HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 114 Father's Decision

When Professor Roy Laurent put the revised test questions in front of his eyes, Heimdall's expression changed, and he was dumbfounded for a while. "How did this thing get into your hands..." He looked away dumbly.

Professor Laurent didn't change his face. "Professor Snape sent it to me." He glanced down at the notes next to the test questions. "My teaching model and his are different, and the emphasis is different. It can be seen that he attaches great importance to basic education and is quite strict."

Does this count as embarrassing to your teacher?Heimdall muttered dejectedly.

Professor Laurent took his reaction into consideration. At least this kid didn't give up on himself. Although he didn't like Potions, he still had a good attitude towards learning, and he didn't have a bad record of skipping classes or not doing homework. "I'm very grateful to Professor Snape." He put his hand on his chin and said to a certain boy with a smile. "Because he pointed out a new direction for me to explore, don't worry, Sturlusson, the professor will definitely take good care of you."

Heimdall couldn't hold back and shivered.It was almost one o'clock when he left Potions class and walked into the cafeteria for the second time of the day. He threw the test paper on the table and sat down with a sigh.

Leon Bruelag, who was scribbling, didn't even look up. "It's bad?" He knew that Heimdall was detained, and he also knew what this roommate was not good at.

"That's all." Heimdall picked up an apple, opened his mouth and bit off a large piece viciously. "Isn't Durmstrang advocating freedom of study style? What's wrong with poor Potions? I'm not the only one who is poor in the whole school. Why does Professor Laurent keep staring at me?!"

"Because you are not bad at all subjects." Leon said calmly. "Students who are partial to subjects can easily arouse the teacher's fighting spirit, especially if you know better than those poor guys."

Heimdall smiled wryly, "Are you praising me or belittling me?"

"Hi!" Someone patted him on the shoulder, Heimdall turned around, and saw Duncan standing behind him with a smile on his face, and Victor... He suppressed a sigh, "Is there something wrong?" A creature with strong sexuality, it didn't take half a day for him to face Duncan's gaze calmly.

He wondered, what is this guy looking at, or what does he want to see?

In the midst of disturbing doubts, Heimdall was startled suddenly, cold sweat began to break out on his back, goosebumps appeared on his skin, his stomach was cramping, his hands were sweaty, it felt like eating a bad stomach, in fact That's how he hypnotized himself—it doesn't matter, maybe you ate something unclean, just go to the school doctor's office to get some medicine or go to the toilet a few more times...

Could it be.A certain boy thought frightenedly, could it be that Duncan saw his "disease"?Perceived his abnormality?This realization made Heimdall feel like he was sitting on pins and needles, the more he thought about it, the more embarrassed he became, and the more he thought about it, the more disturbed he became. He didn't dare to raise his head, he didn't care much in the chaos, and fled in a hurry by saying "there is still something to do in the laboratory".

During this period, he didn't even dare to turn his head.

Heimdall rushed all the way into the experimental research room, and the heavy door closed behind him with a bang.He sat down on the upholstered chair and leaned back.The quiet and claustrophobic space relieved his manic depression and gradually calmed him down.Heimdall closed his eyes and pondered for a moment, as if he had made a decision, he opened his eyes suddenly, and pulled out the letter paper from the table...

It's not that he hasn't thought about anything, nor is he really afraid to think about it. In fact, Heimdall has studied his "disease".He has seen Duncan's collection, and even more so, he has seen it. At first, he thought it was caused by the environment in Durmstrang. After returning from Hogwarts, he began to feel really anxious.

The girls in that school were very cute, and he was very happy to be close to them, but they couldn't stir up any ripples, no opposites attracted, no ready to move, no so-called sprouting, not even a shallow ripple.

Heimdall had originally deceived himself and told himself that this was a reaction caused by acclimatization. When they returned to school, he couldn't pretend anymore. Duncan's gaze killed his whitewashing...

Heimdall plucked up the courage to tell his father about his abnormality in the letter, omitting any subtle hints, and he directly stated the conclusion after self-analysis: I think I am very likely to be gay.

After that, Olar took his letter away, and he began to wait anxiously.Heimdall even canceled all activities except for class, because he could not calmly pretend that nothing had happened, and it would be better to do nothing than to focus on two things and get twice the result with half the effort.

Will father be angry?Will you be disappointed in me?After the letter was sent, the certain boy became more and more restless.


If Heimdall could think calmly and realize that Rommel Strulusson was not an old-fashioned nor a devout Catholic, perhaps he would not be so depressed.

In other words, Rommel was neither angry nor disappointed.After the initial surprise passed, the father fell into deep thought as was his habit.As smart as he was, he could easily see the meaning behind the words. Anxiety and frustration poured out along with the smell of the paper. Through the letter, he could imagine how helpless Rieger's expression was at that time.Rieger was asking him for help, and a sense of pride in being trusted emerged spontaneously.

He decided to appease his son first, which is the most important thing.

"Although you didn't make a specific description, there is no doubt that this is physical attraction. ’ Rommel told Heimdall in his reply.There is no need to feel embarrassed or afraid, although he did feel a little disappointed because of this, and he was still looking forward to Rigg getting married and having children, but the reality is so tortuous. "We don't live in the Garden of Eden, and there is no law that stipulates that men cannot like men. This is not a heinous thing.We don’t live in the ideal paradise of the Purists, where you won’t be condemned or even bankrupt because of your “abnormality”, and your relatives and friends won’t be strangers to you because of your sexuality. Except for legal marriage and huge dowry, there is no substantial loss. 』

Rommel changed his style of writing and added some sharp sarcasm: "According to our family's current social status, if we want to get married, we must find a partner from a family of the same status.Women are quite troublesome, especially phony ladies.Congratulations on your escape, son. 』

This was not something Rommel made up to comfort people, he really thought so—only stupid poor people marry, because the ladies have been extorted from their money, and they have to recover the loss through marriage.

Rommel Sturluson was almost drawn into this vortex by a woman in the past. Fortunately, he was not rich enough at the time, or it should be said that his fiancée did not know him and his family as well as she thought. So it survived.After more than a year of entanglement, the woman abandoned him on the eve of her wedding, and soon married a man old enough to be her grandfather. It is said that the old man in his dying years has a lot of money, much richer than him.

This is the memory left to him by a lady. Regardless of chastity or not, marrying a wayward, spoiled and extravagant lady from a famous family is equivalent to taking over a remote and barren land. The price of changing hands is more expensive than buying it.He was very thankful that he didn't have a brain to sign a lot of documents to pay off the debts of her family members. Obviously, her ex-fiancee's ability to deceive people was not perfect enough...

Rommel often used the past to flog himself and make fun of himself.He doesn't mind reminiscing about the "painful" past, it's all a lesson, so that he won't make the same mistakes in the years to come.

Everyone must take responsibility for their mistakes and pay for them.Everyone is like this, sooner or later.

For example, the "stunning" British female reporter.

Rommel saw the British newspaper by chance, and it wasn't the original "Daily Prophet" published. Rommel read the "Sunday Prophet" which summarized a week's information.The paper was buried under a pile of publications with only a third of the masthead showing, and he wouldn't have noticed if they hadn't enlarged Rigg's name on top.

After reading it, Rommel hesitated for a moment, unable to decide what to do with the newspaper.

He wanted to blow it up, he wanted to burn it, he wanted to stuff it down the throat of the British Minister of Magic, and in the end he decided rationally to stuff it into the throat of a woman named Rita Skeeter.

Rommel thought of [-] ways to make people disappear immediately from the earth, and each method pointed to a result that made him feel very comfortable, but after the initial impulse passed, he accepted the advice of his friend and used legal means to solve the problem.

Rommel knew exactly what people liked to see and what they wanted to see.Turn over old accounts, expose the truth, safeguard the rights and interests of the weak, and promote morality and justice.People love to watch virtue prevail, which is silly but effective.In fact, Jan Eric Filatov has done a very good job. He not only satisfies people's hobbies, but also promotes himself. Why not do it.

It takes a lot of time to go to court. At first, Rommel meant a quick solution, but later he found that it is more effective to drag down a woman's finances and spirit through litigation than a quick solution, and it is not himself who is bothering.

That British woman doesn't deserve the treatment of Fa-rectification on the spot, and she doesn't deserve any energy he expends, so let's take it easy.The longer the lesson, the deeper it is.

Rommel put down the quill and glanced at the wet letter paper.

The sense of responsibility and mission as an elder drove him to think about the problem at a deeper level. As a father, it was not enough to comfort him with words, he had to do something for his young son.Rieger is in an extraordinary period, in other words, he has just "awakened" - a certain father pondered for a long time, and thinks "awakening" is the most appropriate description - he may be anxious and uneasy, especially when there are boys around him, in case something happens Two bad guys taking advantage of others... He couldn't let this happen, Rigg couldn't be hurt in any way.What's more, Bernick is gradually being reused by the Quidditch school team, and it is impossible to guard people every day.

After much deliberation, Rommel made a decision.


Father's reply came later than expected, but Heimdall's surprise did not come from the late reply, but from the sender.Rommel's letter was not sent to him by a courier, but was delivered manually. To be precise, three people appeared in front of him in the cafeteria at 07:30 in the morning.

"I'm Miller, Heinrich Miller." The black-haired gentleman always kept a suitable smile on his face, neither flattering nor alienating, just right. "It's an honor, Mr. Sturluson." His voice was a little accented, but not unpleasant.

When he bowed politely, Heimdall stood up involuntarily.

"This is the letter your father asked me to deliver." Miller handed out Rommel's reply.

Heimdall quickly took it and thanked him, glanced at the handwriting on the envelope, then raised his eyes and said, "What can I do for you?"

Miller stared at him silently for a while, and the smile on his face deepened. Heimdall was inexplicably looked at, and he became more and more confused.

"This is my first foray into Durmstrang," Miller said unhurriedly.

Heimdall didn't say a word, and waited for the following.

"If it hadn't been for Chairman Sturluson's special instructions, I might never come here in my life." Miller said. "After all, Durmstrang's introduction has always been Mr. Taylor Heath."

Heimdall frowned, and the students around him began to whisper.

It feels very bad to be discussed in public, and Heimdall's face sank. "If you are going to recommend it to me...no matter what it is, I will refuse!" He said firmly.

Miller's smile never faded. "I'm sorry, but I'm afraid you have no say in this matter."

What?Heimdall gaped.

Miller looked back with a smile, and followed him silently. The two teenagers who had never said a word came forward.They nodded to Heimdall in an unassuming manner, and the boy on the left spoke first: "I am Al von Linde." The boy on the right continued: "I am Anton von Linde."

The two teenagers looked about thirteen or fourteen years old, with thick dark golden hair and dark blue eyes, about half a head taller than Heimdall. .They stood there generously and calmly, looking straight at Heimdall, turning a blind eye to the discussions and gazes around them, without any discomfort.

Heimdall looked back without changing his expression, and gave a warning through his eyes, hoping that the outstanding twins would retreat in spite of difficulties.This is the second pair of twin brothers he has met in his life, he welcomes them simply as friends, if not... forget it.

"Then Mr. Sturluson," said Miller politely. "Now that the letter has been delivered, I shall take my leave."

Heimdall hurriedly stopped him, joking, how could he let this guy run away. "Trust me to accept it, and you will take it back."

"As I said before, you can't decide this matter." Miller told him in a good-tempered manner. "Besides, Brother Linde is part of the letter. I just followed Chairman Struluson's instructions and sent the letter along with the person."

What on earth is Father thinking, could it be that he was stimulated by the previous letter? !Heimdall had a headache.

"I understand, I will write a letter to communicate with my father." Heimdall reluctantly compromised. "Which one of you can stay, you can discuss it yourself."

Al didn't squint, and Anton half-closed his eyes.

Finding that they didn't speak or move, Heimdall asked in puzzlement, "What's wrong?"

Miller coughed lightly. "Allow me to say it again: they are all here to stay."

"Two?" Heimdall yelled strangely.

Miller suppressed a smile. "Yes, that's what your father ordered."

A certain boy was dumbfounded.

"Don't worry too much, you can rest assured."

Heimdall's eyelids twitched, he really looked like a pimp at the moment.

"Although the grades are different, fortunately, the gap is not very big, and it should be beneficial to you academically."

Heimdall frowned, and looked up suddenly, only to find that the robes worn by the Linde Brothers had school badges, piping, and labels. They were not the special enrollment system for "nothing", but formal autumn and winter school uniform robes.

It was like a slap in the face.Heimdall finally understands why Miller keeps saying that he can’t make the decision anymore. If it’s just a special admission, he just rejects it and it’s over. Otherwise, the brothers in front of them are regular students enrolled in Durmstrang. , that is to say, the initiative is not in your own hands from beginning to end.

Heimdall rubbed his swollen temples: Dear Father, which song are you singing about?

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