After the farce, Sears and Chunka confirmed the basic contact information, and then the girl was about to leave.Before leaving, she showed a faint smile and said to Delin, "See you next time."

Delin asked as if remembering something: "You have been away for so long, will Gertruo become suspicious?"

"I have a solution." Feeling Delin's concern, Chunka's smile deepened, "But you still have to pay attention, there seem to be two teams in this underground world... any team may 'disappear' here , so you don’t need to keep your hands when you meet them—Getro’s route is to cross the underground forest along the stream, it seems that you need to return a route.”

The condition of the two is not very good, and Chunka can see it naturally—it's a pity that she inherited the power of the devil, and the devil is never merciful, so naturally there is no way to heal.She looked at "Tiss" who was watching her vigilantly and Delin who didn't notice, waved her hand lightly, and then ran into the endless dark green tree shadows.

Delin looked at the girl's back and thought about the phrase "may disappear at any time", but Sears covered his eyes.The boy froze for a moment, wondering why Sears was so strange today?

Then a word from Sears came to his ears, it was very light and had a sour smell that couldn't be dispelled.He said: "When you go back, come home with me."

Delin gave an "ah" in doubt: "What are you doing?"

Sears felt a little annoyed when he remembered the girl's provocative gaze when she left. He put down the hand that covered Delin's eyes, pinched the boy's face along the way - he was thinner, and it seems that he needs to raise him - and said, " Go to see the Patriarch." He was not talking about the father but the Patriarch, and his tone was very cold, "Speak up about our affairs so that there will be no disputes."

Fortunately, because of his dual identity, Bran's senior executives have been afraid to choose a fiancée for Sears.What a blessing.

Contrary to Sears' expectations, Durling did not show any rejection of this arrangement. "Hmm." The boy responded naturally, "Will we be kicked out?"

"They dare." Sears sneered, but the corners of his mouth curled into a pleasant smile.


In order to avoid Getrow's team, Delin and Sears charted a new route.There are some lairs of less powerful evil beasts on this road, and you can give them some points.With Chunka's reminder, the two had to be more careful - listening to the girl's tone, there seemed to be some mysterious and extremely powerful creature in this underground forest.

When they walked out of this lair, the sun outside was already very strong.The owner of the lair didn't come back—it was probably a very timid creature.

Sears came to get the map, and Durling cleared the way.As they walked forward, they talked: "I don't know what happened to Momo and the others."

Sears calculated, "They're probably doing well now—the team I prepared before probably has sneaked into the forest, and their first move is to find those four guys."

"Will the Bran family go crazy if they can't find you?" Delin asked.

Sears returned casually: "My fate is hard, they are probably used to it. Let's go to the blockade first, and we will probably meet."

Delin was slightly taken aback, and quickly changed the subject: "How long will it take for me to let go of my hand?"

As soon as he mentioned this, Sears' expression softened - in his heart, all of this was caused by his own "weakness".So what if he was a believer identified by Chemiye?Those demons can still seriously injure his most cherished people.

No, it wasn't just Derlin - he couldn't escape even himself.

Sears did not expect that pulling a thread of fate would bring about so many troubles.The current situation has gotten a little out of control. In the previous life, the three veins of the demon driving technique that would not appear until the end of the war have been obtained... Sears felt it in his heart—someone seemed to have seen the "thread of fate".And that person even wants to take this rule line as his own.

The gray-robed man... the name flashed in Sears' mind.

"... Your Majesty?" Sensing Sears' silence, Delin turned to look at him, "You don't want it hanging all the time, do you?" Delin couldn't hold the knife very disturbingly, as Osway As the judge of Germany, the blade of Anjaka can even be regarded as a part of his body.

Sears came back to his senses and hesitated for a moment: "Tomorrow." He counted the inventory in the algorithm, "My divine power has almost recovered, and your hand can be used tonight. "

Sears was not wrong to judge.When Delin woke up from a light sleep the next day, the wound on his right palm was almost healed, and there was only a slight tingling sensation when he clenched the knife tightly.

Last night, there was a vigil by an angel - Sears drove Delin into bed on the grounds that he needed to sleep to recover from his wound.And he himself simply recited prayers all night to recover his loss of divine power.

While covering up the traces left by the two last night, Sears asked, "How far have we gone?"

"It's almost halfway." Delin was checking the direction - the sun is not too strong today, which makes it a bit difficult to use the map.Seeing the boy holding the map high, the angel walked over and picked him up.

"Did the road go astray?"

Delin hummed: "It's not too much, it's okay."

This is already a place where the mountains are relatively deep, and the two of them also encountered two aggressive evil beasts yesterday.Going a little further inside will probably be even more dangerous.Fortunately, the two of them have almost recovered. As long as they don't meet the overlord-level guys, they should be fine.

But they didn't expect that the first wave of creatures they met turned out to be Chemiye's students.

Delin and Sears huddled in the gap between the branches of the giant tree, and layers of branches and leaves hid them.Under the giant tree, a team is repairing.

What surprised the two of them was that the four members of this team were all civilians!

At the head was a skinny boy—an alchemist.He was struggling to repair the armor of the fat man beside him.A guy with a huge sword fell to the ground and drank water. He was the most injured of several people-it was just a flesh wound.

The last boy was wearing a cloak and leaning against the tree.As if feeling a peep, he slowly raised his head, revealing a pale face.

Sears said softly, "It's green."

"...Bilu?" Delin was taken aback, thinking that it's no wonder that these seemingly harmless civilian teenagers can come here—is it the meaning of Bilu?Or by chance?

When the two were stunned, Bilu seemed to have understood the identity of the peeper.He moved the corner of his mouth and showed Sears and Delin a very shallow smile, nodded lightly, and then restored the image of the boy hiding in the corner without any sense of presence.

The fat man in the team was still complaining: "It's all Ryan's fault - you said that it's closer to go that way - okay! How should we go up now!" He was trembling with fat, and said angrily: "I will You said it! Just pretend to be on the outside! Why do you have to come in!"

The boy holding the giant sword chuckled twice: "I think it's very funny—Rin, isn't it?"

Bilu hummed nonchalantly, from which Delin could hear the assassin's dislike and laziness towards the little brats.

"It seems that the water of this trial is very deep—" Sears sighed softly, and whispered to Delin, "Bilu told us not to expose it, and—a team from Sanmai is not far away, Get them done."

"...Fixed?" Delin looked at Sears in confusion.

The God Envoy rubbed Delin's face: "Yes, there seems to be something good on them."

While the two were talking, other voices came from under the tree.The skinny young alchemist clapped the armor in his hands, and carefully blew off the dirt sticking to it. "Okay." He whispered, "Let's go quickly. I always feel that someone is watching us here..."

As he spoke, he lowered his head and looked around: "...It's not safe anyway."

"You're the most cowardly!" The fat man squirmed, and finally tore his fat insect-like body off the ground.He put on the armor clumsily, and clapped his palms—clear light flew out from his palms and landed on several people: "I still want to rest for a while." He complained, but consciously He followed the giant sword boy who had already stepped forward and walked away.

Bilu walked last, and he turned around where they couldn't see and made a gesture to Sears.

——"The game has begun."


Ivan sneezed. He rubbed his nose and yelled to the people behind him in a rough voice: "What are you doing! You're procrastinating."

Ivan, who was appointed as the captain of the action team by Sanmai for the first time, was very excited - he was the young master of a third-rate family, and he was due to leave the Daqie Miye Academy, which everyone praised, next year.As one of the three bloodlines, being appointed means that he has one more bargaining chip to compete with that damned brother for the position of Patriarch.

He attaches great importance to this event.Master Getrow specially met with him and expressed the importance of this "game".

"We are fighting for something, and that thing represents Chemiye's will." The young master, who looked particularly unconvincing on weekdays, ordered this in an extremely serious tone, as if he would give a person who would decide the fate of the three veins. The task was handed over to Ivan.

So Ivan threw away the pitiful feeling of uneasiness in his heart without hesitation.

But now he was restless again—because the uneasiness was getting stronger and stronger.

Ivan stopped in his tracks: "Did you hear... any sound?"

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