HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 106 The Potions Professor at Hogwarts

Professor Snape's office and his room are also on the basement level, and the entrance is also directly to the left of the marble staircase.

Heimdall thought he had reason to believe that Salazar Slytherin suffered from severe photophobia... He entered the office that was not bright enough while thinking wildly.The surrounding walls lack light and appear dull and heavy. The shelves along the walls lead to the dark roof, and there are thousands of glass jars of different sizes on them.The contents of the jars were not flattering, and some specimens would make timid girls scream shrilly.

Heimdall didn't see his luggage, and guessed that this might be a "transit station". When he was about to continue walking, Snape walked directly behind the desk and pointed to the wooden chair in front of the desk. "Sit down." He said lightly.

Heimdall followed his word.

The black cat Pod didn't have the slightest sense of being a pet. It had long since abandoned Heimdall, and had been looking around with great interest since entering the door.Heimdall didn't forget to warn it, and wondered if the cat that went its own way would listen to it.

Silence hung over the two of them. Snape hadn't said a word since he sat him down, as if caught in some kind of memory. After a long time, the Potions professor came back to his senses and finally remembered what to say. During the period, He got up and poured Heimdall a cup of hot tea.

"You know me, don't you?" Snape held the teacup, turned around and carefully observed the boy's expression. When the boy nodded without hesitation, his expression showed a hint of relief and relief.

"I heard it from Lucius Malfoy." He put the teacup on the table. "Believe it or not, I have been trying to find Ivy all these years, when I heard that she has..." Snape lowered his eyes unconsciously. "I'm sorry..." His reassurance was stiff and uninspired, but his tone was sincere—full of undisguised sadness.

Heimdall could hear that he was restraining some kind of emotion that was about to leak out. According to Ivy's diary, he once imagined what kind of person Severus Snape was, but he hesitated after meeting him. This The sullen, mean-speaking, hard-to-please man who was the "Severus" in the diary who "embarrassed me" and was supposed to go to Ravenclaw or Gryffindor?

So far, one thing is basically the same as what Heimdall envisioned. Whether it is Severus in the diary or Professor Snape in front of him, they are all people who are good at being xenophobic and suppressing themselves. They are not used to and unwilling to confide in others. .

"You don't need to blame yourself, Ai... Mother just doesn't want others to find her." The guilt surged into his heart again, and Heimdall smiled bitterly in his heart. He learned about Ivy's past, friends and family through a diary , as Heimdall who survived for Rieger, he must accept and face all these things—let’s call them Ivy’s relics—no matter whether these relics are good or bad.

Snape quickly grasped his emotions and returned to his usual indifferent appearance. "What day and month were you born?" he asked.

"November 3."

Snape nodded slightly and changed the subject. "It's a pity that your father didn't choose Hogwarts. It's a pity that he can't be your tutor, but since your Potions professor is Roy Laurent, then I have nothing to complain about. He is very famous in the industry." Famous, he has high attainments in Potions, I hope he can finally enlighten your poor Potions performance." He stared at Heimdall and said these words slowly.

Heimdall changed his sitting position uncomfortably, and began to feel pins and needles.

"Mr. Sturluson."

"Yes, Professor." Heimdall said respectfully reflexively.

"Can you tell me what raw materials are used to make the water of life and death?"

"Narcissus...and, and wormwood root powder..."

A ray of light glided through Snape's black pupils, and this discovery made Heimdall suspenseful.

The Potions professor said with a downcast face, "10 points deducted from Durmstrang."

Heimdall blinked puzzled.

Snape closed his eyes and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Although I really want to say that." He opened his eyes again, but the helplessness flashed away in his eyes. "It should be daffodil root powder and wormwood."

Heimdall turned his face away, sighed in a certain direction, and then grinned hilariously.

Snape turned a blind eye to his naive behavior and continued to "extract a confession through torture". "What are the ingredients in the demulcent?"

Heimdall seemed to understand the purpose of this Potions professor.He wouldn't be planning to use the whole night to make up for his Potions class, right? !Thinking of this possibility, a certain boy couldn't help but tremble with fear.

"Please answer, Mr. Sturluson." Snape put his hands on the table and leaned over to urge.

"Moonstone dust and hellebore syrup."

Snape glanced at him, snorted softly, and didn't say anything more about the weird deduction.Heimdall couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. This question was taken at the end of last semester, and he also practiced it, so he naturally remembered it better.

However, the hard-to-please Potions Professor wasn't about to let him go. "Please name the ingredients for the compound soup."

"Professor, this question has gone beyond..." Under Snape's sharp gaze, Heimdall obediently turned his complaint into an answer. "Grass worm, leech, sap grass, two-eared grass, horn of bicorn, snake skin of African tree snake, and things on the person who wants to change." He answered carefully, each item was is well thought out.

"Mr. Sturluson," Snape couldn't restrain himself any longer, he let himself let out a long breath. "Do you know why your Potions scores are always hovering around the passing line? And thanks to Merlin, you have never really failed so far."

Heimdall swallowed. "Because of my written test results." He replied in a low voice.He completely forgot to ask how the other party knew this, and Potions was indeed always in his re-examination reserve force as it said.Regardless of whether the employment point was the same, as long as Heimdall was in front of a teacher who taught Potions, Heimdall was prone to nervousness, which was exactly the same as the anxiety he felt in front of a professor of History of Magic.

Snape once again expressed his emotion to the deceased ancestors.This child is not because he doesn't like Potions or is born with a lack of IQ in this area. In fact, Roy Laurent said in his reply that the boy's ability to integrate is very strong, but his form of integration is based on practical operation, not theory. On the other hand, it is like a tangled, extremely chaotic ball of twine-disorderly and disorderly.

The polite Potions professor also sent a copy of the quiz that Heimdall had taken for more than a year and some homework. The professor thoughtfully translated all the wrong answers above into English.

Professor Snape's afterthought at the time was that his temples on both sides were swollen and painful. This thing truly reflected Heimdall Sturluson's understanding of Potions - it was obvious that the place where the points were awarded was quite outrageous. All the questions about deliberately making things difficult are correct.Snape also noticed that he had answered all the theoretical questions about potions correctly, and all the conceptual questions that were lacking in practice were completely wiped out.

"He is a practitioner. ’ Roy Laurent told Snape in his letter. "To be honest, I think such students are a challenge to the teachers, and I sincerely look forward to the remaining six years.Durmstrang had a few similar students in the past, and two of them were on two opposite apexes. One was brilliant in history, and every headmaster, without exception, paid tribute to his portrait when he took office. ; a notorious man who is still condemned by righteous people.I'm curious, seven years from now, will he be another Jolf, or the next Grindelwald. 』

Snape came to his senses, and to be honest, he didn't like the latter option.Seeing the boy's tense expression as if he was facing an enemy, Snape felt a little guilty for no reason. This feeling had not been experienced for many years, so long that he thought his emotions had been dried up and numb.

"How...how did you know me?" Snape said in a low voice, his voice a little dry.

Heimdall was quietly relieved that he would not continue to make things difficult. "Through Mother's Diary."

Professor Snape looked up, and there was a certain expectation in his eyes—if Heimdall's interpretation was correct.

"'I have a friend. Not from my family, but a real friend. My friend, Severus Snape. He's a half-breed, and he's a Slytherin. Since As a student of the Snake Academy, some trivial questions are even less worth mentioning', 'Severus said that I was more like a Slytherin than him, I never doubted this, I was a Malfoy What makes me suspect is that the Sorting Hat obviously put him in the wrong place, I think he should go to Ravenclaw...or Gryffindor...'" Heimdall recited the contents of the diary clearly. "'…I made him use the Love Potion as a blasphemy and a lash at his pure love. Severus oh Severus, are you really a Slytherin?'"

Snape looked dazed, not as angry as Heimdall thought he was, or ashamed and embarrassed after being exposed, but the stiff expression still made a certain boy uneasy.

"She's a good woman," Snape murmured, breaking the silence.

"Thank you for saying that."

Snape didn't accept his politeness, and frowned displeasedly. "This is not flattery. I don't need to please a child." After that, a trace of remorse appeared on his face. This was not his original intention. He didn't want to leave a bad impression on this child—like those As "bad" as the feisty Gryffindors think it is!

"Actually, I don't think you will let yourself please others, even if the other party is a member of a certain country." After saying this, Heimdall clearly received a meaningful cry from the pod. It's nothing, he confessed to the black cat, Flattering is also a way to adjust the atmosphere.

Snape looked at him blankly, then opened his mouth...

Heimdall stared at his thin lips, thinking he had heard wrong. "Please say it again." He scratched his ears and said blankly.

"What potion can be made from the blood of a salamander?"

The muscles all over his body tensed up again, and Heimdall couldn't figure it out, wasn't it good just now, and the topic shifted well, didn't they already get rid of the terrible Potions?Why did it suddenly turn back?

[Probably because your flattery hit the horse's leg. 】The pod cat said in a sympathetic manner.

After being tortured and interrogated, and making potions a few more times, the Potions professor at Hogwarts finally decided to let him go.Heimdall was overwhelmed with gratitude, and secretly vowed to study hard and make progress every day after returning home, striving to become a newcomer to Durmstrang.At this moment, he sincerely missed Professor Laurent, who advocated self-flagellation and herding cattle... No, he was persuasive and persuasive.

Better Durmstrang, some boy sighed.


Unlike the gloomy and gloomy office, Professor Snape's room was warm and bright.His living space is not large, even a circle smaller than Heimdall's dormitory, but although the sparrow is small, it has all internal organs, living facilities and self-contained system.

Heimdall saw his luggage beside his bed.

The big bed has no pillars or large curtains. It is just the most common black cast iron bed frame covered with soft mattresses and quilts.However, they are all dark, almost inky purple.If it wasn't for the light from the orange fire in the fireplace that made the bed glow purple, Heimdall would have felt a big black lump squatting in front of him.

I took the boy around for a tour, the space was small and lackluster, and after a while Snape stood by the door. "Have a good rest." He left this sentence and turned to leave.

"Professor!" Heimdall called to stop him. "I should sleep in the office, that's what you told me." It's bad behavior for doves to occupy a magpie's nest, and, he silently thought, respecting the elderly is a virtue...

"Sleeping in the office will prevent me from grading my homework." Snape's hand rested on the doorknob, with a sneer on his face. "I need absolute silence to keep my sanity, otherwise the homework would drive me crazy."

"Is there anything I can do for you?" Heimdall volunteered.

Snape turned around a second time. "You just don't intend to make me feel at ease?" He looked critically at the boy. "I said, those assignments drive people crazy."

Heimdall shrugged, indifferent. "I guess my Potions homework drove Professor Laurent to the brink of madness more than once, and your students and I must understand each other." He mocked himself nonchalantly.

Snape frowned, then let go. "A good boy is going to bed obediently when the time comes." It was obviously a very gentle statement with a persuasive tone, but the taste changed when it came out of Severus Snape's mouth, and there seemed to be more harsh elements Some.

"So you should try to keep an eye on me. Even if you leave, I don't plan to go to bed obediently." Heimdall kicked the ball back again.

Snape made an "I give up" look. "I hope you won't regret it by then." He grabbed the doorknob and opened the door.

Heimdall stepped out the door excitedly, and said casually, "I think I'm just curious about the Potions homework at Hogwarts."

"I can arrange one for you," Snape said slowly. "Exactly like theirs," he said when he had finished, thinking it might be a good idea to help the kid improve his Potions grades.

Professor Snape, who was lost in thought, didn't notice the panicked expression of a certain boy, and the cat with rolling eyes that seemed to be laughing on his shoulder.

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