At the end of each year, the grandparents had already arranged the family property in Jiankang City. Qingzhi's second sister, Lu Ji, and only son, Zu Deng, both brought them here to live. When the long-lost relatives saw each other again, they were full of joy and tears.

Because the spring of the coming year, the grandparents will go to Jiangbei to take office, so the whole family celebrates the new year at Qing's House.

In front of the gate of Qing's house, a new peach wood board is hung, and the two gods, Shen Tu and Yu Lei, are painted on it to drive away ghosts and avoid evil spirits.On New Year's Eve, the spring breeze brings warmth, thousands of households, firecrackers, and at midnight, the whole family will drink Tusu wine in the order of young and old, and welcome the rising sun together.

At the end of the new year, there is a ten-day rest, and it is rare for Qingzhi and his ancestors to get together every day. They seem to have endless conversations, from past experiences to the wars they have encountered.Chen Qingzhi was full of interest in military matters, and Boss Zu was not stingy about it, telling him about everything big and small.

When the two talked about the Art of War, Chen Qingzhi shook his head and sighed, "It's a pity that I only read Sun Tzu's Art of War, Taigong Liutao, and Meng De's new books... These are still often on duty in the palace, copied from the Hongwen Museum, since the Yongjia Rebellion, After Yiguan went south, there is no one book of war, it's a pity!"

Boss Zu stroked the top of his head and said puzzledly, "Although I know there is such a thing as the art of war, when we fight, we don't have time to pay attention to these things. We just listen to the general's orders. If he tells us to charge, we will charge and let us withdraw. We will withdraw!"

"It's a good thing that the generals are united in one mind, ordering and prohibiting. But what if you encounter a general who has no orders, or is unable to give orders, and the situation on the battlefield changes, and you have to make a decision?" Qing Zhi raised his eyebrows asked.

"Of course, if the enemy is weak, I will fight, if the enemy is defeated, I will chase, and if I can't beat, I will run away, haha!"

"Actually, if you do this, you are well versed in the art of war. There is a saying in the art of war: if you are ten, you will surround them; ", Qing Zhi spoke with eloquence.

Grandpa Zu praised loudly, "Okay, okay, that's the reason. I remember joining the army to teach our generals. I said so, but I don't have a good memory, and I always forget."

"Unfortunately, these are the most superficial principles of the art of war. More detailed ones, such as the mountain terrain of a great battle, the distribution of the enemy and the enemy, and the strategic experience of the generals, it is indeed difficult to read these." Qing Zhi sighed, "The art of war and strategy are often from a family of generals, with a long history of family learning, or honed in hundreds of battles, without a teacher, it is difficult for outsiders to see the way, and I often just figure out a thing or two alone."

Grandpa Zu lightly twisted his mustache and said with emotion, "Hearing you say that reminds me of a strange thing. A few years ago, I went with General Chang to a small monastery outside the city, Tsosha Monastery, and wanted to find a monk. , called Ji Dao, but it was a pity that I didn't see it by chance, the general felt very sorry, what do you think he was doing for?"

Qingzhi's eyes lit up, "This temple is called Tsosha, is it related to Tan Daoji, a famous general in the Song Dynasty?"

Boss Zu patted him on the shoulder, "You are too amazing, I didn't say anything."

"The ancestor doesn't know something, this involves an allusion about General Tan," Qingzhi said with great interest,

"During the Yuanjia period, Emperor Wen of the Song Dynasty Liu Yilong went to the Northern Expedition, and General Tan supervised all the military forces. Soon after the Song army was short of food, a soldier surrendered and informed the enemy army in the Northern Wei Dynasty, which led to the army being surrounded. General Na Tan took his time, For several consecutive nights, he personally led the soldiers back and forth between the camps, counted the food and grass, and sang counting with bamboo sticks. Guess why, it turned out that he had secretly ordered someone to cover the fine sand with rice. This action not only stabilized the morale of the army, but also disintegrated The enemy's attack."

Boss Zu clapped his palms and smiled, "Haha, this is interesting, but I didn't know it. General Chang was going to look for it at that time. This descendant of General Tan hopes to see Duke Tan's art of war."

Qingzhi patted his thigh, "I guess so, this monk Jidao, it is because the name of Lord Tan is reversed. Although it is wrong to offend the name of the ancestors, but he is a member of the Shimen, so he probably doesn't care."

Elder Zu looked sideways and smiled, "Qingzhi, do you want to go too?"

Qingzhi nodded, and the two agreed to take advantage of the New Year's Eve to take a rest and go up the mountain to visit.

Nachosha Temple is located on Qiyun Mountain, [-] miles south of the city. The mountain is deep and the temple is secluded. If the ancestors hadn't been there, it would really be hard to find.

It took them two hours in an ox cart to arrive at the foot of Qiyun Mountain. They climbed slowly along the winding dirt and stone path. After another half an hour, they turned around a mountain depression and vaguely saw a cornice.

At that time, the winter was cold and the trees were slack. There were only a few lonely pine trees with twisted branches, towering into the clouds, and a few red plums, dotted in the distance, fresh and beautiful.The people who live here don't know how lonely and lonely they are, and what kind of smiles are proud of the mountains and forests.

The temple does not occupy a large area, and it can only be seen from a distance. Although there is a black wooden plaque hanging on the gate of the temple, engraved with the words "Chousha Temple", it looks like a small temple, so remote, it is rare to come to incense.

The two of them passed through the gate of the temple and entered the front yard. Tall phoenix trees were planted on both sides. At this time, all the leaves were gone, leaving only Qiongzhi in the sky. There was a main hall in the north with mottled white walls. On the high platform in the hall, a wooden Buddha was enshrined. The face is majestic and dignified, which is different from the kind eyebrows and eyes of ordinary Sakyamuni.It is covered with a silk cassock, which is already half-worn and yellowing.

In front of the Buddha's seat, there is an ancient copper stove, and a few short sticks of burnt incense can be seen in the thin ashes at the bottom.On the low table in front of the high platform, there are several scrolls of incense, several folds of fire, and a small wooden box with the word "Suixi" written on it.

In the Southern Dynasties, Buddhism was prosperous and beliefs were hot. Inside and outside Jiankang City, there were more than a hundred temples, large and small, all of which were majestic and decorated with Buddha body jewels. This was the most shabby and shabby temple they had ever seen.

The two offered incense and worshiped devoutly. They bypassed the front hall and came to the backyard. Several houses could be seen faintly, extending to the depths of the mountain. Surrounded by huge stones, there was only a wooden door to get through.

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