HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 108 In Class...

After all, he still ate the weird food, with a determination like he was sinking the boat.The pod cat looked up at him with wide-eyed eyes, and Heimdall noticed that there was an unprecedented reverence in its eyes looking at him.

[It's actually not bad. ] He said it deliberately. 【Regardless of taste or taste. 】【enough! 】The black cat arched its back and growled sharply. [I don't care what it is, the name alone can make me sick for a while. ] Dumbledore was quite happy, chatted for a few more words, and left contentedly.

The whole morning, one person and one cat were wasted in verbal confrontation.

[I didn't expect that a plate of dim sum could make us feel bad. ] Ever since, the black cat had no choice but to retreat amidst a boy's pretentious wailing and sighing, and obediently returned to being a cute pet cat, Doudou.

As lunch time approached, Heimdall finally remembered the borrowed Potions textbook "A Thousand Miraculous Herbs and Fungi", which he had borrowed from a Slytherin student during breakfast.Before he could read the cover, the house-elf in the kitchen brought part of the lunch to the dining table. Heimdall was very surprised. He looked around and found that the long tables in other colleges were still empty.

【Congratulations, your flattery is finally in the right place. 】The black cat snorted sarcastically when a certain boy was feasting on it without hesitation. [It seems that the headmaster of Hogwarts is more talkative than the teacher. 】【Please act like a real animal once in a while. ] Heimdall begged for mercy. [If this continues, I will definitely suffer a mental breakdown from your torture, my mind will be distorted, and I will become a lunatic. 】【You think you are normal? ] Doudan rudely directs him to add food to himself. [Everyone in charge of an experimental research laboratory is different from ordinary people, and each generation has its own abnormalities. Until now, don't you even have this awareness? 】【Whoever said that, Benson is normal. ] Heimdall retorted.

[He is a theoretical fanatic. 】The pod cat revealed disapprovingly. [He does experiments entirely to verify the theory, and he will never stop until he achieves his goal. In a sense, he is not very normal. ] Heimdall was stunned. [No wonder his grades are so good...] [The same goes for other room leaders. 】The black cat is eating a plate of Chinese food. 【Your uncle Snow advocates perfection, and has the habit of smashing defective products; your old man Rommel gets along very well with almost every room chief, and he is more interested in socializing than doing experiments...] Hai Mudar nodded again and again, and after a while, he felt something was wrong. 【Your age this year? 】Can ordinary cats live that long?

The black cat paused. [Can age be asked casually? 】The pod snorted like a cover-up. [Impolite boy! 】Looking at it this way, it is not out of the ordinary to call itself a "boy".Heimdall pouted and didn't pursue further.Not that he didn't want to ask, he had a feeling that someday the cat would tell him all about it, but not yet.Heimdall felt that even if he spoke now, it would not speak, or would not tell the truth.

The pod cat took a peek and found that the boy had turned his attention back to eating—he didn't mean to break the casserole, so he couldn't help but feel relieved.It's not that it deliberately concealed it, it's just that the time has not come, it still needs time, the black cat thought, it needs time to verify all this.

One cat and one person have different thoughts and seem to be diametrically opposed to each other, but they are all for the same thing.


When the first batch of students poured into the auditorium, Heimdall was already full of food and drink, and was leaning on the table holding the Potions textbook and putting on airs.Fortunately, a convenient move helped him inadvertently - when Professor Severus Snape walked to the Slytherin long table, he happened to see a certain boy who "didn't think about eating and drinking, and was absorbed in his studies." ", I felt very relieved, and my sharp eyes softened a little.

Surrounded by the eyes of all the Slytherins, Snape looked at Heimdall and said, "Mr. Sturluson, please come to my office after lunch."

"Yes, Professor." A certain boy replied respectfully.

Head Slytherin gave a slight nod, and turned away abruptly, the hem of his robe drawing an arc behind him and slightly raised.

After watching the dean leave, Draco said wearily, "Are you going back today?"

Heimdall nodded. "The carriage that will pick me up will probably arrive in the afternoon."

Draco became more and more dejected. "Or you can stay here and go to school." The cousin said reluctantly. "It seems that Professor Snape is treating you very well. The headmaster will be very happy if you stay at Hogwarts and Slytherin. I will be very happy too." For emphasis, he even went so far as to put The dean of his own college came forward to speak out.

"I still prefer Durmstrang." Heimdall didn't play around with him either. "The preliminary life plan I made for myself revolved around it. The goal is to inherit the glorious tradition of the predecessors in the laboratory and do my best to win honor for the school. The awards that should be won are included one by one, and there is no mercy. Seven years later, I graduated with the best grades in the school. After many years, I received an outstanding alumni medal from the principal, and took a photo with him in front of a row of trophies and medals in the laboratory. In the end, my portrait will be hung in the gallery of outstanding alumni portraits Inside, share the honor with the ancestors of the Sturluson family, and accept the admiration and worship of future generations."

The Slytherins around were already dumbfounded.

Heimdall looked the same, and he was not angry at everyone's disapproval. He said patiently: "This is by no means exaggerated. The reason why I chose to study in Durmstrang was actually for the outstanding alumni medal. .According to my father, our family holds one hand. As the new generation of the Sturluson family, the traditions that have been maintained for many years cannot be broken in my hands." The tone was firm and the expression was solemn, and the serious appearance really didn't look like a joke.

After a long while, the Slytherins finally came to their senses. Words such as "I hope your dream will come true", "I wish you success soon", "You will definitely be able to do it" sounded on the long table one after another.Probably, I rarely have the opportunity to say flattering words, and some words of blessing that blurt out feel stiff, superficial, and not sincere enough...

Fortunately, Heimdall's original intention was just to tell his cousin, what other people think is beyond his scope of consideration.

Draco understood him, this was not the first time he had heard his cousin say that, naturally it was easier to understand and accept than others. "Okay." He shrugged helplessly. "As your relatives and friends, I should not only think about myself, but also think about you occasionally."

Heimdall suddenly let out a long exaggerated sigh, pretending to be old and said: "Draco, you have grown up." While pretending to be deep, he reached out to touch his head.

"Why do you always take advantage of me!" Draco glared unwillingly. "Don't touch my hair casually!" shouted and stretched out his hand to block it.


In Heimdall's vision, Professor Severus Snape just wanted to order him to do some work, such as helping to sort out the potion raw materials, or tidy up the utensils, but he didn't expect him to lead him directly into the class.This was unexpected for Heimdall.

When the Slytherin first-years and the Gryffindor first-years entered the Potions classroom at the same time and in different batches, Heimdall had just been appointed as the assignment dispatcher.Responsible for distributing the homework they handed in last time back to them one by one.The astonishment of the students at first sight of him changed in an instant. The corrected homework made them feel sad, eloquent, or relieved, and some even turned pale and frightened.

The boy named Neville Longbottom hadn't been safe since he entered the classroom, his face turned green and pale, and he was fidgeting, especially when Professor Snape on the podium had a cold face and looked down at Gryffindor below. When taking the seat, the boy's expression can be described as frightened.

After distributing the homework, Heimdall obediently stood in the corner at the back of the classroom, where a small table was temporarily set up, with crucibles, stoves, stirring rods and other production tools on it.

The students who came back to their senses couldn't help looking back curiously. The restless atmosphere made Snape's brows raise a faint "Chuan", and his eyes narrowed accordingly. No distraction was allowed in his class.

"If you all put your minds on the right path, I think I will be much more comfortable when correcting my homework."

The students were silent and swallowed so hard that many didn't even dare to lift their heads.

The Potions professor began to air his displeasure, attacking the already frightened students in his own way. "Are you all idiots? I have reduced the difficulty to the point where even idiots can write the correct answers to the things that are repeated in class, and the books provide very clear answers, and there are still people who handed in blank homework. Could it be that you are worse than idiots?" His voice was harsh, as if it contained poison, and it was like the sharp and heart-wrenching sound of a heavy object rolling over glass shards. "If prayers are helpful to your Potions scores, I will pray to Merlin three times a day that this day will come as soon as possible."

Snape's icy gaze swept across the Gryffindors, and the students of the academy couldn't help but shiver.Longbottom even shrank his neck to the limit, as if he wanted to completely disappear.The Slytherins smiled slightly, gloating.

"The only thing that makes me feel relieved is that the number of rewrites this time has been reduced by a quarter compared with the last time." Snape finally decided to let them go. Fortunately look.

Heimdall could see that Professor Severus Snape was unabashedly and unscrupulously partial to the students of his house.Heimdall, who has also corrected homework, knows well that it is not only Gryffindor students who are "worse than idiots", in fact, Slytherin students are not much better.

It's been an afternoon of potions study, no wonder the students are a little sleepy when they come in, not everyone wants to endure more than two hours of cynicism, although the target is not necessarily you.

Professor Snape did his best to work on his favoritism, whether it was theoretical time or the subsequent actual practice time, the points deducted from Gryffindor were several times that of Slytherin, and there was no increase.Heimdall couldn't help but think, how many points will Gryffindor have left at the end of the term if he deducts it like this? !

Heimdall observed in silence while doing his own thing.Before class, Professor Snape assigned him several classroom exercises, including written tests and operations, and now he was making potions in front of the cauldron.For Heimdall Strulusson, a man with "well-developed limbs and a simple mind", making potions is definitely easier than memorizing theories.

"Mr. Potter, please tell me, what is this?" Snape's stiff voice came again, this time the victim was the savior himself.

Harry was silent for a moment, and then he replied dryly, "Living water, sir."

Snape raised his eyebrows and muttered maliciously. "What a good name. You and Mr. Weasley's masterpiece will definitely make the person who eats it never want to get up again in this life."

The sneer came from the Slytherin side, Snape squinted, and the laughter stopped abruptly.

Ron flashed a bewildered wry smile at Harry, who gave him an ugly grin back.

How many times is this already?Heimdall pondered.Snape always made things difficult for Harry Potter intentionally or unintentionally, finding him bad luck, embarrassing him, and always throwing him in full view to laugh at, and then standing with his hands behind his back to admire his achievements.Heimdall pondered Snape's eyes over and over again, that strange, complicated, inexplicable eyes, he always studied Harry Potter when others didn't notice, no, rather than observing the Savior Said to see someone else through him...

"how is the progress?"

Heimdall came back to his senses suddenly, and found that Snape was standing in front of him, frowning at himself, as if he was very displeased with his absent-mindedness.

"It's all good." Heimdall pointed to the potion in the cauldron. "This is the last one."

Snape quickly looked at the pen and paper next to him, and found that there was nothing written on the parchment. He immediately understood that the kid was making potions as soon as he was in class, so it was so fast.

"Hurry up and finish writing the questions, and hand them in before get out of class ends." The Potions professor finished his orders and got ready to leave.

Heimdall called him. "Aren't you going to take a look at these potions?" He had already made them all, so he didn't check them anyway. According to what he saw and heard just now, Snape had very high requirements on the color and smell of potions.

Snape didn't even glance at it. "What do you think of the potion you made?" He threw the question back.

"Very good." Heimdall said confidently. "I think it's pretty good." Then he added without much confidence.

"Hurry up and finish the problem." Throwing this sentence, the Potions professor left the corner and returned to the classroom again.

Heimdalton was dumbfounded.What's the matter? !He thought aggrievedly, if that is the case, why do you ask me to do so much...

The Potions professor on the other side thought about omitting all practical operations and only assigning theoretical problems to the boy in the future. Moreover, paper is more conducive to long-distance delivery and more convenient for mailing.

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