unrestricted relationship

Chapter 17 Act 17.0

It is a big taboo for IT companies to export the core of the project with the source code. When Babao resigns, who wouldn't want to cut off the power, collect the computer, search the hard drive?A widely circulated joke in the industry is that a company needs 17 heads to sign even if the tester resigns, and waits for nearly a month. There are always two to three hundred people in the UI company, but the administration is not as procrastinated as other large companies. It has always been vigorous and vigorous. It was the same when Jianzi joined the job, and it was the same when Babao left.Get a resignation form, fill in a series of materials, complete the personnel and financial management procedures and attach a certificate, and then sign by yourself, the team leader, and the director respectively. Babao can go home and go to sleep on the spot.

An hour and a half later, Jianzi looked at the signed resignation form, and remembered Long Su's conceited look when he said, "Those who believe in me will follow their own destiny", and smiled slightly.I wrote "Agree" in the two columns of "Department Director" and "Department Director", and then solemnly signed my name, and handed it back to Ba Bao.

The young man who was talking eloquently just now had a complex look on his face. Because he was young, he never knew and didn’t need to learn to hide his emotions—reluctance, bewilderment, and excitement mixed into one glance.Babao took the thin resignation form, took a deep breath, and finally remembered to speak after a while: "...This is my first job."

--I can tell.The gentle smile remained in his eyes from the beginning to the end, and Jianzi seemed to be freed from the work prison more than the other party: "The first job is very important."

"Yeah, I'm lucky." The young man is always hot and cold, and the sadness of parting is blown away in an instant. Babao grinned: "Boss, do you know who my boss was before you?"

Jianzi looked at him amusedly, using the method of elimination instead of brute force, combined with the speaker's personality and timing, it was easy to deduce—"Is it Long Su?"

Sure enough.Ba Bao's mouth is long enough to stuff half a Big Mac into it: "Wow, boss, you really can pinch and count! I... I won't leave without asking you to do the math for me!!"

Before he could reply, seven or eight hands were stretched out from behind Babao:

"You still owe me two meals and three bugs, and you still want to leave?!"

"How dare you leave your brothers and run away, do you want to die, do you want to die, or do you want to die?"

"That's right, he must not be spared! If you don't set up ten tables and eight tables to break up and eat him for three days, don't even think about walking out of the company alive!"

"Woooooo, why...why..."

"Why are you crying so sad that Babao is going to leave? Does he owe you money or does he owe you love?"

"—Why do I have breakfast and lunch today!!!"

A group of members yelled that Ba Bao, who was begging for mercy, was directly thrown out. While walking, some people started calling to make reservations for Japanese cuisine, seafood restaurants, and French cuisine...then the begging for mercy turned into screams, which really made those who heard it look sideways. Turn a blind eye.Watching their figures disappear into the corner of the office, Jianzi shook his head with a smile, turned the back of his chair, and looked out the window:

The blue sky is clear and clear in autumn, and the sky is high enough for birds to fly.

Jianzi was so busy that day that he forgot to look for Long Su, until after get off work, Long Su found Jianzi.

"I heard that Babao is going to resign." Sitting on the office chair, Long Su's figure was as straight as ever, with sharp eyes, but Jianzi could vaguely see a little tiredness and melancholy from his eyes.

"Yes," he had long since given up asking where Long Su's clever eyes and ears came from, "I don't know if the general manager will personally intervene, so I have already approved it." The implication is to keep the person on your own.

He was blocked before he could say the next sentence, and after finishing speaking, he quietly lowered his eyes and began to drink tea leisurely.That appearance, as if he had no interest in the reasons why he cared about his subordinates, was naked from head to toe, from foot to head.

Long Su couldn't help laughing, he had long forgotten that he hadn't slept for almost forty hours - Jianzi Xianji was definitely the best way to divert Long Su's attention from Shulou, as long as he was in front of him, nothing else The existence of people and things weakened by three points in an instant, "This sentence hurts my heart, it hurts my heart. Am I an arrogant person who doesn't trust the judgment of my friends and interferes in your internal affairs."

Jianzi, who was drinking tea, glanced at him leisurely, "Suppressing the employees' normal leave applications for three weeks without approval, such a boss, there is really no reason to treat him as an object of reason."

As soon as he mentioned this matter, Long Su showed a [-]-point leadership demeanor, and responded cordially to all the demands of the masses: "This matter...we will discuss it from the long-term."

Fortunately, the masses have also grown up in the struggle between deception and anti-deception, and they took a picture of the resignation form left by Babao.

"Hey, this is a serious matter. It's unwise to threaten the boss to hurt yourself and others. My friend is a smart person so don't come here. Think twice." Asking prices all over the place, paying back the money on the spot, you come and I have already been familiar with the answer, Long Su secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Since he set foot in the company today, how many battles between heaven and man he has gone through before he can press Jianzi's extension number, the entanglement in it is really unknown to outsiders.Stewed in soy sauce, stewed in yellow, stewed, stir-fried and cold salad... I searched for the poems and books in my belly, but I couldn't find a way to cook the people in front of me.

When he was about to get off work, Long Su, who wanted to understand "No matter how much he thought about it, he couldn't understand it in a short time", was so cruel that he connected Jianzi's phone.It's strange to say that as soon as the Lord came, all kinds of plans were blown by strong winds.Long Su felt that his tone of voice, expression, and mentality were very calm—if it wasn't for the constant urge to urge him to sit next to Jianzi, grab those two clumps of mane hairs, and do it again, and then by the way, it might make the latter The act of immediately turning his face and resigning - then he can be said to be extremely normal.

On the opposite side, Jianzi felt chills running down his spine. Looking carefully, Long Su's smile was so sincere that it was almost suspicious. He thought for a while and said, "If you go and stay, Babao may come back."

This time, he was absolutely sincere, and it really made Long Su with ulterior motives feel blocked.The latter smiled calmly and gracefully: "If you haven't mentioned it before, it's fine. You've already said the word 'resignation'. Regardless of the moment, you will always leave. If you can keep today, you can't keep tomorrow."

The pitch-black eyes moved for his words, and Jianzi repeated with interest: "If a person says he wants to resign, he will definitely resign in the end? Ha, is this your experience, Long Su?"

"However, you might as well call it 'Long's Workplace Theorem'. Babao is someone I admire, but since everyone has his own ambition, let him go."

Jianzi became very interested in what he said: "My friend is so open-minded, it's the first time I've learned that I don't know Taishan with my eyes, and I have made a lot of rudeness in the past. Jianzi is really ashamed and regretful."

Seeing this person rubbing his chest and expressing regret, but his eyes were cunning, Long Su wished he could step over the table and do something unconscionable right away, trying to suppress the urge to reach out, he coughed: "Jianzi, your acting skills Regressed."

"Is there?" His eyes lowered innocently.As a hard-working laborer, he just thought with joy that, according to this, he threatened to leave several times, and he was finally in the ranks of people who would definitely leave.

"Yes, your abacus is crackling, and I can hear it clearly from here, and I am terrified." When Jianzi pretended to be stupid, Long Su's teeth itch, which is also the so-called deep poisoning, " It's a pity, no matter who you let go, you—I will never let you go." The implication is that you will give up and obediently continue to accompany me 24/7, and don't pretend to ask for leave with the resignation slip.

As soon as Jianzi heard it, he reflexively wanted to lift the table, and Long Su was already prepared to hold him down, and he clenched his hands without a trace: "Oh, calm down, friend! I just remembered that there is still a relationship between you and me." The bet is pending, Jianzi always keeps his word, he will definitely not do such a villainous thing as pretending to forget the bet because he is afraid of losing, do you think so?"

The black eyes flickered a few times, and then raised his eyes to be unhappy, "Thanks to Long Su's high opinion, how can I disappoint you? Naturally, I will keep the bet in my heart. But Long Su..." His white brows frowned, and his eyes turned I can't wait for the slender hands that grow on my palms, "——when will you hold your hands?"

"Cough... Jianzi, you care about it."

"Don't worry, I still haven't received half a month's salary, and I won't choose this time if I renege on my account and run away."

Long Su was so cold that he laughed out loud, shook his head and let go.Jianzi took another sip of tea: "Long Su, I have something to ask."

"Please tell me, I'm not as stingy as a good friend, so I naturally know everything and say everything."

Who is more stingy? !Jianzi once again regretted the ignorant and fearless decision. He knew that Long Su was more difficult than all the bad friends combined, and he would never step into UI half a step.After sighing and regretting in his heart several times, he had no choice but to cheer up: "Lu Feiyu will leave because you didn't want to stay in the first place; Babao will leave, but you didn't stay when you wanted to; then, what kind of person is it?" Where does Long Su want to stay?"

The gush of nasty words came to his mouth like a conditioned reflex, and he swallowed them all back under Jianzi's unobtrusive "you can talk to yourself if you want to talk nonsense" eyes.Long Su could only sigh silently in his heart, as expected, the June debt was repaid quickly, my friend this time, I didn't want to talk nonsense, I planned to speak the truth...

"Do you want to listen to the truth or lies?" Anyway, he has already practiced the ability to speak sweet words regardless of whether Jianzi likes to hear them or not, and he has already spoken out without waiting for the latter to stop him. "The lie is naturally only you, the truth..."

Jianzi suddenly interrupted him leisurely: "The truth is——except for me, at least you have to keep the cleaner."

Long Su was taken aback for a moment, then laughed out loud, the laughter was sincere, and the fatigue of the past few days was swept away.

There is a tacit understanding in the heart, and it is self-evident, who else is there?

There is a joke saying that a cannibal was recruited into IBM, and he ate a manager every week. After eating for more than half a year, he was not found. As a result, one day he accidentally ate a cleaner and was immediately arrested.This story tells us that those who do things and those who don't do things often have nothing to do with his title.Taking it a step further, important people and unimportant people often have nothing to do with your self-perception.

Jianzi looked at Long Su who was no longer gloomy and had regained his vigorous expression, smiled slightly, and took a sip of his tea.

Babao was about to leave, but Jianzi didn't keep him, he knew that the former felt somewhat wronged.

One of the common mistakes of career newcomers who are self-confident about their talents is that they think that when they resign, their backs are more elegant than others, and that their bosses and colleagues should feel infinite regret.But in fact, you can let everyone around you think that you are important, but you must always be soberly aware that you are never as important as you think.

"In fact, both are false," Jianzi said emotionally, "In an industrialized society, no one is a screw, and no one can turn without the company leaving. Of course, UI will leave you, a rich boss, for sure. It’s just not going to survive.”

Once he started to talk seriously, Long Su didn't make any more detours: "It's impossible to maintain without one person. No matter how good the future is, there are still many dangers. There are always more mediocre people than geniuses in the world. Those who can build and destroy a company by themselves They have become living legends."

Tilting his head to think about it, Jianzi mentioned a famous name: "For example, Jobs."

Long Su smiled wryly and waved his hands, "That's a legend among legends—Where Apple sells electronic products, it's clearly LV or Prada."

Hearing what he said, Jianzi couldn't help laughing: "No wonder I have a friend who likes beautiful women and doesn't usually play games. Whenever he travels on business, he always carries an IPAD with him. He really got a lot of proactive conversations at the airport coffee shop."

No one can replicate Apple's success.

Personal temperament has created a miracle in the technology industry: turning the cold computer mobile phone game console into a luxury fashion.The recognition of luxury goods comes from the recognition of its brand value-there is no second idol Jobs to brainwash consumers, and all following trends are just superficial.Just like LV's counterfeit bags are flying all over the sky, but it never affects the sales of genuine products, but promotes people's recognition and desire to buy.

Long Su also said, "I can't become a legend, so I have to be cautious to avoid walking on thin ice."

After looking up and down at the young and handsome man with a proud face for a while, Jianzi didn't take it seriously: "I see, you are just lazy."

Uh, my friend, you know that subordinates who tell too much truth will be feared by their superiors. The history of a thousand years is not far away... The big boss Long Su, who is full of personal charm but loves to hide behind people, swallowed these words, and gave a long speech Sighing: "I don't think I'm all-rounder, so why bother to do it myself? I just need to know how to use the right person at the right place. My friend, you will be here, isn't that the case?"

——It’s nothing more than being too lazy to devote too much energy and effort, so deliberately turning the company into a huge, sophisticated but well-functioning machine.Jianzi rolled his eyes, seeing that he didn't forget to praise himself for his nonsense, he decided not to expose it.

IT is definitely not one of the industries where technology is at the forefront, but it is definitely one of the industries that implements "technology is the primary productive force" most thoroughly.This is especially evident in the treatment of employees—creativity comes from people. In the history of the success or failure of this industry, the element of "people" is often the most important part.Lu Feiyu is only 26 and seven, and he was only a project manager in UI for several years. Just because he brought the source code and a few people, he immediately changed the gun - he got investment, formed a company, and was promoted to general manager. In the blink of an eye, he completely broke the headhunting consultant Everyone's favorite magic spell "career ceiling", there is a big sky in front of you.Although dreaming back at midnight, looking back on this disgraceful past, he may still feel a little apologetic; although the greater the position, the greater the responsibility, and it is not clear whether there will be results after the investment is burned, but that is all "later" It's over.Who can guarantee that "in the future" Lu Feiyu won't become a new legend?

Long Su has already savored the ups and downs of the ups and downs, and he did not kill them all, but was willing to spare them.Twisted melons are not sweet, so I just open the door, let me go in and out, and decide on my own.If he wanted to, just relying on his contacts in the industry, a few phone calls could make Lu Feiyu's investment come to naught. Don't you see that an anti-virus software company that started by stealing the original company's code was blocked by the old boss immediately, and there is no way to catch up?

But Long Su didn't.

Naturally, this is not because he is benevolent, but because he has a far-sighteder vision than most of his peers.Although the machine made of screws can keep moving forward, it inevitably suffers from the chronic problem of lack of creativity.If one day the company under Lu Feiyu can really break out into the sky, they only need to spend money to get the best results. In the end, there will be no shortage of people, and a lot of money will be earned. What you pay will always come back Come here.So deep down in Long Su's heart, not only did he not mind subordinates like Lu Feiyu, but he also wished that there could be more such subordinates—someone who would help him explore the most difficult part of starting a business. Naturally, the more such active Lei Fengs, the better.

As for the possibility of competitors growing into predators to bite back, he doesn't ignore it, but he doesn't even worry about it.In today's increasingly capitalized IT industry, Cheng Yaojin, a bachelor who robs and kills cakes out of thin air, must have three axes that can shake the industry. How can people not be full of expectations?

"Jianzi, the cutest and cruelest thing about our industry is that it really doesn't care about one's background, but only about the result." As the city was getting dusk, the bright lights streamed through the golden pupils, and the sharp phoenix eyes Overflowing, Shulou Longsu said so.

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