Muyu didn't know how long time had passed, there was no night in the place where he was, except for the gurgling sound of the stream, there was nothing else, the silence was terrifying.Without the company of the cub, Muyu believes that he might be made insane.

On this day, Muyu was awakened from a light sleep, and a white shadow flashed in his eyes.He lowered his head and saw the leaves wrapped with red fruits placed two steps away from him.

The color of the leaves is tender green, and the fruit inside is still dripping with water, exuding such a delicate fragrance.

Seeing this sudden appearance, Muyu was not surprised, this scene happened every day, he was used to it.


A red shadow flew out from his chest, landed on the side of the red fruit, and swallowed it in one mouthful.

The cubs squatted on the ground, flicking their red and yellow mottled tails happily, and their red eyes were full of satisfaction.

As the red fruit was swallowed, red flames suddenly erupted from his body, enveloping him.At the same time, the little boy felt refreshed, and all the ailments in his body disappeared.

'Ah! ' The little boy roared happily, and then spit out a red flame from his mouth, which sprayed onto the mushroom's huge umbrella handle.

The huge mushroom immediately turned into ashes, but in the blink of an eye, at the place where the original mushroom grew, another mushroom grew from small to large, and quickly grew up.

For such a miraculous scene, Muyu was surprised from the beginning to now.

"Tuantuan! How are you?" Mu Yu hugged him in surprise, kneading his body with both hands.

Tuantuan licked his hand comfortingly with her tender tongue, knowing that she had made her father sad during this time.

Ever since he was injured in order to protect himself, the little boy's spirit has faltered a little. Even the thousand-year marrow fluid has no effect on his injury, and Muyu is almost worried to death.

After playing with Tuantuan for a while, Muyu picked a few fruits from the space and put them on the spot. When he saw the white hairy dumpling hiding behind a huge mushroom tree, he hugged Tuantuan and slowly walked towards it. step back.

"Whoosh!" The white shadow flashed like a flash of white light, and one of the fruits on the ground disappeared.

The red fruit was sent by the little white dumpling. At first, Muyu didn't intend to eat the food he sent, anyway, there was no shortage of food in his space, but he couldn't stop the little boy.

Probably because of the instinct of beasts, Tuantuan seemed to know that this thing is good for him, at first the wooden fish could stop him, but one day he swallowed the red fruit quickly, and then red spots appeared on his body. flame.At that time Muyu was very frightened, and later realized that the red fruit was good for the boy's injury, so he let him go.

Mu Yu is very grateful for the little white dumpling who sent the red fruit.

Under Muyu's deliberate approach, Xiao Baituanzi has made great progress from being on guard at the beginning to now eating the food he gave.

On this day, Muyu and his son watched the palm-sized small fish drooling in the stream. There was no shortage of fruits in his space, but no animals. Too hungry.

Muyu took out three big apples from the space, gave one to the little boy, took another and put it on the ground, took one for himself, and started eating.

"Crack, Kick"

"Click, click, click"

The little boy turned into a fat little fat man with a red bellyband on his stomach, like a lucky boy.He was holding a big apple in his hand, and he was gnawing on it seriously with his millet teeth. As soon as he took a bite, the apple was missing a big mouth.His eyes were still shining and he was staring closely into the stream, while eating apples, he was still drooling.

Beside him is his own father who has the same expression as him, also drooling and staring at the transparent shrimp in the river - it looks delicious!


There was another crisp sound of teeth biting an apple, and Mu Yu recovered from the beautiful imagination of meat, and saw a white shadow beside him in his eyes, but he remained calm.

Being able to get this little white dumpling so close to him meant that what he had done recently was not in vain, Muyu was a little excited.But he knew that the little white dumpling was very wary, and if he acted rashly, he might startle it, so he could only restrain his curiosity and observe from the corner of his eye.

I saw that Xiaobai Tuanzi was only the size of a palm, like a little squirrel, holding an apple bigger than his face in its forelegs and gnawing on it.The white fur is fluffy, the color is like snow, and there are as many as nine tails behind it, making it even more petite.

This is actually a nine-tailed white fox!

Mu Yu had heard Mo Yuan talk about the Fox Clan, and Mo Yuan's father and emperor's current wife belonged to the Fox Clan.

The fox family lives in Qingqiu, and they are of the blood of ancient great demons, and the most noble fairy fox among them is the nine-tailed fox.In the beginning, the fairy foxes living in Qingqiu were all nine-tailed foxes. Unfortunately, as time passed, the nine-tailed fox lineage of the fox clan gradually became thinner.

Muyu didn't expect that one day he would meet the legendary fairy fox.

One must know that the name of the nine-tailed fox is not only now, but even Muyu has heard of it in his previous life.

This is a kind of divine beast that is different from the beast of desire, and it can also be called a fairy beast.

"Ah!" Muyu didn't dare to disturb Xiaobai Tuanzi, but that doesn't mean the little boy thought the same way.

No, with a wrong eye, the little boy walked up to the Nine-Tailed Fox on his short legs, and with a 'slap', he slammed the little white dumpling, including the beast and the apple, into the bottom.

Muyu: "..." How can the brat's force value explode?

The wooden fish came back to his senses and hurriedly pulled up the little white dumpling that had been photographed into the ground like a carrot.

Standing on the ground, Xiaobai Tuanzi's limbs were limp, obviously fainted from the blow.

It took Xiaobai Tuanzi a while to wake up, but found that he was staying on that 'weird-shaped animal' - Xiaobai Tuanzi had never seen an animal that grew up like this, walked upright, and had such strange fur on its body.

"Squeak..." Xiao Baituanzi was frightened, the white hair all over his body exploded, and the nine fluffy tails quickly wrapped himself up.

There was darkness in front of him, Xiaobai Tuanzi carefully opened the tail with his paws, revealing a gap, and looked curiously at the 'animals' outside.

Xiaobai Tuanzi has been living in the mushroom forest and has never been in contact with other life. There are other animals living in this mushroom forest, but those animals tremble with fear when it approaches, and they don't make friends with it at all. So it's always been alone.

This time, two strange animals suddenly appeared in the mushroom forest, and Xiao Baituanzi mustered up a lot of courage to approach them.

Xiaobai Tuanzi looked out and happened to meet Muyu's gentle gaze, which contained a sense of comfort.

Muyu put the little white dumpling in his arms, and didn't pay much attention to it, because he knew that if he stared at it like this, the little white dumpling would be even more afraid to come out.And the cub turned into a beast body, jumped onto his shoulder and sat down.

Not being stared at, Xiaobai Tuanzi relaxed slightly, and stuck out a small head from Muyu's skirt, with dark pea eyes constantly turning around.

The aura in this mushroom forest is extremely abundant, even richer than in Muyu's space. This should be a good thing, but Muyu feels a little ominous. He has always believed in his intuition, so he dare not absorb the aura here.

Without the supply of spiritual energy, relying only on the spiritual power in his dantian, under the daily cycle, Mu Yu's spiritual power has removed many impurities, and the spiritual power is pure.

In fact, although there are many benefits brought by double cultivation, the spiritual power obtained by double cultivation is mostly vain and has too many impurities.This time, Muyu was a blessing in disguise.

However, after gaining benefits, Muyu still urgently wants to go out.One is because he is afraid that the disappearance of himself and the cub will make Mo Yuan worry; the other is that he has noticed the decline of his body.

This decline came inexplicably, but he was clearly aware of it.

When he saw a few apple cores next to a huge mushroom, Muyu's expression changed slightly.


During this time, they were actually going around in circles!

Muyu sat down on the ground slumped, rubbing his eyes tiredly.This place knew no danger, and he didn't dare to relax at all. Even with the support of spiritual power, he still felt exhausted.

In a trance, there was a wet touch on his face.He stretched out his hand and took the little boy who was comforting him into his arms.

"Ah, Tuantuan!" As a man, Mu Yu is a little careless, and he is a bit rough in taking care of the cub, but this cannot conceal his fatherly love for the cub, and there is absolutely no need for Mo Yuanshao.

Even for Tuantuan's sake, I can't be discouraged, I must get out of this ghostly place!

Mu Yu cursed a few words in his heart, and soon cheered up.

In fact, it can, Muyu prefers to receive Tuantuan in his own space, at least it is safe enough there.But as the cub grows up, he can no longer enter the wooden fish's space like when he was just born.

According to Mo Yuan, this space is fused with Muyu's soul. When Tuantuan was born, his soul was contaminated with Muyu's breath, so he could enter it naturally.But as his soul gradually became stronger, the space refused his entry.

What to do next?

Pulling himself together, Muyu thought quickly, he still had no idea how to leave this place.

Soon, his eyes fell on the little white dumpling in his arms—whether they can leave here, maybe it depends on it!

There are no green leaves and red fruits in this mushroom forest, so where did the little white dumpling send them?This means that it probably knows the way out, and even if it doesn't, it knows how to get out of the mushroom forest!

When thinking of this, Muyu wanted to establish a good relationship with Xiaobai Tuanzi.In fact, at the beginning, he doubted whether Xiaobai Tuanzi had evil intentions, but after getting along with him, he felt that he was overly cautious. The other party was timid and shy, very cute, and a kind fox.

Thinking that Xiaobai Tuanzi could take them out, Muyu began to think about how to get Xiaobai Tuanzi to take them out.

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