"The fourth elder brother wants to collect the money owed by the state treasury recently. If you have time, Ah Zhe might as well help me think about the regulations." The fourth elder brother also knew that Ah Zhe was getting tired of watching theaters recently, so he took the initiative to find something for him to do.

As soon as Ah Zhe heard that there was a task, he became more interested. After dinner, he discussed with the fourth elder brother in the study.

"What is the fourth brother going to do?"

"Naturally, it's a debt to pay back the money. If the debt is found out, just send someone to pursue it."

"What about those who have special circumstances and can't make it?"

The fourth elder brother was a little disdainful: "If you are asked to find a reason, who can't find it?"

"Fourth brother, it's better to check. The current salary is not high, and some people are more sad."

The fourth elder brother shook his head, "People like that don't dare to borrow more, even if they are all reduced or exempted, it's nothing. Those who owe more money are just relying on their friendship and good nature with Han Ama, or the money they owe after death. Which brother is the backstage, just dragging it.

I always thought that it would be fine if Lord Long Live didn't return the decree when he was happy one day, it was really a dream.

Or make up your mind, even if Khan Ama keeps silent, in the future... you can push the reason to Khan Ama.

By the way, if you pour some dirty water on it, the people behind will naturally not be able to get to the bottom of it.

These people don't even think about it. If they really did this, what future do they have?I really don't know whether it is desperate for money or short-sighted.

What's worse, if you meet someone like your fourth brother and me, you can only end up raiding your home. "

As soon as this was mentioned, the fourth elder brother couldn't help being angry, and when he was angry, he couldn't help but turn into a chatterbox, which didn't match his usual cold image at all.

But Azhe laughed: "Fourth brother is very capable, so he always doesn't care about these small things of reputation, but he can't be slandered for no reason. Let's find out, first post the people who reduced or exempted the money and their reasons. , so naturally it is indispensable for people to sing praises.

Then I will find out the family property of those big households who owe money. If these people really don't pay back when the time comes, just make a list and send someone to send it over.

If you still don't pay back, publish the list of property, even if you ransack your home to collect debts, you will only be applauded by ordinary people.

Although it took a little more work, it has both face and face, isn't it much better than your simple and rude one. "

The fourth elder brother was a little bit dumbfounded: "I want to do it, but there are not enough people on hand right now."

"Didn't the fourth brother raise some people?"

"At the beginning, I was tied up, and then I was busy with the secret realm, so I didn't have much time.

I also thought that expensive and fine are not expensive, so now these people can stand alone, but there are not many of them.

A few things in hand have already accounted for most of it.

This matter requires a little more people, so it is a bit stretched. "

Ah Zhe listened carefully to what the fourth elder brother said. In fact, the most important thing is that their rise time is too short, so naturally there are not many talents they can use.

"Where is Khan Amah?"

"Khan Ama is only going to go to court in the morning, and the private memorial has been slowly handed over to me.

However, those hidden guards under his hands should be kept for himself, which is actually fine. "

Ah Zhe also knows this, because the monk also has a group of people under his command, and the Khan Amma will hand over his property to you, so you can't let people not even keep a confidant.

"What's this?" Brother Si asked, seeing that Ah Zhe had been staring at the strange little box on the desk.

"Because the master left it to me before retreat, it was sent here today."

Ah Zhe opened the box, took out a letter and handed it to the fourth elder brother.

As expected, it was written by Liao Yin himself. The letter only mentioned that when he was the emperor, he would have a nightmare every night. In the dream, there seemed to be big black cracks in the world.

Many people have turned into human-eating monsters, large areas of animals and plants will die, and the rest will also become monsters, devouring each other or coming out to hunt humans.

This letter reminded Ah Zhe of the theory of the end of the world. In the previous life, I don't know when, human beings began to spread the end of the world.

I don't know if it's like Master Yin, because what he saw in the dream was too real, so he passed it on.

But judging from the current situation, plus what you saw in the underground book, and what you saw in Master Yin's dream, then if this continues, will the end of the world really be ushered in?

So is there no reason for his coming? There seems to be a pair of invisible big hands in the middle.

Sent him to this strange world...

Send him to Master Yin's side...

Let him meet the fourth elder brother, and pass on the exercises without hesitation...

Let them find a secret place at the bottom of the river by such a coincidence, this is not as easy as finding a needle in a haystack...

The most important thing is that this is a secret place with rich books but not dangerous, and the fourth brother chose to practice "Huang Jue" without any hesitation.

If they encountered the White Tiger Secret Realm at the beginning, they would not even know how they died...

Everything is too weird, too coincidental, as if there is a pair of eyes in the dark watching them all the time, and there is also a pair of big hands hidden in the dark, maybe they have to fiddle with them.

To keep things going the way someone or something wants them to be...

Thinking of this, Ah Zhe didn't know why there was a sudden chill in his heart.

Is it a well-intentioned reminder or a malicious temptation? ··

If it is malicious, now the fourth brother is the only one who practiced the "Huang Jue", and he will be able to cultivate the "Huang Jue", achieve the position of Emperor, and re-sacrifice to repair the world... What price will he pay?

The fourth elder brother was looking at the letter and contemplating, but suddenly his heart trembled. When he looked up, he found that Ah Zhe was trembling all over and his face was pale. He could tell what happened at a glance, so he quickly hugged him in his arms.

Seeing that his mind was not clear, he quickly patted his cheek to make him wake up quickly.

With the help of the fourth elder brother, Ah Zhe quickly regained consciousness, and immediately knew that he must have fallen into a demon.

It is easy to be like this if the cultivation base is suppressed for a long time or cannot be improved, but I am still too careless, so I was taken advantage of.

He has never felt malicious all this time, how could it be what he just thought?

Even if it was a coincidence, he and the fourth elder brother had long guessed that it might be a kind of self-help of Fang Tiandao. Tiandao has no feelings, only some instinctive consciousness. If someone makes a great contribution to saving the world, there will only be endless rewards. The matter of Yumzo comes.

He smiled at the fourth elder brother, talked about what happened just now, and smiled self-deprecatingly.

Ah Zhe thought that his own willpower was still too weak, and it was necessary to strengthen his training.

This was strongly supported by the fourth elder brother, but there were no props, and the two of them actually only talked about this matter, and there was no practical way.

After this demon, there is another benefit, that is, Ah Zhe clearly felt that their time was running out.

Must speed up.

Seeing that the fourth brother had read the letter, frowning and thinking about something, knowing that he also realized the seriousness of the matter, he didn't say anything else.

Take out another token directly from the box.

Said: "This is because the master left it for me, and I don't need it, so the fourth brother can take it."

Because of their relationship, the fourth elder brother didn't even refuse, and took it directly, looked at it carefully and put it away.

This is really someone giving a pillow as soon as he fell asleep, luck is against the sky, and the investigators don't have to worry about it now.

If this matter can be done well, Khan Ama should be completely relieved.

After pondering over what Ah Zhe said, he found a few staff members to discuss carefully, and then directly started to clear the outstanding debts of the household department.

Naturally, there was another commotion when they heard the wind in the middle and up.

But the incident of the princes' collective avoidance just now has already made them suffocate, and there is no place to vent it.

Catch up with this incident, it seems that they are confronted with this fourth elder brother who is actually more powerful than the prince, but only has the title of county king.

One by one, or up and down in series, or sit on Mount Tai, if you don't pay back the money, how can you bear me.

This is the attitude of all civil and military officials in the Manchu Dynasty. Those who are timid and want to pay back the money are afraid to say anything now.

These people are also testing Kangxi's attitude at this time, to see how far he can tolerate this son, are they not afraid that this fourth elder brother will really make people angry?

But I don't know that Kangxi's mind is no longer on this, so what about the anger of the sky and the grievances of others, as long as he can achieve longevity, as long as the capital is not breached.

Isn't this world the domain of Aixinjueluo's family?

He used to think about whether he killed too much in his early years, so he should be more benevolent in the future, so as to leave a good reputation after his death.

But it was unnecessary now, as long as he was alive, who would dare to say anything bad about him.

Therefore, the fourth elder brother proposed to clear up the outstanding debts of the household department. In fact, he still very much agrees. The treasury now records more than 4000 million taels of silver, but the actual deposit of silver is only more than 1000 million taels.

Floods and earthquakes have been reduced a lot in the past few years because of the formation disks made by Ah Zhe, but the Raksha people in the north have been making noise, and the Mongols and Tibetans have also made stupid movements from time to time.

There are quite a lot of places to spend money, but thanks to the filling from Brother Jiu, his private treasury did not bottom out.

But this is still not enough.

Since the fourth elder brother wanted to show his prestige once, he naturally did not agree.

I just hope that those old ministers don't make too much trouble, anyway, he still wants to leave some dignity for everyone.

However, these will not be his responsibility soon. Now that there is no shortage of spirit stones, he should improve his cultivation as soon as possible. When he can be promoted to Jindan and be able to walk against the wind, then he will be able to live freely.

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