Every company has its own unique company culture and working atmosphere. There is only one thing that all companies, institutions, and governments all over the world are fond of talking about - gossip.

Recently, the rumors and gossips in the UI have gradually turned, from whether Mu Xianfeng and the big boss are a couple, when Babao's pursuit of the 3D art group Feng Yuti's beauty failed, and the conflict between Lu Feiyu and Jianzi Will there always be outbreaks... such daily gossip all turn to the same caliber——

Someone in the company, or some people, is preparing to jump ship.

It can be said that it is commonplace for iron-clad soldiers to change jobs in emerging industries such as IT.If you want to relocate after only one or two years in a traditional industry, you will definitely be judged by the personnel as not stable enough; while in the IT industry, if you work in a company for three to five years, it will usually only be considered insufficient and no one will poach.

This iron law of the industry is an exception in UI.

Salary 20% higher than that of peers, good project responsibility system and room for improvement, generous benefits and bonuses, and abnormal overtime work that is difficult to occur because Longsu personally dislikes it.On the whole, this company can almost be regarded as the best choice for a career and a stable family. It is also a model of "in and out", and the object of hatred of major headhunting companies.

Under such circumstances, it is understandable that gossip such as "a certain company's senior management is preparing to lead a team to quit" has quickly occupied the first place in the focus of the company's trail.

From the day before yesterday to today, six subordinates asked Jianzi on the GTALK team if he wanted to change jobs, and three headhunters called to ask about their job intentions (God knows how they can be so pervasive), and the loud man Babao was the first time He rushed to the table and cried, "Ah, ah, boss, don't leave, whoever you leave will lend me money at the end of the month!"

The most outrageous thing is that other departments also came to join in the fun. On the way home yesterday, Du Yiwei, who left the company a little late for the meeting, trotted all the way to catch up, and asked out of breath, "Would you be the one who wants to change jobs?"

Looking at the crystal clear sweat on Du Yiwei's beard, Jianzi was speechless, and only the famous words of the pharmacist echoed in his mind: Everyone has a gossip heart that is ready to move...

In fact, there is a possibility that Jianzi is going to change jobs, but the possibility of him leading a team to change jobs is almost zero.A person who has just passed the probationary period for a few months can poach a team. Either the background of this person is too strong, or the company has too many problems to retain people.

It's a pity that the rumors stop at the dead. If someone starts it, someone will follow.He didn't bother to investigate how this nonsensical rumor got around to Jianzi.Every day, I continue to program and hold meetings to check the progress with a face of indifference. By the way, I throw a few vague answers with unclear meanings to every colleague who comes to strike up a conversation with "I want to gossip".

The person involved neither said yes nor no, with such an ambiguous attitude, the rumors of course intensified, and even the cleaning aunt had to take advantage of the sword to throw away the lunch box to take a second look.The masses finally thought that they had a clear insight into the truth, and the trail focus was officially upgraded from the alpha version to the beta version.The version patch changed the interrogative sentence of "someone is preparing to quit" into an affirmative sentence of "Jianzi Xianji is preparing to quit and will take all his subordinates away by the way".

That afternoon, Mu Xianfeng came to Jianzi with a serious face and informed Long Su that he was going to have a talk with him.

The gossip enthusiasm of the whole company was burned to the peak.

As soon as Jianzi entered the door, Long Su pulled him over and couldn't wait to close the door, and then he patted the doorknob with a smile: "The door, the door, how many people are looking at you eagerly, you have to guard it."

I have seen boring people but never seen such boring ones, Jianzi didn't bother to pay attention to him, walked to the corner of the room with a bad face, pulled himself flat on the sofa and lay down comfortably.


"Remember to wake me up in half an hour," the other side turned over and closed his eyes, with a look of refusing to disturb, "Also, you owe me a lot of meals now."

It is very rare for Jianzi to interrupt someone so impolitely, and his tone is not cold or hot, Long Su's heart began to beat.After thinking and thinking, he finally remembered that he seemed to...seem...perhaps...maybe...forgot to inform the person about the matter of telling someone to point the protagonist of the rumor at Jianzi? ? ?

Uh... What does it mean to be self-inflicted, Long Su immediately wiped his sweat and swallowed back the protest that came to his lips, and sat back in his seat peacefully, not daring to say much.

A smile appeared on the lips facing the back of the sofa.

Strange to say, from that day on, the way the two get along has gradually become erratic.Originally, even though Jianzi talked and laughed with him, he was more or less in control of the up and down distance, but now he completely let go, and Long Su's catastrophe will come.

Joking and complaining, everything is still the same, everyone is closer than before, and their words are much more presumptuous.Long Su Shun said something, Jianzi didn't resign with him like before, but half-closed his snow-white eyelashes, with a half-smile but a very calm look on his face.At first, Long Su didn't pay much attention to it, and thought "ah, the occasional exchange of feelings will improve the treatment", but later found that as long as such a situation occurs, within three days, Jianzi will definitely bring him some inexplicable trouble.Again and again, Long Su understood - this is the legendary overnight revenge.

Long Su is definitely not a good person with a big heart and compassion.It's a joke, he supported the company alone for a long time among the government, suppliers, and customers. He has never used any means, and now he still has a conscience, which is already considered a miracle.Once, the client's marketing manager didn't know what nerve he was wrong, so he dared to slap the table and scold him directly. Long Su smiled and didn't care at all, and he was extremely demeanor.The person thought that he had met a handsome young man who was easy to bully, and he would go home triumphantly after scolding him enough, but he was fired when he turned around.Speaking of the beginning, it was just Long Su's twitching at the dinner table, which touched the heart of their general manager's taboo of being overstepped by his subordinates.

Who is struggling in this world without a few stomachs?

In terms of bearing grudges, Long Su is not much worse than Jian Zi; in terms of evil, it is even worse.As a result, he was cheated several times by Jianzi, but Long Su couldn't find the idea of ​​getting it back.The previous experience of getting along was even more ineffective. Occasionally, he said something wrong, and Jianzi hadn't responded yet, so he had to think about it for a long time.Most of the confidence is gone when I speak again. It is good enough not to cut the land and pay compensation, let alone keep a clear answer.

In fact, Jianzi Xianji is a very simple person. When he doesn't miss you, he is definitely a first-class good person. Once he misses you, he will encounter first-class big troubles, and Long Su really takes this trouble. Method.Now Jianzi comes when he wants to come, leaves when he wants to go, and hurts when he wants to be damaged. Saying "Well..." will make his heart beat for a long time.

Let’s take the present as an example. As a boss, it’s only natural for a boss to let his subordinates take the blame and tell which workplace he belongs to. In the end, the guilt can’t help soaring all the way in just a few words.Facing the gleaming stock curves on the computer, Long Su seriously thought about the reason why his majesty passed away like water and never returned, and a deep sense of crisis emerged spontaneously.

So... Where should Jianzi go to eat and apologize?

Jianzi worked overtime at home last night and didn't go to sleep until 1 o'clock. Looking at the program for too long made his eyes hurt a little.I don’t know if it was a dream at night. I woke up early in the morning with a flash of inspiration. I finally found a way to optimize the algorithm.After officially going to work, I took out the solution, tested it, wrote it into the library file and started to apply it, and solved a few bugs that popped up suddenly.The tossing was almost noon, and everyone was relieved. The delay king Ba Bao rubbed his dog's legs, but Jianzi's migraine began to occur.

Migraine is a long-standing problem of Jianzi, and he will suffer from it when he uses his brain too much.If you are mentally weak, you cannot engage in highly intense abstract thinking.His transition from pure mathematics to relatively non-brain-intensive applied mathematics and programming is somewhat limited by this innate limitation. For this reason, his tutor sighed and lamented "the sky is not fair" countless times.

The pharmacist helped him to see it, and stipulated that he should maintain a good daily work and rest, fasting irritating food, and not having a meal without a meal.Jianzi usually pays attention to it, but this month is the first release of their project. Who remembers this extraordinary time.

The project has been in progress for several months, and what the version can produce is the real life-and-death test to verify its feasibility.As the UI company's first graphics engine, Longsu has made great efforts to recruit a few experienced R&D personnel with high salaries, and deployed the best personnel. Even if the other teams are not as hostile as Lu Feiyu, they are more or less embracing. Wait and see attitude.Jackie Chan becomes a snake, a mule or a horse is waiting for this day. All the team members are full of energy and work overtime with bright lights every day until midnight.As the R&D supervisor, Jianzi can't handle administrative affairs, and also carries out major core development. He is so busy that he often forgets to eat, and the doctor's orders can only be forgotten.After staying up all night, the headache recurred, so I had to say it was self-inflicted.

His head went from dull pain to throbbing pain, his chest felt tight, and he was still considering whether to sneak home and take a nap when Long Su's invitation to "talk" came.

Jianzi knew about being treated as a smoke bomb from the beginning, and didn't really want to argue with Long Su.It's just that the physical condition at this time really doesn't allow to continue to talk about it in a thousand and one ways, which makes someone with a guilty conscience feel like a ghost for a while.

When I opened my eyes, it was pitch black all around.

A few hours of rest relieved the tense nerves, except for the feeling of drowsiness, and the headache was relieved.

In the empty room, the clicking sound of tapping on the soft keyboard was exceptionally clear, Jianzi blinked his sore eyes, and got up half-supported.

It was completely dark outside, and the floor-to-ceiling glass windows printed bright city lights.Long Su didn't turn on the light, and sat behind his handbag, the cold blue light of the screen reflected his already handsome face without any trace of popularity.After answering the few emails at hand, and re-examining the monthly report sent by the financial department, he looked up and found that Jianzi had sat up straight.

With the light in front of his eyes, he could only make out the blurred outline in the corner of the room, but Long Su could feel that Jianzi was looking at him.

"woke up?"


"No more rest?"

"no need."

Long Su's voice was very soft, and Jian Zi's answer was even softer. There was some inexplicable emotion throbbing slightly in the darkness, which made both of them suppress their thoughts at the same time.After falling into a brief silence, the atmosphere of this conversation was only aftertaste, no matter how you think about it, it was weird.

"Cough." After all, Jianzi's face was thinner, and the ambiguous silence made him uncomfortable, "What time is it?"

Long Su raised his wrist and glanced: "It's only seven o'clock."

The implication is that it doesn't matter if you can sleep more, but after sleeping like this for half a working day, Jianzi couldn't help but feel embarrassed: "...I've stayed so long, won't it affect you?"

"No." Long Su replied subconsciously, and only realized what Jianzi was talking about when it was over. He paused, pushed the computer away and stood up: "It doesn't matter, let's... go today, while everyone who works overtime Go eat and we'll finish it off."

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