Who is Michael?

Michael, the chief warrior by God's side, the supreme commander of the angelic legion, the archangel appointed by God himself—yes, that's right, there are many titles that are very foreign.

He is brave, he is beautiful, and he is brave and good at fighting.

The legendary Michael has the courage that other angels do not have and the incomparable pure holy power that allows him to sit firmly on the throne of the vice king of the kingdom of heaven. Compared with the gods in the highest heaven, today's Michael and Metatron are almost the only two figures left in the sky that give Lucifer the most headaches. Back then, Lucifer had just fallen to heaven and led the seven-day jihad between hell and heaven. Among them, how long has the flames of war been burning in the border area between heaven and hell, and how long has this bright incarnation of "absolute justice" been fighting on the front line of the battlefield.

When Lucifer's name was still called Lucifer, this blond-haired, blue-eyed angel had been on the move. No matter in the past, present, or future, this archangel will always belong to the fanatical Jehovah Worship sect. Jin Er, even the other angels who didn't stay in the sky with Luo Tian looked sideways.

Scott described Michael on the rose window in "Song of the Last Bard" like this——

【The red cross was shining in his hand, and the moonlight spilled blood on the ground through the glass. 】

that's all.

Don't panic, it turns out that the legend of this celestial god of war has always been very popular.

Because of Michael, Mammon has always hated the existence of the "blond-haired and blue-eyed" race—and he hated this kind of existence to the point where "I want to throw up when I see things with blond hair that fly"... So at this time, Seeing his Majesty calmly mentioning this person, Mammon turned her firepower away from Asmodeus in an instant, as if she was a chick whose hair had been pricked in a dream. The big demon showed the expression of swallowing a fly alive: "Michael? Why is it him?"

The man sitting behind the desk moved, and frowned as if he felt very uncomfortable hearing the name: "I hope it's not him."

Asmodeus didn't speak, and raised his eyebrows.

Mammon glanced at Lucifer blankly: "Are those rumors true?"

Lucifer asked calmly, "What rumor?"

"About you and Michael... I heard that you have a lot of credit for his soaring position in the early years."

"Normal subordinate-subordinate relationship." Lucifer said expressionlessly.

At this time Asmodeus became even more silent - because his eyes were not blind, compared to the man's lazy and relaxed aura when he first entered the door, he had clearly felt the surrounding atmosphere had changed at this time... ...But it is a pity that Mamen's skill tree seems to be all focused on the skills of seeing the authenticity of gold coins and the purity of gems. It can be said that he is not very good at seeing people's faces, so Under Asmoder's gaze, he continued to chatter: "It's not me, I think my dad is a little concerned about this... He seldom yells at me, and the one that impressed me the most was the last time Michael On my birthday, I listened to the people below and sent a somewhat pure raw magic stone to make the yellow hair’s birthday present. Of course, in exchange, I also got some free trade rights for cheap goods on the first day and the second day. , but my dad got very angry when he found out—”

Lucifer raised one corner of his lips: "A big fire?"

Mamen paused for a moment, and then resentfully said with an expression on his face that he couldn't bear to look back on the past: "...the anger ignites the fire."

The corners of Lucifer's lips lowered: "That's your own death, what's none of my business?"

Mammon scratched her head: "Oh, I said you insisted on me delivering it."

Lucifer: "..."

Asmodeus: "..."

Mamen: "The last time I saw Dad get angry, it was because the people below scavenged a rare oil painting from the world. The painting is not bad, at least it is very valuable in the world and it is also an antique, but the content of the painting is actually a contraband— —You know, Christian believers in the world seem to like a certain composition very much, that is, the image of Michael with long golden hair, holding a red cross holy sword and fighting a dragon or standing on a dragon—of course I didn’t dare to collect this painting I moved it to the room, so I put it there thinking about finding a chance to destroy it someday—"

Asmodeus: "Is it looking for a chance to go back to the world and sell it?"

Mammon: "...that painting is very expensive."

Whether it is before or after falling into heaven, Lucifer's image is always a dragon.Before falling into the sky, it was the golden dragon of the sacred element, and after falling into the sky, it was the abyssal dragon-this is something that anyone with a little common sense knows.

I have to say that I made up my mind about the appearance of the painting. At this time, the man can do nothing but gasp, but raise his hand to his forehead and say with a slight headache: "I know, don't say it."

But Mamen couldn't stop, and said vividly: "But before I found a chance to go to the world, my dad happened to come to visit, and he saw the painting unexpectedly, and his expression was a bit strange at that time , I probably felt that such a content would not be allowed to appear within the scope of hell, so I asked where this painting came from."

At this moment, the man sitting behind the desk and receiving countless malicious messages from hundreds of years ago felt that he could no longer express anything, so he nodded calmly and said with a paralyzed face: "I think I have already guessed you answered."

Mamen: "I said you asked the people below to collect it and store it with me temporarily, and send it to your bedroom later."

"The bedroom?" Lucifer repeated in shock, "You mean I'm going to hang a picture of myself being trampled on the bedside?"

"...Dad asked the same question," Mamen blinked, and smiled as if he had discovered something interesting, "At that time he asked me if you were a masochist, looking at yourself It would be cool to be trampled underfoot—I said he has too much imagination, you are clearly a sadist, hahaha!"

On the side, Asmodeus cleared his throat, bent down and brushed away the dust that didn't exist on the armor on his body. He just felt that the conversation was going too fast, and the content of the current conversation was so beautiful that he didn't dare to face it. .

He now believes that the Lord of Hell is really tolerant of this great demon in charge of "greed"-if it were someone else, let alone laughing with his hips on his hips like a fool, I'm afraid he would laugh out loud before he had time. His Majesty had already thrown him out of the window before the sound...

Asmodeus scratched his chin, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart that it's good to be young, and those who don't know are fearless.

At this time, the big red-haired devil was still chattering, seeing his immediate boss showing a little displeased expression, he spread his hands and explained in a confident tone: "...There is no way, if you say you don't know about it, then turn the picture around." The head will definitely be destroyed—I have already said that the painting is very expensive, and the people under my command don’t have eyes and brought it back at a high price. I feel that my father has been calm and calm in the face of gossip and gossip these years, and naturally he doesn't care about being tarnished by the believers in the world." Mamen said, "If I knew that my father cared so much about the scandal between you and Michael, I would not have cared about it at the time. I would say that, after all, in the end, it really ended up that he was run away by your anger."

Lucifer: "..."

Get mad at me?

you sure?

Mammon: "...on the bright side, at least he still cares about you."

Lucifer: "Thank you for your comfort."

That's why the man discovered that it wasn't entirely his own fault that he wasn't popular for so many years. Internal and external troubles and powerful pig teammates were the culprits that finally caused the supervisor of the fifth prison to run away from home and the whole hell was hazy with smoke— - Deduction of wages, wages must be deducted... Thinking of this, the man couldn't help but rolled his eyelids and glanced at the big red-haired devil standing in front of the desk, carefully pinning the bill with the sheepskin scroll on his waist A small precious metal storage tube, the man knew that it probably contained Mammon’s bills for reimbursement of expenses in the world when he was a hatter and the preliminary plan for mining the ice field. I took all the bills——

Now he is going to refuse to reimburse the damaged humanoid flower on the grounds that "you can choose a more gentle way to stimulate Alice".

And he is not going to let Mammon see the Kochitus Ice Lake even for 500 years.

During the man's silence, he heard a big red-haired devil who would not die if he did not die, asking beside him, "So father, aside from the scandal, what do you think of Michael?"

After the man paused for a moment, his thin lips parted slightly, and he said without thinking: "The enemy."

Mammon: "I heard that hate is a deeper bond than love."

As soon as these words came out, the office naturally fell into a deathly silence.

Asmodeus took a deep look at the big red-haired demon, as if he was already dead... But the man sitting behind the desk heard the words, but didn't say anything, just raised the side that kept the human appearance Hand, gracefully rubbed the other hand wearing a black leather glove, lifted it up and glanced at the blue scales on the back of the hand, and said lightly: "This sentence is not allowed to be said in front of your father in the future, and, now give I shut up."

Mamen was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't understand what made him unhappy again. He honestly let out an "oh" and stepped aside. At this time, the man's subtle movements were met by a silent man who stood aside all the time. Asmodeus saw it, and when his eyes were on the man's black gloved hand, as if he could see through the thick leather glove to see the real situation below, his eyes suddenly darkened Come down: "Your Majesty..."

"No problem." As if anticipating what he was going to say, the man waved his hand and said calmly, "Just wait until he comes back."

"This is……"

"My soul is more powerful than you think, Asmodeus." Lucifer said calmly, "Although I didn't do it voluntarily, the lack of that soul is just an insignificant thing, so don't worry about it."

With that said, the man finally stood up from behind the desk, he turned around and pushed open the window behind him, amidst a burst of thick fog scrambling to pour in from the window, the man put his hand to his lips and whistled—almost At the same time, Asmodeus heard the dragon chant of the abyss dragon that he had left in front of the devil's palace, and in response to this, there was a more shocking dragon roar that resounded through the sky from far away in the sky .

From a distance, I saw an extremely beautiful red dragon in the prime of life flapping its wings and flying. Asmodeus's mount is already the best among the dragons, but this red dragon is smaller than it in terms of size. It was even a half older, and the fly in the ointment was that there was a long scar on one side of Rang Long's eye, which was injured by the holy power, and only the other amber eye was full of vigor and majesty.

It was parked by the window, and through the window, the huge amber dragon eye looked into the window.

The man standing by the window jumped out of the window and landed lightly on the red dragon's back. As his robes fluttered, he saw that the dark military uniform had completely changed into a dazzling red at this time. The pattern symbolizes the high status and power in the Holy See on earth.

He turned his head, glanced deeply at the two subordinates who were still in the office in a daze with those golden and red eyes, then stretched out his gloved hand and gently patted the red dragon's back. At the neck, accompanied by a strong pungent sulfur breath, two bursts of raging red flames were sprayed from the red dragon's nostrils. The red dragon with a strong personality took the man on his back and flapped his wings and flew towards the crimson sky without looking back.

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