I opened a shopping mall in Xihuan

Chapter 50 Cubs Can't Know So Much

Under the continuous stimulation of Xiao Lai, Youxia got up late decisively, and when he finished washing and went downstairs, there was already a row of applicants standing at the door.

Through the glass door, he glanced roughly, there were exactly six people, three men and three women.

The high-demand recruitment announcement was released yesterday, and six people came to interview today, which shows that the flow of people on Schlevogel Street is really good.

You Xia sighed and opened the glass door to let the interviewer in.

In order to make the atmosphere more solemn and serious, he also specially lit up the four-story chandelier in the center.

As soon as the large crystal chandelier was turned on, the entire storefront was filled with brilliant light and mist, and several interviewees couldn't help gasping and admiring.

You Xia walked into the cashier area, pulled out a chair and sat down, took out a pen and a notebook from the space ring and put them on the counter, and then began to formally look at the first batch of six interviewees.

The first thing he caught sight of was the woman standing on the edge.

In addition to being influenced by the other party's superior figure and appearance and her sexy big wavy hair, what attracted You Xia's attention even more was her pair of charming grape purple eyes.

Aside from the blessing of colored contact lenses, this is the first time You Xia has seen someone with this color of eyes in reality.

Sensing his gaze, the curly-haired woman raised her slender eyebrows, and returned a frivolous and confident smile, with ripples in her smiling eyes.

You Xia, who was winked at, was a little embarrassed, and immediately turned his eyes to other people.

The other five people are more ordinary in temperament than the curly-haired woman, but because he wrote the requirement of "good facial features" in the salesperson's recruitment conditions, so regardless of the age of the interviewees, everyone is generally pretty good in appearance .

You Xia smiled at them, and said in a gentle tone: "The makeup artist is at the back, let's start the interview with the salesperson first, whoever wants to be the first to come out and introduce himself."

Almost at the moment when he finished speaking, a well-dressed middle-aged man stood up, took off his hat, gave a greeting, and said, "Then start with me, Your Excellency."

The man looked about forty years old, with short dark brown hair combed neatly, at first glance he looked like a well-educated gentleman.

In fact, after hearing about his working experience, You Xia also felt that the other party was indeed a person with some ability.

"My name is Golo. I worked as a translation officer at the Los General Chamber of Commerce for six years, and was later employed by the Charo Dwarf Chamber of Commerce as their diplomatic officer. During these two periods of work, I traveled to many countries and Chamber of Commerce, I have been to countries and gathering places of multiple races, and I have traveled to every city in the Western Continent, until recently I was tired of that unstable life, so I quit my job and returned to Los Angeles to settle down."

The middle-aged man talked eloquently, "Thanks to the convenience brought to me by these two periods of work experience, now I am not only proficient in the common language of the mainland and the languages ​​of the four major human kingdoms, but also learned the dwarf language, the orc language and some underground countries. language.

"And because I was in charge of receiving and caring for an elderly and critically ill mage, spent the last time with her, and learned some ancient elf language because of it.

"So I can guarantee that if you are willing to hire me, then most of the customers who will come to your store in the future, I will be able to entertain them in the most relaxed and friendly way."

Youxia himself is learning the ancient Elvish language, and he knows how difficult it is to learn this awkward and complicated language, so when he heard that Golo is good at so many languages ​​and can also speak the ancient Elvish language, he was a little surprised and amused. admire.

Logically speaking, since the other party dared to speak ancient elf language in front of an elf like himself, he would definitely not be afraid of being tested.

But just in case, Youxia pretended to be casual and asked him in ancient elf language: "quidadhibere (why did you apply for this job)?"

"Quiadesummostipendio (because of the high salary)." Golo replied calmly.

You Xia: "With your rich knowledge, there should be no shortage of job opportunities with high salaries, right?"

"Maybe, but it's the same old style." Golo replied: "I don't want to continue working for the chamber of commerce. Now I just want to find a stable job with relatively simple interpersonal relationships. The position you provided is exactly what I want. .”

"Okay, sir." After listening to the answer, You Xia raised the corners of his lips, and quickly withdrew his smile pretending to be calm: "Please wait by the side for a while, and I will tell you the result after the interview is over. "

You Xia is actually very satisfied with such an old man with a stable mentality, proficiency in multiple languages, and a similar working experience. A stamp of "Xia Zhisen Employee".

Then he looked at the interviewers again: "The next one, who will come."

With the glorious resume demonstration of the first boss, after You Xia asked this question, the atmosphere was very silent for a while.

After waiting for a full 2 ​​minutes, one of the handsome guys with curly hair in a chestnut shawl mustered up the courage to stand up and introduce himself.

This dark-skinned guy has an exotic name, Us.

Although Us doesn't have as much professional experience as the previous boss, his background is not bad.

According to what he said, he came from a wealthy family in the coastal country of Ilan. After he became an adult, he worked as a tutor in a noble family in Ilan for a period of time. Later, because he was not good at dealing with children, he resigned from his job willfully. , became a traveling bard.

Now the poet wants to be a salesman.

You Xia felt that the career span was quite large, so he deliberately tested the other party on some aspects of product sales.

Perhaps because of traveling abroad all the year round, Uz's vision is very broad, and he always answers some of Youxia's tricky questions calmly and calmly, giving people a feeling of straightforwardness and ease.

"I also understand your situation, please go to the side and wait for a while." After the question was finished, You Xia gave the same reply with a smile.

"Okay, sir." Us smiled and stood beside Golo.

You Xia cleared his throat: "Next."

The next two interviews were also for the position of salesperson. The interviewers were a man and a woman, both of whom were locals.

You Xia briefly asked them a few questions, and found that both of them had serious problems in the most basic reading and writing. It was obvious that the standard was not up to standard, and they picked up the leaks for the high salary in the recruitment notice.

He didn't talk nonsense with them, and when he found that the conditions didn't match, You Xia sent the two of them away with words.

After the interview with the salesperson, the next step is the makeup artist.

The only applicants left were an elderly woman and the pretty lady with purple eyes.

It was the old woman who came forward first.

She was wearing a black and white tunic dress embroidered with the pattern of a certain family's servants. Her gray hair was neatly coiled on the back of her head. The deputy looks confident.

"I'm the housekeeper of the Karak Club, you can call me Love." The old woman introduced herself.

You Xia showed a little surprised look, isn't Karak Club the cross-dressing club run by Mrs. Lucia next door?

"Are you Lady Lucia's housekeeper?"


"Since you have such a good job, why do you still apply for a makeup artist?" When you asked this sentence, You Xia already had his own speculation in his heart.

Does Mrs. Lucia want to use his hand to train a free makeup artist for use in her own club?

"I'm getting old." Love explained slowly, "Although I really want to continue to work as before, in fact, I have misremembered the guest list several times, and miscalculated the cost of dinner several times. A costume party is going to be held in a few days, but I can no longer manage and arrange every servant and every business as before. I can see that Madam already has the idea of ​​dismissing me, but I will leave at my age I'm afraid she can't think of anyone else to write a letter of recommendation for me."

You Xia sympathized with her, but still said truthfully: "If you are no longer able to continue to work well in your current state, I am afraid that you will only get a basic salary when you come to my place."

"Don't worry, I just can't do too complicated and detailed work anymore, but I still have the experience of making up my wife and other guests every day."

"Have you ever done makeup for other guests?"

"Yes," the old woman said slowly, "if some regular customers stay overnight at the club, I usually help them organize their makeup, and sometimes I prepare surprise dresses for some, but the makeup more ordinary guests on the Internet to design a makeup that better suits their outfits."

With just this last sentence, You Xia wanted to draw someone over to sign the contract on the spot.

Isn't it the makeup master of contemporary society to help the guests who participate in the costume party to design makeup?

It doesn't matter how old you are, even if your hands are shaking and your eyes are presbyopic, you can still teach a few apprentices by passing on experience!

But before that, Youxia still needs to ask clearly: "Does Mrs. Lucia know about the fact that you came here to apply for the job?"

"Madame doesn't know, but I think she will be very happy if you can appreciate my craftsmanship."

"Okay, please go to the side and wait for a while."

Now that You Xia said this, everyone knew that it had already been passed. After all, those who failed, such as the first two who tried to fish in troubled waters, had already been invited out.

After Love stepped aside, the charming woman walked to the counter.

You Xia was about to ask her to introduce herself, when she saw the other party suddenly leaning over, with her waist pressed against the counter, and said in a soft voice: "My name is Jasmine, Mr. Elf, how about you?"

As soon as his voice came out, Youxia was speechless on the spot.

This woman is a mature woman no matter from the delicate appearance of the facial features or the protruding figure, but just listening to the deep and hoarse voice, she is clearly a man!

Is there actually a bigwig in women's clothing in this world?

You Xia blinked his eyes a little dizzily, and his eyes fell on the face of the "woman" with a rippling smile in front of him, trying to find some flaws.

However, at this moment, the other party suddenly leaned forward, stretched out his hand towards his face, and murmured in a low voice: "What a beautiful elf..."

You Xia got up and backed away when his hand was stretched out, and the name of a plant came to his lips. Suddenly, a hot black flame flashed past his eyes, followed by a scream of indistinguishable male and female.


You Xia followed the screams and saw the purple-eyed woman sitting on the ground, one arm had been burned into coke with a few pieces of rotten meat hanging from it.

Next to him, several interviewees who passed the interview looked behind him in horror.

You Xia turned around, and saw the black dragon with back thorns and barbs fully erected, leaping over several counters and jumping to the ground. At the same time, it opened its mouth full of fangs, and once again spewed out a black and red flame towards the purple-eyed woman.

"Don't, Lai!"

However, it was too late when the words came out.

Just when You Xia was worried that someone might be killed, a pitch-black lamb with a broken leg rushed out of the place surrounded by black flames, screaming and jumping towards the door.

You Xia froze for a moment, and it took two seconds to realize that the black lamb was that strange woman just now.

Seeing that the prey was about to escape, the dragon cub immediately spread its wings and chased it out, attacking with black flames while chasing it back.

There were a lot of pedestrians on the street, and You Xia was worried that it might accidentally injure passers-by, so he hurriedly turned over the counter and chased it out.

But the speed with which he was chasing was not as fast as the one with wings. When he got outside, he only had time to see the back of the black sheep being forced into the sewage drain by the dragon cub.

The little black dragon probably disliked the dirty place, so he didn't continue chasing it.

After yelling "Aww" twice outside, it walked back towards Youxia with its chest and belly puffed out.

You Xia was amused by its smug look after winning the battle, knelt down and touched its head and asked, "What was that just now, you chased him so hard?"


"Can't understand."

The little black dragon showed a serious expression, pointed to the stinky ditch, and waved its short claws, meaning: it's not a good thing.

You Xia was helpless, Xin Dao thought that before Burnis refined the speech potion, he and Rice would not be able to have a smooth conversation.

Back at the shop, You Xia apologized to the three frightened interviewers, and explained for the dragon cub: "It is usually very well-behaved, although it is a bit mischievous, it never attacks people, only when I meet When an unknown monster or is in danger, it will take the initiative to attack."

"It's okay, Your Excellency," Golo said first, "We all saw that woman turned into a black goat."

"It's a goat, but it has purple eyes, it doesn't look like a beastman," Us the former bard said thoughtfully, "I've heard it mentioned in some church hymns, black goats, evil The incarnation of your monster, the monster you raise hates that thing so much, maybe it's because it's a monster!"


"It should be a succubus." Li Youmen, who was sitting on the sofa full of sunlight, judged.

The afternoon sun was extremely fierce this afternoon. Fortunately, the game-modified house had a constant temperature, otherwise it would have been too hot for the sun to bask on the sofa.

You Xia was puzzled: "Didn't you say that the demons are locked in the abyss, why do succubi appear majestically in human cities?"

"Compared to other monsters, succubi are very low in danger. They may have a certain ability to confuse people, but as long as they are determined, they will not be affected, so the four major alliances do not restrict them very much."

Li Youmen explained the elf's confusion, "And the succubus group usually has superior appearance. As far as I know, in human countries, a large part of the royal family and nobles don't mind raising one or two succubi in the backyard." Succubus are used as ornamentals, and even because of the long lifespan of succubi, these breedings are sometimes hereditary."

After the grandfather raises, the father raises, and after the father raises, the son continues to raise it?

You Xia felt that his three views had been impacted.

He wanted to gossip and wow, but he resisted the urge because of his image as a cub in Leomen's eyes.

Cubs can't understand so much!

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