At noon that day, when the elves elders were all visiting the city lord's mansion, Youxia didn't go with them. Firstly, they invited the elf elders who had just arrived, not himself, an elf who had almost become a local aborigine. He also has his own business to do, and he needs to negotiate a new franchise for a cosmetics store.

This new member of the franchise store was recommended by Mrs. Wendy's network. According to reports, the other party is from Monso, the capital of the Lot Kingdom, and is a big businessman named Fritz.

According to Fritz, he is very optimistic about the future of Xia Zhisen Cosmetics and believes that it has a very broad development prospect, so he wants to be the first leader to open up the market of Lot Country.

Fritz's rhetoric was very deceptive, and the first order he put forward was frighteningly large. According to him, he almost wanted to copy the original cosmetics store in Rose City to Monso.

"Don't worry about transportation. Not only do I have my own caravan, I have been in the silk business before, and I have a long-term cooperation with the Dwarf Chamber of Commerce." Fritz stroked his mustache and said, "I have already prepared for the cosmetics store in Menso Building a luxurious and huge building will never tarnish your Xia Zhisen’s reputation, and when the shop is finished, you can visit Mengsuo at any time.”

Seeing that he was determined to open a cosmetics building, You Xia hesitated at first. Considering the war friction between Sealand and Lot, once the war is greatly provoked, the business routes between the two countries will be at risk at any time. It may be cut off, and Xia Zhisen's things are likely to be restricted or boycotted when they are shipped to the Lot Kingdom.

But then he thought about it carefully, he is from the wood elves, not from the country of Xilan. Anyway, he is selling things to foreigners, so it is not a good idea to do business with any country. Big losses!

So in the afternoon of the same day, he negotiated the joining details with the big businessman. As soon as the contract was signed, the other party immediately placed a large purchase order. A house in the center of Schleivogel is available for purchase!

But because Youxia's purchase price is low, so if you really count, the profit he got is not high, and the franchise fee is only a little over two hundred gold coins.

Of course, he is always happy to make money. In the past, two hundred gold coins were enough for him to buy two big villas in Fedorin City!

After seeing Fritz off, Yuxia saw that there was still some time before dinner, so he went to Burns Pharmacy on Nightingale Street.

In the past two days, the business of the hot pot restaurant has been getting better and better, and everyone's demand for hot pot has obviously increased. Not only the seats downstairs are in short supply, but the private rooms on the second floor are as high as [-] silver coins, and they are often fully booked by merchants.

So Youxia began to think about the sale of hot pot bottoms again. This time, she came to Burnis to ask if there is any medicine suitable for preservatives.

Because the pharmacy in Burnis was closed all the year round, You Xia really didn't go in very often, and at most he only walked to the place in front of the shop every time.

It was the same this time. When he came to the pharmacy, he saw that there was only a gap in the front door, so he knocked on the door before he opened it and went in.

After entering the door, the first thing that catches your eyes is a tall wooden counter. Inside the counter are wooden cabinets that are sorted like traditional Chinese medicine cabinets. There are some simple words drawn on each cabinet door. Because the handwriting is too scribbled , even You Xia, who has a translation system, can't understand the meaning of those symbols at all.

He reckoned that this was probably similar to "doctor's word", a special code that only pharmacists could understand.

There was a dim yellow oil lamp on the counter, and Youxia felt that there should be someone inside, so he raised his voice and said hello: "Mr. Burnis, are you there? I'm Youxia!"

After the words fell, the scene was silent for a moment, and then a familiar young voice came.

"You Xia~~~~" Yue Mo was running, and while the cat's tail sound was stretched out very long, it was constantly rising and falling, which seemed very funny.

After a while, Locke, who seemed to have grown up a little, appeared on the top of the medicine cabinet as high as the ceiling. He skillfully passed through the bottles and cans placed on it, and then stepped on the medicine cabinet and jumped onto the counter lightly. Another Jumping into You Xia's arms.

You Xia caught the heavy big white cat and took two steps back to stabilize his body.

He exhaled lightly, stroked the white cat's head twice and asked, "Are you getting fat?"

"No, I just grew up~" Locke put his head in his arms and rubbed his head affectionately, and said in a small mouth: "You haven't come to see me for a long time, why don't you come, Locke is not cute anymore ?"

Of course it's because the talking kitten doesn't have the desire for people to stroke it——You Xia thought to himself.

"No, Locke is still very cute, but I'm too busy to come here." You Xia coaxed, and then asked: "Where's your master?"

"He's refining medicine inside, I'll take you in."

After all, Locke jumped out of his arms and jumped onto the counter, hugging the oil lamp with both paws and turning it vigorously, the wooden board on the left side of the counter bounced open with a "click", revealing a path for one person to pass through.

Youxia walked through the path, and under Locke's command, pushed open a movable potion cabinet, and entered the aisle area inside.

This passage is very dark, the whole passage is only illuminated by a small window, the white cat walks through the dark corridor to guide him, from Youxia's perspective, it looks like a flexible night elf.

"Burnes is in the pharmacy." Locke led him to a wooden door.

Until now, facing the closed door, You Xia realized that his visit was a bit abrupt.

He asked Locke in a low voice: "Is it convenient for him now?"

"It's okay!" Locke stood up straight, and pulled the wooden door twice with his claws. After a while, the door was opened from the inside.

The tall and thin Mr. Burns appeared in the crack of the door. The dim light from the room shone down from the top of his head, making his face look very gloomy.

He first looked down at Locke, then raised his eyes and glanced at Youxia, and immediately opened the door, saying in an emotionless voice, "Come in."

You Xia smiled apologetically: "I'm bothering you."

From the outside, the refining room of Burnis looked very dark and narrow, but when you walked in, Youxia found that the inside was unexpectedly spacious and bright.

The entire medicine refining room is composed of two parts, the outer room is a utility room piled with various books and tools, and the inner room is the real medicine refining area.

Walking into the refining area is like entering an old laboratory. A series of copper refining tools, expensive glazed utensils, and several refining furnaces and iron pots of different sizes are arranged on the long rows of wooden tables. .

At this time, a flame was burning in one of the refining furnaces, and the dark green liquid in the iron pot could be seen bubbling and bubbling.

"Youxia, aren't you going to hug me?" Locke said sticking to his feet.

After saying that, before You Xia could react, Burnis shouted in a low voice: "Go read a book."

"No, no, it's rare for You Xia to come over..."

Before Locke could finish his coquettish words, the whole cat was lifted by its owner to the desk outside.

Burnis opened a thick book for it and put it on the copper shelf in front of it, pressed its head and told it: "Study hard, otherwise don't even think about having dinner."

Locke made a cat face and muttered depressingly: "It shouldn't be, I'm just a kitten..."

Burnis was unmoved, and the first thing he did when he walked back to the long table was to put two young grass-green leaves into the iron pot. As the young leaves were submerged in the medicinal juice, there was a whiff of excitement in the room. Refreshing fragrance.

While Stirring the thick liquid in the iron pot with a spoon, Bourniss asked, "What do you want from me?"

"I really want to ask you something." Youxia forcibly took her eyes away from the cat who was reading a book, and said, "Do you know that there is something that can be put into cooked food, which can keep it from eating for a long time?" Go bad, and won't it destroy the taste of that food?"

"An antiseptic."

"Is there really such a thing?"

Burnis put down the things in his hand, turned around and flipped through the medicine cabinet at the back, took out a medicine in a common copper tube and threw it to Youxia, explaining concisely: "Just a small drop can make a big pot of food It will not go bad for two months, it is colorless and odorless, it can be eaten, and it has no toxins."

You Xia opened the brass lid and smelled it, then dipped a little bit and tasted it, and there was indeed no taste or smell at all.

However, as a preservative, the shelf life of two months is not too long, and it can be sold nearby. Once it is shipped to other countries, the time spent on the road alone is estimated to be one or two months.

So he asked again: "Is there a longer effect, such as half a year?"

Burnis raised his head and glanced at him, and said, "Generally, no one would use the antiseptic for such a long time."


"Expensive," Bourniss said, "The one in your hand is ten silver coins, and it will become more expensive after a long time."

You Xia sighed softly, ten silver coins for a medicine is really quite expensive.

But after careful calculation, such a potion can at least make ten pots of hot pot base, and one pot can be divided into several bags. The price does not seem so unacceptable.

Anyway, it takes time to expand the market, and now he only sells it nearby, and the shelf life of two months is enough.

Thinking of this, You Xia made a decision: "Then how many antiseptics like this do you have, can I order in large quantities?"

Burnis frowned, thought for a moment, then nodded: "Yes."

"any discount?"

"[-]% discount for more than [-] sticks."

"Thank you, Mr. Burnis." Knowing that this is already a very favorable price, Youxia didn't bargain any more, "Then I'll order a hundred pieces first, do you have a written contract here?"


After leaving Burnis’ house, the sun had already set in the west, and the slanting rays of the setting sun sprinkled on the glass door of the milk tea shop, reflecting golden brilliance.

You Xia went around the milk tea shop, visited the two young employees who were working, and packed two cups of milk tea.

When he came out of the store, he raised his eyes to look at the opposite sidewalk, just in time to meet a pair of silent pupils in the shadow of carriages and horses.

Les didn't know when he came here, and he was standing under the sycamore tree in front of the bakery across the street, motionless, probably waiting for the caravan to pass by.

After a while, when Mara's truck was slowly wading across the road, You Xia ran to the opposite side with the milk tea in hand, took out a cup of milk tea and handed it to the other party, and asked, "Why did you come here?"

"I saw you when I was passing by." Les replied briefly, took the milk tea, inserted the straw skillfully and took a sip.

Although there is no battle for the time being, Rice, as a member of the Sunshine Army, still has to go back and report every now and then to take on a few missions to maintain the safety of the surrounding city.

Because he was a dragon for a long time before, and the situation was not very stable when he changed back to human form, Les never went to the barracks to sign in. Until the last few days, he felt that there was nothing wrong with him, so he went to pick up tasks from time to time. Make up for what you lost before.

The two walked and chatted along the sidewalk, and You Xia asked curiously, "What did you do today?"

"Followed a few beasts that were prowling the woods to the west."

"Is there a bounty for a quest like this?"

Rice responded, and after a moment of silence, he suddenly asked, "Is my purse with you?"

"Oh, that's right." You Xia remembered this, and he quickly took out the money bag from the game backpack and returned it to Rice: "I forgot, why didn't you remind me."

"Just put it with you." Les didn't accept the money bag, but took out two gold coins and handed it over.

You Xia glanced at the gold coin and raised his eyebrows: "What do you mean?"

"Save it for me."

"I'll save money for you, why?"

Les pursed his lips and remained silent for a while.

You Xia found a reason for him and said, "Are you afraid that you will spend money indiscriminately?"

Rice hesitated for a few seconds, then nodded.

You Xia chuckled, took the gold coin and put it into the purse, and promised: "Okay, I'll save it for you, and when you want to spend it, ask me for it."

Les stared at his eyes shining in the sun, pulled the corners of his mouth and nodded.


Although the preservatives for the hot pot base are already available, You Xia is not sure whether it can be stored for two months without deterioration. To be on the safe side, several sets of tests must be done first, and this process will take at least three months. months.

In the past three months, the hot pot soup base with preservatives will definitely not be sold, but the ordinary hot pot soup base can be packaged, but in this weather, fresh hot pot soup base is destined to only be kept for one or two days. God, so it can only be sold to nearby residents.

You Xia originally thought that no one would buy such a thing. After all, the price of a pot bottom is at least [-] copper coins, and ordinary people generally would not spend this money to buy a pot of soup.

Unexpectedly, once the first batch of hot pot soup base was launched, it was sold out in just one morning, and the biggest purchasers were the pharmacists from the pharmacist alliance next door, accounting for [-] to [-]% of the turnover. is what they provide.

Priscilla was one of the first pharmacists to buy hot pot soup base.

That night, in the dead of night, in the dormitory, while recording the growth status of a few plants at night, he lit up the medicine furnace, put on the iron pot that usually boiled medicine, poured the bottom of the tomato pot he bought in the morning into it, and then While the bottom of the pot was hot, I cut a few plates of vegetables, bacon, pork pie and slices of bread and put them on the table for a delicious supper.

The bottom of the pot heated up very quickly, and after a while, the thick tomato soup was boiling.

Priscilla took a deep breath of the fragrance and sighed, "Ah, it's my favorite flavor!"

Immediately, he used the simple wooden chopsticks he made to pick up a slice of bread and put it in the steaming pot, swished it, and put the bread soaked in sweet and sour soup into his mouth, Priscilla narrowed his eyes in enjoyment Eyes: "Even dry bread like this is delicious!"

“Pea sprouts, delicious!”

"Pork pie doesn't look like pork pie anymore, it's an amazing hot pot soup..."

In this way, Priscilla happily ate the late-night hot pot.

It's just that he is comfortable, and the pharmacist next door, Brod, is suffering.

Borod was already going to sleep, but just as he closed his eyes, suddenly a seductive fragrance wafted over his nose, lingering around his nostrils, all of a sudden hooking his appetite .

He sniffed and cursed secretly: "Damn it, which guy is eating hot pot, or tomato pot!"

Borod pulled the quilt over his head depressedly, but not long after, he smelled another more overbearing spicy aroma.

"Shit!" Borod sat up angrily: "One eats tomato, the other eats spicy food, living so close together, no one asked me to eat together!"

"Dog things, all dog things!"

"I'm going to buy two pot bottoms tomorrow, and I'll eat them in the middle of the night too. I'm so hungry for you bastards!"

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