HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 117 Money

The Linde family has fallen.

Heimdall was surprised when he heard it at first: "Didn't you say that the 700-year-old scholarly family?"

Anton sneered: "It is indeed a scholarly family, so poor that only books are left."

"It started to go downhill as early as my great-grandfather's generation." Al didn't hide it. "The family's real estate, fields, antiques, and jewelry were all sold off or directly mortgaged for debts. The current Linde family is just an empty shell with a nameless name, like a painted pillar that has been hollowed out by moths, with a bright surface."

The family that has lasted for 700 years is defeated... This sounds unbelievable to Heimdall, just like the common people who live at the root of the imperial city one day suddenly find that the emperor in the Golden Temple can't even afford chaff.After all, he was just an ordinary person who walked out of Diagon Alley and Knockturn Alley, and he had never really experienced the noble life of the aristocratic family.Now, although the backstage is hardened and the background is strong, the word aristocratic family is still in the stage of admiration and reverie of ordinary people, and there is no concept of what it really means.

"Then that's why your mother..."

Al gave a wry smile. "My mother also wanted to find a way for us. It doesn't matter whether we stay at home or not. It's not interesting at all. Besides, there is no money at home for us to study."

Anton continued with a gloomy expression: "Generally, children from aristocratic families will invite professional lecturers to teach at home when they grow up to be able to read and write, but our family no longer has that condition. Fortunately, my father's knowledge is not bad. We can also cope with it. As we grow up day by day, we need more and more things to fill. My father is just an ordinary scholar and cannot replace formal systematic education. Later, my father and mother discussed it and felt that it would be useless for us to procrastinate. The benefit, so we supported us to leave Linde's house and set up our own family."

That's why I asked my father?Heimdall understood.

"Not all magic schools have expensive tuition fees, and some schools offer special assistance for poor students..." The voice gradually fell, and seeing the bright eyes of the twins, Heimdall suddenly came to his senses. The dignity and airs of nobility are still deeply ingrained.

No wonder he had never heard of the downfall of Linde's family. He probably felt that he couldn't afford to lose this man, so he slapped his swollen face to pretend to be a fat man, and covered himself tightly.

Heimdall was speechless for a while.How long can it be bright and bright?No wonder there is an old saying that wealth cannot last three generations, which is not unreasonable.

Heimdall rubbed his nose. Since he opened his eyes, he has never worried about money. A full man does not know a hungry man. He can't let himself say some hypocritical words of comfort. He has no empathy, so how can he understand it. "In this case, you should study hard." The words that came out were dry.

Brother Linde agreed with a smile.

"What are your plans?"

The two brothers were startled, not knowing why.

"I'm talking about having ideals or goals or something."

The brothers were still confused. "The plan is to study hard and graduate smoothly." Al replied on behalf of his younger brother.

Could it be that the children of a scholarly family are all nerds?What's the use of studying hard these days?Heimdall thought about it, since his father had arranged for them to enter the school, he must have made plans for his future life. His uncle who was dishonest and dishonest should not join in the fun. There are three decent uncles in the family.

Even so, he still couldn't help persuading him: "Cultivate some hobbies after school. If you read too much, it's easy to become a fool."

Anton burst out laughing.

Heimdall was quite dissatisfied with his attitude, "I'm not joking." He emphasized every word.

Even Al grinned now.

The boys fell on deaf ears.Heimdall pondered for a while and decided to give up. Anyway, it's useless to talk too much, so let nature take its course.

After the lights were turned off at night, he tossed and turned in bed, unable to fall asleep, and the conversation during the day touched him the most.In Heimdall's view, a big family is a distant thing that doesn't need to be thought about at all, especially a family that has been in business for hundreds or even thousands of years, such as the Strulusson family. When I think about it, there is still a real sense of distance, and I always feel that I am separated from myself by more than one layer.Nowadays, it seems that the aristocratic families with high walls and deep courts are equally difficult to maintain, and even more fragile than ordinary families. For the sake of their ancestors, they have to care about their reputation, style, face, etc. If they are less, they are like talking to themselves.This is much more real than the glamorous appearance. At least Heimdall's sense of estrangement and a sense of admiration has faded a lot, and his perception of the family has become much more popular, and he is no longer so sunny.

Because he had something in his heart, he didn't close his eyes all night. He got up at dawn in the morning, ran out of the room under Leon's surprised gaze, and ran all the way into the cafeteria through the snow.In the empty cafeteria, he randomly picked up a chair and sat down, then took out a pen and paper and started writing a letter.

He thought about it all night, and the conclusion he reached lingered in his mind for a long time.The backing mountain will fall, and the backing will run away.Heimdall also didn't dare to expect that the Sturlusson family would treat him well. Judging from the behavior of the grandfather yesterday, not all members of the family were easy to get along with.While you are still young, you should make plans early.Heimdall knows himself quite well, and it is definitely not good to let him eat chaffy vegetables right now, because he is already used to the shameful life of the jade plate.It is easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to frugal.That being the case, saving more money is the key.

Anyway...he thought sadly that he was not a legitimate member of the Strulusson family, to put it bluntly, he was just an adopted son.


Rommel was sitting behind a spacious desk reading letters when Snow Sturluson saw Rommel, and his brother pretended to be surprised to see him.

"Has Finland held any international Quidditch tournaments lately?"

"Don't be sloppy with me." Snow didn't like him. "What's going on here?" He slapped a letter on the bright desk.

Rommel glanced at it and said lightly, "That's it."

Snow was not easy to deal with, "Say it clearly!"

"What are you so excited about? Anyway, Margaret's inheritance was meant to be given to Rieger." Rommel picked up the letter and looked at the unique circular envelope unique to Gringotts Bank on the envelope. Wax smiled. "These goblins are quick."

"Aren't those things all in the Muggle world? Money and real estate." Snow couldn't understand. "Why are you suddenly involved with Gringotts?"

"This is your nephew's masterpiece." Rommel threw the letter back on the table and leaned back in the chair. "The wizarding world has always been very strict about things from the Muggle world, especially money constraints. When exchanging currencies between the two worlds, there is a high exchange tax, so most people don't show it to the public. go up."

"I know this, but the black market also has risks, and it will be difficult to end it if it is found out by the authorities." Snow hesitated for a while, and looked at the letter he had brought on the table. "You just said it was Rigg's masterpiece? What did he do? Why did Margaret's money in Gringotts, England, go to the Gringotts branch in Switzerland?"

"Your nephew successfully encouraged Mending, the head of the Gringotts branch in Switzerland, to try to manage his finances in the way of Muggles. You also know what the greatest hobbies of those goblins are, as long as it is related to money, even Muggles They won't let it go." Without knowing what came to mind, Rommel suddenly smiled with widened eyebrows, and there was a hint of doting in his eyes. "The old lunatic Mending is now all about messing around with Lige, but that kid knows how to do what he likes. I think the goblin almost regards him as the greatest confidant in his life."

Snow was dumbfounded, and it took him a long time to react. "He's only 12 years old! You let him act like that?"

"Rig is also smart. He learned from Mending that the exchange tax is very high. It is the authorities who set the threshold, and Gringotts can't change it, so he simply doesn't move those Muggle assets temporarily, but uses the existing ones that can be used. Garen asked Mending to imitate the Muggle way of managing money. Mending was very interested and jumped in. The Swiss Gringotts branch has been studying the operation of Muggle banks recently, and wants to create a set of suitable Based on the method of the wizarding world, the kind of propaganda slogan that makes money and makes money, goblins will not miss it even if they are killed."

Snow understood, and he pointed to the letter. "The money that has been moved that I was notified in the letter is going to some Muggle money?"

Rommel nodded with a smile.

Snow let out a long breath. "Don't let him mess around, you still have to restrain what should be restrained."

Rommel disagreed: "Isn't there no research result yet, and it is still in the trial stage."

"Don't be afraid of [-], but be afraid of just in case."

"Let him try it, it doesn't matter if he doesn't succeed." Rommel said without hesitation. "And me. In the end, my money is also his money."


Heimdall stood under a stone pillar and looked forward. All the students who passed by him would look at him curiously, wondering what the cat in this grade was doing here?

There is a reason for him to be here. Muggle lover Leffine Nice came to his door a few days ago through twins in the same grade. Last semester, the Muggle Research Office raised funds to open a shop specializing in selling Muggles in Leffine Nice’s hometown. The goods store is said to be full of people and the business is booming. This stepping stone sounded good, and Lefey Nice moved his mind to open a branch, and the location of the branch was chosen in Kapok Town, which is full of rivers and rivers.

Lefey Ness came to Heimdall to take a stake, because in Mr. Ness's mind, he was a very knowledgeable Muggle researcher.This plan made Heimdall very tempted, but it was a pity that Nice came a step late and had no money.Liquidity is all handed over to Gringotts Bank in Switzerland.

The goblins in charge of Gringotts are all very stubborn. They are very stubborn and care about everything. They are not easy to deal with. Once the dispute involves money, they will immediately turn their faces and deny anyone.He managed to get close to Mending. If he told it to transfer funds now, his previous efforts would be in vain.

Heimdall didn't want to give up the stock investment plan, but he was short of cash, so he could only ask others to be generous on his behalf, and pay it back after earning back the principal.

So, he came to borrow money.

Since that declaration of sexual orientation, he hasn't seen face to face with his seniors for a long time.I don't know if I dodged subconsciously or the brothers did it on purpose, but they just couldn't run into it.Heimdall once comforted himself that he was in different grades, had different social circles, and the school was so big, and the Quidditch training of the brothers was so strict, it was only natural that they could not see each other.Despite repeated hints, Heimdall did not dare to take the initiative to break the deadlock, if not for "Brother Kong Fang"...

He intends to borrow money from Duncan.One is because the body art publications this guy has are very expensive, and a book is equivalent to half a broomstick.Duncan never wronged himself to look at those shoddy and cheap ones, and Heimdall also learned from him that there are different grades of pornographic magazines, and there are so-called high-end ones.As for the second item... Duncan seems to be more receptive, and this is entirely due to Heimdall's unfounded speculation. He believes that Duncan should not "see him differently".

Right now, Heimdall is hiding on the corner where Duncan often walks and waits. He knows that it is hypocritical and awkward for him to do so. He clearly says that he doesn't care about the opinions of his seniors, but he can't let it go at all.

After all, he has only passed half of his own hurdle, and he can't pass with the other foot hanging on that side.

"Hey, what are you doing hiding here? Catching mice!"

Heimdall was taken aback, and hurriedly turned around, only to find that the person who was waiting was looking at him with a funny face.

"I have something to ask you." Heimdall was also unambiguous, and decided to make a quick decision.

"what's up?"

"Borrow money."

Duncan was taken aback, not expecting him to say this at all. "Wait." He quickly recovered, but he didn't give a clear answer. He just said, "My next class is about to start. I don't have time to talk. See you in the cafeteria at noon. We'll talk about it then."

Heimdall thought he was going to run to the classroom, so it was naturally inconvenient to stop him, so he nodded and agreed, and said that he would wait for him at the double seat on the second floor of the cafeteria.

Duncan nodded, and hurried away with the book in his arms.


Heimdall arrived at the cafeteria on time at twelve noon, declined the invitation of his classmates, and walked up the stairs to the second floor alone. At this time, there were not many people in the cafeteria. There were a few people sitting on the second floor, and most of the seats were empty. with.

Heimdall looked around, and finally chose a double seat against the wall.Although this location is not in a corner, it happens to be adjacent to a large colored porcelain vase that is as tall as a person. Inside the vase are planted bouquets of magenta and bright red flowers with drooping branches, plus pale green and tender flowers pruned into umbrella shapes. The yellow leaves and star-like silver-white decorations look like a natural screen at first glance.

This location is good for conversation, and the privacy is also achieved.

Heimdall sat down.At 40:[-] he decided to eat first, at [-] he decided to eat something else, at [-] he began to suspect that he was being fooled by Duncan, No. After [-] minutes passed, he had already put the Duncan's favorite food is placed on the small square table...

Just as Heimdall lowered his head and stuffed the small cream cake sprinkled with light pink icing into his mouth, the vacant seat beside him was finally seated.

He made a strange look at the little cake: "You are too big, I thought you would not come."

"I was blocked by August when I left the classroom, so I wasted a little time."

Heimdall almost choked on the cake that melted in his mouth, he swallowed it vigorously, and then turned his head suddenly——

Victor swept his eyes around the fully occupied dining table as if he was a normal person. "So much? Can you eat it by yourself?" He said while picking up the spoon that had been prepared for a long time.

Heimdall was speechless, and could only watch him gorge on a plate of beef soup in a short while... Watching and watching, Heimdall found a problem, none of the food prepared for Duncan was left behind. It entered Victor's stomach, and he also picked out Duncan's favorite flavors to eat.

After a while, Heimdall turned his head stiffly, with mixed feelings in his heart.

It turned out that what he remembered was not Mr. Orville's preference, but Victor Krum's.

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