flower and big devil

Chapter 35 Volume 1 End

Luo Xiu stood under the frame and looked up. Compared with other statues, he always felt that the painter seemed to be more attentive when painting this collapsed ruin.The oil painting in front of him was like a photo. Luo Xiu stood on tiptoe, and then found that he could almost clearly see the fragmentary parts in the ruins - the long spear was broken in half and stuck in the ruins, the statue's Next to the base, there is also a creature with a broken head in half, which looks like a hellhound——


Luo Xiu narrowed his eyes slightly, he felt as if he found half of the statue's face in the ruins... But when he tried harder to get closer to see who the statue was, what did the painting mean? Suddenly, he heard someone's footsteps slowly coming from behind him, and then, the whole building began to shake again, with dust and gravel constantly falling from the sky, and when Luo When Xiu staggered and turned around, trying to help Alicia up to a safe place——

The ground suddenly collapsed under Luo Xiu's feet.

This kind of situation is not uncommon for Luo Xiu, at least he has encountered such a situation twice in his sleep... Luo Xiu took a sudden step forward, and fell to Alicia's side in embarrassment to hide After the collapse under his feet, he didn't even have time to look back at the collapsed situation behind him. The black-haired young man touched his cheek, and when his fingertips swept over the tear mole under his eyes, he still felt the pain like a needle prick...

"Allergies? I'm allergic to demons... I really have a constitution full of justice. It seems that I will stay away from the blood of demons in the future." Luo Xiu sighed while bending down and grabbing Alijia's wrist, trying to squeeze She got up from the ground——

Just when he was about to touch Alicia, he suddenly felt a hand protruding from the collapsed place behind him—the hand like an eagle's claw firmly clasped his The ankle, the sharp nails even pierced into Luo Xiu's skin, the black-haired young man let out a cry of pain, and suddenly withdrew the hand that touched Alicia, and then, before he even had time to figure out what happened Before something crawled out from the ground and grabbed him, that hand grabbed him and dragged him into the black abyss that was exposed after the collapse...

Gravel is constantly falling from above.

The carpet hanging on the edge of the collapsed hole was shaking feebly...

Vaguely, Luo Xiu seemed to hear someone calling "Alice", and he wanted to respond, but when he opened his mouth, he found that he couldn't make a single sound, as if he had fallen into an endless abyss. This reminded him of that strange rabbit hole, but at this moment there was no Mr. Rabbit beside him, Luo Xiu kept falling down and down by himself, and finally, he found himself finally It landed and fell heavily on a piece of grass he was familiar with.

Ah, he said he was familiar, but in fact he just raised his eyelids and saw the densely packed manjusawa that made his scalp tingle. This scene made him feel very familiar.


Uncle Luo came to hell again for a day trip.


So in the real world, did Lao Tzu die or passed out or fell asleep again?

The dream is so annoying.

The black-haired young man grinned and rubbed his sore buttocks and stood up, subconsciously looking into the distance. At this time, he found that the extremely wide and fast-moving river was still in sight last time, but this time Once, Luo Xiu didn't see the bustling people carrying goods back and forth and the built pier, and there was a wilderness in the distance.

"Huh, strange?"

If it is said that the hell that Luo Xiu came to in the dream last time was a basically formed hell, then now, everything seems to have returned to a barren state... Ah, or in other words, he came to an earlier period than last time. ?

Luo Xiu looked around, and was looking for someone to ask the way or where this place is, when suddenly, he saw a demon with bone wings walking not far away, he had a sheep The monster-like head, iron-red skin, and the tail that was chopped off by Luo Xiu are hanging safely behind his buttocks——

Luo Xiu immediately went into a state of defense, but when he grabbed his chest indiscriminately but missed his "weapon", cold sweat dripped down his back - watching the demon go further and further... Nearby, Luo Xiu put on a grinning face trying to make himself look a little scary, but what he didn't expect was that the guy coming from a distance not only didn't attack him, but after seeing his appearance, "poof" laughed out loud.

Luo Xiu: "..."

Laughing hair?

The demon looked as if he knew him very well, walked over, and grabbed Luo Xiu's shoulders - Luo Xiu sniffed the tip of his nose and immediately smelled a sheep smell that almost made him faint , he shook off the paw of this "self-familiar" demon with an uneasy face, and the other party seemed to have long been used to his rude attitude, turned his head, and looked up and down jokingly at Luo Xiu: " Alice, you are still the same. Your Majesty said that you have been with hellhounds for a long time, so you have made your temper like a puppy—that wrinkled nose just now, grinning and staring. My appearance is so cute, let His Majesty know, he will definitely be jealous of me seeing you so cute."

The sheep-headed monster said "cute" in one mouthful, which reminded Luo Xiu badly of a big man in a sailor suit twisting his buttocks and saying "kawaii~~" to a plush toy.

The brunette young man had goosebumps all over the floor.

Moreover, Luo Xiu felt that he was a little confused about the situation - how come they were still fighting with this demon one second, and then they changed the scene and became brothers in the next second?Even if it is unfolded as a god, it is not scientific or rigorous.

Luo Xiu was silent for a while. At this time, it seemed that the director had introduced the lines into his mind. When he decided to remain silent, he had already uncontrollably called the other party's name in an indifferent tone——

"Belphegor, what are you doing here?"

Oh oh, this feeling is too strange—as if the body and voice are no longer under his control, this is his body, but he has become a bystander, everything that happens now seems to be predetermined, every movement , Every sentence of dialogue, and he only has to be at the side, like a marionette to complete his role in an orderly manner.

Luo Xiu fell into astonishment, but at this moment, he saw the demon in front of him take out a tattered scroll from under the creaking nest, and he held it up to Luo Xiu, but the latter didn't hesitate He took a step back—because he really didn't want to experience that heaven-defying sheep smell a second time.

"What's this?" Luo Xiu heard himself asking—and again, this feeling is really strange, but I have to say that he loves himself who is so cold and noble talking to others.

"The draft of the newly promulgated decree...we have just arrived in hell, and everything needs to be a little more disciplined, but after all, we are late, so His Majesty asked me to come here to seek your opinion."

Luo Xiu wanted to ask the devil in front of him, "Your Majesty", did he mean Lucifer, the lord of hell? ... Slightly western style.If Luo Xiu was released and could control his body independently, he might invite the goat-headed monster in front of him to lead him to meet the star figure in the myth... Maybe he could even ask for an autograph.

However, at this time, he heard himself say in a rather arrogant tone: "Anyway, he has his own measure in everything, so why bother to pretend to come and walk with me through this cutscene-'first come, first served' or something, I have never seen it He has this self-consciousness, what is said on this scroll, you just read it to me and I will nod to you, Belphegor, and then you can go back happily—"

Luo Xiu hooked the corners of his lips sarcastically: "See your majesty."

"Alice," said the goat-headed demon named Belphegor, who has been very popular recently, embarrassedly and helplessly, "you are angry again—Your Majesty will not be satisfied with your answer, if I am punished, That's all your fault - well, let me see - the decree is that His Majesty has decided to classify the natives of hell as 'devils', and the hordes of ravens he led from the sky The angels who are black are classified as 'demons' after their wings are completely black."

"What about you?"

"The Minister of Guards doesn't seem to be within the scope of the division. I'm probably a high-ranking demon."

"Where's the Hellhound?"

"That's a pet—why give pets a level, His Majesty is very busy."


"That's it. If you have no objections, I'll go back and report this matter to His Majesty—speaking of which, the new main city palace has just been built—His Highness named it 'The Palace of Demons', ah, what a surprise! Two's name but that's his style - for this palace, there will be a celebration banquet in Pandayaninan in two days. Alice, if you have nothing to do, you'd better go back to Pandayaninan , I think His Majesty would like you to attend that important occasion."

"Don't go."

"Then I will be waiting for you, Alice."

"Hey! I said I wasn't going--damn."

Luo Xiu waved his fist at the back that couldn't wait to leave. After Belphegor left, a group of hell natives who looked uglier and more grotesque than Belphegor came to greet him. Luo Xiu had no choice but to turn over. He rolled his eyes and followed these chattering brats back to his so-called "personal palace" by boat.

All the way down the Styx River, passing through several temporary checkpoints, Luo Xiu was a little nervous when he was asked to show his certificate, but when he asked the checkpoint person with a cold face, "What is a certificate?" , the other party let him go immediately.

Luo Xiu immediately felt the spring breeze of the "privileged class" blowing over his face.

Although now he doesn't know which beauty he is pretending to be.

Luo Xiu stood at the bow of the boat, looking at the scenery of hell with a blank expression on his face. To be honest, there is nothing to see in the dark everywhere... The wind from the river blows, and the blood and strange water plants that get into the nose The smell of decay always made him feel that his oversensitive nose had suffered an old crime.

The aborigines of Hell along the river are washing clothes and vegetables by the river (I can’t tell what it is, but it’s right to see a piece of blood and flesh at a glance), there are little devils chasing and fighting, and the female devil is cursing in rough words Let them be quiet... The very original and harmonious scene along the coast made Luo Xiu guess that this time is very likely to be the early stage of the legendary Lucifer's rebellion led by the army of angels. The prosperity and bustle recorded in various books are very different.

Along the river, apart from some primitive buildings of hell aborigines, it is difficult to see any other buildings that can be related to the description in the book... The boat followed the river and finally came to the lower half of the river , when passing a huge archway, Luo Xiu vaguely felt that the scene in front of him was a bit familiar, the dark sky, the red river... After only three seconds of hesitation, the black-haired young man standing at the bow He made a judgment almost immediately—the oil painting at the end of the corridor probably depicted this place?

Luo Xiu stood up from the boat and looked around, but he didn't see the statue. At this time, he remembered that during the last one-day trip to Hell in his dream, he happened to hear some dock employees discussing "building a statue" The problem... Also, probably hell is in a period of urgent need for infrastructure development at this moment, and any sane monarch would not be so narcissistic that he would put his own statue on the gate first.

"...Ah, but having said that, it's not impossible for him to do this kind of thing." Luo Xiu sighed.

At this time, the little devil standing behind him carefully pulled his underpants, Luo Xiu turned his head, looked at the green skin, the chubby guy who looked like a little devil blinked his eyes like a tennis ball and said: "My lord, it's over This arch is the newly divided main city of Pandimaninan, and further ahead, you can see the newly built Pantheon—that gold and green, that splendor!"

Luo Xiu responded with a lack of interest, and then got off the boat. He just glanced at the "golden and magnificent" new palace not far away, except that he felt that it was incompatible with a large area of ​​dark clouds around him. Apart from feeling, he didn't have the slightest admiration.

Following those little ghosts back to his "own" palace, Luo Xiu was very afraid that when he walked in the door, he would meet someone who suddenly walked out of the palace and someone who looked exactly like him asked him, "Who are you and ran to my lord?" The palace is coming" This kind of bloody thing can't be explained clearly, but fortunately, no - when Luo Xiu's heart was beating wildly and praying that he would wake up in the real world quickly, he returned to his bedroom.

Huge bed.

Gorgeous decor.

In the corner of the room were piled up several boxes of rough gemstones that were probably mined from the mine, and in the center of the room was a crystal ball emitting a faint glow——Luo Xiu leaned over and looked at it , but found that he saw nothing.

Luo Xiu rested in the room for a while, and then heard a message from someone outside, saying that Lord Belphinger had not done his job of delivering the message properly, which attracted His Majesty Lucifer, who has been quite grumpy lately, not to see him, so the new ruler of hell In this way, when Hell was in need of manpower in the early stages of development, he willfully threw his capable generals into the world.

The euphemistic name is "Trial".

"I heard that His Majesty asked Lord Belphegor to signal 'marriage happiness' on the ground. What is that—marriage? What is that?"

"It's your father and your mother living together!"

"But besides going to bed at night, my mother also has sex with Lao Wang next door, and my father also takes a mandarin duck bath with Aunt Hua in the neighboring village!"

"Ah, those people who came from the sky are not as unscrupulous as us - I heard that the human beings on the ground are doing like them, tsk tsk."

"Poor Lord Belphegor, he can only stay honestly with one female for a hundred years. What kind of evil did he do? It's all the fault of the adults inside. When will he stop being so bad-tempered? What? It's too bad, too bad, especially when facing His Majesty, he always has the ability to make His Majesty even more manic like him, like a hellhound in the yard."

"Shh, don't speak ill of the master, do you want to be thrown into the Styx River to feed the fish?"

"What are you afraid of, my 'controlling language' has been studied systematically, he can't hear it!"

Luo Xiu: "..."

Mao, I heard it clearly.

Hurry up and go to the school that taught you that "controlling language" to get your tuition refunded.

Across a door, listening to the gossip of the kid guards outside was all because of "the fault of the adults inside", the black-haired young man standing "inside" was silent for a while, and three seconds later he accepted the so-called "pit teammate" "My lord" was talking about his own fact... At the same time, he saw that the light of the crystal ball in the center of the room became clearer, he paused, and then moved closer to the crystal ball again.

At this time, a picture appeared in the crystal ball that was still chaotic before.

It was probably in France in the last century, and it was still popular for ladies to wear dresses with huge panniers.In the crystal ball, amidst the traffic, a handsome young man stepped down from a gorgeous carriage. He had iron-red hair and beautiful amber pupils. When he smiled at someone , showing a mouthful of white teeth and sharp canines.

For some reason, Luo Xiu could almost tell at a glance that it was Belphegor who was thrown into the world by Lucifer.

With some interest, he dragged a chair, and Luo Xiuan quietly watched Belphegor in the crystal ball being given the status of "Viscount". He married a beautiful young girl as his new wife—this ugly devil became unexpectedly passionate after covering his eyelids, it was so tender, and soon, the one who married him because of politics The girl sank into his arms.

They soon had a bunch of sons and daughters.

"Tsk tsk, what an enviable life." Leaning on the armchair, Luo Xiu said lazily, "If this is the case, why should they complain that I caused Belphegor to be cheated, this guy is obviously going to the world Are you on paid leave?"

With one hand supporting his head and one foot hanging on the armrest of a soft armchair, just as the black-haired young man lamented that the ugly demon had "good luck" and was watching the so-called "happy marriage" was about to be confirmed, Crystal The scene in the ball suddenly changed - the young Viscount Belphegor disappeared, and there was only a middle-aged man who looked very down and out in court.

Luo Xiu was stunned, and sat up for a while. When he saw the iron-red hair on the head of the man who was wearing a dirty white shirt and could be easily seen from which prison he was picked up from, And the pair of amber pupils that lost their figure, he finally recognized who the down-and-out nobleman in front of him was——

Belphinger's old family history in the world was dug out by unruly people. At that time, during the reign of Louis IX, the king known as "Saint Louis", France was in a period of stability and prosperity. At this time, people are always idle and have more time to attack opponents of political factions, wasting their own time on trivial matters.

Belphegor's family has unfortunately become cannon fodder in these murky political struggles.

He was deprived of his title, and he lost all the rights that nobles could enjoy. After being imprisoned for half a year, the court and the church jointly decided to exile him to the slums.

A glamorous viscount just fell in history. He brought his middle-aged wife and adolescence children together to experience a human version of "from heaven to hell" - poverty Bringing more and more influence to their originally harmonious family, the gentle and lovely girl in Luo Xiu's impression no longer speaks softly, she is like every rough shrew or prostitute who speaks out in the slums She yelled and cursed at her husband with the same voice, and every morning, the countless curses spewed out of her mouth swollen like a sausage because of obesity, until night fell.

She was wearing a dirty skirt that had already been stretched out by her fat. The dirt and mud could no longer reveal the prosperity of those clothes.She complained about life, about her own fate, about her husband, about everything around her.

And the tragic fate does not seem to be over yet.

The downcast Viscount played by Belphegor was not spared from the outbreak of the plague in the end. When he was getting old, he was lying on the bed lingering, and his wife who had sworn to stay with him for a lifetime under the witness of God finally abandoned him. The down-and-out aristocrat who had long lost his youthful demeanor was lying on his bed, recalling the brilliance of his life. In the end, in the empty, dark and dirty hut, the mouse crawled over him and lay on his bed. The man on the bed raised his scarred, yellowed and wrinkled hand, and shed a tear that belonged to the devil.

Luo Xiu didn't look any further.

Because he has really felt what it means to be "full of malice".

When he wanted to understand the truth that the so-called "trial" of a high-ranking demon couldn't be broadcast live in hell on time like a news broadcast, the black-haired young man stood up from his chair in a rage— He didn't even bother to look at the crystal ball any more, and with an angry goose step, amidst the cries and howls of the little ghosts behind him, he rushed to the tightly closed and resplendent palace gate, he raised his foot, and slammed heavily on the little ghosts behind him. They wailed desperately to stop them and kicked the delicate door——

The heavy door actually vibrated under his foot.

"Let him get out!" The black-haired young man stood at the gate of the Temple of Demons and shouted, "Hiding in there and doing spiritual attacks secretly is a bird hero!"

Little ghost A: "My lord, my lord... His Majesty is taking a nap now, please don't disturb him."

Luo Xiu: "Bastard!"

Little ghost B: "My lord, my lord... When did you learn so many rough words from the human world, Your Majesty will be unhappy to hear it--My lord, my lord!"

Luo Xiu narrowed his eyes slightly, and was about to continue cursing a few more words, but at this moment, he heard a "click", and on his side, the heavy and gorgeous door was slowly opened from the inside.



you ask me then?

Then Luo Xiu woke up.

just woke up...

Just woke up! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

The story had just reached its climax, yet he woke up at such a time! ! !

The sky was just gray and bright, and the faint sunshine through the gray clouds came in from the window... Outside the door of the patient's single room, Sister Kilga held a candlestick and gently called Luo Xiu's name in Buddha Luomen... …The dark-haired young man got up from the bed with a blank face. When his hands touched the soft quilt, the feeling of sitting on the gorgeous upholstered armchair seemed so real for a second.

While answering the call from the nun outside, Luo Xiu hurriedly jumped out of bed and began to wash and take a bath without thinking about anything. In the bathroom, when Luo Xiu accidentally looked in the mirror, he also found the mole under his eye... the color seemed From the original black to a little red, the color of the mole changed from black to brown.

"really weird?"

The black-haired young man frowned, and by the time he packed himself up and opened the door to go out, most of the patients had already been led by nuns to the dining room in twos and threes—that was the way to the dining room, Luo Xiu was a little strange, because the last time the beam collapsed, they had already eaten in the temporary restaurant for a few days.

"Ah, so the old restaurant has been repaired?" Luo Xiu asked the nun beside him.

"Really, Alice, you must be sleepy," said Sister Kilga with a hand over her lips, laughing. "The old dining room has been renovated in less than a year—if you If you have any comments on it, you can suggest it to Lord Uzrok."

Luo Xiu: "Huh?"

A dark-haired young man with question marks on his face came to the restaurant.

He saw Alicia, the woman clutching her belly where her hands used to be and walked slowly. Just as Luo Xiu was surprised how she could get out of the hospital bed so quickly, Sister Kilga told him that it was because Alicia just carried out A small cecum removal operation——Luo Xiu was stunned, and walked to his dining table. The gypsy woman sitting opposite him seemed to be eating the last slice of toast in her hand with a good appetite. Slathered with butter and jam.

Next to Luo Xiu was the old man who loves to play chess, and he was sitting in Clark's place.

At this time, Luo Xiu already felt that something was wrong - he turned around and asked the old man sitting next to him: "...Old man, why did you get to sit in Clake's place?"

"..." The old chess player raised his head and glanced blankly at the tight-faced young black-haired young man beside him, "This is my seat."

Luo Xiu: "..."

"Who is Clark?" the old man asked. "Is it a new partner you made up? Alice."

The author has something to say: ...the series of events in hell... the smart little friend must have guessed it, and that's right, it is Luo Xiu's memory.

Volume [-] Ⅱ·Gluttony (Gluttony)

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