You Xia took a deep breath, and opened the "Lip Makeup" section of the mall after making enough preparations. The first thing that catches the eye is "Lipstick", "Lip Glaze", "Lip Tint", "Lip Gloss", "Lip Balm" "A total of five categories.

To be honest, except for lipstick and lipstick, he has no idea about the other three categories.

You Xia took the lead in opening the most familiar lipstick column, and saw that there were several series of products according to the different makeup looks and effects.

He randomly clicked on a type of lipstick from the Clarinet Soft Mist series, and was stunned by the rows of color numbers inside.

In this series of lipsticks alone, there are "red", "orange", "brown", "nude", "burgundy", "pink", "coral", and "berry". "Series" and "Others" have a total of nine color systems, each of which has at least four different color numbers.

What's even more strange is that each color number has its own name!

What "tomato red", "grapefruit orange", "blood orange", "dirty orange", "plum berry", "carrot"... At first glance, they are all different kinds of vegetables and fruits, and I don't know what to think out of these names.

But when he just looked at the pictures, apart from the obvious difference between red, purple and pink, the lipsticks of the same color system looked almost the same.

You Xia frowned, pulled the page to the bottom and glanced at the total number of colors.

This lipstick has a total of 54 shades, perhaps because of the mental preparations, You Xia actually thinks this number is not bad.

With the eye shadow color number as a foreshadowing, You Xia has already made plans, and the lipsticks are slowly being released in batches, one series of one product at a time, so that the pressure of purchasing is much less, and customers will not be forced to choose It is too difficult to choose the color number.

After spending some time, You Xia bought a full range of lipsticks in various colors and replenished some of the products that had been sold in the past two days, and stacked the boxes neatly in the aisle area on the first floor.

When he was about to go upstairs to rest, he looked back at Liyoumen's human-shaped stand, and wrote down a memo in his mind: Tomorrow, he had to bring the new product to the teacher to take a lipstick advertisement.


Although the dragon cub temporarily chose to ignore the existence of the black panther because of You Xia's accidental injury during the day, but before going to bed at night, the two of them had some unpleasant quarrels.

You Xia wanted to let the little black panther sleep at the head of the bed without discrimination, but the dragon cub refused to agree. As soon as Hei zai got on the bedside table, it tried every means to kick the black panther down.

Exhausted after tossing back and forth for a long time, You Xia really had nothing to do with the dragon cub, so he finally compromised, and made a small nest on the sofa for Hei Zai to make a bed for.

Fortunately, the little black panther was much more sensible than the dragon cub. You Xia let him sleep on the sofa, and it lay obediently in the nest, neither barking nor making noise, and seemed quite at ease.

Seeing that Hei Zai didn't have any bad negative emotions, You Xia went back to bed and lay down in peace.

He had been busy running around all night, he was so tired, as soon as the back of his head touched the pillow, he was like a drunk man, and he fell asleep in a daze after a while.

The thunderstorm outside the window did not know when it stopped.

You Xia woke up from his sleep, and vaguely felt the silence around him was a little unusual.

He wondered aimlessly what was unusual in his mind, and it took him a long time to realize that it was because he didn't hear the snoring of the dragon cub.

Realizing this reason, You Xia's thoughts suddenly became clear.

As if there was such a premonition in the dark, before opening his eyes, Youxia felt that it was Les who had transformed back.

He turned over, squinting his slightly sour eyes to look to the side.

With the help of the gray light before dawn, You Xia could clearly see half of the fair face of the young man lying flat beside him, as well as the cold streamlined eyelashes of the other party.

You Xia rubbed his eyes, opened them again, and it was still the same scene.

He suddenly sat up and turned on the light, and without hesitation reached out and pushed the shoulders of the people around him: "Les, wake up!"

Perhaps because of being stabbed by the sudden light, Les frowned, his drooping eyelashes fluttered twice, and then slowly opened his eyes.

During the few seconds of waiting for him to wake up, Youxia was so nervous that his heart was pounding. It wasn't until he saw those long-lost black eyes that he breathed a sigh of relief, and his mood suddenly settled down.

Rice seemed to have just woken up from a long dream, his eyes were full of confusion and blankness.

He stared at the ceiling in a daze for a while, then turned his head to look at the elf beside him.

"How do you feel?" Looking at Rice, Youxia hurriedly asked, "Do you have any memory of what happened during this period?"

Les froze for a while, and was about to speak, when he suddenly remembered something, his expression became stiff instantly.

You Xia saw that his eyeballs rolled in a panic, and then a thin blush appeared on his fair face.

Rice couldn't speak at all. Once he used his mind, a series of deeds and memories flooded his mind uncontrollably.

Burning houses, spanking, stealing gold coins, and being jealous with leopard cubs... Although these things were not experienced by him in human form, they are all presented to him from the first perspective at this moment.

The shame was like flipping through a diary called a history of childhood shame, where every page was filled with gleeful words about the stupid things he had done.

Recalling later, Les was almost ashamed and wanted to get under the quilt, but when he pulled up the quilt, he realized that he had been naked since he transformed back, only because he was covered by the quilt. find.

Now his face became hotter, and the red tide spread from the tips of his ears to his entire neck.

Youxia noticed his embarrassment, and thoughtfully brought him a nightgown.

In fact, observing the change in the other party's entire expression, he could also guess that Les probably recovered the memory of the little dragon cub.

After Rice got dressed, Youxia asked, "I've always been curious about what kind of state you were in when you were a dragon. Do you remember what you did when you were a human race?"

Les was still immersed in the shameful diary of the past, and he didn't dare to look into Yuxia's eyes at all. He just stared at the front without focusing, and replied in a flat tone: "There are memories, but no emotions. instinct to do things.”

This answer was actually what he was eager to explain to You Xia - those childish behaviors were all done by the dragon cubs, and had nothing to do with him, Les Hodge.

"That's what I guessed." You Xia said with a slight smile.

He had imagined countless times that if one day Les turned back into a human race, he would have to laugh and complain about the little dragon cub, but when it came to this time, he had nothing to say to Les with his usual calm expression. that's it.

After thinking for a while, he brought up the matter and asked, "Will there be any omens when you become a dragon?"

Rice shook his head first, and then said: "I have always been semi-demonized when I am emotional, maybe it has something to do with it."

"But before you became a dragon, you were sleeping, so even if you had nightmares, you wouldn't lose control of your emotions, right? Or was it only affected by blood recovery?" Youxia frowned, "In this case, next time you become The dragon can't tell when it will be."

Les listened to him quietly without making a sound.

Youxia recalled that Liyoumen once emphasized that the magic dragon can awaken the bloodline ability more completely in the abyss. Before, because he could not communicate with the dragon cub, he did not ask the dragon cub what he thought, so he just took this opportunity to ask himself: "Do you want To the abyss?"

There was confusion in Rice's eyes, as if he didn't know much about it.

Youxia then repeated to him all the things about the abyss dragon mentioned by Li Youmen.

"All in all, after going to the abyss, you will grow faster and stronger, but at the same time, there will be great danger."

Rice was quiet for a while, and replied briefly: "Go."

"I also guessed that you would choose to go," You Xia pursed his lower lip, "But your current state is really unstable, it is too dangerous to go to the abyss in the state of a human race, and it is too weak to become a dragon."

You Xia was very worried, frowned and said: "Well, let's wait until you grow up in dragon form, and when Teacher Li Youmen judges that you can go to the abyss, if you are in the state of a dragon, I will send you off." past."

Rice acted as if he was fully listening to his arrangements, and obediently responded: "Okay."

After finally waiting for the dragon cub to turn back into a human form, even though it was the most sleepy time at five or six o'clock in the morning, Youxia still chatted with him for a long time. Sleeping under the covers, and waking up again is already the morning sun.

Awakened by a ray of sunlight directly on the eyelids, Youxia looked to the side at the first moment when he opened his eyes, and he was relieved when he realized that Les had not turned into a dragon.

Immediately without knowing what happened, an inexplicable sense of relaxation and joy suddenly hit You Xia's heart, making him raise the corners of his lips involuntarily.


In the early morning, when the employees of the cosmetics store came to shop early, they found that there was a beautiful young man with long black hair next to their boss.

"This is my friend, Les Hodge." Youxia introduced to everyone.

Because Rice himself has all the memories of the dragon cub period, there is no need to explain the current situation to him.

After the staff arrived, You Xia quickly entered the working state and began to assign and arrange tasks.

There are a lot of goods to be shopped today. In addition to lipsticks with many shades, there is also a series of four-color eyeshadow palettes, and some base makeup products that are short-sold.

Menglin was startled when she opened the first lipstick sample, and asked You Xia with her eyes wide open, "Boss, is this for wiping lips?"

"Well, most of the boxes on the ground are."

"So much..." Meng Lin took a breath.

Mei Na took out the color card from the box, and exclaimed in surprise: "Wow, this color is too rich, I really want to have them all!"

On the other side, Succubus has skillfully selected a rich rose purple lipstick and applied it on her lips.

Not to mention, from You Xia's point of view, it looks like a poisoned color, but after matching with the grape purple eyes of the succubus, it is actually quite charming.

"Okay," You Xia clapped his palms and said, "Don't be dazed, hurry up and lay out the goods first."

The employees responded one after another: "Good sir."

You Xia helped pack the empty cardboard boxes, and at this moment, without the sharp claws for scribing tape, he missed the existence of the little dragon cub for the first time.

Thinking of the dragon cub, You Xia reflexively turned his head to look for Les.

At this time, the other party was standing under the chandelier helping the employees to distribute the goods together. The bright light poured down from the top of his head, making his slender eyelashes cast deep shadows in the bottom of his eyes, making his handsome cheeks even whiter. , and the lips became more rosy.

Youxia unconsciously stared at Les's bright red thin lips for a while, then looked at the lipstick package he was removing in his hand, and a bold idea flashed in his mind again.

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