Being stroked on the head by a man who looked not much older than himself, Youxia couldn't help but feel a little ashamed. Although he knew that he was a young child in their eyes, in his own heart, he was already an adult who could have a night life people.

He looked at Liyoumen at the side in a little helplessness. The other party had a calm and composed expression. After meeting his gaze, he just nodded slightly, as if to say: Look, I think the king is easy to talk to. !

On the contrary, August understood him better at this moment.

The old man sat down on the innermost side of the sofa, put on his gloves skillfully, picked up a braised chicken leg, and put it in his mouth. He gnawed on the chicken leg and said, "Okay, okay, Yolanda, this kid is not as good as you are in the forest of lights." Those elves with thick skins, you see, he blushed like something after you looked at him a few times."


Youxia didn't feel shy at first, but when Augest mentioned it so clearly, his whole face really started to burn.

The Elf King smiled softly, and quickly withdrew his hand. When he was not speaking, he still seemed to have a sense of distance.

"The king just lost his composure because he hasn't seen the cub for too long." The priestess explained.

"Especially today we found the sacred tree and holy pool." The male priest added.

You Xia glanced at the two elves who were talking, and then turned his gaze to Li Youmen.

This time, the other party finally understood what he meant.

"This is Elder Elydos." Li Youmen first raised his hand to gesture to the unsmiling male elf beside him, then pointed to the other two, and briefly introduced: "Jian, Senia Leimen, are the same as me. One of the twelve priests."

You Xia was about to say hello to the elders, when the Elf King turned sideways and said, "Aren't I worthy of your introduction?"

Li Youmen paused, and then added without changing his expression: "This is our Elf King His Majesty."

"Your tone sounds perfunctory."

Li Youmen said helplessly, "I just think that without my introduction, he must have recognized your identity a long time ago."

You Xia found out that this elf king really only looks high on the outside, but actually has no airs in front of his subordinates. Whether he gets along with elders or priests, he gets along more like friends, even compared to the always serious Li Qiye. Youmen, the other party is easier for people to let go of their guards and get close.

Of course, such kindness and tenderness may only be revealed in front of acquaintances and cubs.

Speaking of cubs, Youxia's question popped up again. If the Great Elder and the Elf King can still feel that they are a little older from their respective auras, then they are like Jin and Senia. For young priests like Leimen, Youxia really felt that he was no different from them.

He couldn't help asking: "Actually, I've always wanted to ask, how do you tell the cubs apart?"

"You don't know, do you?" Before the elves could answer, Augst laughed first, "Didn't you notice that your eyes are much lighter than theirs!"

"It's true," Lewman said. "Our group's pupils get darker with age."

Youxia froze for a moment, then looked at Liyoumen and the others, and found that the eyes of the three priests were all a little darker green, and the pupils of the Elf King were darker than theirs, like the dark green of the evening forest of lights .

As for the Great Elder Elidos, his eyes are as quiet and deep as a bottomless pool.

It was only then that Youxia understood why Augst had just said that he was an underage elf when he first saw him. This was simply putting his age on his face!

In other words, from the perspective of the elves who are already familiar with all this, when they see their emerald green eyes, it is probably as if they saw the new leaves growing on the branches in spring!

You Xia imagined and compared it in his heart, and felt even more ashamed.

Later, as the host, he quickly adjusted his mentality and invited the elders to sit down.

Turning on the heating switch of the hot pot, You Xia said, "Wait for me a while, I'll get the vegetables and seasonings."

"Go, go, bring more beef and fish fillets!" August said with a wave of his hand.

The elf cub, who was waiting to adjust the atmosphere, walked out of the room, and the box immediately fell silent. The elders sat on the sofa and stared at the four-square hot pot in a daze.

Just when Senia Leimen wanted to ask how to eat the food in this pot, the four soup bases gradually rolled with bubbles, and then, a strong fragrance wafted out, which aroused the desire to eat the food in the pot. The elves who paid so much attention were a little hungry.

"Tsk, that's the smell. I haven't eaten it for two days, and now I want to drool!" Ogst said, couldn't help picking up the chopsticks to renovate the bottom of the pot, and grabbed the mushrooms from the mushroom pot as if to satisfy his hunger. He picked up a white jade mushroom and put it in his mouth, then said "Huh" and said, "This little mushroom is quite delicious!"

Seeing him nimbly using two wooden sticks to pick up food from the pot, Yolanda asked curiously, "What utensils did you use?"

"The elf said they were called chopsticks, isn't it novel?"

"He invented it?"

"I don't know about this, but you must learn to use this when eating hot pot, otherwise you won't be able to eat hot food. Here, I will teach you how to use it." Augst showed him how to use chopsticks. A mushroom was picked up in the pot, and red dates were picked up from the bone soup pot after a while.

Yolanda picked up a pair of chopsticks and followed him, as if he was born with spirituality. After only two attempts, he was able to pick up tomato pieces from the tumbling tomato pot.

He tasted the soft boiled tomato slices, at first he thought it had the same taste as the usual vegetable soup, but as soon as he put it in his mouth, the sweet and sour soup surprised his sense of taste.

"Hey, let's eat it!" Ogst caught the slight change in his expression, and couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, "I tell you, that kid is good at cooking these delicious foods, and my figure is getting rounder day by day. It's all your fault!"

"Really, then why didn't you see Li Youmen getting fat?"

With only one sentence, Yolanda threw back the blame he forcibly pinned on Youxia, leaving Augest speechless.

Li Youmen, who was used as an example, ate the stewed beef slowly, without mentioning that he secretly went out to exercise at night.

The Great Elder took out his gold tableware, and seeing that Yolanda and Li Youmen were using chopsticks, he simply cast a magic spell, turning the gold fork into gold chopsticks, and silently learned how to use chopsticks .

So when You Xia pushed the dining car into the door, he saw a few elves with a pair of golden chopsticks skillfully scooping up food from the pot. They had scooped up the mushroom soup base into a white soup without mushrooms.

You Xia was silent for a moment, then distributed basic seasonings to everyone, and put plates of meat and vegetables on the dining table.

Seeing that the plates of food served were all red, white and white fresh meat, except for Li Youmen, the expressions of the elves were obviously a little shocked.

"Come, come, eat quickly!" Augst couldn't wait to pick up a few slices of fat beef and put them into the mushroom pot, and greeted several wood elves: "Don't look, the meat is raw, so it has to be boiled in the pot." You have to cook it to eat."

The two young wood elves looked at each other, because the food on the table was really different from their previous diet. Although the soup in the pot was delicious, they still didn't move their chopsticks.

On the contrary, the great elder was well-informed, took the initiative to taste a piece of fat beef from the pot, then nodded, and said to the two priests: "It tastes good, try it, you can eat the vegetables first."

Hearing this, Senia Remon and Ji En stretched their chopsticks towards the vegetable plate.

Yolanda first ate the fat beef boiled in a bone broth pot. He felt that it was delicious but also a bit bland. Later, when he saw Li Youmen blanching his belly in a red butter pot, he thought it was delicious. Very interesting, I also tried it with a piece of hairy belly.

You Xia was worried about the recurrence of Rice's tragedy, so he hurriedly reminded: "This soup is a bit spicy, you should be mentally prepared."

"Not only is it a bit spicy, it's obviously devil's spicy, I can't even eat it!" Augst said, frowning.

Unmoved, Yolanda put the scalded tripe into the seasoning plate, dipped it in some seasonings and put it in his mouth to chew. The tripe that was cooked just right was fresh, crispy and spicy, and he could feel it when he took the first bite. His eyes lit up, and the pores all over his body dilated for a while.

"That's right, I like this taste." Yolanda said, looking at the red pot with chili peppers floating in her eyes with surprise.

Augst was speechless at first, then shook his head and muttered: "I should have seen through you wood elves, eating offal and chewing pig's brains, you are obviously a group with more taste than demons!"

Yolanda seemed to have opened the door to a new world, and immediately tried other dishes in the spicy pot.

The spicy taste is a burden for August, but for him, the taste is just right.

After eating a piece of spicy and crispy duck intestines, he suddenly had a thought in his mind, why had he been eating fruit for hundreds of years?

Youxia picked up the plate to help them down the shrimp slide, halfway down, the door was suddenly pushed open, Youxia looked back, saw that it was Les walking in, and asked, "Have the rooms been booked?"

"Yeah." Les responded, and replied in a flat tone: "Neither the Gold Powder Hotel nor the Navia has enough vacancies. I booked a few rooms at the Voyager Hotel run by the Yilan people."

"Thank you for your hard work, sit down and eat!"

Filling the space on the table with dishes, Youxia took a seat next to Les, and introduced to several elders by the way: "He is my good brother, Les Hodge."

Yolanda raised his eyebrows slightly: "Demon Dragon?"

You Xia was surprised: "Can you see this too?"

"Their blood is always full of violence." Yolanda said slowly, looking at Rice with scrutiny.

Youxia was afraid that the elf king would be prejudiced against Rice, so he hurriedly explained: "He still has half of the blood of the human race, and he is far more peaceful than the real dragon."

Yolanda shifted her gaze to him and said, "Don't worry, I won't interfere with the younger generation making friends with other races, as long as you think it's okay."

You Xia breathed a sigh of relief.

"Speaking of the Demon Dragon," Elidos suddenly remembered something, and said in a low voice, "Half a month ago, the position of the Lord of the Abyss was changed again. This time, the Demon Dragon King seems to be a troublemaker."

"Huh?" Oggest, who was obsessed with eating meat, was aroused by the news: "Then what happened to the previous Dragon King?"

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