- Luo Xiu: "..."

What does "You have a good offer, but I decline"?

This sentence sounds like good news before the comma, but after the comma, the situation suddenly turns into devastating bad news. Who did you learn this way of speaking from? Tell me? !


There are so many countries in the world, can you learn from the countries with simple folk customs? !

Staring at the man in front of him with "This is such a good decision, it should have been such a decision" written all over his face, the black-haired young man pushed him away heavily, turned around and put his hands on the locked doorknob, However, this time, he didn't try to unscrew it again, but with a little force, and with a loud bang, he removed the entire doorknob from the door——

In the momentary silence of the man behind him, Luo Xiu felt refreshed and smashed the heavy doorknob on his stunned face, and the cold and heavy metal object hit the man's chin, leaving a red mark , and then fell on the ground beside his feet——Luo Xiu glanced at it, then looked away, barefooted, slammed the door open, and walked out with his head held high!

The man just stood there in a daze for a few seconds, and then he seemed to come back to himself after repeated repetitions. He raised his gloved hand and rubbed his chin that was hurt by the impact, and then he hardly hesitated. , and silently followed the figure who hurriedly left his room.

Luo Xiu walked barefoot in front of him "clang bang bang bang", not knowing where he was going.

Lucifer followed quietly and patiently, without asking where the person walking in front was going.

The two unknowingly returned to the corridor full of oil paintings. This time, standing in the corridor, Luo Xiu only felt that the surrounding air made people feel cold all over his body like never before. He was naked. Stamping his feet, he stepped on the soft carpet irritably under the oil painting at the end of the corridor. This time, he was finally able to guess what the painting symbolized when it was placed here—it symbolized the beginning , also symbolizes the end of most everything.

In the oil painting, the meandering river is the Styx of Hell, and the seven statues guarding the end of the river are the Seven Monarchs of Hell. The statue that fell... Naturally speaking, it is Samuel the Wrathful.

Luo Xiu saw this painting a long time ago, but never delved into its content. Those strange dreams about hell that he fell into after this painting were actually not so-called "dreams" at all. The memory fragments about the demon Samael preserved in his body—yes, those little devils in hell are trembling and speaking respectfully are Samael; and Belfin, who symbolizes the original sin of "laziness", It was Samael who talked to Ge and watched him be sent to the world to experience a tragic experience; it was Samael who once disguised as a woman and broke into Lucifer's ball; It was Samael who put his shoes on for himself...

He lives in Luo Xiu's soul.

In other words, Luo Xiu was just a part of him that was temporarily awake.

At this moment, the black-haired young man did not look back, he left the largest portrait at the end of the corridor, and came under another oil painting that he had never paid much attention to—now, he found that this painting depicted a The picture of a big tree in the sky that seems to be exuding fascination all over its body is very familiar... Compared with the pictures of other paintings about hell, the color of this oil painting is very bright.

When Luo Xiu was under this oil painting.

The painting also moved.

Where his fingers touched on the tree, there were white flowers blooming, and when he moved his fingers away, those flowers withered quickly...

The tree of life in heaven.

Luo Xiu raised his head and stood under the painting for a long time, as if lost in thought.

Finally, he turned around without looking at him, and returned to another painting that he had watched change before his eyes. Now that painting was desolate, only the dry riverbed remained, dirty The silt and the skeletons on the edge of the river bed, like a real hell.

"This painting is the Fifth Hell?" Luo Xiu's fingers swept over the very realistic white skeleton on the oil painting, and asked without looking back, "The place I used to be in charge of?"

He knew that he would get an affirmative answer, but at this moment, the man standing behind him who had never said a word stretched out his hand from behind him and grabbed his fingers, looking a little forcefully at him from that look. Pulling away from the oil painting with a very bad picture, Luo Xiu staggered and hit his strong chest. At the same time, he heard a man's low voice from above his head: "You don't need to worry about this, Fifth Prison It has become like this, and after 100 years, it will still look like this. Human life is very short. In time."

"..." Luo Xiu blinked, but he didn't grab his hand from the opponent's. He just turned his head and looked at the man behind him, "...Did you take the wrong medicine? Suddenly you are so easy to talk? Didn't you just say that before? Are you rejecting my happy offer?"

"Who gave you the standard?"


"Who gave you the so-called 'As You Like It' standard?"

Lucifer lowered his head and looked seriously at the black-haired young man in his arms at this moment.

Luo Xiu was speechless for a while.

In a daze, he had already been picked up from the ground by a man. The other man's arm was strong and powerful, and he was obviously a grown man with the same height, but he carried him like he was carrying a small chicken. When he got up, his almost frozen feet left the cold ground, and Luo Xiu was held in the arms of a man like a child, his buttocks were sitting on his arms - this posture was quite shameful.

Luo Xiu struggled for a while.

But when the man carried him through the corridor, the dancing flames made the surrounding vision a little clearer when he passed a candlestick. Suddenly, with a sudden glance, on the familiar handsome face that was so close to him at this time, those red pupils turned into the strange-colored pupils that he was so familiar with that made his heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys ache.

The black-haired young man suddenly fell silent.

He was in a daze, listening to the man in front of him, facing Uzrok's face, and said in Uzrok's gentle and helpless voice——

"I didn't finish my sentence, but you lost your temper and ran out in a hurry. When will you get rid of this problem of not listening to others and just making up your mind? I figured it out. Anyway, the Fifth Prison has already become a prison. If you don’t look like that, it’s the same if you go back early or late. If you want to be a human being, just continue to be your human being. I’ll just erase your memory of knowing these messy truths. Buddha Luomen is still here, Uzi Rock is still here, if you want to live to 80 years old, you can live to 80 years old, if you want to live to 90 years old, you can live to 90 years old, I will accompany you."


Men walk very fast.

During the conversation, they had already returned to his bedroom.

Putting the black-haired young man in his arms down on the bed, he waved his hand casually, and the door lock that fell on the ground and was forcibly removed flew into the air, then adjusted his position, and "bang" With a bang, he put himself back on the door heavily—but the man never left the black-haired young man.

He bent down slightly and moved closer to him.

"Have you thought about it?"


"I will seal everything you know now, and then, after you die as a human, I will unseal it, and then you will remember these things, and then go back to hell obediently."


Luo Xiu quietly looked at the face of the man who was close at hand.

The pair of pupils of different colors looked very gentle in the dim light of the bedroom—this was what he missed, what he was nostalgic for, what he longed for—just this one glance could warm his cold limbs, It was as if the blood started to flow again, as if he had found the meaning of insisting on being a human being, as if...


In a daze, Luo Xiu suddenly understood the meaning of his insistence on staying in the human world.


He can't bear him.

Even if he is just a phantom that doesn't really exist.

But for Luo Xiu as a human being, he really exists—he doesn’t want Uzrok, the name, to be accompanied by Uzrok after he is wiped out. Luo Xiu's memory as a human being disappeared, completely disappeared in this world, and became a meaningless symbol that no one knew, no one remembered, and no one would miss.

So at this moment, knowing that the man in front of him made a proposal that was nothing but a waste of time, Luo Xiu was shamefully moved——

He wants Uzrock back.

Thinking of this, he suddenly showed a smile and smiled: "Okay, this proposal is pretty good-but it's not good to erase the memory all at once, or we will pretend that nothing happened from tomorrow, and let's wait a while Let’s try that kind of life where everything goes back to peace before making a decision? ... What’s this called? Audition?”

He looked at the man in front of him, and showed a helpless expression on the familiar face that belonged to Uzrok. He stretched out his hand, ruffled his hair, and said, "Whatever you want, as long as you are happy."

That night, the two slept peacefully on the same bed under the same quilt.

It's amazing, the two of them were still fighting each other in the first half of the night, one of them wanted to kill the other, and the other shouted "I just don't want to die", but in the middle of the night, they suddenly returned to the state of a passionate couple , two pillows on one bed, sleeping together intimately, obediently waiting for the sun to rise the next day.

The next day, when Luo Xiu woke up, it was not too surprising to find that the man beside the bed had already woken up. When he opened his eyes, he saw a tall figure standing in front of the full-length mirror and slowly covering himself. Luo Xiu was stunned for the cardinal's clothes, and his first reaction was to "cut off his head with a magic scythe now." However, before he could actually make such a move, he stood in front of the mirror The man has turned around.

There was a gentle and considerate light in those strange-colored pupils.

He came to the side of the black-haired young man who was sitting stupidly on the bed, bent down, and kissed him on the forehead: "The sun is out today, and the snow is melting outside. It's very cold, remember to wear more clothes."

Luo Xiu: "..."

Clutching his head and laying on the bed for a long time, his mind was full of "what the hell is going on". After waiting for a while, his sleepy brain woke up completely, and then Luo Xiu realized that they were carrying out The so-called "audition" was an idea proposed by himself, and he had completely forgotten about it when he woke up, but the man in front of him quickly entered the "Oscar winner" mode.

Now he is Uzrock.

And he is the human Luo Xiu.

That's it.

... As expected, she was pregnant and stupid for three years.

Ever since he gave birth to the litter of rabbits in the dream, his brain has not worked well.

Luo Xiu gave an "oh" with an unusually slow reaction, got up from the bed, and borrowed the bathroom of Lord Cardinal with his bare feet. It was ready to be placed on the bed, and the man who had done all of this with his own hands was sitting lazily by the bed at this moment, holding a piece of fresh grass that he didn't know where it came from, and feeding the rabbit.

Luo Xiu let out a growl of unknown meaning from his throat. He sat on the edge of the bed and watched Uzrok feed the rabbit while putting on his own clothes. His gaze was like a slippery tongue licking his face back and forth a few times. ——It wasn't until the man sitting by the bed feeding the rabbit finally couldn't take it anymore and turned around, took the sock in his hand, pulled his leg, and let him step on his knee to put the sock on for him with his own hands. He raised his head and said, "Have you seen enough?"

Luo Xiu raised his eyebrows.

Jumping from the bed to the ground, while putting on those heavy boots, he shrugged and said, "No, it's not too much to look at in a lifetime."

Behind him, the man walked forward with a chuckle, and put his arms around his shoulders. The two of them left the room side by side. It's just that when they walked side by side, I don't know who took the initiative first. In short, it was hidden under the sleeves of the wide chanting robes. The hands of the two were intertwined, just like the shopping before Christmas. When Uzrok took the initiative to hold Luo Xiu's hand, the feeling transmitted from his palm was exactly the same, without any difference.

They didn't speak along the way, and when they came to the restaurant, they let go of each other's hands at the same time - the man walked to the place where Uzrock sat on weekdays, and Luo Xiu turned and walked to his seat at the table.

When Luo Xiu landed at the dining table, the old man who loved to play chess had already sat down there. When the black-haired young man hummed an out-of-key song and stretched out his hand to get the jam, the old man raised his head abruptly and asked, "You and Wu Is Master Zrok reconciled?"

"What?" Luo Xiu paused and turned around, "What reconciliation?"

"Didn't you quarrel a few days ago? You were jealous when you met each other."

"...Oh," Luo Xiu blinked, his face was blank for a moment, but soon, he put on a smile again and said, "No, we are fine, and we didn't quarrel."

"I don't understand you young people." The old man who loves to play chess rolled his eyes and continued to eat his breakfast.

Luo Xiu sat there silent for a while, muttered "I don't understand either", then spread thick jam on the toast in his hand, opened his mouth wide, and bit off half of it in one bite.

After breakfast, the nuns organized the sick to help clear the snow.

Uzrock descends from the sky and joins the frenzy of labor—of course, after about five minutes, he and one of the patients, a dark-haired young man, have managed to turn "labour" into "another kind of date." form"——Originally all the men needed to do was to command the black-haired young men to clean up the area they were in charge of with a dustpan in their hands. Unfortunately, the latter clumsily gathered the snow together, and then wrinkled it because of a gust of wind blowing it away. When he raised his eyebrows, he muttered "very stupid", snatched the broom from the black-haired young man's hand, and gave him the dustpan in his hand. In the snow cart.

Luo Xiu looked at the man's neat movements: "I can't see that you will do this."

"It snows every year in Futu Luomen," the man raised his eyebrows and glanced at him, his eyes of different colors were extremely bright against the background of the snow, "every year we organize the patients to sweep the snow."


The black-haired young man holding a dustpan raised his head, looked at the snow-sweeping man beside him, and remained silent.

Until the latter turned his head, raised his eyebrows and asked him, "What are you doing?"

"...You pretended to be pretty." Luo Xiu praised sincerely.

"What's wrong with you?" The man showed instant confusion as if he couldn't understand what he was saying, and lifted him up from the ground, "Open the dustpan! Sweep this in too!"


After cleaning, it was time for a nap, and it was still in Uzrok's bedroom, on Uzrok's bed, covered with the same quilt, sleeping on the same bed.

Nested in the man's arms, Luo Xiu slept soundly this time.

Not dreaming.

In fact, he felt that he hadn't had such a solid sleep for a long, long, long time.

He was really tired of dreaming - of any kind.

wake up in the afternoon.

Go to the common room to play chess with the old man who loves to play chess. During this period, the old man has been playing with the doll called his wife. After the knight moved a grid and ate the old man's soldiers, he raised his eyelids and asked casually: "I said, old man, if you were given a chance to make your wife a human, would you be happy?" ah?"

"There's no way this is going to happen."

"It's all said if."

"Not happy."

Luo Xiu was taken aback: "Why?"

"She's just a doll, I know that when I die, she will die too, disappearing from this world." The old man who loves to play chess is holding a black chess piece, as if he is thinking about where to go Luo Luo, meanwhile, said casually, "Also, I don't think she would be happy if I forcibly transformed her from a doll into something else, after all, she lived with me as a doll, and she already Very happy, why do we have to change the status quo?"

"...Don't you love your wife?"

"I love her more than I love myself in this world."

"You don't want to hug her? Kiss her? See her smile at you, feel her real body temperature?"

"I want to hug her, kiss her, see her smile from me, feel her real warmth - right now, I can't hug her, I can't kiss her, I can't see her smile at me, I can't feel her warmth, But so what? I still love her, no matter what form she takes, my love will never change."


"She is my lover. I admit her existence. She is really living in this world. That's enough."

"Some reasons are very simple. If you think about your initial thoughts, you won't be stuck in the quagmire and can't get out, and you will drown yourself——Aha, I see, here, general, I am general!"

The old man who loves to play chess happily packed up the chess pieces that had already been settled, and put the black and white chess pieces back in their place. When he found that there was a white castle missing on the chessboard, he frowned and raised his head. On the opposite side, the black-haired young man holding the chess piece in his hand was stunned.

At this time, behind them, Master Uzrok pushed the door open and entered.

The man walked towards them with a smile, stopped beside Luo Xiu, put his hand on his shoulder, and announced in his usual gentle voice: "It's dinner time."

The black-haired young man was taken aback for a moment, and then, as if he had just woken up, he put the white chess pieces back on the board, showed his face, and said with a smile, "Is it already this time? I forgot the time when I played chess."

Uzrock looked down at him with a constant smile on his face.

The two stood side by side, looked at each other and smiled, although they were both men, but in the eyes of the old man who loves to play chess, this is a very harmonious scene - a model couple that makes people feel emotional and almost wants to make people jealous... And at this moment, he temporarily put those weird questions raised by the black-haired young man to the back of his mind, and just regarded them as the product of his sudden whim.

After dinner, the old man who loves to play chess found that the black-haired young man and Master Uzrok both mysteriously disappeared—this is nothing unusual, this kind of thing happens often, and it seems that no one around is going to look for them.

In fact, at this moment, the two missing people are indeed staying together.

From the moment they stepped into Uzrock's bedroom, when the man took the initiative to press the black-haired young man on the door and asked for a kiss, they have never been separated... Although the back was very painful, the black-haired young man The young man didn't complain aloud. He raised his head and accepted the kiss from the man who trapped him between his chest and the door panel. Their lips and tongues alternated, making the sound of water that made people blush fill the room , let the saliva that was too late to swallow overflow from the corners of his lips, drop down, and wet his collar——

Luo Xiu closed his eyes and hugged the man in front of him.

He has a special scent that he is familiar with, gin, cologne, old paper, etc. A series of flavors are mixed together, which makes people feel at ease.

During the kiss, Luo Xiu felt himself being lifted up into the air, and the strong arm made him slightly startled, and the drooping black pupils regained a little clarity, and he raised his eyes, wanting the other party to let him down and hug him like this It would be very heavy to carry and hug, but the moment he raised his eyes, he met a pair of red pupils.

Blood red through and through.

In the dancing flames of the burning fireplace in the room, the pair of red pupils were unusually deep, as if they couldn't see the bottom at a glance.

Luo Xiu raised his head and looked at the man in front of him with numb eyes.

"So, now, have you thought about it?" The other party asked gently.

For some reason, the other party's voice clearly sounded as gentle as it was in memory, but Luo Xiu suddenly shivered without warning, and for no reason remembered the words of the old man who loves to play chess——

[She is a doll, I know, when I die, she also dies and disappears from this world. 】

[She lives by my side as a doll, she is already very happy, why do we have to change the status quo? 】

[I can't hug her, I can't kiss her, I can't see her smiling at me, and I can't feel her warmth, but so what?I still love her, no matter what form she is in, my love will not change. 】


【She is my lover, I admit her existence, she really exists in this world alive, that's enough. 】


He was the starting point from which his life really began.

It should be a good ending too.

At this moment, the black-haired young man sitting on the bed did not answer the man's question, but raised his hand and held the face. Then, he raised his head slightly, almost piously or cautiously touching the man's lips. A cold kiss.

Thinking that this kind of action is equivalent to agreeing, the man almost breathed a sigh of relief, and responded to the kiss. Between his lips and teeth, he mumbled "It's started"...

Red light enveloped the two of them.

The man felt that the black-haired young man in his arms was gradually losing strength, his breathing became gentle, his eyelashes drooped, and the brilliance in those black pupils that were once bright was lost.

He fell into a deep sleep.

But the man knew that he would wake up soon—as a fully human being.

At that time, all the messy things will be far away from him in just a few decades.

At this moment, the bedroom fell into an instant silence.

After the man standing by the bed waited for a while, he changed into the cardinal robe that Uzrock would wear when he was a human being. He looked in the mirror to confirm that the color of his eyes was correct, and then he came to the bed. Looking at the black-haired young man lying quietly in the middle of the big bed, he bent down and kissed the black-haired young man on the lips.

"Good morning."

The man lowered his voice, his voice was deep and magnetic.

He lowered his eyes and looked at the black-haired young man, as if waiting for the moment when he would open his eyes and be reborn.

However, he waited for a long time until the next day, when the real dawn came, and it was another cold day, when heavy snow fell from the sky, making a slight "tick-tick" sound on the window.

He never woke up.

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