The day when the hot pot restaurant opened was also the day when Youxia and Elgin agreed to trade the winery.

The two originally planned to sign a contract at the winery, but because the new store opened on the first day, You Xia couldn't leave, so she had to send an invitation letter to Elkin, inviting him to come to the hot pot restaurant and talk while eating.

When Elgin arrived, it was just past eleven o'clock at noon, and there were only three or four tables of people eating in the store. It seemed that the business was not very good, but because the space environment was well designed and used, soft ceiling lights and wall lights were turned on at the same time. , it seems that the restaurant is very high-end and elegant.

Elgin came with his entourage. As soon as he entered the store, he habitually admired the unique decoration style in the store. He didn't realize this until he heard the entourage behind him sigh "It smells so good" in a low voice. The smell of the food wafting inside was a bit too fragrant, and it was even more exciting than the smell of freshly baked barbecue he had ever smelled.

As he walked into the store, he pretended to be casually watching the customers eating, and then he found strangely that they were all using a pair of thin sticks to pour sliced ​​meat and vegetables into the pot of boiling red or white soup, and then After a while, I used a big spoon to scoop up the cooked things in the pot and eat them.

Elkin frowned, wondering if he had to cook for himself when he ate here, this attitude was too rude and careless.

Thinking that he might have to sit here cooking and eating like these people later, he felt a little shy and ashamed. If it wasn't for the elf who invited him, he really wanted to leave on the spot.

Elkin sighed, and couldn't help but look back at the door he came in. He didn't see anything else, but saw the stupid look of his entourage drooling over the food on other people's tables.

Just as he was about to teach him a lesson, no matter what he thought about it, stupid followers would not understand their own elegant pursuits. In their tiny heads, the food, women and beds that could fit in them were lazy and no different from pigs.

"Sir!" Just as Elkin was slandering the ignorance of the entourage in his heart, Kony, one of the waiters, finally made room to receive new customers. He came over with a smile and asked, "Would you sit downstairs or upstairs?" Go to the private room?"

Elkin said without changing his face: "I'm waiting for someone, Mr. Youxia invited me."

"Ah, so you are that honored guest, please come with me, the boss has been waiting for you upstairs for a long time!" Kony said with surprise at first, and then joyfully and enthusiastically.

The previous work experience in the Mask Tavern made him familiar with how to speak with someone in his arms so that he can speak naturally and make the rich man feel comfortable listening to him.

Sure enough, because of his words, the eyes of many guests present were attracted.

Elgin enjoyed the gaze with his neck held high, feeling a little swollen in his heart.

He pretended to ask casually: "What's special about the private room upstairs, is there anyone serving meals?"

Coney led him upstairs, and replied: "Our waiters exist for the convenience and comfort of our customers, and this is the same upstairs and downstairs, but the advantage of the private room is that it has a very hidden privacy. Sexy, it is very suitable for a big businessman like you, sir, to invite someone over to discuss business. In addition, the environment of the private room is cleaner and more elegant than that downstairs, and the view of dining is also wide. Moreover, private room dining has hidden menus and exclusive high-end drinks , there is no such thing downstairs."

Elgin raised his eyebrows, and his attention was decisively attracted by the word "high-end wine", after all, he was a wine seller.

He asked curiously, "How much is the deposit for a private room?"

"No deposit is required, but there is a prerequisite for booking a private room, that is, your consumption in the private room must be at least [-] silver coins."

In fact, You Xia initially set a consumption line of ten silver coins for a private room, but after thinking about it carefully, it is impossible for ordinary people to spend ten silver coins for a meal, and only big businessmen and aristocratic officials who want to save face are willing to pay. For this kind of people, there is actually no difference between ten silver coins and fifty silver coins. Maybe fifty silver coins is more in line with their inner needs, so he simply raised the consumption line to fifty silver coins.

In fact, Elgin didn't show any expression after hearing the price. Obviously, in his opinion, such a price is normal and in line with his status as a big wine merchant.

It took a while to go upstairs, and when I turned around the stairs, I saw a corridor covered with exquisite carpets. Lanterns on both sides of the corridor were lit with pale light, giving people a clean and elegant feeling.

Coney opened the door of the first room on the left, and raised his hand to invite Elgin to enter the inner passage, while his followers were left at the door to guard the door.

Elgin paced through the door, and when he raised his eyes, he saw that the elf had already sat down on the leather sofa beside the long table.

On the table was also a pot with a strange shape that he had seen downstairs, and it was also filled with red and white soup, but here it did not smell as rich as the broth downstairs, but there was a hint of sweet and sour. Fruity and vegetable aroma.

Youxia got up and exchanged pleasantries with Elgin, and after both parties were seated, Coney carried the food from the cart and displayed it on the table.

"Considering your eating habits, I ordered the Yuanyang Pot with Tomato Bone Soup for you. The white soup is bone soup, which is made from big pig bones. It tastes relatively light. The red soup is tomato soup, which tastes more delicious. Sweet and sour." You Xia briefly introduced, "If you want to try other soup bases in the future, you can also come to the store to enjoy them."

Although Elkin has never tasted Youxia's soup, he can understand it. He just looked at the plates of raw meat and vegetables at the table. It is undeniable that these foods are beautifully and neatly arranged. Eating is really bad manners.

He asked: "I have seen the way you eat here downstairs. Excuse me, isn't it more convenient for the chef to cook the food and let the waiter serve it to the guests?"

"The charm of hot pot is that you can eat it while cooking. You can control the temperature of the old and tender. If the chef cooks it for you before eating, it will lose its meaning." You Xia smiled, "You might as well try it first , if you really can't accept this way, then I can only say sorry to you."

"Okay, now that you've said that, I'll try," said Elkin.

In fact, he was a little hungry smelling the soup, and looking at the plates of delicacies on the table, even though he didn't know many of them, he was willing to try them once.

Then, Youxia showed him the correct way to use chopsticks, but Elgin was not as talented as Ogster and the others, and he couldn't learn to use chopsticks anyway.

You Xia taught it several times, but the other party was still stumbling when picking up the vegetables, either they couldn't pick them up, or they fell off in the middle.

After several failures, Elgin probably felt that he couldn't hold his face, and asked hesitantly, "Maybe you can give me a fork?"

You Xia was very speechless, eating hot pot with a fork, what kind of weird way to eat it?

For the sake of the winery, he resisted his helplessness and politely refused: "I think eating with tableware that is suitable for hot pot is a respect for it, so our shop does not have forks. If you are really not used to using chopsticks , you can also use a colander to scoop out what you want to eat from the pot, and our waiter will help you serve the food."

Elkin forced a smile: "That's it."

In fact, if someone else talked to him like this, he would have turned his face and left a long time ago, but the person sitting opposite was an elf with a beautiful face. He was just about to get angry, but when he looked up and saw this face, his temper suddenly changed It just disappeared for no reason.

Afterwards, what Elgin ate was put into the pot for him by following his instructions, and then scooped into his bowl.

The first bite he ate was freshly blanched shrimp slippery.

The prawns that come out of the tomato pot are dipped in some hot and sour sauce and put into the mouth. They are tender and smooth with a bit of crispness. Some of the hot mouth heat enhances the delicious taste of this food.

Elgin only took a bite, and the moment he swallowed, goosebumps appeared uncontrollably on his body.

Immediately afterwards, he used chopsticks to stuff beef balls, fish balls, luncheon meat and other foods into his mouth. The taste of these meats was dense, thick and elastic, completely different from the dry roast meat he used to eat. The toothpaste is extremely delicious, and after eating it, there is still an aftertaste in the mouth, which is really delicious.

Now Elgin has completely forgotten how he disliked the way of eating hot pot and the useless chopsticks. He watched Youxia pick up the beautiful snowflake beef and put it in the pot for a while, and put it in when it was cooked and changed color. In his mouth, he seemed to feel the charm of hot pot, which can be eaten at any time, enjoying the freshest moment of food.

So stimulated by the delicious food, he stubbornly learned to use chopsticks to pick up a piece of pork belly from the pot, put some dipping sauce on the plate, and then quickly stuffed it into his mouth to chew.

The fat and lean pork belly is tender and juicy, and the more you chew, the more fragrant it becomes. The combination of sweet and sour tomato soup and the fresh aroma of the dipping sauce creates an indescribable delicious taste between the lips and teeth.

The happiness brought by such hot food is incomparable. Elkin wanted to lament how comfortable and refreshing he was, but it didn't fit his personality, so he just kept his words in his mouth.

After eating for a few minutes, You Xia cut to the chase and asked, "Are you sure you have dug up all the vines in the winery?"

"Yes, these days I let the servants work every day, and I moved all the vines yesterday." Elgin replied during the interval of eating, "Of course I still keep most of the furniture in the manor house. There, except for some valuables, if you don't need those furniture, you can dispose of them yourself."

You Xia nodded in understanding, and Kony opened the window a little, so that the afternoon wind from outside could blow in.

"Then we can sign the contract after lunch." Youxia paused, and said considerately to the customer: "450 gold coins may be a bit heavy, if you trust me, you can send someone to my store to pick it up later, or wait until the afternoon, I will take the time to send the gold coins to your house."

"Of course I trust you, but you don't need to be so troublesome. I brought my entourage and I came in a carriage."

"Then it's fine."

"Yes." Elgin ate the meat, and agreed twice.

Then he suddenly remembered the hidden menu and drinks mentioned by Koni, and asked, "I heard that there are hidden menus and special drinks in the private room. Do I have the honor to enjoy them?"

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