When waking up from the dream, Luo Xiu's emotions can be said to be DOWN to the bottom - if everyone said that they can't empathize with this kind of emotion, then it is completely understandable, after all, this world needs a shaving It is not so common for a man to give himself a cesarean section with a knife. It is not common to see four or five bloody rabbits with red eyes crawling out of the separated abdomen while the blood is rushing. It happens every day.

The familiar ceiling pattern tells Luo Xiu that he is occupying Master Uzrock's bed again at this moment. The cold air in the room and the special smell from the burning fireplace make him realize that even though he feels that he has been in the dreamland for a long time, Time, but just like in a dream, the winter in the real world has not yet passed...

Because there is a fireplace burning in the room, someone probably opened the window to ventilate, and the sound of the wind blowing outside the window can be heard in the ear.

There is also a bit of "creaking" in the whistling wind, like the sound of sawtooth animals chewing food.


I must be hallucinating from being so tired.

The black-haired young man facing the ceiling thought with a blank expression. After moving his fingers with difficulty, he realized that he had probably stayed in one position for too long, so that his body was sore and his motor nerves were not so obedient. After a while, he turned over with difficulty and slowly sat up from the bed. At this moment, he realized that he was not alone in the room.

A tall man was sitting beside the desk next to the bed. He was wearing a gorgeous cloak of a cardinal, sitting on the edge of the desk in a lazy posture with his legs crossed, holding a carrot the size of a finger in his hand. At the moment, I am concentrating on...feeding the rabbit.

Luo Xiu: "..."

When his eyes moved numbly, and finally stopped at the red-eyed rabbit in the bamboo cage on the desk, his whole body was white like a ball of fluff, except for his two ears standing high on the top of his head, Luo Xiu felt that he was about to suffocate.

The rabbit was happily gnawing on the carrot held between the man's slender fingers, and quickly twitched its three-petal mouth to gnaw the carrot into its stomach bit by bit. The "creaking" sound that Luo Xiu heard just now The sound was obviously not his auditory hallucination, it was simply because there was really a rabbit calmly having lunch by his side at the moment.

Luo Xiu couldn't speak for a moment, he felt that he was about to suffer from rabbit phobia.

But at this moment, it was probably because his eyes were so terrifying that it finally affected Uzrock who was feeding the rabbit with his face full of love (what's wrong) with his eyes downcast. The latter turned his head with the same expression on his face With a gentle smile, he said to the black-haired young man sitting blankly in the middle of the bed: "You're awake."

you're awake.

How calm.

It was as if Luo Xiu just took a small nap.

Thinking of this, Luo Xiu quickly glanced at the date on the electronic clock on the bedside table, and when he realized that the time had already counted down nearly half a month from Christmas, he gasped and his scalp exploded. It's—he actually fell asleep for so long!

It was a reckless and irresponsible decision not to leave the dream at the beginning. For example, now, when he finally extinguished the enthusiasm of Sherlock Holmes and decided to leave the dream and return to reality, he suddenly found that he had to face all kinds of problems. Questions, such as: Why do you sleep for so long?How can you wake up like a normal person after sleeping for so long?How are you still alive?How come you are not dead?

………………… Really annoying.

The eyeballs moved inflexibly in their sockets for a moment, and when he was in a drowsy state, at this moment, the man who had been sitting at the table picked up the bamboo cage in front of him, Came to Luo Xiu's bedside, put the cage in front of his eyes, and said like offering a treasure: "Look, my son."

Luo Xiu: “…………………………………………”

what the hell!

Suddenly a rabbit face appeared in front of him, and the black-haired young man suspected of suffering from rabbit phobia was terrified at this moment, he flinched suddenly and almost rolled from the other side of the bed to the ground, Then he sneezed violently, and when he spoke, his voice was so hoarse and ferocious that he almost didn't recognize himself: "Quick... move away!"

The tall man standing by the bed paused, and the smile flashed across his eyes, but it was so fast that the black-haired young man who was in a state of panic at the moment had no time to catch it. When he raised his head again, All I could see was the innocent and regretful face of the man carrying the rabbit cage: "Don't you like rabbits?"


It's not just that I don't like it.

I just hate it.

Luo Xiu opened his mouth and was about to say something, but the words were suddenly swallowed by him - for some reason, he didn't want to leave a message like "I don't like it" to the man in front of me. The bad image of "little animal", "unloving" and "too rough".

So he smiled awkwardly, the kind uglier than crying, and continued to say in his voice uglier than a ghost crying: "No, it seems to be a little allergic to fluff."

After he finished speaking, he didn't know whether Uzrok believed his nonsense—after all, he was very good at accepting animal skin carpets and blankets.

So in order to let the other party not get entangled in this question, he hastily and clumsily added: "... Where did the rabbit come from?"

However, the man didn't speak immediately. He directed the envoy to put the bamboo cage containing the rabbit on the bedside, turned around and poured him a cup of hot water, and then returned to his bedside, handing the water cup in his hand to the black hair. In front of the young man, he said calmly at this time: "The people in the town sent it to treat patients with autism, but he doesn't seem to care about small animals and has violent tendencies, which is inappropriate. Get along with small animals."

"Violent tendencies?"

"Caught trying to disembowel the rabbit with a sharp object - in fact he succeeded and when I got the rabbit back it was covered in blood."

During the man's calm statement, Luo Xiu took the cup of hot water from the man's hand and took a sip. When he heard the words "open belly", he almost sprayed the water in his mouth Uzrok's face—

Fortunately, the man stood up at this time, turned around and lifted up the cage, as if he wanted Luo Xiu to see the sutured wound under the furry belly of the hairball: "After it healed, I will raise it."

Luo Xiu glanced at the rabbit through the bamboo cage with a headache, and of course he didn't see anything - the fur is too long, and looking at the way it is alive and kicking and eating carrots, it doesn't seem like it has been disemboweled before. The appearance of such a thing as a belly...

At this time, Luo Xiu finally regained a bit of reason, and slowly swallowed the mouthful of warm water into his stomach, clearly feeling the warm water flowing down his throat into his stomach, and his body suddenly Relaxed as if even his pores were opened, at this moment, Luo Xiu finally found a little feeling of being alive, and when he felt the desire for food, he could almost be said to be ecstatic with nervousness——

After giving birth to a litter of rabbits, I can still be human.

"You slept for half a month, it's not easy to eat complicated things as soon as you wake up, do you want to finish your dinner here?" Uzrok looked at him drinking water, with one hand absent-mindedly through the hole in the bamboo cage His eyes lightly scratched the rabbit's chin, his eyelashes drooped slightly, and his gaze stayed on the slightly moistened lips of the black-haired young man.

"Can I go to the restaurant?" Luo Xiu thought for a while and asked, "I might want to go to the restaurant."

Uzrock originally wanted to reject him, but when he shifted his gaze to meet the pair of black pupils that were fogged by the mist rising from the water glass, he found himself shamefully shaken, so he nodded Said: "It's okay, I'll ask someone to prepare a porridge or oatmeal for you. You have been sleeping for half a month, so it's not good to eat the same thing as everyone else."

The black-haired young man obviously showed a hesitant expression when he heard the words, and after a pause he asked, "... Is it strange that I slept like this for a long time?"

To his dismay, this time Uzrock didn't answer his question right away.

He stared at him with those beautiful heterochromatic pupils for a long time.

It's like a flower is blooming on his face right now—err, wait, the metaphor is too graphic to feel good, so I won't use it in the future.

a long time.


The man's voice sounded stiff and indifferent.

Luo Xiu felt that his heart seemed to sink into the cold sea along with the heavy voice.

But at this time, when Luo Xiu was stared so nervously that he started to think wildly, at this moment, he always felt as if he heard a faint sigh from the man sitting by the bed - Uzrock seldom sighed - — This is something more magical than a rabbit appearing out of nowhere in the room... However, just when Luo Xiu was rubbing his brows and trying to normalize his thinking like a wild horse, the man sitting by the bed made a Since Luo Xiu woke up just now, the first intimate action between them beyond the relationship between "mental patient" and "mental hospital director"——

The man stretched out his hand, and rubbed his hair intimately in a familiar way with Luo Xiu: "It's not surprising, Buddha Luomen has all kinds of strange patients, don't worry about what I will think of this... It makes me feel like you don't trust me, and that makes me very upset."


"and also."

"and also?"

"I always feel that you are very unhappy to see me." Uzrok said in a serious tone while removing the rabbit cage on his lap.

"No," Luo Xiu said, "how is it possible."

"Yes," Uzrock bent slightly and approached the black-haired young man, "it's all written on his face."

Luo Xiu touched his face subconsciously.

Uzrok raised his finger and pointed to the hand on his face, and pointed out with a burst of blood: "The performance of a guilty conscience."

Luo Xiu put his hand down in embarrassment.

Now, he has only one thought: if the Duke of Darkness stands in front of him right now, he must tear him to pieces.

Although it was half push and half done, but the two of them shamelessly rolled on the bed sheets, that was a solid fact; he injected something into his body, causing him to be pregnant with a big belly, and finally used a razor to cut his abdomen and give birth on his own It was also a fact that he was killed; it was a fact that he watched a litter of rabbits crawl out of his stomach.

God knows, when Luo Xiu saw the first rabbit emerge from his stomach, Luo Xiu was almost scared to pee.

And now, because he has a face exactly like Uzrok, and a voice like Uzrok, the Duke of Darkness makes it impossible for Luo Xiu to look directly at Uzrok right now—he is contradictory. I'm about to die——if Uzrock and the Duke of Darkness are regarded as the same person, then this means that Luo Xiu has to face the series of bloody things between them and keep them in a completely innocent place. Uzrock's head; if you look at them as two completely different people, then this means...

After confirming the relationship, Luo Xiu, after confirming the relationship, turned his head and had sex with another man behind his back.

...what a great and shameless feat.

After a series of silences, all Luo Xiu could do was pretend that he didn't know anything about the man's accusation, which was almost accusatory. He smiled—the kind uglier than crying, and reached out to grab The man's hand: "What are you talking about, how could I not want to see you."


There was another few seconds of embarrassing silence. Luo Xiu lowered his head, barely daring to look up to see the expression of the man sitting by the bed at this time. He paused, and said very sincerely: "I'm hungry."

Then he thought he heard another sigh.


About an hour later, after a series of washing, Luo Xiu sat down at the dining table refreshed.

Surrounded by nuns who came and went carrying big buckets full of food and preparing to distribute food, and other patients chatting livelyly before meals, Luo Xiu felt very kind when he saw the old man who loved to play chess—the best thing was , the other party didn't ask him where he died for so long, he didn't even mention it, he talked to him about some normal daily conversations as if he just met Luo Xiu yesterday——

Everything was working fine.

Until during the chat, Luo Xiu accidentally touched the plate on the table with his elbow.

He quickly stopped talking, and frantically held onto the dinner plate that was about to fall off the dining table—at this moment, he felt his fingertips touch the uneven words on the edge of the plate—Buddha Luomen’s dinner plate has always been It was engraved with something like this, with words that no one could understand.

Luo Xiu paused, he should have put the plate back—but at this moment, he picked it up like a ghost, seeing his face vaguely reflected on the silver dinner plate, the face on it A line of characters is the line that Luo Xiu saw when he entered Buddha Luomen on the first day.

"I am the first and the last; there is no God around me."

His voice was hoarse, but he silently read such a strange sentence.

It was as if the unfamiliar words on the plate were automatically translating in his mind.

Luo Xiu was shocked.

He actually understood.

He actually understood what was written on the plate!

At this moment, he heard the old man beside him who loves to play chess say, "Alice, why do you suddenly understand these Boheli languages?"

"........." After a moment of silence, Luo Xiu blinked and said slowly, "These are not Bohaili, they are runes—don't ask me why I know, I don't know Know why I know."

The author has something to say: ………………… The foreshadowing of this chapter traces back to the preface of this article

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