I opened a shopping mall in Xihuan

Chapter 53 The first store

Unlike the city of Ross, which is always sunny, the city of Char near the Artemis Sea is always cloudy and rainy.

However, such a humid and cold climate suits the wishes of some snake orcs.

In a castle surrounded by smog in the woods on the outskirts of the city, Shi'an soaked in the bath full of foam, enjoying the warmth of the morning bath.

Aside, a pharmacist in a black cloak stood on the wet marble floor and reported in a hoarse voice: "Brent and I have studied the things bought from the dwarves, such as toothpaste, shampoo, and conditioner. Although we can imitate things like this, the cost will be very high, and it is impossible to make a profit by selling them at the price of elves and dwarves. Others, such as toothbrushes and towels, are relatively cheap, but they are very labor-intensive."

Shi'an slowly opened her eyes, looked at the rain-shrouded green forest outside the window, and lazily said: "The last thing we need is manpower, isn't it?"

The pharmacist in the black cloak smiled softly: "You are right, the last thing we need is slaves."

"It doesn't matter if the cost is high, why should we compete with the elves on price."

"what do you mean?"

Shi'an hooked her lips, his lips were bright red from the hot water, making his pale and anemic face extremely coquettish.

"The direction of the dwarves' goods is Chand. We can pack the goods and sell them to the nobles of the race or orcs at a high price. It doesn't matter even if the goods of the elves are circulated. Let's see if the nobles are more willing to use them in accordance with their needs." The luxuries of status are still those cheap common goods."

The pharmacist in the black cloak leaned slightly: "Follow your wishes, sir."


Los City, in the cosmetics store at No. 366 Schlevoger Street, as Jasmine stepped into the store door, eight employees officially gathered.

Youxia introduced them to each other, and then said: "From now on, Mr. Golo, Mr. Us, Ridaki, and Mamur, the four of you will be the salespersons of our store. Ms. Love, Menglin and Mena's makeup skills still need to be improved, and you may need to take care of them more often."

Love lowered her head: "No problem, sir."

You Xia turned to look at the succubus with a absent-minded expression again: "Jasmine, you too, help them more."

The succubus glanced at the two young girls and raised the corners of her lips: "Look at their understanding!"

Meng Lin and Mei Na had never met Jasmine before, and although they were wondering why this beautiful lady had a masculine voice, they immediately put on a humble expression.

On the other hand, Golo, Us, and Love, who came to the interview on the first day, saw the succubus here, and all three of them had strange expressions.

Especially Us, who speculated that Jasmine might be a monster, his heart was full of question marks. How could the black goat who was driven out of the store become their colleague after only one day?

However, seeing that Youxia had already started assigning today's tasks, Us had no choice but to put these questions aside and concentrate on listening to the work arrangements.

"Today everyone has to complete the work of distributing goods. The boxes on the ground are filled with products that need to be put on the shelves. Note that each product must be put on the shelves. If there are any extras, put them under the corresponding shelves. In the replenishment cabinet, the products are placed according to the categories marked on the shelf, for example, there is a 'concealer' label on the shelf here..."

To be honest, Us didn't understand much of You Xia's crackling speech.

He hadn't even heard of "concealer" or "liquid foundation". Later, when he saw that everyone was busy, he unpacked the boxes and distributed the goods together.

Fortunately, there are written descriptions on the packaging of each product. For example, straight men like Us and Ridaki, who are completely insensitive to cosmetics, can put the product in the corresponding position according to the number.

As for makeup artists who have some makeup experience, Jasmine and Love often know how to use a product after reading the introduction.

Although Menglin and Mei Na don't have much experience, they can still quickly figure out the uses of some common cosmetics by virtue of girls' innate intuition for cosmetics.

In this way, while getting to know the products and selling the goods, the eight employees were very busy, and You Xia was responsible for recycling the empty cardboard boxes beside him.

Instructing the little dragon cub to use its sharp claws to scratch the tape on the carton, he dismantled the carton and stacked it into stacks of cardboard, and asked Qizila to stack it in the warehouse, maybe it will be used in the future.

The work of distributing goods started at [-]:[-] in the morning and continued until [-]:[-] in the afternoon, when the first batch of goods You Xia brought in from the mall was finally laid out.

After the end, the two magic apprentices consciously cleaned the floor with magic. After a while, the store environment returned to a clean and tidy appearance.

You Xia stood in the center of the store and looked towards the cosmetics cabinet in the base makeup area. All the products were neatly placed. When the light came on, the glass bottles and the metal outer packaging shone brightly, not to mention healing!

Inside the base makeup cabinet, next to the back door is a full half wall of beauty tools.

From top to bottom, rows of brushes are neatly arranged according to size and function. On the other side, colorful beauty eggs are packaged and displayed in transparent glass boxes, which are beautiful, neat and organized.

You Xia walked back and forth along the aisle on the right. Although most of the store area is still empty, as far as the area that has been unlocked is concerned, it already fits the feeling of a cosmetics store in his heart.

"Okay, the work of distributing goods has come to an end for the time being. Everyone has worked hard today. Those who want to rest can go back to rest. Those who want to stay in the store to research products can also stay. If you want to leave, tell me, I will help you You settle your daily wages."

You Xia unknowingly used the vile boss-like tone: whether to leave or stay, you are conscious.

The voice fell, and none of the employees said that they had to go back first. Old fritters like Golo had already sat at the counter with various sunscreen product books and compared them. Us and others saw him doing this, and they also followed suit. Look at the description of the product.

Compared with the four salespersons, there are actually more makeup artists.

Everyone was really interested in these cosmetics, and immediately opened the samples that Youxia had sorted out and tried them out.

Love first opened a box of powder cream, rubbed it with fingertips twice according to the instructions, and a small piece of powder cream melted quickly.

She spread some melted powder on the back of her hand, and the more she applied it, the more amazed she became.

"This kind of powder...it's too delicate, there's no trace at all!"

Love was stunned. After all, she was already old, and the skin on her hands was wrinkled even if she took good care of her hands, not to mention the skin on her face. Terrible herself, she hasn't worn makeup in years.

But Xia Zhisen's powder cream does not have the problem of fake white floating powder at all. She repeatedly applied several layers on her hands, but it only made the skin on the back of her hands look more translucent and delicate. Potion of rejuvenation!

"It's really easy to use!" On the other side, Meng Lin, who chose a sample of the whitest liquid foundation, also expressed the same emotion.

She came here today without makeup, and now she has finished her makeup with a sponge puff: "It's great, I have never seen my skin become so white, tender and smooth!"

Mei Na sat aside and looked at the instructions of the primer before makeup, and then asked: "Menglin, did you use this liquid foundation directly?"

"Yes, what's wrong?"

"But here it goes, apply this pore-closing primer before foundation and your skin will look smoother and more hydrated."

"Really, then try it!" Menglin was a little excited, "Actually, I think the effect of liquid foundation alone is good enough. If it can make the pores invisible, it is really like the pictorials on the wall. , as perfect as the skin of an elf!"

You Xia heard them talking about the posters on the wall, and suddenly became interested and asked, "What do you usually use for face powder?"

Menglin thought for a while and replied: "I don't know how the nobles are. We usually use white flour or coarser wheat flour in theaters."

"The nobles use the same, but the steps are more complicated." Love continued, "We usually soak very pure wheat in water for fifteen days, then take it out and grind it with water, and then use a cloth to Screen, and after it dries completely, you will get some pure white dry powder, mix it with rose water before applying makeup, and it will be much more docile when applied on the face."

Even so, You Xia still felt that this kind of foundation was difficult to use, no wonder the four makeup artists were so excited when they tried these products.

No, there are four makeup artists, and one more?

You Xia searched the shop for Jasmine's figure but did not find him, and then walked a few steps, and found him in the cashier area covered by the cashier.

The other party was sitting inside, using Mamur as a model to make up for her.

It was the first time for Mamur to be exposed to makeup at such an age.

Although she was working as a salesperson, she was actually very envious of Menglin and Mena who could do makeup for herself, so when Jasmine said that she wanted to try makeup on her face, she immediately agreed.

When You Xia found them, the entire base makeup was basically completed, and finally Jasmine used a concealer brush to cover Mamur's obvious acne, and the makeup trial was over.

Jasmine took back the product, looked back, nodded in satisfaction and said, "Go and look in the mirror."

Mamur went to the mirror to take a look, took a breath, and screamed with a huge reaction: "Oh my god, is this me? My acne and freckles are all gone!"

"They are still there, but they are covered by my superb skills." The succubus raised her eyebrows and said.

"Yes, this is amazing!" Mamur looked at the mirror for a while, then turned her head to the succubus and said, "Thank you, Ms. Jasmine...Mr. Jasmine, Ms., um..."

The succubus waved his hand: "It's fine, call it whatever you want."

"Anyway, thank you." Mamuer said excitedly, "Can you tell me which things you gave me just now, I must learn to use them, this is simply more miraculous than magic!"

You Xia was also amazed to see Mamul'er's appearance after putting on makeup.

This girl is actually not bad looking, with a three-dimensional outline, and there are no major blemishes on the facial features, but some acne and spots on the face affect the overall visual effect. If you want to look beautiful, you only need to clean up the skin on the face .

The succubus obviously saw this, and the foundation color she chose for her was very suitable for her skin tone, plus the acne marks and freckles were covered, and Mamuer gave people a radiant look.

Compared with Mamuer, Menglin's makeup on the other side is a bit exaggerated, and the color of her face and neck is seriously out of touch. Even You Xia, a makeup novice, can see that the other party's aesthetics are not right.

Unavoidably, the two little girls were getting further and further away from their own research, so he had to separate Menglin and Mena and assign them to Jasmine and Love, and let the two experienced ones lead them to learn.


The next few days will be similar training. The salesperson is responsible for familiarizing with and familiarizing with the information of each product, including the method of use, makeup effect, applicable skin quality, price, color number, service life, etc., as long as the customer may ask questions, they must know the answers.

Naturally, what the makeup artists had to do was make up. Under the leadership of Jasmine and Love, the four makeup artists thoroughly studied the cosmetics currently available in the store.

What to use first, what to use next, how to use it, how much to use, what kind of skin type is suitable for it... There are too many problems to be solved. Love is worried that she will not be able to remember when she is too old, so she even took notes for this, And in the daily trial and summary, this makeup manual will be filled step by step.

One week later, in the evening, Love took out a thick dry notebook and handed it to Youxia, smiling kindly and said: "I think there is no problem, Your Excellency."

You Xia roughly flipped through the notebook and closed it again, asking: "So it can be opened?"



The next morning, the air was crisp and the sun was shining brightly.

Youxia placed the human-shaped stand sign of Liyoumen at the door, and then set off three big magic fireworks in front of the door.

After attracting enough passers-by to watch, You Xia took off the red cloth on the signboard and announced the official opening of Xia Zhisen Cosmetics Store.

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