
Chapter 30 Yan Ruyu

Ye Zuolan's knowledge about "bathing" is limited.

Although there was a special bathroom in the house before, it was actually an old big bathtub in an empty room.Later, I went to Guozijian, and the bathhouse became a bathhouse.The students took off their uniform green robes on weekdays, naked like urchins playing in the river ditch in summer.There is no academic supervision there, and it is the place where the atmosphere in the Imperial College is the most relaxed.However, students with higher status don't bother to go.

As for entering Lu Yinger's house, there is also a bathroom, but there are air leaks all around, and there are slugs and mice running around.Therefore, except for Zhu Zhu'er and Ye Yueshan, the others prefer to find a corner in the yard and pour a few buckets of cold water casually.

Right now, Ye Zuolan followed the two maids through the courtyard shaded by green bamboos, and the air was filled with the moist and sweet fragrance of Albizia julibrissin.He came at last to a room with azure screens.

When the door was pushed open, a gust of wind happened to blow up the blue veil and brushed it onto Ye Zuolan's face.

There is the breath of male lilac.

Behind the veil stands a floor-to-ceiling screen with lacquered gold, on which a border of blue and purple calamus is painted, which is gorgeous and ostentatious.

Behind the screen is the bathroom, in the corner there are mirrors, make-up and other things, and in the center there is a spacious gold-painted bath.Next to Yuhu stood two green-clothed maids, and when they saw him, they shouted in unison: "Young master, please take a shower and change your clothes."

Ye Zuolan was stunned immediately.He has grown so big, except for his mother, he has never been served by any woman like this.He was about to decline, but the four maids at the front and back started giggling, and rushed forward to take off his clothes.

Two fists are hard to beat with eight hands, not to mention that Ye Zuolan doesn't know how to face the group of soft and fragrant daughters in front of her.In the midst of embarrassment, they had already peeled several layers like peeling bamboo shoots.In the end, he had no choice but to jump into the Yuhu with his obscene clothes together, causing another burst of good-natured chuckles.

The temperature of the water in the bath was neither hot nor cold, so comfortable that Ye Zuolan almost wanted to sigh.Only then did he relax a little, and saw those maids coming over with magpie tail incense burners, and two of them were carrying a basket of flower petals to throw into the bathing dendrobium.

Ye Zuolan said in embarrassment, "What is this for?!"

Unexpectedly, the maid smiled and said, "Daughter's house, it's better if it smells better."

What does this mean? !Ye Zuolan froze for a moment, but another maid came over to wipe him with a gauze bag wrapped in bath beans.

So this time, quite a toss.Ye Zuolan felt like a dead fish on Zhu Zhu'er's cutting board, being tossed back and forth, all the scales of the fish were completely scraped off, and it became as white as paper, and was let off by the sisters.

He was wearing a bath towel, and got up from the bath still blushing.Just as she was looking for some clothes to cover her body, the maid brought a begonia red valerian skirt.Ye Zuolan was embarrassed and said, "This is what a girl wears, I'm a boy!"

The maid answered him confidently: "My master ordered, please dress up like this. It will be more convenient for the banquet!"

Is that so? !

Ye Zuolan was not stupid, she guessed Qi Yunchu's intention immediately after thinking about it.

Women disguise themselves as men's clothes, and make up with makeup.In this way, he will have a brand new identity, even if he meets Fu Zhenghuai face to face, he may not be exposed.

It was indeed a good idea, but it also meant that Qi Yunchu had seen through his disguise early on.

Suddenly, Ye Zuolan didn't know whether to be happy or worried.


After taking a shower, Lu Ying'er felt refreshed and in a good mood.Wearing a brand new brocade robe, he followed the maid to the venue.

The moon is bright and the wind is clear tonight, and the banquet will be held in the garden of Qi Mansion.

I saw the double-ring pavilion erected on the small island in the pool, and the flat bridge close to the water stretched out towards the shore in four directions.At this moment, except for the northernmost one, the other three are all covered with silver embroidered mattresses, and several tables, wine and food are arranged.

Lu Yinger took a seat on the Pingqiao to the west.The left and right are familiar, they are all officials who have been stabbed by him.Looking at the East Bridge and South Bridge again, they were sitting as if they were court officials, Chinese and military officials, but Ye Zuolan was nowhere to be seen.

Lu Ying'er became a little nervous now, and stretched her neck to look left and right, but heard someone from the north passing by, saying that it was Duke Changqiu who had arrived.

Everyone on the three bridges heard the sound and stood up, only to see two rows of attendants walking slowly on the bridge to the north, holding glazed lanterns.

And Qi Yunchu was walking in the center of the glazed lantern array.

I saw him wearing a purple robe with fox tails that swept the floor, and an ultramarine gauze robe over it.A silver thread is made into a cross braid on the back of the head, tied with a silver button.The bun was tied tightly on the top of the head, and a golden silk hair crown was worn, surrounded by four-clawed pythons chasing a huge South Sea pearl.

Tsinghua is like the moon, warm and moist like pearls.

Although the most beautiful treasures in this world, such as the jade of the He family and the pearl of the Marquis of Sui Dynasty, do not depend on any decoration.However, after such a beautiful scenery, no one can't help but take a few more glances.

What's more, at this moment, beside Qi Yunchu, there is another beauty who is as shameful as a closed moon.

It seems to be a delicate girl of thirteen or fourteen years old, wearing a chest-length show skirt with a begonia red background, and the skirt is covered with flowers made of pearls and green langgan; The silk shawl flutters with every movement, swaying like ripples.

Lu Ying'er gasped, and quickly looked up again.

I saw that the girl combed her hair in a loose bun, only a few small golden hairpins embedded with miscellaneous treasures were inserted, but there were many pink flowers piled up on her temples and hair bun.

It's a pity that Lu Ying'er didn't see the girl's true face—her face was covered with a tulle, covering her mouth and nose.But just those bright eyes that seem to hide thousands of thoughts are enough to make people's hearts flutter.

Such a stunner full of mystery suddenly appeared at the banquet held by Minister of Internal Affairs Qiu Gong, and stood side by side with Qiu Gong... This naturally aroused a lot of speculation in the surroundings.

Some people asked whose family this young lady was; some people said, is Qiu Gong also planning to follow the example of the "sages" to find a wife for himself; some people categorically denied the idea of ​​marrying a wife, and at the same time showed unspeakable complex expressions.

There were still a very small number of eunuchs left, who were slightly startled, as if they had seen something.

However, the thoughts of all these people are nothing to Ye Zuolan at this moment.

His head had never been so heavy.The maids from just now not only put gold hairpins and flowers on him, but even thought his hair was not long enough, so they stuffed several wigs into him.

And the earlobe, which was firmly clamped by the two pearl earrings, was so painful that it was almost numb.

But all of these, compared with the soreness and stiffness of the whole body, are all insignificant.

The maids asked Ye Zuolan to imitate the posture of a young girl, and her behavior should be as gentle and elegant as possible.Ye Zuolan thought it was very simple, so she recalled Ye Yueshan's usual gait and behavior in her heart.

But who knows that thinking is easier than doing, so when he was concentrating on guarding against being exposed, he didn't realize that Qi Yunchu had walked over very naturally, held his hand, and led him to his side next to the seat.

"You did very well."

Qi Yunchu praised Ye Zuolan's performance in a low voice.

"Everyone here is watching you, but no one knows your true face."

Speaking of this, he looked to the west again: "Even Lu Yinger didn't see it."

Only then did Ye Zuolan manage to recover, and wiped her sweaty hands on the hem of her skirt.

"But you know." He raised his head and looked at Qi Yunchu: "And you obviously have something to say to me."

"Your soul is collected quite quickly, and you are not timid."

Qi Yunchu seemed to smile silently, and stretched out his hand to touch the crumbling little flower on his temples for him.

"There's still an hour and a half before the curfew, we have plenty of time to talk about these things."

Having said that, he reached out to grab the wine glass in front of him.

In an instant, dozens of guests on the three flat bridges were all quiet, and at the same time they cast concerned eyes towards this side.

Ye Zuolan, who was also caught in sight, was very unaccustomed to being watched by so many people at the same time.He moved his body unconsciously, and his gaze suddenly caught sight of a certain person at the east end of the bridge.

It's Fu Zhenghuai!

correct.This smiling man was also looking towards this side.

Could he have seen through his disguise?Just thinking about this, Ye Zuolan couldn't help her heart beat faster.

But there was no other choice. At this moment, Ye Zuolan knew that she could only remain calm.

Only calmness is the best disguise.

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