Xie Mianfei saw Sheng Xuan took out his mobile phone, saw him open Weibo, pretended to be casual and asked, "What were you talking about with him just now?"

"Han Yiyuan told me that I was a hot search on Weibo." Sheng Xuan said while reading Weibo.He searched for a while but couldn't find any hot searches on Weibo, so he asked the young surfer beside him for help, "Xiao Fei, where did you find the hot searches on Weibo?"

After a while, I didn't hear Xie Mianfei's answer, so I turned my head to look, and saw that the young surfer was already playing with his mobile phone.

Xie Mianfei waved to Sheng Xuan: "Xuanxuan, come here."

Sheng Xuan looked down at the less than one meter distance between himself and Xie Mianfei, thinking where did he go?

Xie Mianfei looked at him, was silent for a while, and then said, "All right, you can squat down too."

Sheng Xuan thought about it, why should he squat when he can sit?

So the life assistant pushed his artist aside.

Xie Mianfei wasn't angry either, and sat with Sheng Xuan's thighs next to her thighs, held the phone screen in front of Sheng Xuan, and said, "Xuanxuan, you're going to be popular."

Sheng Xuan looked at the screen of his phone, and saw #谢庆飞处理神颜# in the search bar above Weibo.

Sheng Xuan:? ? ? ?

@湖边一个鹤: It was originally to see off my brother @谢连菲, but who knew that I noticed the beauty of my brother’s new assistant! ![crying] [crying] [crying] Is it possible that hiring an assistant depends on the face now, I feel like I'm going to climb the wall!


Sheng Xuan clicked on the photos one by one. From the distance on the photos, it can be seen that the person taking the photo is not far away from him.The eyes moved to the comments below, and there was silence.

Xie Mianfei was admiring the netizens' words of appreciation for her assistant, when suddenly the phone in front of her was turned upside down, and then a phone was stuffed in her hand.

"Can you ask them to delete the photos?" Sheng Xuan asked muttering.

Xie Mianfei casually stuffed it into Sheng Xuan's coat pocket, and shook his head when he heard the words: "No, brother assistant, this trending search has been up for two days, and it has already been seen, so it's okay for that blogger to delete it." Useless."

When Sheng Xuan heard Xie Mianfei call his assistant brother, goosebumps fell all over the floor.

Xie Mianfei was imitating the comments from netizens that he saw just now, in which many people called Sheng Xuan an assistant brother.

"Will something happen then?" Sheng Xuan asked after thinking about it.

Sheng Xuan doesn't know much about fan circles. Yi Wenhong asked him to be Xie Mianfei's life assistant at the beginning, and he only took care of Xie Mianfei's daily diet and provided blood once a month. As for the others, Yi Wenhong said He doesn't need to understand.

Then Sheng Xuan really didn't understand.

"What happened? No, don't worry, I'll take care of you if something happens."

Before Sheng Xuan could be moved, she heard Xie Mianfei's next sentence: "As long as the assistant brother can give me fried chicken tonight."

Forget it, it's impossible for Xie Mianfei to be moved.

More than half a month has passed, and the filming progress of "Good Thoughts" has gone one-third of the way.

Xie Mianfei needed to make an announcement on this day, he was going to shoot a perfume commercial, asked Director Zeng for leave in advance, brought his assistant and bodyguards, and flew to Yiji City.

The weather is getting warmer every day. Yiji City is in the south, and the temperature is higher than that in northern cities. They don't need to wear heavy down jackets.

The temperature in this weather happened to be Xie Mianfei's favorite, so he didn't need to wear thick clothes, he only needed to wear a fleece sweater, and then added a thin fleece vest on the outside.

Sheng Xuan also changed into a black hooded sweater with short sleeves inside.

Came to the shooting location, in order to correspond to this season's perfume design, the makeup artist painted a blooming rose flower on Xie Mianfei's left face.

"Okay, Teacher Xie, open your eyes and see the effect." The makeup artist patted Xie Mianfei on the shoulder and said.

Xie Mianfei opened his eyes, saw himself in the mirror feeling uncomfortable for a moment, and closed his eyes the next second.

Makeup artist: "???"

"so beautiful!"

"Mr. Xie is so pretty too!!"

"Woo, I feel like I'm going to climb the wall, baby, I'm sorry for you, mother."

"Ah Wei died and died again!"

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, I kind of want to..."

"No, you don't want to."

Seeing Xie Mianfei like this, Sheng Xuan's first reaction was that the fairy fell into the mortal world by mistake.


Xie Mianfei is so beautiful.He knows that men don't like to be described as "beautiful", but Xie Mianfei really fits this word.

There were exclamations from all around.

Xie Mianfei naturally heard it too. He opened his eyes again and looked at it for a while before he got used to himself like this.

If Xie Mianfei with his eyes closed is a fairy who strayed into the mortal world, then he with his eyes open is a fairy who fell into the abyss.

It is hard to imagine that Xie Mianfei can see two forms on one face at the same time.

Immortal, and desire.

The makeup artist kept nodding while holding her chin, obviously she was also very satisfied.

"Mr. Xie's makeup suits you very well. You look special now... um, a monster." said the makeup artist.

Xie Mianfei: "..."

evildoer?Is this a compliment?

The makeup artist said bluntly: "I am a science student."

Xie Mianfei: "..."

The make-up artist retired, and the stylist went online.

Handsome male celebrities are easy to style, and don't need to rack their brains to think about whether the hairstyle is suitable or whether it will ruin the makeup.

Sheng Xuan leaned on the dressing table boredly on the side, the phone rang a few times for WeChat notifications, and the WeChat message from Yi Wenhong popped up on the lock screen.

Yi Wenhong: Are you shooting in Amireux now?

Sheng: Yes.

Yi Wenhong: What is Xiao Fei doing now?

Yi Wenhong: Have you started filming yet?

Sheng: Not yet, he is doing styling.

Someone poked her waist and abdomen, Sheng Xuan lazily raised her eyelids, saw Xie Mianfei looking at him, took back the phone, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Xie Mianfei licked his dry lips and said, "I'm thirsty, I want to drink water."

Hearing this, Sheng Xuan took out the water glass, picked up a plastic straw from the side table and inserted it in, and asked Xie Mianfei to drink through the straw.

The water glass is held by Sheng Xuan, and Xie Mianfei only needs to suck on the straw to drink.

After Xie Mianfei finished drinking the water, she raised her head and asked Sheng Xuan, "Is it good looking?"

Sheng Xuan tightened the lid of the cup, and gave a faint "hmm", "It looks good."

Listening to the conversation between the two, the stylist couldn't help but take a few more glances at Sheng Xuan.

Xie Mianfei: "What are you looking at?"

The stylist paused and smiled, "Mr. Xie, is he your assistant?"

Xie Mianfei: "Well, is he good-looking?"

Caught off guard by the question, the stylist froze for a moment before reacting, and said, "It looks good."

Xie Mianfei closed his eyes, raised the corners of his mouth and said, "I also think he is good-looking."

No matter how thick-skinned they are, they can't stand being praised by the public with one sentence.

Sheng Xuan touched his nose, said "I'm going to the toilet" and left the dressing room.

The stylist stared blankly at Sheng Xuan's leaving back, and asked, "Mr. Xie, is your assistant angry?"

Xie Mianfei glanced at the direction of the door from the corner of his eye, and the corner of his mouth curled up slightly: "No."

"Huh? Then he...?"

"He's shy."

Sheng Xuan walked out of the dressing room, and the phone in his pocket rang again.

Yi Wenhong: Xiaoxuan, remember to take a few photos and save them.

Yi Wenhong: At that time, Xiaofei can post on Weibo for business.

Sheng: What kind of photo did you take?

Sheng: Doesn't it mean that everyone can shoot except photographers?

Yi Wenhong: You can take pictures of Xiaofei in the dressing room.

Yi Wenhong: As long as you don't shoot at the shooting location, it's fine.

Sheng: OK.

Sheng Xuan, who had just left the dressing room for less than a minute, came back again.

Xie Mianfei raised his eyebrows and asked, "How fast?"

Sheng Xuan pointed at Xie Mianfei with his mobile phone, took several pictures from different angles, and then said, "Brother Wen asked me to come back and take some pictures of you."

Hearing this, Xie Mianfei stretched out his hand and asked Sheng Xuan to get his phone, "Show me."

Sheng Xuan handed him the phone.

Xie Mianfei took the phone carelessly, and the stylist standing behind the chair saw his expression, and immediately changed into that of a subway grandfather looking at his phone.

The stylist peeked at the phone screen in a particularly gossip... huh? ? ? ?What is this shot about?Not to mention that these few photos can be posted on the Internet to make more than a dozen different emoticons, and the clarity alone almost catches up with mosaics.

Confused, the stylist went to the other side to do other things.

Sheng Xuan stood there calmly.

Xie Mianfei raised his head to look at Sheng Xuan with an incomprehensible expression, and asked, "Are you serious about your photography skills?"

Sheng Xuan gave a very calm "hmm".

Xie Mianfei looked down at the phone again, then raised his head, and asked his life assistant sincerely: "Are you dissatisfied with me?"

Sheng Xuan looked at him with folded arms.

"Honestly Xuanxuan, if you really have any dissatisfaction with me, you can't do that..." Xie Mianfei thought for a while, and then said: "You can't slander my prosperous beauty like this."

Sheng Xuan: "..."

Stylist: "..."

Oh, this really makes those who hear it sad and those who hear it cry.

Under Xie Mianfei's "death pressure", Sheng Xuan had no choice but to take a few more photos. Xie Mianfei asked him not to shake his hands, and he must highlight his prosperous beauty.

Sheng Xuan took a few more photos, and just as she put down her hand holding the phone, the phone was taken away by Xie Mianfei.

"Hmm...seriously, why don't you take a photography class?"

"Do you have a problem with the photos I took?"

"No, Xuanxuan, how could I have any objections to you. That's it, can you focus on me next time when you shoot me?"



After getting her hairstyle done, Sheng Xuan changed into the clothes that the dressmaker brought. It was a dark red ancient gown, on which a few blooming roses were embroidered with gold thread.It can be seen how much Amireux cares about this season's perfume.

Xie Mianfei came out of the changing room, and received another wave of exclamation.

Sheng Xuan casually took a picture when Xie Mianfei passed by her.Looking down, this is not a good shot.

When Xie Mianfei was filming at the shooting location, the makeup artist, stylist, and costume artist gathered together, constantly admiring his craftsmanship.

The staff handed Xie Mianfei a bottle of Amireux's latest perfume sample bottle for this season. This bottle of perfume is the protagonist of this advertisement.

Sheng Xuan didn't take anything, just stood outside with a water glass and watched. Seeing Xie Mianfei being almost slapped on the face by several rocker cameras and had to maintain his facial expression, he sighed in his heart that the work of a star is not something ordinary people can do. of.

The commercial took more than four hours. The director was very strict and had to keep improving and reshoot constantly.It was after six o'clock in the evening that the director nodded in satisfaction.

"Thank you teacher for your hard work."

"Thank you for your hard work, teacher."

"Mr. Xie is great. Seeing that I, an old man, wants to buy a bottle of perfume."

The director came over and patted Xie Mianfei on the shoulder, with a smile on his face, it could be seen that Xie Mianfei's strength made him very satisfied, "Mr. Xie won't blame me for torturing you like this?"

Xie Mianfei smiled lightly and said, "How could that be, the director also hopes to have a good work."

The director laughed and said, "Okay, let's go back and rest early."

Xie Mianfei responded, and turned to look at Sheng Xuan who was waiting for him outside the arena.

The eyes of the two met, Xie Mianfei smiled at Sheng Xuan, his eyes were more tender and dependent than others.


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