unrestricted relationship

Chapter 41 Act 41.0

The morning in March was still very cold. As soon as I opened the window, the chilly spring breeze hit my face with lingling dampness, and my ears could only hear the ticking sound of rainwater falling on the ceiling and the ground.Jianzi held down the wind-swept paper on the desk with his backhand, opened the window further, and the howling wind poured into the room, passed through the open door, and quickly made the empty living room even more deserted.

Jianzi sat back in the chair, rested his chin and read the information sent by Su Zhenzhen again, and remembered the conversation at that time.

"Thinking about it later, the Jixun bribery case was very problematic from the very beginning. Because I knew that UI's bribery of Shixun began with an anonymous letter. Shixun is an e-commerce company affiliated to Provincial Taiwan. Provincial Taiwan 3 years ago Started the establishment of the province's digital TV network, and established a new company with a total investment of about [-] billion. Of course, the new company cannot take it all by itself, and half of the business has been subcontracted to brothers and subsidiaries. At that time, Shixun The boss is also the vice president of the province and Taiwan, and he is a powerful figure, so he can win the two important businesses of terminal software and server setup."

"It's indeed two pieces of fat, probably worth seven or eight hundred million. After eating this, fierce high-level struggles will be inevitable, whether it's inside Shixun or the head office."

"So at first we all thought that the source of this anonymous letter was from Shixun. To be honest, tricks are indispensable for a high-profit bidding of this scale. No matter how good-looking the food is, it can't stop people from being jealous. Every year, the procuratorate Anonymous letters on economic issues accounted for 40.00%, if this time it is not related to UI, maybe you can just read it.”

"You are afraid that you will encounter too much resistance at Shixun, so you are targeting Guan Zhonghe below? Is there no one behind this Guan Zhonghe?"

"He used to be the vice president of Newsletter. The vice president has been transferred to another company to be the boss."

Ups and downs in the dark, the losers of political struggles cannot avoid the end.Hearing this, Jianzi not only did not understand more and more, but became more and more confused.The above is easy to understand. Longsu must have received the wind, and he is very clear about the actions of the provincial station, and even understands the result of the distribution of benefits, so after making arrangements in advance, he finally won this order.But in normal logic, the focus of public relations is on people with real power. What is the purpose of spending 600 million to make friends with a small manager who has no backing?

Jianzi was spinning in his heart, while listening to Su Zhenzhen said: "The 600 million ancient painting that Guan Zhonghe found was bought in a place similar to a ghost market in the urban-rural fringe, and an antique shop took him. The painting was finally auctioned by Sotheby’s and sold to a museum in China for tens of thousands of RMB. The third day after I met Guan Zhonghe."

"It's too far-fetched..." Those who are in business always have to meet so many strangers a day, and it's normal to treat guests for dinner through relationships.If the UI bids are all successful, and you haven't even had a photo with the manager of the previous company, that would be a strange story.

After saying this, Su Zhenzhen also smiled bitterly: "Isn't it? There is not enough evidence at all, so I can only summon Guan Zhonghe himself to investigate, hoping to open a gap from him."

Jianzi shook his head, this matter was done cleanly, even if Guan Zhonghe was willing to lose his future and money to testify that Long Su had bribed him, it would be difficult to drag him into the water without real evidence.Frowning slightly, when he got here, he suddenly felt that something was wrong: "Wait a minute, let's sort things out first. At the beginning, you wanted to break through the Beichen Group, and Long Su was a candidate witness. At this time Suddenly, an anonymous letter pointed out that UI is suspected of unfair business competition. Then you want to threaten Long Su through investigation or even prosecution, and are willing to help penetrate into the inside story of Beichen Group. According to the anonymous letter, the target of bribery is Guan Zhonghe... Su Zhenzhen, you Do you think this process is very unreasonable? Although Guan Zhonghe is a business manager, although he is the host of the bidding on the surface, it may be possible to reveal some inside information, and he can really decide who will get a few hundred million yuan?"

Su really seemed to have known that he would ask this question, "Sharp, you got the point right away. Open the email and watch me send your information."

Jianzi's doubts were quickly resolved after seeing a company's information in the mobile phone email.

This is a company registered in S City, another province, with a very teahouse name, called "Qingtongju", and the suffix is ​​a consulting company - a typical way of naming a leather bag company.There is also a simple company description at the back of the information, with a registered capital of 300 million, business scope environment and interior decoration consultant.

Ordinary people may not know what an environment and interior decoration consultant is. If they are not paying attention, they may think it is a decoration company. Jianzi smiled when he saw it: "Yo, half of Cang and I are in the same business."

Su Zhenzhen also laughed, "That's right, this is a company that specializes in Fengshui for people. But compared to you and Cang, two half-hearted Taoist priests, their brand is much stronger, and they can hire several experts. At the same time An antique investment consultant, he has a very good reputation in the collector circle, and his business is booming. The registered legal person of the company, Mo Yanxin, is the fiancé of Longsu Secretary Mu Xianfeng, and the two are getting married this year."

That is to say, the company is owned by Longsu, Jianzi sighed slightly in his heart, this person has always talked about being silent and eccentric, but he acts "following his heart", but can he "do not exceed the rules"?His master was an engineer and a bridge expert in the first half of his life, but suddenly he devoted himself to Taoism in the second half of his life, and spent all his efforts on studying and sorting out the knowledge of his ancestors.Jianzi is far superior to most alchemists and physiognomists in the world in terms of knowledge and cultivation in Fengshui Kanyu, numbers, and faces.This business is not like what ordinary people think. It is the kind of fake monks and Taoists who pull you to read palms. The top people in it are all eminent monks and real masters who are famous in the religious circle.As for fate, is it true or false?Jianzi has always let nature take its course, not going to the edge of the horns, going all out when learning, and seldom showing it in front of others after learning.

When working in UI, a colleague brought six ancient coins. During the chat, he accidentally said that he could calculate the number of plum blossoms.After being coaxed by a group of people, someone made a calculation once, and his words hit everything, and everyone was shocked.Publicized by the Eight Forts Loud Voice, the name of the company is known to everyone, and it is still used by Long Su to talk about it from time to time.

Jianzi turned his head very quickly. If this company can hire a real expert physiognomy, then——"With the level of Guan Zhonghe, this kind of business can't be done. Could it be that... Long Su was in trouble from the very beginning. Do you know the boss of Shixun?" Seeing Su Zhenzhen nodding his head affirmatively, he took a deep breath, and finally understood how such a small person could fall into the sky: "So Guan Zhonghe is simply a bait. Mingxiu plank road, This trick is really..."

He didn't know how to evaluate it for a while, but Su Zhenzhen didn't feel burdened to praise it, "It's really clever. If there is no trick for such a big project, it will be noticed by interested people. But this is the second doubtful point of the matter. In fact, We didn't even know about the existence of the company 'Qingtongju' at first. The investigation into Guanzhonghe had made no progress for more than a week, and when we were about to withdraw the investigation, an anonymous phone call broke the news."

If the anonymous letter at the beginning seemed to be an internal strife among the top executives of the news, the targetedness of Qingtongju was clear at a glance. The corners of Jianzi's mouth curled up and he blinked, "Longsu offended people so hard... "

Su Zhenzhen didn't know whether this schadenfreude was true or not: "Qingtongju is by no means a simple company. This is not a clue at all, but a fishbone. Can't move, can't move, move No, the bone is stuck in the throat, it’s as uncomfortable as it needs to be.”

"The real purpose of the whistleblower is to reveal this matter to you." Jianzi couldn't help but sighed, "It can be seen that he should have nothing to do with the clients of Qingtongju. Beichen Group is indeed very suspicious."

Strictly speaking, the impact of this incident on Long Su is not too great. He can suspend the company's license, wash off the existing staff and start a new one, and transfer all the connections elsewhere.The worst thing is that after that, Shulou Longsu's true energy has been displayed so far. This young entrepreneur who has always had a good appearance on the outside has even registered with the High Procuratorate.I'm afraid that every time Long Su makes a big deal, it will attract the attention of relevant parties.I don't know how many times Ao Xiao Hongchen had to work overtime for the EX Battle.net deal which was worth [-] million yuan?

"The bigger suspicion is yet to come. Two or three days later, the anonymous caller called again, saying that he was an employee who was fired from Qingtongju, and that he pretended to be the seller of the painting of Guan Zhonghe."

"You are so sure, there should be evidence for you, right?"

"Indeed, he took out a photocopy of the certificate of appraisal, which was provided to the antique shop that bought the painting. The time was in the tube and more than a month before he got the painting. He also said that apart from the original, he still had this endorsement. Evidence from Qingtongju." Su Zhenzhen frowned, "The police traced and located the anonymous phone, and finally found out that the whistleblower was Liu Tao, who used to be a business assistant in Qingtongju. He was fired two years ago for embezzling public funds. Out of the company. Just when I wanted to contact Liu Tao directly, he disappeared. Two days later, I received a report that he was involved in a street hooligan fight. He was stabbed three times and died on the spot. The murderer has not been arrested since he fled , After investigation, that person had worked as a security guard at the Beichen Group's "Dynasty Club" before."

This plot is really twisted and turned, with all kinds of old stalks emerging one after another, it is comparable to a TV series.Jianzi was amazed when he heard this, "One died and the other ran away. The evidence you want must be crappy, right?"

Su Zhenzhen shrugged his shoulders: "It's done so terribly. In the end, the prosecution against UI can only end without a problem. I will warn you in advance when you have a friend. Try not to mention Shulou Longsu in front of Ao Xiao in the future. Listen to these four words He must have gone crazy."

Recalling from yesterday to last year's sinister Christmas Eve, Jianzi suddenly felt that Mu Shaoai is still very valuable as a bad friend, heck, let's get this guy back from the blacklist first...

There was a sound at the door, and Jianzi closed the current page without any hassle. When he turned his head, his gaze met Long Su who had just arrived home.The latter was about to knock on the door. Seeing him turn around, he couldn't help showing a smile, leaned over and kissed the temple next to his lover's ear: "I'm done, shall we go out for dinner?"

Jianzi glanced at the computer clock, it was almost noon, "It's already this time... there must be people everywhere."

"Take you to a place where you don't have to queue." How can such a small matter be so rare? Shulou Longsu, who specializes in eating, drinking and entertaining, pulled up his sword and said, "Go, you can go for a walk by the lakeside after dinner."

Closing his hand, Jianzi looked at him with a smile that was not a smile, "Go out on a rainy day without saying anything, and you are willing to take a walk after dinner. Long Su, you have been so diligent recently, which makes me feel very... suspicious."

Uh...was the act of behaving early and seeking probation too explicit?Of course, there was still a sweet smile on Long Su's face: "The most important thing is a year of spring, with smoked willows and long embankments, drizzle with fragrant grasses, and when your sweetheart walks slowly, you can live up to the good times of the year."

The eyelashes trembled slightly, and the smile spread from the corners of the eyes to the brows like that. Jianzi didn't believe it or disbelieve it, but just took Long Su's hand: "Since you are so interested, I dare not refuse to accompany you. Let's go. you drive."

"Tsk, Jianzi, your ability to manipulate people has improved by another level recently."

"It's not safe on rainy days, I have to rely on your superb driving skills, Long Su."

"...The ability to infuse me with ecstasy soup is getting more and more refined."

"It seems that yesterday someone complained that my text messages were dry and my words were not euphemistic enough."

"That's why you should make persistent efforts and continue to say what I love to hear..."

Jianzi has always trusted Shulou Longsu's ability to choose restaurants more than his driving skills.The two came out of the quiet Vietnamese restaurant, did not pick up the car, and did not open an umbrella, just walked along the road for two kilometers to the nearby lakeside park.The ground was a little damp from the beating, and there was still a little rain in the sky, which fell on his hair and turned into fine mist, which made Long Su unable to resist reaching out to brush Jianzi's temples, for fear of the fluffy and cute hair. White hair drooped into a ball.

"Who did you go to have dinner with yesterday?" During the chat, Long Su suddenly asked casually.

"Don't mention it, it's also an old debt accumulated over the years, and it's a loss to a friend. You should have heard his name, Su Zhenzhen, you know?"

Having known each other for so long, Long Su didn't bother to be surprised by Jianzi's circle of friends, "A famous economist, he often goes on the financial channel, and everyone who cares about daily macroeconomic analysis knows him. He seems to be a P student at a young age." associate professor?"

Jianzi felt very regretful, "It was just evaluated a few months ago, Associate Professor Su's schedule is too full, and I have been queuing up for so long to congratulate."

...It turned out that he was going to eat a big family, Long Su smiled, "It seems that you two have a good relationship?"

"He came back from studying abroad and studied mathematics at P University for a year. He was my junior student and came to me from time to time for help with programming and modeling. Wait, listen to what you said, it seems that since I met Su, I have been Losing money!"

Long Su smiled, "Talking about cost-benefit with economists? I think it's difficult for you to turn losses into profits."

"Fortunately, every time he persuaded me to change jobs, I resolutely resisted the temptation." Jianzi was really lucky.

"Job-hopping?" Long Su pondered for a while, and understood, "...a solid foundation in mathematics and programming skills. Indeed, the financial world is a good direction."

Waving his hand at him, Jianzi was unusually unimpressed with this proposal: "I'm not interested in capital's digital magic at all, and writing programs is already an interesting enough job. Actually, when it comes to job-hopping, I found out that I've only been working for a few years. , I met many programmers who started businesses.”

Lu Feiyu, Ba Bao, Xiao, Xu Renxiu, and others... No matter because of ambition, ideals or the current situation, and no matter what the ending is, they can fight for the future with confidence and hope.Jianzi couldn't help but lament their daring to think and do. It is precisely because there are so many confident and conceited people that this industry is so vibrant.

Long Su stared at him playfully for a moment, "Jianzi, your heart has moved."

Lifting the chin lightly, let the fine raindrops fall on the face like a breeze, every drop of coldness seeps into the skin, it makes people want to shiver, but it is also unbelievably excited.Jianzi just half-closed his eyes like that, immersed in the eagerness brought by the spring rain, and didn't answer.

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