After the incident between Helen and Sister Heller, Luo Xiu was always worried about the next time he would fall into a dream again—for so many days, he had even been careful to guard against this matter, but for several consecutive days Nothing happened in the world, he spent the most peaceful few days since he came to Futu Luomen.Under such circumstances, from the very beginning of being vigilant to the end, he finally relaxed himself unconsciously, just like falling asleep while watching fireworks. He hadn't enjoyed such a moment of peace for almost a long time.

Luo Xiu never thought that he would fall into a dream while leaning on Uzrok's shoulder to fall asleep.

After all, for him, although this man sometimes seems a bit strange, he is a good safe haven - no one has promised anything, but he doesn't know when, Luo Xiu will almost "follow him" Together, nothing bad will happen" is taken as a tacit fact.

This time he fell faster than any other time. During the whole fall, he heard the sound of the wind blowing past his ears. Because of the rapid fall, his whole body was almost bent In the shape of a dried shrimp, the meatball squeezed out of his collar and tried to grab his collar with its mouth to slow down his falling speed. Let Luo Xiu slow down a little——

Luo Xiu felt that he had fallen on a huge sky tree. Starting from the top of the canopy, he crushed countless branches. Those lush branches and leaves failed to catch him well, but somehow slowed down his falling speed. Routuanzi screamed twice in horror, as if afraid that the branch would scratch its beautiful pink body, and gave up saving its master, but switched roles and jumped at it without hesitation. Luo Xiu's chest became "Let the master save me"...

During the fall, Luo Xiu lost a boot.

The skirt on his body was also scratched by a branch with a huge hole.

He fell all the way from the top of the canopy, and finally he felt that he seemed to have broken through something. Accompanied by the tangy fragrance of flowers, he was finally gently thrown on the wet lawn... Despite being so shocked , but when Luo Xiu came back to his senses, he was already standing in the back garden of the Duke of Darkness - above his head was a big hole made when he fell, and the black-haired young man crawled from the grass Getting up, he took off the leaves and petals between the ends of his hair. He turned around and looked around. The roses were still in full bloom just like when he left. The sun came in from outside the birdcage-like garden. The petals of a flower that sways gently in the breeze all seem to be sparkling.

Luo Xiu walked around the garden - he didn't go to the back garden where the mermaid twin sisters were raised, because out of his corner of his vision, he could vaguely see that a small, seemingly real door had been built in that direction. It's not a strong wooden door, but the exquisite little lock on the wooden door is enough to show that the back garden no longer welcomes anyone to go there.

Luo Xiu didn't know how much time had passed in this place when he left.

He only knew that when he came back, the statues of sisters Livini and Livia had been completely damaged, half of the lotus leaf in the hand of the short-haired mermaid had disappeared, and the remaining half of the lotus leaf looked like a sharp dagger. The once slender neck also burst open; the fingers of the long-haired mermaid holding the lotus cracked from between the fingers, and for some reason, the former lotus also lost its sharp petal traces and became ugly, with only a little A stone with protruding traces. For some reason, Luo Xiu thought of the heart dug out from Helen's chest by Heller... The fountain that used to gurgle with clear spring water has been abandoned for some time now. Under the back-to-back mermaid tails, there was only a small pool of dirty rainwater left, with a few yellowed rose vine leaves floating on it.

"You must be wondering how long you've been away."

A low-pitched man sounded behind him, accompanied by the sound of someone's shoes stepping on the grass, Luo Xiu turned around, not too surprised to see the Duke of Darkness in white appearing in his sight , the visitor wore a very large and exaggerated top hat on top of his head. The top hat crookedly covered the man's right ear in the shadow under the brim.

Looking at the Duke of Darkness in white, for a moment, Luo Xiu even felt that the man named Uzrock was slowly walking towards him—they were so similar, if one ignores the rich and waving energy on the former In terms of the lingering dark breath, when they smiled with one corner of their lips raised as if mocking something, they were like replicas carved out of a mold.

"Long time?" Luo Xiu asked expressionlessly.

"You have indeed been away for a long time, Alice—everything right now is the best proof that time never waits for anyone. When you didn't expect it, it has already rumbled past you—" If you don't come again, it won't last three months and it will be in ruins."

When he heard the two key words "can't survive" and "ruins", Luo Xiu had to admit that his heart beat faster, even though he didn't know why.

The Duke of Darkness stood firm in front of the black-haired young man, and continued calmly: "Look at my back garden, because we lost the caretaker, the weeds are overgrown, and the fountain has been abandoned because no one has taken care of it for a long time-it used to be from my garden. You can see this place as soon as you open the window in the bedroom. It may not have been very good at one time, but now there is no doubt that it has become worse now-I haven't been here for a long time since you left , and even installed thick curtains in my bedroom."

"It can't be my fault, I didn't promise you to be your gardener." Luo Xiu said stubbornly and stubbornly, his tone sounded a little angry—as if he was not happy that the man in front of him pushed all the blame on him of.

Damage to the garden was none of his business.

...uh uh uh, probably.

"But when I extended the invitation to you, you didn't refuse." The Duke of Darkness smiled, "The world used to be black and white in my eyes, and if you didn't refuse, it was actually equivalent to agreeing—but now I suddenly feel that I'm probably going to have to reconsider the question, did you escape and disappear from my side for a long time because I pushed you too hard, Alice?"

Luo Xiu didn't answer this question right away. On the contrary, he just slightly raised his chin and looked at the man in front of him—the man's golden pupils were full of smiles, as if he was really just heaping I was curious about this question, but Luo Xiu always felt that the other party didn't seem to be simply discussing this exquisite birdcage-like garden with him.

This atmosphere almost drives people crazy.

Luo Xiu tried to say something several times to continue this topic, but after struggling for a long time, he finally found that no matter what he said, it seemed that it would not be the most appropriate answer—in the end, he gave up and stretched out his hands Pulling the black hair around his ears, he said with a bit of frustration: "No."

Beside his ear, the aquamarine earring was supported by the black hair because of his action, giving him a thrilling and powerful attraction.

The man standing in front of the black-haired young man found it difficult to take his eyes off the gemstone. The impulse seemed to be that he could hardly control the desire to grab the person in front of him and kiss his earrings. The earlobes are as raw and natural as they are.

It wasn't until the black-haired young man in front of him listlessly asked what he was looking at that the man suddenly came back to his senses: "The garden is not completely hopeless."

"Really?" Luo Xiu subconsciously turned his head and looked around, then nodded in agreement, "If you clean it up, it probably won't be worse than imagined."

"I'm glad you have such an idea, Alice. I thought you didn't want to come back at all."

In fact it is.Luo Xiu thought to himself, but my mother is already standing here, so what's the point of talking about it?So he nodded listlessly obediently, walked around the Duke of Darkness, and walked around the birdcage-like garden on his own. When he was thinking about where he should start, he was suddenly stopped by the man behind him.

Luo Xiu turned his head and raised his eyebrows.

"Your shoes." The Dark Duke pointed to Luo Xiu's feet.

Following the man's fingertips and looking down, Luo Xiu realized that there was only one boot on his foot at this time, and the other was obviously missing. The white stocking on the right foot would be Because he guessed everywhere, it has been soiled by the mud on the grass and is a little wet. Through the stockings, he can even vaguely see his toes moving up and down uneasily.

The face of the black-haired young man blushed uncontrollably. He bent down and took off the remaining boots without saying a word.

"You need a new pair of shoes," the Dark Lord said with a smile, watching his movements. "I happen to know a very famous shoemaker in town. Maybe you can go to the market to find him, probably as long as you say you want a new pair of shoes." Look for the shoemaker, and the townspeople will help you find him."

At this moment, Luo Xiu only felt that his ears were about to fall off in shock. He stopped clumsily trying to tear the white stockings off his body, raised his head and smiled at him not far away in surprise. man: "You let me go?"

After pondering for a while, the Dark Duke said tactfully, "To be honest, I'm not very willing."

Luo Xiu raised his eyebrows.

"But this time you come back, I think I have to give you some promises about 'freedom'." The Duke of Darkness said, "You can do whatever you want, associate with whomever you want, be happy Just work, rest anywhere you like when you're not happy - I won't force you, as long as you don't suddenly disappear again and leave a mess for me to clean up, I've had enough of being 'next door neighbor' mock, they say I can't keep a gardener well."

This complaint sounds really tempting, Luo Xiu touched his nose and thought to himself—yes, he doesn't care if the person in front of him is laughed at by some so-called 'next door neighbor', but he is forced to stay in the When he was in this dream world, he had to admit how important temporary freedom was to him.

So after nodding, the black-haired young man looked around and tried to find the exit of the garden—he couldn't find it, until he heard the man behind him snap his fingers, and suddenly found the blooming flower in front of him. The right flower trembled slightly - at first, the black-haired young man even thought it was his own illusion, until he saw that the trembling frequency of the flower was getting higher and higher, and the flower vine suddenly seemed to be given life, like a snake The same twist up!

With the sound of "swish" as the branches rubbed against each other, the birdcage-like garden, which was tightly woven into walls because of the flowers and vines, was slowly avoiding each other in front of Luo Xiu, and finally opened a path just enough to The "door" that allows Luo Xiu to go in and out alone.

Luo Xiu was stunned, and he turned around.

The scene he saw almost became the most unforgettable for him in so many dreams, whether it was Mr. Pigeon in a tuxedo who threw him into the bird's nest and led him to this world, or Dodo Whether it is the violent bear who is always having afternoon tea or Mr. Squirrel running around the dining table; whether it is Mr. Tarot Bing who speaks strangely but has a good temper or the beautiful mermaid sisters in the back garden, everything has been experienced At this time, there are probably only vague bubbles left in his mind-but in front of him, it is deeply reflected in his mind, and he is sure that even if he recalls it countless times in the future, he can still remember it like this new.

He saw the man he had classified as an "evil existence" standing in the dappled sunlight, standing in place in white clothes. When he smiled at him, there seemed to be something in those golden pupils. The flaxen hair shrouded under the gorgeous top hat seemed to be shining; his slender figure was stretched very long under his feet, and some of it was projected on the roses that were in full bloom. On the sky, when the wind blows, the shadow seems to shake slightly with the wind.

The flower vine that opened a small door gradually closed before his eyes.

In the end, Luo Xiu only had time to see the man standing in the middle of the ruins of the garden finally took off the top hat on his head. And when he opened his eyes slightly, the man's straight waist suddenly bent without warning and bowed slightly in the direction of Luo Xiu——

When he straightened up, there was still a smile in his eyes.

On the earlobe no longer covered by any object, the familiar aquamarine stud earrings shone brightly under the sunlight.

The flower vines in front of him finally closed, Luo Xiu saw the man's lips moving as if he was telling him something, but Luo Xiu didn't even have time to ask, the flower vines had completely isolated him from the outside world——

Yes, isolation, Luo Xiu was very surprised that he used such a word.

Even though he thought for a second that he should be happy to have left that garden.

The black-haired young man stood there dumbfounded for a few seconds. He tried to lip-sync the man in various languages ​​but failed. When he chose to give up, he sighed and turned around, barefooted. When stepping on the soft grass and embarking on a journey to find the shoemaker, he found that in his mind, the last scene was like a vivid and three-dimensional painting, which was forever hung in a corner of his mind middle.

Until a long time later, when Luo Xiu returned to his palace, he accidentally found a book that was probably older than him on the bookshelf. The old regulations did attract his attention—

【Take off your hat, bend your knees, and place your hands over your heart.Bend the proud back, at the beginning of the prehistoric era, this action symbolizes: eternal apology. 】

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