita."

The sense of direction is quite strong.Victor said calmly, "Let's take a shortcut."

shortcut?Is there a shortcut?Heimdall felt that his brain was stuffed with iron—top-heavy; it seemed to be stuffed with cotton—it was chaotic.Well, there should be a shortcut.Decided to trust his boyfriend.

He received many attentions along the way, but Victor didn't take it seriously at all.At first a certain boy wanted to be brave, but he almost fell into the lake during the Xiu S-shaped spacewalk, and then he was honest. When he got to the South Tower, he was already asleep, and Victor had to walk in with him in his arms. There was no one in the Duan dormitory tower, and they quickly entered room 017.There was no one in the room either, apparently Leon Blueleg was currently conducting scientific research in the potion research room.

Heimdall opened his eyes in a daze, subconsciously sensitive to environmental changes.The room was very warm with a fireplace, and the temperature difference from the icy and snowy outside was huge. With this heat, the smell of alcohol in the sleep state suddenly rose. He pushed Victor away and stumbled into the bathroom to vomit. Boyfriend followed up quickly with a conscience, washed his face after he finished vomiting, and coaxed him to rinse his mouth.

When Victor took off his coat and put him on the bed, Heimdall woke up vigilantly, looked around blankly, and then looked at his boyfriend. "Why did I come back..." The thinking has completely lost the coherence of waking.

Victor looked at his expression, and guessed that he didn't know where he was. When he pushed his hand away and wanted to get off the bed, Victor grabbed him, but he fell back all of a sudden. Falling down, the whole person was pressed on him, so he was not being honest, he turned around slowly, and put his hands up and down...

Victor couldn't laugh or cry, and didn't dare to move, so he had to let a certain boy do whatever he wanted to him.

Heimdall finally found the most comfortable position, and let out a long and happy sigh.His head was resting on the hollow of Victor's shoulder, his arms were around Victor's waist, his hips were pressed against Victor's hips, and his calves were wrapped around his thighs.

Victor noticed that he was no longer moving, so he reached out and adjusted his posture, put his leg between his own, and when everything was ready, he tried to calm down as much as he could, and didn't let himself think about those things that didn't happen. of.But people are often like this, the less you should think, the easier it is to have thoughts. Wave after wave of thoughts hit the brain and bring out more thoughts at the same time.

A certain boyfriend started to get distracted and couldn't hold the rein anymore.

He wanted to leave, but he was reluctant. At this moment, the thought that frequently flashed in his mind was to have sex.

The body in his arms squirmed, his head rubbed against his shoulders twice, and a little bit of cool wetness and intermittent hot breath came from the side of his neck, and vague words floated into his ears: "...It smells so good, what kind of smell is it?" , did you wear perfume..."

When he realized that the soft wetness was the licking caused by the tip of his tongue, Victor's mind went blank and he groaned in pain.

There is no doubt that this afternoon will never be forgotten.

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