Scarlet Dawn [Apocalypse]

Chapter 5 Longing for Your Blood

The door of the isolation room was opened vigorously, and there was even a crack in the four-inch thick tempered glass.

Bai Yi turned his head and looked at Conrad Statham, who appeared at the door, trembling violently. This time, he was sure that it was not an illusion. The man's pupils turned a deep dark red, as if he might bleed at any time.

Sissy hugged her head, her small body shrunk into a ball.

"Team Statham—"

The rest of the words were all stuck in his throat, and with that terrifying force that strangled the cervical spine, Bai Yi even stopped breathing, and he was dragged out by the other party's neckline.

After re-locking the isolation room, Conrad opened the password door of an adjacent meeting room and threw Bai Yi onto the table.

The fragile mucous membrane of the throat was damaged again, and Bai Yi's breathing was full of sweet blood foam. His back hit the hard alloy tabletop, and his bones groaned as if they were broken.

His keen senses instantly caught the smell of blood, and the colonel's breathing became heavy. He took off his gloves and tore off the two silver buttons on the neckline. He put one knee between the boy's legs, and pressed himself against him.


The young man subconsciously folded his legs, his beautiful pupils contracted slightly as if startled, the capillaries in his eyes began to congest, and the dark color was covered with a crystal water film, which could almost absorb a person's soul.

Conrad licked his lips impatiently, firmly grasped the pair of slender wrists that were pushing hard, crossed them around the top of his head and pressed them on the table, and forcefully lifted the opponent's jaw with the other hand, and the light-colored lips were covered Forced to open, the maddening fishy sweetness smashed the last restraint with the breath wave after wave.

"I'm going to kill you!" Harsh words gritted through his teeth one by one, and Bai Yi threatened fiercely, even though he didn't have the capital to threaten at all.

Condescending, a hint of hesitation flashed through those dark red eyes, his brows were lightly frowned, and his mellow voice was like a stream of water melting between the ice——

"You have killed me."

Shadows loomed, and more harsh words were blocked in an aggressive kiss.

The tip of his tongue impatiently squeezed into the gap between his lips, and his knuckles pinched the boy's jaw forcefully, forcing his clenched teeth to open.The nimble tongue lost its hold, sweeping all the sores in the mouth recklessly, and picking away those wounds that had healed, the bloodshot mixed with saliva in the wet kiss, it was unstoppable.

Bai Yi opened his eyes wide in shock, his handsome face was close in front of him, his cool hair brushed against his face, and the other's icy body was inexplicably hot.

Licking the last drop of blood in the mouth, the tip of the tongue withdrew, and the lips were still stuck together.Conrad gently sucked those two trembling lips, and rubbed them carefully. The young man's tender lips were brightly colored, and his fangs pressed against it, as if he could pierce through the thin membrane at any time, sucking wantonly. That maddening blood.

"What the hell are you...?"

The boy's voice was like a murmur, and the breath that came out with the words was still full of pure blood. Colonel Statham finally let go of those two lips that were ravaged to the point of bleeding. It was this action that made Bai Yi see Cleared the sharp fangs that were against his skin earlier.

"About 200 years ago, our existence was no longer a secret of the alliance, don't you know?" Conrad stared coldly at the confusion in those pure-colored pupils, "Your classics seem to put our It’s very vivid and scientific to be called a vampire.” In the end, the colonel commented objectively.

"So we have far superior bodily functions than humans, which is what you've been questioning."

"You are all..." Bai Yi was confused, then stopped suddenly, and said in surprise, "How do you know what I'm thinking?"

"Pure-bloods can read the minds of higher animals," Conrad said very frankly, "but the only reason I know is because your brainwaves respond too strongly to this question."

Between the lines - I'm not bored enough to read your mind, you told me it yourself.

Bai Yi said with a cold face, "Do you know what I'm thinking right now?"

"Well, you don't need to read," the colonel straightened up and straightened his somewhat messy combat uniform, "I can tell you responsibly, even if you receive the best education in the Alliance Military Academy in the hive, and use the purest genetically modified body , you won’t be able to kill me in the next 200 years.”

Captain Xiaobai, who couldn't understand at all, only caught the words 'you can't do it': "..."

The boy propped himself up from the table, half of his loose combat uniform was torn off, exposing a fair neck.Conrad's eyes fell on the blood artery rolling under the flesh, and the fangs that had just returned to normal stretched out a little more.

Bai Yi was alerted by the eyes that wanted to peel him alive, quickly put on his coat, and covered his neck tightly.

"Your blood smells very special." Colonel Statham restrained his gaze away and explained ambiguously.

Bai Yi snorted coldly, and rubbed the corner of his mouth with his cuff in disgust, "That's really embarrassing."

Colonel Statham was taken aback for a moment, and the next second the password door was shaking, and a certain brat had jumped out like a rabbit and disappeared.

The forehead twitched lightly, and the colonel had a headache.

In the morning light, an aircraft came from the southeast, the engine roared, the huge spiral wings twisted the scorching air, hovered in the air, and the huge fuselage slowly descended.

Directly below it, the hatch of the surface-embedded foreign base opened silently.

The lights on the underground apron suddenly turned on, and the senior officers of the base garrison stood upright in a row.

The cabin opened, and the voice of teasing and chatting came out first——

"Ah~ This mission is really thankless. No one survived. It was a waste of our trip. How can we compensate us when we go back~ Boss?" The red-haired girl jumped out of the hatch with long legs, waist A roll of alloy soft whip is pinned to the middle, and the short skirt of the combat uniform is flying high, and the pink underpants below can be vaguely seen, with a pretty face sticking out its tongue mischievously, and looking back.

The gentle man who followed him held the glasses on the bridge of his nose, his pair of inorganic rose-shaped eyes were extremely rational, the man glanced at the girl dissatisfied, and hummed slightly in his nose, "Second Lieutenant Angela , it's on someone else's territory, and we'll be bothered by your embarrassment to the team like this."

"Ahhhh! Stinky weapon!" Angela puffed up her cheeks angrily, raised her middle finger in an obscene gesture, "I'm a half-blood after all, blood is priority, even if you're a lieutenant colonel, you can't control me !"

"Snow is not just a lieutenant colonel, he is our vice-captain." A long leg stepped down, and the jacket of the combat uniform was almost burst by the pair of plump breasts. The beautiful and sexy woman clasped Angela's middle finger and pressed it down. Going down, the finger broke with a click, and her beautiful but threatening voice sounded, "Boss hates the racial theory that people say that blood is the priority, have you forgotten?"

"Oh, Winnie, damn it!" Angela depressedly pressed her finger back to its original position, and looked at the next man who came out as if asking for help, "Boss~ I have to break this finger more than 20 times a day!"

As the pair of military boots fell to the ground, the base officers who were stunned by the previous farce hurriedly came to their senses, and instantly showed a row of standard alliance military salutes, "Major General Sylvison Vanjo!"

"So you shouldn't always let Winnie catch your weaknesses." The melodious and deep masculine voice, with a somewhat lazy and comfortable taste, the man came out of the shadows, the corners of his lips raised, and his long and narrow eyes narrowed lazily , the water-blue eyes filled with a flirtatious and frivolous smile.

Silveson's facial features are exquisite to the extreme, but they are different from the softness of women. He has exactly the same platinum-blond hair as Conrad Statham, which is lightly pressed by the military cap and falls loosely on his forehead and ears. The alliance combat uniform wraps a refined and firm body, pulling every line just right.

The remaining few team members jumped off the aircraft one after another.

After roughly scanning a row of sculpture-like garrisons, the major general licked the corner of his mouth: "I'm hungry, is there any blood?"

The leading garrison immediately reacted, "Major General Fanzhuo, this way."

Numerous military boots landed on the ground and made a rhythmic trampling sound.

Angela was still struggling with the problem of her fingers being broken all the time, Snow was still sneering and sarcastic, and Winnie always strangled her middle finger in the cradle the moment it popped out.Silvison walked leisurely at the front of the team, and the rest of the team seemed accustomed to following the three bustling people.

The garrison at the last base was sweated by this weird team. Could it be that the strongest team in the alliance is a group of funny comparisons?No matter how you look at it, Colonel Statham's group is stronger!

There was a rush of footsteps from far to near, which was caught by the vampire's super sharp hearing, and the three arguing people in the team quieted down.At the corner, Major General Fan Zhuo paused, licking his lips with the tip of his tongue, and the smile on the corner of his mouth deepened.

He took a step forward seemingly unintentionally, turned his body sideways, and the galloping young man bumped into him unexpectedly, and the major general remained motionless under the huge impact.Stretching out his hand to lift the opponent's chin, his thumb traced the fragile blood vessel on the side of the neck, the cold breath approached suddenly, and Silvison took a deep breath intoxicated, his water-blue eyes were stained with a magnificent blood color——

"The food you prepare tastes good."

Garrison officers: "..."

Bai Yi: "..."

Snow's deputy pushed his glasses and reminded him seriously: "That doesn't look like food, Boss."

Angela gulped, "It smells like it!"

Winnie shook Angela's hand excitedly, pinching every knuckle, "What a beautiful little brother! I really want to suck his blood while having sex with him!"

Angela withdrew her finger angrily, and said angrily, "Get out! You disgusting pedophile!"

Colonel Statham stood in the corridor on the other side and watched coldly as his prey was caught by others, the blood in his eyes faded away in an instant, his lips curled up and he squeezed out a name from between his teeth, "Sylvie Mori-"

The major general whose name was called turned his head lazily and greeted playfully, "Hey~ Conrad," he glanced lightly at the boy's intact neck and some red and swollen lips, and let out a short but meaningful smile "Thank you, Colonel."

The sharp fangs pierced the skin and penetrated deeply into the carotid artery, and the sultry smell of blood diffused in the air.

The gloomy pupils dilated instantly, and the throat was filled with broken panting sounds. Bai Yi subconsciously clenched the opponent's forearm, and pinched his fingers fiercely into the fabric. The initial sting was gradually paralyzed by the special ingredients in the vampire's saliva, leaving only a A slight tingling feeling like an electric shock.

Sylvison swallowed the last mouthful greedily. The smell made it hard for people to control the blood volume. He licked away the blood from the bite mark. He hugged the boy's limp body in his arms and looked provocatively at the other side of the corridor. The expressionless man on one side said, "This mission is not completely fruitless."

The author has something to say: Injustice: Erzhi, some people are unhappy and say rough to entertain everyone~╮(╯▽╰)╭

Captain Xiaobai: Write me like this, fuck off!

Injustice: Vampire novels, the more you suck, the more you love!Isn't that right~ Your Majesty Major General? >.

Silverson: It tastes good~

Captain Xiaobai: ...

Silveson, evildoer with a black belly and strong attributes~ The author's favorite is this one!Positive CP!

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