The Little Lazy Turtle of the Demon Emperor's Family [Wearing Books]

Chapter 15 ⊙▽⊙The Secret of the Little Tail

Gui Hai's small tail is very short, and can be pinched completely with his index finger and thumb. As long as Shi Yunfeng rubs it lightly, all the skin of the whole small tail can be covered.

At the same time, the small tail is still a very special part.

The sensitivity of the little tail to touch is more than [-] times that of other parts. Originally, as long as it is slightly touched, there will be an itchy electric current from the little tail to the limbs, which is extremely itchy.

What's more, Shi Yunfeng put Guihai's whole little tail between his fingers and rubbed it gently at 360 degrees without any dead angle?At this moment, all the muscles in Guihai's body couldn't help trembling and contracting spontaneously.This feeling is even more itchy than being scratched lightly on the soles of the feet with a feather, and it is even more itchy when you want to retract it. It is also similar to the feeling of being gently stroked.

The itch is just itching, and Guihai can bear it for cleaning the little tail.But the problem is——

Gui Hai only found out today where his indescribable big boy is.

As a human being, his gender was male, so Guihai took it for granted that he was a male turtle.However, after turning into a turtle, he has never excreted. He has been focusing on food, environment, safety and freedom. Guihai even forgot to find the key proof that he is a male turtle.

Fortunately, I finally found out today. After being stimulated by Shi Yunfeng's super tickling technique, his little tail protruded from his tail.To be precise, it emerges from the cloaca of the tail near the plastron.

It seemed to be quite big there, and Shi Yunfeng could touch it with his fingers. Feeling something was added, Shi Yunfeng curiously turned Guihai over so that his plastron was facing upwards. He glanced at it and asked curiously. Said: "Pink, what is this?"

Guihai: ... pink poop?

At the moment when the thing just popped out, Gui Hai thought he had defecated, and it seemed that the defecation was on Shi Yunfeng's finger, and he was very embarrassed.It's so shameful that I actually pooped Shi Yunfeng, and the poop seemed to be difficult to control, and I couldn't pull it out or retract it.

Before Guihai could shrink back the pink poop, or come out completely, Shi Yunfeng was very interested in helping Guihai's hose from top to bottom. This was not enough, and he rubbed it lightly .

Apparently rubbing it is not enough. The big villain got excited and kept scratching it just like touching the back of the turtle before, and sighed: "Slippery, so tender. Huh? Strange, it's red, and it will grow bigger."

Guihai: "..."

When Dang Guihai was teased by Shi Yunfeng in this way, his heart was full of doubts——

⊙ ▽ ⊙

#Why the big villain will help him to poop, should he not clean it after being pooped#

#When will poop be like a part of the body, it will feel like#

#There is also a kind of cool feeling#

Guihai has always been puzzled that the proof of a male tortoise's maleness is hidden in the root of the tail, and the tail will come out when it is touched.It was only when Gui Hai clearly felt that the poop that came out of nowhere started to become congested, swollen, and even longed to be tickled fiercely, that he realized what it was.

This feeling, isn't it——

Σ (っ°Д°;) っ

Even though the length of the small tail is not enough for the width of a finger, Gui Hai can now clearly feel the length of his own big butt.No, no, this is not the time to speculate about your own length.

It seems that after turning into a turtle, the reaction is a little slow.

After returning to the sea, I belatedly found out that he was played by the big villain just now. He used to help with massage and bathing. ')!

The swollen feeling is [-] times more uncomfortable than the super itchy feeling of the little tail that cannot be scratched hard.Once he realized what it was, all the muscles in Gui Hai's body trembled, and he jumped out of Shi Yunfeng's hand all of a sudden.

Even the unfortunate fall into the mud did not feel the slightest pain.As soon as it landed, Guihai was like a lightning bolt. With his little tail cocked, he swished into the bamboo forest and hid in the gap of a boulder.

Even Gui Hai was amazed at his speed.It seems that after waking up, he has evolved from a slow-moving juvenile tortoise to a super lightning tortoise that can run extremely fast.

Since Gui Hai's whole body was covered with fragrance, and the whole body was slippery, Shi Yunfeng, the big villain, had fun and didn't realize that Gui Hai would run away suddenly, so he couldn't catch him for a while.

"What's wrong?" Shi Yunfeng was stunned, his brows were slightly frowned, his eyes turned to the direction where Gui Hai disappeared, and while carefully identifying it, he asked, "Where did you go?"

It was getting late now.

The afterglow of the sun had disappeared long ago, and the pale moonlight could not provide clear illumination, but all the bamboos in the entire bamboo forest mountain were able to glow, exuding a faint light green halo, with a hint of yellow.It is not dazzling, but softly illuminates the whole mountain, and the lines of bamboo leaves are clearly visible.

Gui Hai hid in the crack of the boulder, raised his tail, and calmed down.

Why did Guihai run away?This is because, Yi Shi Yunfeng touched the little turtle's urine when he had nothing to do, and once he found something novel, he would play it again and again as he did just now.Shi Yunfeng's swordsmanship is formidable, and his fingering is even more formidable. There are no repetitions in all angles and strengths.He just didn't dare to masturbate a little bit harder, making Gui Hai very uncomfortable.

Guihai tried to fight, but he tore Shi Yunfeng's lips and claws, and Shi Yunfeng would still kiss him; he bit Shi Yunfeng's fingers, but it seemed that Shi Yunfeng expected to be bitten more. lips.Apart from expressing dissatisfaction by running away, Guihai has no choice.

If it's like this every day in the future, just throw it aside after playing, how will you live your little life?

Although being Shi Yunfeng's little pet, he eats happily and is massaged comfortably, but Guihai feels a little sad when he is to be played with like a big dog wantonly.

Because, at this time, he really felt that he was really not a modern person anymore.

Do you think which modern bachelor will be played with big Ding at will?

Then run away, I can't stand it, Guihai is willing to graze freely.

Then why does Guihai raise his tail?This is because, until now, his place is still congested, swollen, stuck in the small opening of the cloaca, and cannot be retracted all at once.In order not to hurt Da Ding from rubbing against the soil, or to avoid more stimulation, Gui Hai had no choice but to raise his little tail and let the place calm down by itself.

Gui Hai also didn't understand, why he didn't feel much about Shi Yunfeng, but there was swelling there.Could it be that his kind of tortoise has developed well soon after it was born, and can give birth to baby tortoises?

Thinking of this, Guihai couldn't help sighing.

Everyone said he was a tortoise, but apart from growing faster and getting swollen more easily, Gui Hai didn't know what the tortoise could do.

In fact, it is still useful, for example, just turned into a lightning turtle, for example, Dang Guihai wanted to hide, Shi Yunfeng could not perceive him even if he listened intently.

On the contrary, Gui Hai could sense what Shi Yunfeng was doing.

Guihai could hear the sound of the wind, and heard Shi Yunfeng walking back and forth. He searched for a long time, and even whipped up a strong wind with his sword, blowing up the bamboo leaves of the whole mountain, and inspected the bare ground bit by bit. Can't see him.

The sword stopped, the strong wind also stopped, and the bamboo leaves all over the mountain were fluttering.Gui Hai only heard Shi Yunfeng kick away the nearby rocks, and commanded sharply in an extremely cold tone: "Come out!"

The kicked rocks crushed the bamboo leaves that rolled past, rolling all the way to the foot of the mountain, and Guihai could even hear the groaning of the bamboo leaves breaking.

The author has something to say: the real little turtle doesn’t have a tail, otherwise it will pee on your hands _(:з」∠)_

This chapter is written by the author, I would not write such a strange thing _(:з"∠)_

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