The Dragon's Nest is shrouded in the bright moonlight of the winter night.

Sears' gaze fell outside the window—the silhouette of the tall building silently exudes an indifferent beauty in the dark night. It has sharp edges and corners, and the carefully decorated lines can hardly be seen from a distance.But Sears could tell the difference between the Dragon's Lair and the Chemiere Cathedral. The breath of the Dragon God really lingered here. The carved arch extending from one end of the hall was cut into the shape of a dragon—Os in a snake-like form. Dragon of Wade.

Looking down, the sea surface covered with thin ice is what I saw decades ago—as a young visitor, it has not changed.But hidden in the dark shadows is a large area of ​​dying dragon weeds. They were trampled to this side under the sturdy armor of the old school a year ago. Generally weak, three veins.Thinking of those moths, Sears frowned, and turned his finger on the wrench on his waist.

After Delin left Chemiye, he fell into the siege of Chemiye Holy See. Fortunately, with the help of the pope, family and allied forces, his life was not too hard.There was only one thing that made him a little restless: the battle report from Oswald was too chaotic, even Sears couldn't get anything useful from the chaotic information.Soon, the Oswald Holy See was sealed off layer by layer, and Chemieri on the other side of the ocean no longer had any news belonging to the people of the East.

This situation lasted for two months, and Durling's letter finally arrived with Oswald's diplomatic files.The emissary was a tall, strong and sensitive young man——George.He brought two letters with him, and one was handed over to Chemiye's Supreme Judgment Team. "Demon Executor" even rescued the Bran family—and Sears—from the edge of the abyss with this letter stamped with the dragon coat of arms of the Holy See of Oswald.

As for the other...

It was a piece of extremely clean black leather paper, engraved with patterns that Sears couldn't understand.Right below the pattern, a section of familiar fonts is neatly arranged, probably because the characters were written in a hurry, and the tails of the characters were dragged very long.

"Leave a back door for you... I pray to see you someday."


The young guard took the invitation and glanced at it quickly but carefully.With clean white gloves, he returned the purple letter sent by the new pope, Mr. Sen Andre, to the servant of the imperial envoy, and bowed slightly: "Dear Your Majesty Sears, good night. Follow the candle to the Judgment Hall."

Sears' face was covered with a golden mask, and the golden lines "grow" to the waist during this short period of time.I couldn't see his expression clearly, but there was no arrogance in the posture of the imperial envoy, he even nodded to the guards before walking into the hall.

Candlelight refers to the road with golden candlesticks on both walls. The dancing white candlelight illuminates the relatively spacious corridor and distinguishes this road from the rest of the region.There are not many people, but there are also many.No one is standing side by side, just walking forward in silence.This silence was not because the atmosphere was too dignified. Sears guessed that it was probably because the aftermath of the Oswald storm was still palpitating, so he was afraid.

He exhausted the candlelight path and came to the hall where he met for the first time.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but at the moment Sears stepped into this world, several sensitive and sharp eyes shot over.One is Pope Andre sitting on the ring seat of believers and guests, the other is "Pope" Goosen who is bound by a cross in the center of the hall and is exhausted, and a middle-aged woman with sharp eyes beside him—

In the next moment, these gazes were completely withdrawn.It is difficult to find out whether it is just a passing hallucination.

Sears sat in a corner, silently waiting for the opening of the ceremony - when the door of the trial hall was half closed, it meant that everything had already started.The woman beside the cross bowed her head and sang in a low voice, which was the ancient sacrificial song of Oswald.

The Royal God Envoy finally discovered the gemstone held in the woman's palm, and all this was related to the black hair and the blade-like eyes, and Sears seemed to understand who he was——

Lin An.

One of the masters of Oswald's real theocratic power, she stared at the ground with her indifferent but pure black pupils, and whispered softly.Pope Andrei did not interrupt her, but, like a true believer, looked forward to it.

The grinding sound of gears gnawing, it was neither heavy nor light, but it easily tore apart the peace in the trial hall - Sears' heart beat faster, looking forward to, predicting, until a young man walked quietly and accurately The pace is as if an appreciator is judging the artistic sense of the scene in this square hall.But the young man didn't look at him, he just walked forward stubbornly, and took the lead in pulling out the divine tool, Judgment, from his waist.

The fiery golden flame occupied the blade in an instant, it carefully burned the sacred sharp weapon, and screamed.

——Boom.A bell tolled.

Sears' vision is gradually blurring, which is a symptom that only occurs when emotions are extremely suppressed. Those who look around, the judged, and the assistants are not important.He was completely attracted by the boy wielding a knife, as if it was an existence that could swallow his reason.

No, he is.Sears thought in the middle of his haze, he's got me.

The bell seemed to be ringing more and more quickly.The young man was dancing an indifferent dance, and the echoing prayers grew louder - he saw every inch of the arc of the black robe's feet flying in the air, every inch of the reflection on the white mask and the blade.At some point in the corner of this temple, golden flames ignited. The flames ignited this realm, and the broken flames fell like petals, kissing a piece of Gu Sen's clothes, and burning together with his fear, resignation and despair.This is reality in illusion—

The bells stopped without warning.The mysterious atmosphere was swept away by a small gust of air rushing through the hall in an instant, and Sears panted slightly, as if someone had tightly strangled his heart just now.

There was no fire, no sound, and the only thing that continued around was Lin An's shallow prayer, and Gu Sen's stiff expression condensed with distorted emotions.Linde flicked the blade, and the hot blood evaporated into a pale pink mist in the mid-air after leaving the blade.Judgment sheathed.

Linde didn't care, he didn't even look at the body that he had hated for many years, he turned and left.

——But when he reached the relief door of the Judgment Hall, he hesitated for a moment.

In the center of Sears' field of vision, the old man called Mingzi tilted his head slightly, and the eyes under the mask looked at him thoughtfully.

The body of the world seems to be blocked by that extremely compressed emotion, time becomes slow, and space is strangely vast.But in this swampy world of breath, there are only two people drowning.

After a glance, Linde had already started walking and walked out unhurriedly.


The leather inside the envelope acts as a key to open a gap for the guards outside the Salvation Hall.The guards who lacked an understanding of the pagan oracle had no idea of ​​the other party's intentions.But in their eyes, Master Mingzi, who led the Oswald believers to regain their faith—the person whom they took special care of, probably played a very important role, right?

This kind of adoring thinking mixed with aura allowed Mr. Sears, who was trapped in a bird/beast, to successfully invade Linde's room.He pushed the door open, closed it again, turned around and explored the surroundings inch by inch with his eyes.

There is nothing, except for the boy standing in front of the window staring carefully at the vast sea.

"His Royal Highness De-Linde." Sears gently took off the mask, his fingertips were trembling, but his voice remained steady.He softly called out the name of the young man in front of him, the real name of his beloved.

Linde didn't answer, but gently pulled the curtain made of thick black velvet.It wasn't until the world was blocked that the young man turned around—then his jaw was easily held by Sears who was close to him, and he was unquestionably locked in a small space by a pair of arms.Linde let those familiar hands take off the mask, and his face was a little pale when he saw the sun again, but it still carried the familiar color of Sears.

There was a moment of silence in the room.

"Lind—Derlin." Sears couldn't restrain the fierce tide surging in his heart, they brought a dreadful temperature, breaking the calm bit by bit.Yu Shangshen rubbed the face of the man in his arms with his fingertips, as if confirming something.

Linde smiled. He leaned forward as before, and fell into the familiar embrace with peace of mind.

"Your Majesty," he said, "Oswald Your Majesty, witness our final—permanent reunion."

In the spring of the following year, Pope Chemier issued a proposal to propose Sears as a candidate cardinal.

At the same time, the Holy See of Oswald is back on track, and the new pope, Sen Andre, is pious and enlightened, and the divine splendor is awakened, leading the Dragon Nest to the next historical peak.

A few years later, Linde, son of Oswald, who had been silent for many years, set out to open a channel for exchanges between the two religions, and joined hands with the new cardinal of Chemiye to build the Twin Towers.

At this point, the world has ushered in a new era of theocracy.

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