After the disaster

Chapter 99 The Mob Attacks

In the following period of time, Qiu Cheng saw too much suffering through the "eyes of heaven and earth". Facing so many people and so much suffering, he once again deeply felt the insignificance of human beings and the meagerness of personal power.

In the days that followed, he simply stopped looking and thinking too much. He tried his best to plant crops in the Spirit Gathering Array on the fifteenth floor, doing farm work every day, refining "elimination of hundreds of poisons", and personal practice. He kept on turning around and filled his time to the brim. Since there was nothing he could do, he had no choice but to do what he could, and the rest was up to God.

Now he grows potatoes the most. The temperature in winter is low. Even if they have added glass windows to the outside of each house and used metal halide lamps to illuminate the house, it is still difficult to meet the growth conditions of corn and other crops. .

Potatoes like to be cool and shade-tolerant, easy to grow, and can be eaten as food, and Qiu Cheng also heard people say that this year, the pest plague is too severe, especially insects like earth dogs that like to move underground are very difficult to get rid of, so everywhere The yield of potatoes is not very good, and the price of potatoes is still relatively high.

This weekend, Qiu Cheng and the others collected another batch of potatoes, and that night they called a few men from the Wang family to set up a stall in the night market.

Because the population of Xinnan City is very mixed now, even though there are police patrols in the city every day, the law and order are still relatively chaotic. Qiu Cheng and the others dare not be loud anymore. Two or three people will pull a large cart of potatoes to the night market. to sell.

With regard to the household registration of the migrant population, since it was implemented before December, these people who came later, whether they came from the west or the south, had a lot of difficulties in getting a household registration in Xinnan City.

If they failed to get registered permanent residence, they could not buy the minimum rations every month. If they bought food from outside vendors, the price of food was so high that not many people could afford it. Some people were desperate and took risks.As long as the food problem is not resolved, the public security in Xinnan City will not be truly improved.

For the city, this is also a helpless choice. What they are doing now may cause some people in the future to cause a certain degree of confusion because their survival cannot be guaranteed.

But if they take in too many people at once without the ability, then the food reserves in Xinnan City will be exhausted in a short period of time. You must know that the current information is very developed. Xinnan City has implemented the household registration problem for this group of people today, and tomorrow there will be more population influx.

Once the food chain is broken, the entire Xinnan City will fall into chaos and panic.

The place to set up the stall is still at the stove stall of Wang Chengliang’s family. The weather has been cold recently, and the crops in the fields of the Wang family in the countryside have all been harvested. He came to live with his sons in the city, and then he helped Wang Chengliang guard the stove selling stall in the night market.

This night, Boss Wang and Wang Chengliang came out with Qiu Cheng, Ah Chang and Zhou Quan. Both of them came to Jiayuan Community early after dinner, and went with Qiu Cheng and the others to protect the cart of potatoes. night market.

When we arrived at the night market, plus the old man Wang on the stall, there were a total of six males, old and young, this lineup was relatively strong in the night market, and most people would not think of them.

"How do you sell these potatoes?" As soon as the stall was set up, several people gathered around.

In the past few months, as many factories across the country have gradually resumed production, the products in the night market in Xinnan City have also become diverse, and many of them are new products that have just been shipped recently.

But no matter how many new products there are, the best sellers in the night market are still food, especially those that are cheap and can satisfy hunger.

"One catty of cornmeal is exchanged for one and a half catties," Qiu Cheng said.

"That's eight cents a catty? The grain sales office in our city had potatoes some time ago, and they sold for six cents per catty." The woman who spoke thought it was expensive, but at the same time she loved the potatoes on the stall.

"I want food, not money."

Qiu Cheng also knows that the grain sales places in the city not only sell cornmeal, but also all kinds of miscellaneous grains, such as potatoes and sweet potatoes, but people generally seldom buy them, because no matter what you buy, They are all limited to [-] catties. If you buy cornmeal, you can also exchange them for potatoes and sweet potatoes at the night market. The portion is even more.

"Auntie, I also looked at the potatoes at the grain sales place. There are not many worm eyes left after peeling off. Look at this potato. It's bare. You pick it up with your fingers and tear it up again. The skin is coming off, look, isn't it?" Boss Wang and the others have been selling tofu in the morning market for the past few months, and they have already developed their tongues.

"Well, it's pretty good, but it's a bit expensive. I remember that in your side, couldn't you exchange a catty of cornmeal for a catty of seven taels of potatoes?"

"Hey, when are those prices? Now such good potatoes are not easy to get. A catty of cornmeal can be exchanged for a catty and a half. They have been sold in night markets several times recently."

The aunt was hesitant, wanting to buy but a little bit reluctant to buy food, and Boss Wang didn't think she was bothering her either. He and Lao Er Wang took turns selling tofu at the morning market. I haven't met any kind of customers. Everyone these days It's not easy, every family has to live on a budget, and when buying a piece of tofu, they have to compare the size.

For Qiu Cheng's side, just call potatoes and cornmeal for some old customers.In the past few months, Xinnan City was relatively stable, and there were many families with stable incomes in the city. At this time, the families also had some food reserves.

The prices of Qiu Cheng's stalls are affordable, and the quality is guaranteed. Now they have many regular customers. These people generally don't bargain, and at most ask, because they all know that talking is useless.

"Xiaoqiu, there are potatoes again. Do you have any more at home? Send us a few hundred catties tomorrow." When Ge Hongchang rode a tricycle past their stall, he saw Qiu Cheng and the others coming out to sell potatoes, so he drove the car to Stop on the side.

"Okay, I'll send it to you tomorrow afternoon." Qiu Cheng now grows potatoes on the entire floor. Naturally, it is impossible to pull out a tricycle and sell them all in one night. There are still many at home.

"There's also this chili sauce, alas, there's not much left, I want all of these." Ge Hongchang said and wanted to wrap up the jars of chili sauce they put on the table.

"Hey, it can't be like this, Lao Ge, we've been here for a while, and we haven't bought this yet." Among the customers who came in front, one of them seemed to know Ge Hongchang.

"How much can you buy? That's fine, I'll wrap it up after you buy it." Ge Hongchang waved his hand and said carelessly.

"How much do you want? I'll send it to you tomorrow together with the potatoes. Take the unopened ones." Seeing the embarrassment on the customer's face just now, Qiu Cheng quickly smoothed things over.

"That's okay..." Before Ge Hongchang finished speaking, the mobile phone in his pocket rang. Hearing the rapid ringtone, Qiu Cheng couldn't help but frowned. For some reason, some dissatisfaction grew in his heart Good feeling.



"Where is the pig farm?"


Ge Hongchang picked up the phone, said a few words, and hurriedly rode a tricycle and left.

Qiu Cheng knew about the pig farm under Ai Wenhai's hands. In a town in the northwest of Xinnan City, the land contracted by Ai Wenhai was mainly there. Cheng has never seen it with his own eyes, but he heard people say that the town was built very well by them.

"I'm a little tired, go sit inside." Qiu Cheng patted Boss Wang on the shoulder and said to him.

"Success, you can go rest, we are here." Boss Wang said straightforwardly.

"What's wrong with you?" Ah Chang looked at him worriedly.

"It's okay, I'll sit inside and watch some of our potatoes." Qiu Cheng said to him with a smile.Although there are lights in the night market, the light is not as bright as in the daytime, and there are so many people gathered around the stalls. Sometimes it is difficult for ordinary people to find out that one or two potatoes are taken away by someone.

Ah Chang was still a little worried, so he looked at Qiu Cheng again, then turned his head and obediently guarded the stall.Recently, because he was going to school, Qiu Cheng was doing most of the housework. These potatoes were planted by Qiu Cheng with hard work, and they could not be stolen.

Qiu Cheng went to the shed, chose a dark corner to sit, and opened the sky and earth eyes casually. Although he couldn't see the situation in the town over there, he could still see the situation in Ai Wenhai and the others. .

"Baba." Ge Hongchang was not far from the night market when a truck drove up in front of him, and many of his brothers were standing on the back of the truck.

"Old Ge, come up." The truck stopped on the road in front of Ge Hongchang, and then Ai Wenhai from the driver's seat beckoned him to get on the car quickly.

"Okay." Without saying a word, Ge Hongchang threw the tricycle into the car body, and the two brothers on it picked up and pulled it, and the tricycle went up, and then Ge Hongchang quickly climbed into the car body. Start it up again, and run fast on the night streets.

"What's going on?" Sitting in the lee behind the truck, Ge Hongchang asked the brothers next to him.

"A group of people robbed our pig farm." One of the older men said.

"How many people have they come?" Ge Hongchang asked in a deep voice.

"It is said that there are more than 100." The man replied.

"So many! What about our brothers over there? How are things going?" Ge Hongchang's eyes widened, and his eyes were red.

"I don't know, I haven't contacted for a while, it's a mess over there, and I don't have time to call."

"Bang!" Ge Hongchang slammed his fist on the iron plate and said nothing.In the front driver's seat, Ai Wenhai gritted his teeth and stared, driving the truck very fast.

Watching the truck drive farther and farther in the night, Qiu Cheng stopped following with his "eyes of heaven and earth".The worst situation finally happened, or a large-scale robbery gang composed of more than 100 people.

After thinking about it, Qiu Cheng took out his mobile phone and called Shen Xing, asking her how the security forces at the fish farming factory were. If it was not enough, he would recruit another batch if he could.

"There's not much work in winter." Shen Xing was a little embarrassed, their fish farming factory was so big, it wasn't cost-effective to recruit so many security guards.

"When will this batch of fish be available for sale?" Qiu Cheng asked her.

"It is reasonable to say that it will have to wait until next year at least, but I plan to release a batch this year during the Spring Festival."

"Okay, this period of time is not peaceful, you should also pay attention to it."

"I'll pay attention." Shen Xing agreed solemnly. She was definitely more concerned about this fish farming factory than Qiu Cheng.

Hanging up the phone, Qiu Cheng thought again, the current defense force in the sixth building of Jiayuan Community is still too weak. Although he can know in advance the troubles in Xinnan City, but at that time, can it be Do you want him and Ah Chang Zhou Quan to fight by themselves?

In the end, even if they won the battle with one enemy and one hundred, he and Ah Chang should have been exposed.

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