"I don't want your eggs." Luo Xiu said in a strange tone.

"I like fried eggs," said Mr Pigeon.

Luo Xiu turned his head and stared at him: "Why do you eat everything - those are pigeon eggs! Are you a hamster and still eat your own children!"

Mr. Pigeon stopped talking, and it looked back at him with a smile.

"That would be the best," said the Pigeon in a voice that did not sound very grateful. "The weather is so fine, if you want to go for a walk, go for a walk; if you want to have some afternoon tea, go to Go to the March Hare, I hear he's planning a tea party - Anyway, Mr. Snake, if you don't mind I want to take a nap with my eggs, I'm exhausted from all the talk gone."

Luo Xiu lay on the edge of the nest, looking at the pigeons squatting in the old nest: "You didn't say a lot."

But this time, the pigeon stopped talking as if it had made up its mind. It just squatted there as if it would never speak human words again, tilted its head to look at Luo Xiu, and then let out a "cuckoo" from its mouth. Goo" sound, that is, at this time the black-haired young man realized that the pigeon in front of him had black eyes - black, which means it is safe.

Luo Xiu decided to leave here. He politely said "goodbye" to the pigeon and jumped back to the grass from the edge of the nest. When he walked on the road with the pigeon again, he remembered to ask: "Where are we going?"

"What's the matter with me here?" Mr. Pigeon asked happily, holding a cane.


This narrow-minded short-lived pigeon.

Luo Xiu walked behind it, staring at its tail that looked like a ball of fluffy ball, which easily hopped along with its steps when it walked. He waited for a while, and then reluctantly Stretching out his hand to grab the pigeon's ear, the pigeon walking ahead finally reacted this time. It let out a snort from the depths of its nasal cavity, then turned to look at Luo Xiu, and said in a warning voice: "Don't touch them, They're sensitive."

Luo Xiu grabbed the other person's big ear and refused to let go: "Where are we going?"

Pigeon said in a helpless tone: "You are really easy to get angry, Alice."

Luo Xiu raised his eyebrows, he didn't want to argue with the pigeon whether he was petty or not: "You made me angry."

"I didn't make you angry, you bad-tempered brat, but you are always so self-willed, causing trouble for everyone, and then pushing all the crimes on me—" Mr. Pigeon complained inexplicably, Luo Xiu actually didn't understand a single word, but he pretended that he was listening very seriously, as expected, after a while, after it finished complaining, its topic finally returned to the main topic, "Anyway, before going to Buddha Luomen , I have to go to the Duke of Darkness, we have a short meeting."

"Who is the Duke of Darkness?"

"A female lunatic." The pigeon said without hesitation, "He poured all his damn soup into the lake of Angels, which is connected to the river Styx, and those soups have caused a lot of trouble to the people around— —”

"You keep talking about Angel Lake, what is that place?"

"This is your dreamland, so of course the lakeside of Angel Lake is full of your tears, Alice."

"..." Luo Xiu couldn't remember the time when he cried last time, so now he directly judged that the pigeon was talking nonsense, so he decided to skip this topic, and he continued to ask, "You said before There is something wrong with Angel Lake that makes the people here contract a strange disease—I can tell, the soup poured out by the Duke of Darkness in your mouth makes the people here—lazy and boneless.”

Luo Xiu said, but suddenly closed his mouth - because he found that when he finished speaking, he suddenly felt a gust of wind that was much colder in comparison, blowing past him, and there seemed to be rustling in the wind. There was the sound of rustling fallen leaves circling in mid-air.

The red eyes of Mr. Pigeon standing in front of him flickered, the red light was very strange, which made him clenched the tooth in his hand subconsciously... At this moment, he heard the red eyes standing in front of him. Pigeon sneered slightly, and Mr. Pigeon slightly lowered his head to look at the vigilant black-haired young man in front of him. After a long time, he slowly said in a voice with a conniving smile: "I told you, this is your dreamland. , Alice, everything is up to you."

Luo Xiu couldn't understand what the pigeon was saying.

But at this moment he found that they were out of the weedy place before, led by Bunny the pigeon, and they were on a specially manicured, cobbled path-turning a few turns. Turning around, soon, a huge iron railing appeared in front of them, and behind the railing was a beautiful building, which looked a bit like the Buddha Lomon, but the Buddha Lomon looked more solemn... or more gloomy .

Buddha Luomen looked very cold even under the sunlight.

But the building in front of me can give people a feeling of being in full swing.

Luo Xiu knew that his adjective was very strange, but that's what he felt—he followed the pigeon and watched him knock on the lock above the iron door three times, and then the iron door opened automatically, No servants or housekeepers came up to greet them—the strange thing was that there was a strange man with a sheep's head standing at the door of the building in front of him. He had horns and a sharp tail. Judging by his clothes, he was probably a housekeeper or a servant. When Luo Xiu and the others walked in, the servant was lazily lying on his side on a huge blue mushroom by the gate, babbling Smoking a hookah.

When Mr. Pigeon saw the servant, it stopped, and the cane in his hand dropped gently to the ground.

"You are here." The servant scratched the calf of his right leg with his toes, "the door was not opened, and the Dark Lord had not returned, and I was shut out-oh, this is so sad, I sent an invitation letter from the Queen all the way, and I didn't want to make the trip in vain, so I decided to wait here."

Luo Xiu felt a little strange—the servant of the sheep-headed monster seemed to be here specially to wait for them... But a second ago, Luo Xiu thought that Mr. Pigeon was the only one who was going to come here, and he just stopped by to see Just look.The black-haired young man moved his lips, and was about to say something, but at this moment, he heard Mr. Pigeon beside him say, "What are you doing here?"

The voice didn't sound very pleasant.

Not even looking happy.

This made the sheep-headed monster turn over and sit upright with some vigilance. He looked at the Mr. Pigeon in front of him, and said in a tense and even respectful voice: "I just passed by here, uh, and then I felt tired. Well, just lay here and smoke a cigarette—yes, that's it."

"Just passing by?" Mr. Pigeon asked back.

"Yes, that's right, that's it." The sheep-headed monster raised his head, and pointed at the dazed and silent black-haired young man in front of him with his sheep-headed face that seemed to be old, but had some beards anyway, " Hello, I am a servant of the Dark Duke—a servant who will chop off my head to make soup any time if the Dark Duke is not happy—the Dark Duke likes stewing soup, although some people don’t like the Dark Duke’s soup so much, So after every stew, the Dark Lord poured the soup into the lake of Angels because there was no one to drink it."

It seemed that he disliked this servant for talking too much, where Luo Xiu couldn't see, Mr. Pigeon frowned, and let out a low tongue-smacking sound in an unpleasant way.

Luo Xiu nodded politely, and then said good afternoon to this strange sheep-headed monster.

"This guy looks familiar." Standing behind Bunny the Pigeon, Luo Xiu lowered his voice, and whispered it seemed absurd.

"You've misjudged, such a strange guy, you don't know how 'familiar' you are." Mr. Pigeon said indifferently, and then he tapped the ground with his crutches, "You are a foreign guest, you need to register , now you are waiting here, when I go inside to accommodate the servant and the Duke of Darkness, someone will lead you in later - remember, don't run around, don't talk to strange people, otherwise you will encounter some danger, so I……"

"What are you?"

"I definitely won't come to rescue you."


Luo Xiu stared at the arrogant back of the pigeon speechlessly, and he noticed that when the pigeon left to walk into the building, the sheep-headed monster leaning against the mushroom also stood up straight, and he shook his body. His own tail seemed to make up his mind to take this opportunity to go into the building. He followed closely behind Mr. Pigeon who was walking in front with his head upright, and before Mr. Pigeon pushed the building away, The sheep-headed monster turned its head and glanced at Luo Xiu.

Immediately afterwards, the door of that building was mercilessly closed in front of Luo Xiu.

And this moment.

There was no one in the hall.

The inside of the castle is full of guards with expressionless faces. They wear armor and each face is expressionless. If you look carefully, you will find that they seem to be barely breathing——

The servants walking back and forth with the trays also moved mechanically. They just stopped when they saw the door of the hall opened, lowered their heads in unison and bowed to the creatures entering the door, and then they continued to walk back and forth in a hurry as before. in action.

At this moment, the hall is obviously full of people, but it feels like an out-and-out empty city. Mr. Pigeon standing at the door and the strange sheep-headed servant look at each other, but They didn't show any expression of surprise at all... A gorgeous soft thick carpet was spread under their feet, and the carpet was printed with blooming white roses, but Mr. Pigeon didn't look down at them, instead He set his sights on the very end of the carpet, on the gorgeous chair that was obviously the seat of the Duke of Darkness.

It gave the cane in its hand to the sheep-headed monster next to it, and then took a step towards the gorgeous chair that theoretically belonged to the Duke of Darkness—but when he walked in front of it, Mr. Pigeon did not hesitate. It fluttered its wings and squatted up. It adjusted its posture, and then stretched out one of its wings. The wings fluttered twice on the armrest of the seat. It seemed that it subconsciously wanted to use its wings gracefully. Put it up in the posture——

Obviously he failed.

Mr. Pigeon: "..."

At this time, the sheep-headed monster standing next to Mr. Pigeon strained his smiling face, bent down deeply to cover up the almost undisguised desire to laugh wildly, and called out very respectfully——

"His Majesty."

"You shouldn't appear in front of him with this face," Mr. Pigeon said, his voice was completely different from talking to Luo Xiu outside, it sounded slow and low, full of oppression without anger, "I didn't learn the trick of illusion well, did I?"

"Keep everything simple, Your Majesty." The sheep-headed monster bowed and said respectfully, "The illusion technique is too long. It takes two full minutes to read him from beginning to end."

Mr. Pigeon lowered his eyes—following its movements, those two funny long ears dangled on the top of his head. After a long time, it seemed to remember something and said: "It seems that you really want to Make me stew with your head."

"That's just... just a joke." The goat said awkwardly, "It's a little joke, I haven't seen Alice for a long time, anyone who sees his nostalgic face will not be able to help but want to provoke him Angry—ah, that was a memorable day, how many years has it been?"

Mr. Pigeon didn't look like he wanted to answer the damn question about the goat.

He just flapped his wings, and then crossed the tips of the two wings, making a contemplative gesture——

Mr. Pigeon's neck moved, and in the next second, a bloody feather was pulled out from one of his wings, the second, the third... along with the bloody feather One by one, what was exposed was not the blood-stained tender meat or the front end of the bird's wings-after the feathers were all torn off one by one, the truth that was concealed by them was finally revealed. In fact, They are covered with a layer of hard turquoise scales, and as the feathers fall, five-fingered claws that look like humans or demons are exposed on the parts that should be the wings of pigeons, and the fingertips of each claw are It seemed to be full of poison and stained into deep black. In the light from the skylight above the head, those sharp claws seemed to be weapons that could tear apart all creatures in the world, shining with a sharp and cold light.

And at this time, the servant with a sheep's head snapped his fingers, and a gorgeous dress slowly fell in front of Mr. Pigeon sitting on the chair.

Mr. Pigeon took a silent look, and then, astonishingly, he raised his sharp claws and drove them deep into his own cheek - like skin cut by a scalpel , accompanied by a light "噗嗤", red blood spurted from Mr. Pigeon's face, and the shocking red flowed out, turning the white fur on his face into a patch of red...

The flashing light in the red pigeon's eyes became brighter, and the sharp nails were getting deeper and deeper, accompanied by a painful moan from the depths of Mr. Pigeon's throat, it lifted the skin that was picked apart, and inserted into the second A sharp claw, this time it used two claws together, directly lifted the whole piece of fur——

The sound of muscles being torn apart became the only sound in the entire hall. Accompanied by Mr. Pigeon's increasingly heavy panting, the bright red fur was gradually pulled away, revealing the white skeleton underneath——

More and more blood almost flowed into a river. When the blood dripped on the thick carpet and touched the white rose print on the carpet, the roses suddenly moved, as if they were given life Shrinking and sucking those low blood, it was completely stained into bright red red roses!

A piece of bird skin with white feathers fell at Mr Pigeon's feet.

A forcibly ripped feather falls from the steps leading up to the ornate seat.

The sharp bird's beak fell to the side of the seat.

In the end, Mr. Pigeon's five sharp claws pierced his face completely, as if removing a blood mask attached to his body, he slowly peeled off the remaining thick fur Get up—with his movements, new skin grows at the same time, and they quickly cover the bones that hang the scraps of meat. At first, the skin is very fragile, and they look so thin that you can almost see the throbbing blue blood vessels or It will tear again at the touch, but soon, they are changing color, becoming a light wheat-colored skin——

When the pigeon's fluffy feathers are completely torn off by Mr. Pigeon——

The head of the bird turned into thin lips that were pursed into a cold arc, the small nose with only two holes turned into a tall nose bridge, and one side of the red round eyes was dyed a different color of gold—when that The bloody rabbit fur was casually thrown to the feet. At this moment, the person sitting on the gorgeous seat had turned into a tall and handsome adult man.

His black hair was still dripping with red blood, dripping on the white shirt in his tuxedo, when the red dripped on the white collar, the man lowered his eyes and let out a sound similar to cleanliness The impatient voice of a patient during an illness.

The sheep-headed monster next to him stretched out his fingertips and drew a circle in mid-air, and then, a brand new pair of white gloves appeared from mid-air and fell into his palm—the sheep-headed monster almost without hesitation, He handed the gloves to the man sitting on the chair.

The man took the glove, and first covered his sharp blue claw, then, as if reminded by the strange eyes of the sheep-headed monster beside him, after hesitating for a moment, he raised the hand that hadn't been worn yet. A normal human with gloves on covered his eyes with his slender fingers. A few seconds later, when the man took his hand away, those beautiful eyes of different colors had turned into a uniform brilliant golden color.

"Conjuration takes 2 minutes. I think you should go back to school and take a good class, Belphegor." The man turned his head and looked at the goat beside him with the corners of his lips curled up.

The goat whose name was called rolled his eyes disapprovingly: "I always have other specialties, Your Majesty."

The man snorted noncommittally, and he waved his hands to summon a few servants with numb faces to clean up the pile of bloody residue and fur under his feet——

"Don't let me see any residue."

The man kicked the pigeon ears he tore off with a look of disgust as he spoke critically—that kind of bullshit and slightly neurotic role-playing was more tiring than he thought. many.

The man stood up while thinking, and took off his tuxedo and blood-stained shirt—so, as the blood-stained shirt fell off his body, a large area of ​​strong, evenly distributed muscles was exposed Come out, at the same time, when the man took off his shirt, the sheep-headed monster standing next to him raised his eyelids, and saw a long line on the skin of the man's back, which looked like a sharp object The scar left by the tear--

Any normal high-level demon can change his appearance at will, not to mention cleaning up a scar left on his body... What is strange is that this proud man who stands above all demons and is at the top , but allowed himself to have scars that destroyed his perfection in this way.

Who left this scar?But it was kept by the noble man in front of him like a bad taste?This is really...somewhat intriguing.

The eyelids of the goat named Belphegor twitched, pretending he didn't see anything.

But at this moment, he didn't care about the strange eyes of his subordinates at all, the man just picked up the gorgeous dress from before and put it on his body casually--the dress fits very well, and it is gorgeous but not at all dignified, the overall dark color The sentiment is in sharp contrast with the man's golden pupils...

When everything is dressed, a tall gentleman's hat is added at the end, when the man sits back and leans lazily on the gorgeous armchair——

Mr Pigeon is gone.

Instead, there was a handsome mature man with a languid expression and a top hat on his head.


"His Majesty?"

"Bring Alice in, don't let him wait outside for a long time, otherwise no one can guarantee whether he will run off to some place we can't see by himself out of impatience."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"Also, put away your bad taste and stop making him angry."

After receiving such an unreasonable reminder, the sheep-headed monster couldn't help but raised his head and glanced at the man who had just finished his disguise and was full of so-called "bad tastes". Bowed helplessly: "Of order, Your Majesty."

"Ah, that's right..." The man lazily replied, one hand was placed on the armrest to support his chin, and the other hand was lifted up to suppress the smoke from his top hat, and the huge top hat immediately disappeared. Most of his handsome face was covered by shadows, and the man raised the corners of his lips to reveal a meaningful smile——

"Now, change your words, I am the Duke of Darkness."

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