The black-haired young man was shocked, but he heard footsteps approaching quietly. He turned around slightly, but saw a woman who appeared behind him at some unknown time - messy hair, deep nasolabial folds, When she looked at him, the eyes were empty and confused, which was uncomfortable.

"Ailijia?" Luo Xiu frowned, and said unhappily, "You followed me here?"

"I thought you wouldn't come back, Alice, the prophet who wanted to warn you also entered that dream, but he..." Alicia shook her head with a sigh, "That person cruelly killed him."

"I'm not surprised." Luo Xiu had no expression on his face, and he couldn't tell what emotion he was feeling at the moment, and said lightly, "Anything can happen in that world, you must have never seen someone locked in a petri dish as a plant. The same raised children, right? A lot happened—

"Yes, many things have happened. I thought you would sleep forever in a dream, live in that person's lies, escape everything from reality, and become another victim." The eyes of the woman named Alijia Still empty, but with a smiling expression, in Luo Xiu's eyes, it made him feel as if a walking dead was smiling at him, "It's a good thing you're back, Alice."

This time, Luo Xiu did not speak.

He stood still and looked at Ailijia from beginning to end.

After a while, he asked strangely: "Do you care about me, Alicia?"

The neurotic woman he met when he first entered the Buddhist temple, the smile on her face remained unchanged, and she nodded: "Honey, of course I care about you, you are our only hope, destroy that dream , destroy that person."

Luo Xiu was dumbfounded.

The woman in front of him finally said the key word to him - destroy.


It was she who handed over No.1 Alice's relic, the meat dumpling used as a weapon; it was she who told him what kind of changes were happening around him; The armor on the side of the corridor was pierced; she told him that besides him, there were many, many Alices, and they were playing a boring and bloody game under the guidance of someone; she told him that they There is no way to stop all this until the game is "cleared".

This woman knows everything.

She always appeared in front of him quietly like this, telling him everything he needed to know in time, and later handed another Alice's relic vine into his hands, so that he could put the vine and meatballs together. Combined, got the sickle, beheaded Mr. Squirrel and his friends.

Alicia always seems to appear at the most critical time to solve his urgent needs.

Then give him some new information to help him move on.

In this case, however, she told him that she was just a guide.

Now, she finally revealed her true purpose: to destroy.

She is not an innocent guide, this woman named Alijia keeps helping him, just because she is probably standing on the opposite side of the manipulator of the whole game, and there is another possibility because...

Luo Xiu paused for a moment, and he made himself look very relaxed and asked: "Another reason why you care about me is because my body has the same blood as yours?"

After Luo Xiu finished speaking, he was satisfied to see the woman standing opposite him in the dim light of the dancing candle, sweeping away the ghost-like emptiness on her face, showing a surprised expression—the next moment, she There seemed to be some kind of change, a blue light flashed in those non-blue pupils, and then her sallow face suddenly twisted, she showed a painful expression, Holding his head, he squatted down slowly...

"Why am I here?...Who are you?...By the way, you are also a patient."


"This should have ended long ago."


"He's dead, already dead, though physically alive..."


"But I know, he's not my child, he's just a demon, a demon—"

She was trembling, speaking words that probably no one but her could understand, she looked vulnerable and in pain, and she let out a staccato whimper from buried deep between her knees, looking pitiful—though This scene looks a bit strange, but it is indeed like this: late at night, in a dark corridor, everything around is quiet, the candlelight jumps and projects the backs of the two people in the corridor on the wall, and when the wind blows, the shadows follow. The wind swayed like a demon with teeth and claws.

The woman wept loudly.

But the black-haired young man standing beside her just lowered his head expressionlessly, looking at her fragile appearance, his face was indifferent, and he didn't intend to comfort her at all.

Luo Xiu waited for Alicia to cry enough, this woman looks like a frightened cat now, but Luo Xiu didn't expect her to appear in this state - there are people around on weekdays - such as Uzrock's At that time, this is what she showed.

Luo Xiu waited quietly for a while.

Finally, I don't know when it started, the crying gradually became smaller.

Alicia stopped crying.

She stood up.

Now her face has returned to the usual emptiness and indifference, she raised her hand and wiped away the tears on her face—there seemed to be a trace of inadvertent boredom in her movements, as if the tears shed just now were important to her. Speaking suddenly became a troublesome trouble, and Luo Xiu just watched her complete this series of dramatic expressions in silence and expressionless the whole time. When the woman raised her head and looked at him, he even thought The urge to sneer.

"So, you found out." Alicia said lightly, "When did it start?"

There is nothing more sad than heart death.

When the other party confessed so generously, Luo Xiu's only thought was: I seem to be much calmer than I imagined.

Although he has always believed that his parents left him at relatives' homes because of the persecution of death; although he has always envied others to have parents who love him in his childhood; although he has always kept the photos of his mother when he was young, and occasionally He would imagine what she would look like if she was still alive; even though he had always imagined that he might have the opportunity to have a pair of parents who love him...

Growing up, he has been absolving them.

He kept convincing himself that this was just something that couldn't be helped.

However, at this moment, when he stood in front of the facts, he realized that all he had done in the past twenty years was nothing more than deceiving himself and others. When the person who should be his mother was disheveled, she was just like a woman. Standing in front of him like a lunatic, admitting it generously, with a "so what" expression on his face again, he found himself calm.

Apart from her blood flowing in her body, what is the difference between this woman and a stranger to him?

Luo Xiu found that he didn't even bother to scold her, so he just grinned and showed a mocking expression: "It's really a touching recognition scene."

Alijia said: "My child, I have already cried, but you haven't. Why do you blame me?"

... You have cried and I have cried, is this normal?

Aunt, do you think you are shopping for vegetables?

Luo Xiu showed a ridiculous expression, looked up and down Alijia, and finally decided that he should not entangle this problem with this crazy woman: "At first it was just suspicion, you always act sometimes sober and sometimes crazy , every time I kill a person, they disappear from the real world, no one remembers them, as if they never existed - but there is an obvious hole in it - that is you."

The black-haired young man paused, raised his eyelids and glanced at the expression on the other person's face, and didn't bother to delve into it, and then continued: "Your existence has penetrated through several 'game levels', but it still exists—you once I was seriously injured in this corridor and directly participated in the level, but you are always there; and after Ike Hari was killed by me, his friends disappeared with him. This is One."

"Go on."

"Secondly, you lied to me." Luo Xiu said, "I said that you were seriously injured, but at that time, when everyone naturally forgot the main character of that incident, I once asked You raised concerns and you told me you needed to go to the infirmary just because of appendicitis surgery."


"I followed and saw how you asked Uzrok to treat your wounds. The operation for appendicitis will not make a huge hole in your lower abdomen, unless your appendicum grows bigger than your heart."

"This alone doesn't explain anything," Alicia shook her head, "Go on."

"These really don't explain anything, but it's enough to make me vigilant. You're lying—why are you lying? You clearly remember everything but pretend you don't remember anything." Luo Xiu smiled, "Until in the last dream, someone Told me all the laws of Alice, one dies, the next appears, and the next Alice inherits all the relics left by the previous Alice as weapons or equipment-I know that I am the fifth Alice , but I only have three things in my hand, so what about the fourth Alice's relic?"

"Maybe I just lost it." Alicia shrugged.

"It's not that I lost it, but that there are no relics at all, because No.4 Alice is still alive - there is no relic if there is no death," Luo Xiu smiled sarcastically, "You must know, but you didn't tell My point, why?"


"Because you are the fourth Alice, don't deny it, I said that I saw your body - you can lie in words, but you can't hide the state of a woman who has obviously given birth..." Luo Xiu He spoke slowly, and found that he could hardly control the shriveled, sallow skin with the plaques of middle-aged and elderly people resurfaced in front of his eyes. At that time, even through the window, he felt that his chest was rolling, and he was disgusted. The feeling of discomfort swept over again, he closed his eyes, paused for a moment, and then continued, "So you handed over the weapon to me just because you have to do it - relics are directly inherited, not like As you said, one Alice can be handed over to another unrelated person, and then TOEFL can be handed over to the next Alice."

"Ah, wonderful conjecture," Alicia shook her head, "but there are loopholes in it—you said it yourself, one Alice dies and another one appears, if I am the fourth Alice, I'm still alive, so how could you appear?"

"This is the problem we have to solve tonight."

The black-haired young man was talking softly, and Alicia didn't even have time to see what happened, she just saw the white light flashing in front of her eyes, and in the next second, accompanied by the sound of sharp blades piercing the wind, there was a burst of The cold air was close to her neck, her body was slightly stiff, and she lowered her eyes, only to find that the curved sickle blade was very close to the main artery of her neck, shining with an icy cold light.

It only takes a little force from the person holding the sickle, and her main artery will be cut open, and before she has time to call out for help, blood will spurt out from her neck with life.

Oh, it doesn't matter.

But she can't do it.

Alicia smiled, and at this time, there was a color light in her eyes that she could no longer hide, and she asked in an understatement tone: "What do you want to ask, child, as a mother, I think I have answered you obligation."

"Someone told me that No.4 Alice did not die, but gave birth to a dead child—according to the rule that one Alice died and another Alice appeared, it can be guessed that this fifth child It's the dead Alice, you're still alive, so he died in your place - and that would explain the nursery rhyme - 'the fifth Alice died on the way' .”

Luo Xiu's arm holding the sickle tightened slightly.

He paused for a moment before asking the next question that had troubled him for a long time——

"If I was already dead, why am I here now?"


"who am I?"

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