Luo Xiu didn't know when he lost consciousness. In fact, he thought that in terms of punishment, Uzrok probably showed mercy because he was still a newcomer——before he made himself even more embarrassed. Before, he lost consciousness cleanly and neatly, but at this time, the other party didn't use more brutal means to force him to wake up like in the TV series.

Luo Xiu only remembered that he finally fell into a warm but not soft place. Surrounded by that temperature, he closed his eyes with peace of mind.

When he fell into darkness, it seemed as if someone slowly opened the stage curtain around him. When the sky covered by dark clouds appeared above Luo Xiu's head again, looking at the crowd running around him, With the pet dog barking with its tail between its legs and showing its fear, it was not difficult for Luo Xiu to realize that he seemed to be dreaming the continuation of the previous dream that drove him to Buddha Luomen.

Dreams, what an annoying thing.

Everything was like an old movie being rewinded by someone. Luo Xiu once again saw the ice blue ball falling from the palm of the demon, and countless blue fragments shattered and splashed from a complete sphere. , Luo Xiu couldn't control his own behavior and subconsciously raised his hand again to try to cover it, and this time, he still failed to block the ice-blue shards from piercing under his eyes——

The place with the mole of tears.

The last time the dream came here, Luo Xiu almost woke up, but this time, the black-haired young man found out in despair that the dream would continue from here, his tingling sensation was so vivid and three-dimensional, he clutched his Eyes bent down, someone seemed to be yelling something in a language completely unfamiliar to him in his mind, he had a splitting headache, and almost wanted to take out the watermelon knife from his pocket and chop off his head for relief ——

He felt the demon king looking at him.

The demon didn't turn around and fly away like last time. This time, he stayed in mid-air, watching him quietly.

At the same time, the ground collapsed under Luo Xiu's feet. It was a huge deep pit with him as the center. Luo Xiu waved his hand weakly in the air twice, but only grabbed a few pieces of gravel with his bare hands. Immediately afterwards, he realized that everything was futile. He was falling, falling into an abyss. He could see a golden yellow liquid similar to magma flowing in the crevices of the surrounding rocks, but strangely, Luo Xiu didn't see it at all. feel any hot breath—

Until his eyes lit up, the almost unrecognizable rock suddenly turned into a pitch-black night sky—the black-haired young man felt his falling posture suddenly stop, and then he landed on a wet, On the grass with a smell of mud... Luo Xiu was thrown and grinned. He lay down on the ground for a while, looking up at the dark night sky above his head - he couldn't see the stars.

Only when the wind with a gust of water vapor came, Luo Xiu felt that something was blowing around him and itching his face.

The black-haired young man turned his head and saw an amaryllis flower that was magnified into his eyes at a glance - the fiery red, long petals were slightly curled up and curled back, the edges were wrinkled, and the long, naked The rhizomes are connected to the flowers. When this kind of plant blooms, you can't see the leaves, and when you have leaves, you can't see the flowers. That's why there is a saying that "the flowers on the other shore bloom on the other shore, and you only see flowers, but you don't see the leaves. They are different from each other".

It is recorded in the Oriental "Mahayana Miaofa Lotus Sutra", that Lycoris, also known as Manzhushahua, is a flower of heaven described in Buddhist scriptures.

In Western legends, it is just the opposite. People usually think that Manjusawa is a flower born after mixing the blood of gods and demons. Come to vote" the incarnation of Lucifer, an older middle school patient, so after Lucifer fell to heaven, this older middle school patient did not forget to plant this kind of flowers by the river Styx while developing hell.

Luo Xiu thought about it, and finally felt that, looking at ancient and modern China and foreign countries, there is probably no monarch who is more narcissistic than Lucifer.

Luo Xiu stretched out his hand, and casually smoothed his messy soft black hair with his fingers, then he got up from the ground, ignoring the large piece of fiery red Manzhu swaying in the wind at his feet Shahua, the black-haired young man raised his head and found that he seemed to have landed on the grass next to a busy pier——

On the pier not far from him, there are all kinds of strange-looking creatures walking back and forth—some of those people have horns like rhinoceros, and some have long barbed buttocks. Tails, some of them seem to have no human form at all, like a cow walking upright, those creatures come and go on the pier, carrying seemingly heavy boxes back and forth, occasionally talking in a low voice, However, none of them seemed to have the slightest doubt about Luo Xiu, a "person" who suddenly fell from the sky.


... That demon king himself came to the real world and sent me on a day trip to hell?

Luo Xiu froze for a moment, narrowed his eyes slightly, and then realized that on the pier not far from him, those who seemed to be carrying some valuable stones one by one, and they carried the stones to a ship docked by the pier On the huge ship on board, the sound of someone shouting and whipping can be faintly heard from the ship.

At this time, Luo Xiu's attention was attracted by a strange creature with a horse face and a pair of bat wings behind it, whose upper body was naked, carrying a box... Luo Xiu found that this guy was very strong , not only did he carry this heavy-looking box without any pressure, he even had the strength to turn his head and the creature next to him, whose face was covered with fluffy fur, which looked like a cat but was not cute at all. chat--

Horse face: "Why do you think that lord wanted to build a statue on a whim?"

Cat face: "Narcissism."

Luo Xiu: "..."

Although he didn't know who they were talking about, the black-haired young man found himself laughing uncontrollably.

Fortunately, the pair of animals didn't hear it, and they continued their gossip——

Horse face: "I heard that the adults are arguing about the order of placing the statues. That adult is already annoyed by it. Seeing that the construction is about to start, the drawings have not yet been finalized."

Cat face: "That's not true. I have a young brother's wife's best friend's next-door neighbor's son who works in Pandi Manninan. I heard from that person that the gate of the Temple of Demons has been closed for several days. It can be seen that the adult is really unhappy because of these things."

Horse face: "...but isn't the person who wanted to build the statue on a whim?"

Cat face: "Huh, it seems so?"

Horse face: "The version I heard is that the lord wants to place the statue of another lord next to his own, but for some reason, the other lord disagrees with him? Because the two lords There was a stalemate, that's why the blueprints were never drawn, and the Temple of the Demons had been in trouble for several days, and there were several continuous rains in Pandayaninan, and it was terribly damp everywhere, and the adults in the city Complaining that there's nowhere to dry the wings and tail."


Luo Xiu followed them, and the more he heard it, the more he felt it was outrageous. In the end, he didn't know where his courage came from. After he was finally confused by "that lord" and "another lord", he finally stretched out He raised his hand, and patted the back of the horse-faced monster who was almost two heads taller than him—in fact, he wanted to pat him on the shoulder, but he was not tall enough.

The horse face monster turned his head, but at this moment, Luo Xiu found that the expression on the horse face was quite rich-in short, when he saw the shocked expression on the horse face, he was also shocked.

"What are you talking about?" Luo Xiu asked.

He swore he was speaking in a friendly tone.

But the other party gave him the appearance of seeing a ghost—to put it very impolitely, it is obviously the one that is closer to the "ghost" in image.

The horse-faced monster and the cat-faced monster put down the boxes they held in their hands one after another. They seemed to be really afraid of Luo Xiu and said something quickly-but at this moment, Luo Xiu found that he couldn't hear anything. The other party seemed to be performing silent pantomime, they moved their mouths, and Luo Xiu couldn't hear what they were saying.

Then, not just their voices—

The sound of the river flowing not far away disappeared.

The sound of cussing and yelling on the ship and the waving of the whip disappeared.

The sound of Manjusawa rustling in the wind disappeared.

Finally, even the wind died away.

The face of the horse-faced monster began to become blurred, as if the tape had been beaten to the end, and everything around it darkened, Luo Xiu only felt as if a pair of invisible big hands were grabbing him, dragging him back into the darkness ...

It was as if someone had pulled back the curtain that had just been raised. In the endless darkness, the eyelids of the black-haired young man twitched. It was not when he was about to be silent forever in such a completely empty darkness without any color, but at this moment, he felt that his cheek seemed to touch something warm and dry, and immediately after that, there seemed to be something rough rubbing against it After rubbing his cheek, she patted him lightly.

Luo Xiu felt as if he had caught a ray of light in the darkness.

He closed his eyes, and tried hard to make the cheek that was in contact with the warm touch become the place with the most presence on his whole body——his eyelashes trembled slightly, and then, he was pregnant with the feeling that Christmas was about to come. Like a child about to open his present, he opened his eyes again.


The black-haired young man lying on the bed suddenly opened his eyes, the sunlight piercing through the window made him stunned for a moment, and then he closed them abruptly.

When the thin eyelids fully adapted to the incoming sunlight, he slowly opened them again - the warm sunlight poured in from the window and shone on the bed, and Luo Xiu found himself lying on a large, soft and comfortable bed. In the center of the bed, on his right side, a piece of the soft bed collapsed, and a tall man was half pressed on the bed at this time, that handsome face was hanging directly above Luo Xiu.


After thinking for three seconds, Luo Xiu raised his foot almost reflexively, and before the other party could react, he kicked him off the bed quickly and accurately.

There was a loud "boom" from under the bed as a heavy object fell to the ground.

The black-haired young man got up from the bed with a blank expression—at this moment, he found that he had already mixed a new set of chanting robes on his body. He was not wearing socks, and his bare feet were covered with comfortable and soft down. After being laid down, my butt no longer hurts, and the discomfort emanating from my bones when I was hit by electrodes before has completely disappeared without a trace.

But in such a comfortable environment, for some reason, Luo Xiu felt very tired.

At this moment, a small table was suddenly placed in front of the black-haired young man, and immediately after that, a plate of rich breakfast was placed under his nose.

The black-haired young man sniffed his nose, turned his head and silently looked at the tall man who got up from under the bed. The latter lowered his head and looked at him with a smile: "It's so violent, is it a nightmare?"


Is that a nightmare?


Thinking of this, the black-haired young man nodded silently.

"Who did you dream about?"

"..." Luo Xiu shook his head, expressing that he didn't want to say anything.

"Eat breakfast first," Uzrock didn't press the question, and pointed to the food in front of Luo Xiu with a very convincing look, "Then I can lend you the bathroom—after you used the electric chair yesterday, you slept very hard , I can’t wake you up, so I can barely change a set of clothes for you and let you continue to sleep.”

"Thank you."

After sparing words like gold, the black-haired young man fell into silence again. He lowered his eyes and glanced at the plate in front of him—the freshly baked bread exuded a faint fragrance, and the eggs were tender yellow and bright red. The ham was sliced ​​extremely thick, some herb leaves were scattered on the dinner plate, and there was a lump of optional tomato sauce squeezed beside it... Luo Xiu touched his stomach and found that he was already hungry to the bottom, but it was serious. Unfortunately, the black-haired young man found that he had no appetite at all.

At this time, he felt that the man who was standing next to him sat down by the bed—this time, Luo Xiu didn't kick him out of the bed, but just moved his butt to the side in an unaccustomed way... Uh, By the way, it feels good to not have pain in the butt.

Luo Xiu watched the man stretch out his hand and firmly remove the small dining table in front of him, and then the other's generous and warm hand touched his forehead - Luo Xiu dodged back, but failed to dodge, He raised his head, but accidentally met a pair of beautiful eyes of different colors - the golden color seemed to have sucked in all the light that came in from the window.

Luo Xiu was stunned.

Uzrock smiled, and didn't remind the black-haired young man in front of him that he had missed the early morning prayer time. The nun had come to look for her several times, but he directly blocked her back. He just pretended nothing happened, Stretching out a finger, slightly raised the slender chin of the black-haired young man in front of him——

He found that this little guy seemed to be a little paler than when he first entered Buddha Luomen yesterday.

Under the sunlight, it was almost easy to see the faint blue under his eyes.

"If you don't have an appetite, let's talk about your nightmare."


"Last night, I seemed to hear you mention Rendell."

As soon as the man finished speaking, he clearly felt the black-haired young man in his hand tremble slightly—for a long time, he felt a hand that looked a little cold, stretched out and grabbed his finger that was holding the other's chin, Five cold but unusually soft fingers grabbed his fingers solemnly and took them away.

Uzrock raised his eyebrows.

But at this moment, the black-haired young man who had become extremely silent spoke up. He seemed to be compromising with something and resisting something. He first said "Don't touch me", and then And said——

"I killed someone in my dream." Luo Xiu raised his eyelids and numbly glanced at the handsome man in front of him—after he realized that the man didn't seem to respond, he frowned and added, "That man is Rendell. "

"I thought it was a big deal." Uzrock sneered, and at the same time slightly pushed away from the black-haired young man.

The other party's departure made Luo Xiu subconsciously relieved.

He looked at the man in front of him calmly, and said lightly, "I once suspected that you were the demon who controlled my dreams."


"Actually, I'm still so skeptical now," Luo Xiu frowned, and continued frankly, "So don't approach me."

"I have to remind you, Alice," Uzrock said coolly, "you slept in my arms last night, like a well-behaved hamster—and you are still alive, so forgive me I cannot accept your accusation."


"I don't want to have any more nightmares."

"That's a problem, Alice," the man said with a smile, as if to reassure a wayward child. "One can never choose the content of one's dreams."

Luo Xiu looked at Uzrock.

The tall, handsome man smiled back at him.

a long time.

When Luo Xiu heard the crowing of pigeons outside the window again, and the heavy bell from the back of the auditorium, he sighed, lifted the quilt from the bed and stood back on the ground—the black-haired young man didn’t know that When his white feet stepped on the soft carpet, and when the fluffy short hairs were exposed from between his toes, behind him, the man's eyes became deeper.

Barefoot, Luo Xiu directly accepted Uzrock's generous "promise" before turning around and entering the man's bathroom which was simply gorgeous in comparison.

The black-haired young man took off his clothes, turned on the water, and let the warm water pour on his face. When the sound of rushing water sounded in the bathroom, Luo Xiu stood under the shower head, sighed, almost Said to himself--

"This is actually not a problem at all - as long as you don't sleep, naturally, you won't have nightmares."

The author has something to say: _(:3)∠)_ Modify the BUG, ​​the code word was too late last night, I searched around and couldn’t find the name of the place where Lord Lucifer lives, so I made a random one ( ah ha ha ha (laughs)

Today, readers pointed out that there is a textual research, so I went to change it, and the book that can be textual research has also been ordered by a certain treasure, thank you very much! ! !

As well as the originality of this article, the identity of the attacker is not important at all. I really hope that you can read this article as an independent story when you read the book. Possibly responsible, that is to say, although I also think that the right wing of the gods is a classic article, but... this does not mean that I must also follow the combination of Lucifer and Michael, please girls at least read Alice's Time to temporarily... forget... this... Xipi...

I write original articles, and occasionally I want to be self-willed and don't want my article to live in the shadow of another article.

Sorry for wishful thinking and talking so much nonsense, in fact, I seldom say such things in the text, I just feel that if I don’t say it, I will probably be suffocated, so thank you for your understanding and support TAT

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