【Name: You Xia

Race: Old wood elves

Age: 25

Rating: 8

Experience: 10639281/50000000

Coins: 418 gold, 90 silver and 69 copper

Unlocked stores: milk tea shop at the first level; fried chicken shop at the second level; grocery store at the third level; cosmetics store at the fourth level; hot pot restaurant at the fifth level; clothing store at the sixth level; perfume shop at the seventh level; luxury goods at the eighth level shop.


To be honest, seeing the eighth-level luxury store unlocked, You Xia didn't have the same sense of joy and satisfaction as before, but more nostalgia and emotion.

Before crossing over, he was stuck at this level for playing mobile games for more than a month. With the profit of simply operating eight stores, the experience bar of 5000 million is like a long river.

But at that time, he didn't have any money, so he had to play games every day. Finally, with perseverance and perseverance, he filled up the experience bar, and he was only a short distance away from unlocking the ninth-level shop. But at this time, he had a car accident , When he regained consciousness again, everything changed.

Therefore, even though it has been several months since the incident happened, when he returned to this level again, he still couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional in his heart.

Fortunately, it is now a reality, he can sell goods wholesale in large quantities. For example, the deal with Kanak today can bring him more than 500 million experience. After their respective cities stabilize, they will continue to purchase goods from him. In this way, it will be much easier to unlock the ninth-level shop.

Withdrawing her thoughts, You Xia turned her attention to the upgrade package.

He clicked to receive the upgrade gift package, and a message popped up on the panel—【System: Congratulations to the player for getting the upgrade gift package [Wood Elf's Luxury Tree House x100], the items have been put into the backpack, go and click to claim it! 】

You Xia was stunned.

The number of luxury tree houses is still one hundred, the system gave him one hundred suites directly!

Although the types of gift items have been reduced, the quality has risen sharply. This game system is really getting more and more generous!

You Xia blew a wave of cowhide in his heart, and then impatiently tried to claim a luxurious tree house.

Afterwards, I saw several tall and strong trees phantoms suddenly uprooted in front of my eyes. Looking up, I could vaguely see the bottom of the house held up by intertwined branches. Just from the fact that it extends out of the boundary line of the warehouse, The area of ​​this tree house should be quite large.

You Xia estimated in his heart that if a hundred of these tree houses supported by more than a dozen trees are placed in his future manor, it should form a large forest!

Thinking of this, Youxia couldn't help but secretly rejoiced that the manor he planned to buy was big enough, otherwise, once the tree house in this forest was released, there would probably be no place for his holy water pool as vast as a lake.


The next day was the job fair for the hot pot restaurant.

With the experience of recruiting salespersons in the cosmetics store last time, Youxia already expected that many people would be attracted by the high salary for interviews this time. For this reason, he specially called Les over to help.

However, even though he was ready, when he really came to the street of Xiongbrun Street at noon and saw the dense crowd gathered in front of the hot pot restaurant from a distance, he was still taken aback.

He roughly counted that there were nearly a hundred people waiting outside, and while he was walking past, several young people hurried over, trying to squeeze into the crowded crowd.

You Xia was surprised in his heart, it was the first time he intuitively realized that there are so many people in Los Angeles without jobs!

"It's not necessarily that there is no job, it's just that your store is more in line with their wishes." Rice said, "You underestimate your influence too much."

"So I'm considered a big entrepreneur in Rose City now?" Youxia teased himself.

Seeing two beautiful young men with outstanding temperament coming from the street together, the originally noisy applicants quieted down in unison, until a strong man suddenly said loudly: "Your Excellency, I heard that you are in the Vegetable cutter, what do you think of me?"

After all, he deliberately stood up on the stairs and made a few movements to show off his muscles.

As soon as the man opened his mouth, other people were afraid of being compared, and recommended themselves one after another. Now the already lively street suddenly became more crowded and noisy.

You Xia frowned, walked through the crowd to the corridor, and raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

He arranged: "We will interview in batches according to the positions we apply for. Please wait a moment at the door. Now those who are applying for the positions of chefs and vegetable cutters will come with me first."

As he spoke, he opened the main entrance of the hot pot restaurant and entered, and 11 applicants for chefs and vegetable cutters immediately followed in.

Among hot pot restaurant positions, the thresholds for these two jobs are the highest, especially chefs, who must have more than five years of work experience in addition to technical thresholds, so the number of people interviewing for this position is obviously the least.

Handing over the interview between the vegetable cutter and the knife worker to Rice, Youxia first asked the four chef interviewees about their previous jobs.

The only woman among the chefs replied with a straight chest: "I have been working in a bakery for ten years."

Hearing this answer, You Xia was almost dumbfounded.

That's right, how could he forget that the staple food in this world is bread!

But no matter how good the bread is, what does it have to do with his hot pot restaurant?

You Xia had to decline the lady with reasons that were not professional, and then asked about the work experience of other people.

"I have been a cook in a tavern for five years." The rounder man among the remaining three replied.

"Exactly five years?"


"Do you have a letter of recommendation from your previous boss?"

"Ah...that's not true." The man replied hesitantly.

You Xia expressed that he could not trust him very much, and then he heard the tall young man next to him say: "Your Excellency, I have a letter of recommendation with my master."

You Xia: "Take a look."

The tall man immediately took out a crumpled letter from his arms and handed it over.

When You Xia received the letter, he glanced at the handsome face of the tall man without any trace, and then at the short man with a hunchback beside him, then he opened the envelope, took out the letter of recommendation and got up carefully.

The letter of recommendation was written in the voice of the owner of a certain hotel, which was about to fail, and the cooks had to come out and look for other jobs.

According to the owner of the hotel, the pair of cooks and apprentices have good cooking skills, especially the middle-aged man Mr. Basheer, despite his short, thin and hunchback, he has worked in the hotel for 20 years. It has been praised by countless guests.

The young man's name is Amber, and he is Basheer's apprentice. Although he has only worked in the hotel for a few years, he has also shown his talent in cooking...

In the end, the conclusion is that these two are very hardworking and will never commit acts of stealing or betrayal. They are trustworthy subordinates.

Although You Xia knew that such a recommendation letter would always be whitewashed, compared to the other one without any valid information, it was obviously more trustworthy for the master and apprentice.

In the end, he kept the pair of mentors and apprentices, explaining: "I will hire you temporarily, but there is a one-month probationary period. If your recommendation letters are watery, I will fire you without mercy."

The master Bashir with a mustache put his hands behind his back and said with a smile, "Don't worry, we won't let you down."

After the chefs were selected, the vegetable cleaners and dishwashers were immediately called in by Youxia.

The threshold for these two positions is relatively low, and the most people apply for them.

The flow of people rushed in, and there were more than 50 people lined up in front and back.

You Xia originally wanted to give priority to those with letters of recommendation, but then he considered that he would want to do this job. Except for young people who have just entered the society and have no experience and skills, they are only left to wander in other places and come to big cities to hang out. I am middle-aged and elderly.

Just like the residents of the slums he met back then, such people must not be able to find someone with status to write a recommendation letter for them.

In the end, You Xia asked them to stand in a row and asked questions one by one. It took a lot of time to interview everyone.

In the end, it was decided that the two dishwashing cleaners were an elderly middle-aged couple, and the vegetable washers chose two seventeen or eighteen-year-old girls.

Although the clothes of the middle-aged couple were a little worn out, they were all washed clean. It could be seen that they had specially prepared for the interview.

As for the job of washing vegetables, Youxia considers that food hygiene is the most important thing in the catering industry. You must not let bugs and the like fly into the leaves of vegetables. Young girls with sensitive eyes and quick hands and feet are more suitable for this job. .

However, he reckoned that the two kids wouldn't be able to do it for long. After all, the job of washing vegetables was a bit boring. Fortunately, there was no technical content in this job. Even if someone left the job, someone could fill in at any time.

The last ones standing at the door were the waiter and the cashier.

Several people who came to interview the cashier, Youxia sent each of them a test paper that Muriel had done before, and then interviewed the waiter while they were taking the test.

There were quite a lot of applicants for the post of waiter, 22 people. You Xiaguang selected eight people based on their mental outlook, and then asked the eight people to introduce themselves respectively, and observed the eight people's speech and behavior in public places. In the end, two young people, a man and a woman, were selected.

The boy is Kony who secretly came to inquire about the situation yesterday.

He also didn't expect that he could stand out from the crowd when so many people participated in the interview, until Youxia announced that he passed, he was still a little dizzy.

After thinking about it after going back, he felt that he could apply for the job successfully, and he probably took advantage of his literacy, and he had similar work experience before, so he was favored by the elves and stayed.

Having said that, You Xia's side has come to an end for the time being, the cashier's test paper has not been finished, and the interview of the vegetable cutter in the kitchen is over.

At first, there were seven people interviewing for the vegetable cutter, but in the end, only one skinny man with bronze skin was left behind by Rice.

The man's name is Akang. According to his own introduction, he was originally a fish seller. Since he was six years old, he has been selling fish and killing fish with his father. He has been in this business for nearly 30 years.

Akang smiled and his eyes were full of wrinkles. He said confidently: "I'm not very good at processing meat on land, but no one here is better than me when it comes to processing meat in water."

The work he cut out just now is a plate of fish fillets as thin as a cicada's wings.

Seeing how crystal clear the fresh fish fillet was, You Xiaguang wanted to hug Akang and call him master.

Rice explained in a low voice the reason why he chose Akang: "Others can only handle ordinary meat. The Tinman you signed before is better in craftsmanship. In comparison, I think you may Will need him more."

Because luckily recruited a Yusheng master, Youxia's immediate reaction was joy, he turned his head and gave Rice a thumbs up and smiled, "You really know me so well."

After the vegetable cutter is settled, the exam for the cashier has also come to an end.

Compared to other positions, the cashier is the best candidate. You Xia directly selected the two girls with the highest scores based on their grades.

One of them is called Xilin and the other is called Karina. They are both apprentices of the Pharmacist Union next door. Because learning medicine is too expensive, they came to find a job.

You Xia found out that apart from civil servants and nobles and wealthy businessmen who have a certain level of education here, only the four major alliances will select talented children from common people to train and provide them with opportunities to learn literature and arithmetic.

But civilian families usually cannot afford the tuition fees for learning magic and potions. In order to continue their studies, these children can only find time to work, even if they sacrifice their study time during the day, there is no other way.

Feelings are emotions, no matter what, the twelve employees of the hot pot restaurant have finally settled down, and the next step is the training of the employees.

Compared with the training of cosmetics stores, the training of employees of hot pot restaurants is much simpler and easier. Everyone has a specialization in the art, and each person takes over a job. Basically, they can get started after a day and a half of practice.

Even kitchen workers are unfamiliar with kitchen equipment and machines at first, but after being taught a few times, they quickly understand how to use various equipment.

The only thing that needs some effort to learn is the cooking of the hot pot base.

For the two chefs who have never been in contact with Chinese cuisine, this will be a difficult time that will require a lot of thought and perseverance to overcome.

Fortunately, the unlocking method of the hot pot restaurant is very friendly. You Xia originally thought that it would be unlocked according to the type of dishes, but unexpectedly it would be unlocked according to the bottom of the pot. At first, there were only "spicy butter", "fragrant bone Soup” and “Healthy Tomatoes” are three kinds of pot bases, and then a new pot base can be unlocked every time a hundred tables of guests are received.

You Xia quite liked the unlocking method this time, which was equivalent to giving the chef time to fully learn and digest each soup base.

Among the three initial pot bases, the bone broth pot and the tomato pot are relatively easy to cook, but the frying process of the butter pot almost made Basheer and Amber almost collapsed due to the smoke, and they wanted to put down their burdens and resign.

But after everything was over and the two tasted the beef blanched with their own soup, their attitude changed instantly, and they no longer resisted the practice of frying the bottom of the butter pot.

"Although I think the tomato pot is more delicious," Mr. Bashir, who doesn't like spicy food, commented, "but the spicy pot also has its charm, maybe some people will like it."

The chef training lasted for three days. On the evening of the third day, Youxia asked two teachers to help him set up an ice magic array in the cellar of his new store, and invited them to have a hot pot together. It's an early celebration of tomorrow's new store opening.

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