Youxia got up slowly, and looked at Ogst, who was obviously surprised.

At this time, although the plant stopped growing, it did not stop changing. You Xia turned his attention to the thickest branch in the center, and a flower bud the size of a thumb was pregnant at the top of the branch.

The buds grow up rapidly, with light red petals emerging, and it is about to bloom, Youxia suddenly feels a strong sense of collapse, and is about to sit on the ground when his eyes are dark, and he is supported by Ogste in time .

"So it is!"

In his collapse, he heard August's exclamation.

Youxia panted vigorously, managed to stand still and opened his eyes, and saw that vermilion delicate flower in the center of the bush had already unfolded its layers of petals, exuding a burst of fragrance.

And on the pistil wrapped by petals, there is still a butterfly with dreamy colors like flying down from a painting.

The butterfly fluttered its wings slowly twice, as if adapting to the environment it first encountered, then it flew away from the flower lightly, flew around Youxia twice and then landed on his shoulder.

"Let me just say, how could I not even make an ordinary plant bloom." Augst muttered, staring curiously at the butterfly on his shoulder, and asked, "Where are you from?" magic plant?"

You Xia shook his head weakly: "I bought it by coincidence, and I thought it was just an ordinary plant."

Augst poked at the butterfly with his finger, but before he touched it, the butterfly flew away. He commented: "It's just a little bit nicer, it's not useful."

"It was just an ornamental plant." You Xia laughed, and then he remembered and asked: "By the way, why am I suddenly so dizzy, as if I'm exhausted?"

"Magic energy is overused, it's a common thing, just be careful in the future!"

After discovering that there was really no other use, Ogst lost interest in the Butterfly in an instant. He took out a brass potion from his pannier pocket, and handed it to Youxia with some distress: "Drink a magic potion. Make it up."

Youxia drank the potion obediently, and as the slightly bitter potion slipped into the throat, a wave of hot energy traveled throughout the body, and the body that was quite tired and weak seemed to be being charged, slowly recovering energy .

Seeing the old man looking at the empty copper pipe in his hand with regret, he asked, "Is this potion expensive?"

"It's good that it's expensive..." Oghst shook his head: "It's relatively rare. Anyone who can refine magic potions is at least a potion master. How many potion masters can there be in the Western Continent? Even high-level pharmacists are rare. very."

"The pharmacist next door gave me a few magic potions, so he is already a potion master?"

"Oh?" August looked at the house next door with glowing eyes, and found that the door of the shop was closed. He was a little disappointed and said, "It's closed!"

You Xia explained: "He should be at home, but it's really not very open."

"Then I'll go take a look when the door opens."

Mana potions are rare, so of course you should prepare more if you encounter them.

But... August's gaze stayed for a moment on the sign that said "Burnes Pharmacy".

How do you feel that you have heard the name Burnis before?

"Where did you hear it?"

August frowned and thought about it, but perhaps because he had lived too long, he couldn't remember it.

The more he couldn't remember it, the more uncomfortable he was, so lying on the hotel bed at night, August was still remembering where he had heard or seen this name.

Thinking about it, he was about to fall asleep in a daze... But at this moment, a picture suddenly flashed in his mind!

That was more than 100 years ago, when he accompanied Yolanda to the Eastern Continent to search for the new holy pool. In order to avoid the sudden snowstorm, they stopped in a hunter tavern. During the chat with the tavern owner, the other party once mentioned a Rumor: "The former elder of the Pharmacist Alliance, I heard that he secretly developed a potion for persecuting orcs. He was deprived of his position as an elder and kicked out of the Eastern Continent!"

Oghst opened his eyes suddenly, staring at the ceiling with aged but not cloudy eyes, and murmured silently: "If I remember correctly, the former elder seems to be called Burnis?"


It was about four or five o'clock in the morning, the sky was glowing pale, and the residents of Nightingale Street were still asleep.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang, and You Xia woke up with a start, feeling the whole house tremble for a few seconds.

Is it an earthquake?Or is the berserk demon wolf attacking again?

These speculations flashed through his not very sober mind, and he quickly turned over and got off the bed. He was about to put on his shoes when he looked back and saw that Les had already taken the long sword and went downstairs.

"This speed is too fast, who is the injured..." Youxia complained in a low voice, and immediately followed Rice's footsteps downstairs.

However, when I opened the glass door and looked out, the street was empty and there was silence everywhere.

Les walked to the sidewalk first, glanced around, and then he looked at the house next door and suddenly settled on the door.

"What's the matter?" You Xia walked to him, followed his gaze, and saw that the house next door to the pharmacy was emitting thick blue and black smoke from the window.

"Is this... a potion explosion?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the door of the pharmacy opened with a bang, and a gray cat with fried fur rushed out howling. Seeing the elf standing nearby, it immediately turned around and rushed to Youxia's feet. He sat down and licked his hair aggrievedly.

Immediately afterwards, the scruffy-looking Bournes staggered out of the gate, coughing as he ran.

"Mr. Burns?" Youxia stopped him uncertainly.

Bournis froze, straightened his body for a second, and straightened his clothes and hairstyle.

"What are you doing, did the drug development fail?"

"It's okay, there was a little accident," Burnis said with a serious face, "it's about to succeed."

"But there was a loud noise just now."

"It won't harm the neighbors." He said calmly.

You Xia felt that if there were not so many burnt marks on his body, his words would be more convincing.

He Chi asked: "Your house is smoking, is it okay?"

"I can handle it myself." Burnis said almost coldly, and immediately stepped forward and picked up Locke by the back of the neck, ignoring Locke's resistance, and directly imprisoned him in his arms and took him back.

Seeing that the door of the pharmacy was closed again, Youxia looked at Les who had been silent since just now with a puzzled face, wanting to seek his opinion.

Suddenly, Les lowered his head and coughed twice, and the sword in his hand slipped to the ground, making a crisp sound, which startled Youxia.

His first reaction was: "The smoke is poisonous?"

"No..." Les slowly raised his right hand to cover his left shoulder, with an unhealthy blush on his fair face, and said softly, "Suddenly I feel weak, maybe the old injury has recurred."

"Ah..." You Xia was suspicious: "But isn't your left shoulder injured, and your right hand will also lose strength?"

Les's ears were flushed, and he was not good at lying, and he had already begun to regret why he pretended to be like this, but he still said firmly: "That's right, I don't have the strength."

Youxia looked at him with scrutiny, maybe it was because he got up too fast, Les's hair was blown up badly, poking it up and down, his eyes were lowered to the ground, just from his expression I can't tell if I'm talking nonsense or not.

But it's meaningless to lie about this kind of thing, You Xia will believe his nonsense for now.

He combed Rice's messy long hair, then picked up the iron sword on the ground and said, "Okay, I'll help you up."

It wasn't until he lay down on the bed that Les heaved a sigh of relief, and the temperature on his face gradually dropped.

Just about to close her eyes and go to sleep, at this moment, You Xia said abruptly: "Didn't you say yesterday that the wound was about to heal, why did it recur again, take off the bandage and let me have a look?"

Rice: "..."

"Shall I dismantle it for you?"

Laston panicked for a moment, and said incoherently: "No, I might, just now, it was... I'm sorry."

Youxia burst out laughing, pulled the quilt to cover his chest, and lay down beside him, with a clear and gentle voice: "If you don't want to go back, you can continue to live here, you don't need to find any awkward excuses."

Rice fell silent, and it took a long time before he gave a low "hmm".

You Xia yawned, turned over to face him, and said vaguely: "Go to sleep, it will be dawn if you don't sleep."


East Side, Wickenburg District.

The breakfast in the City Lord's Mansion is still very rich. The refreshing green pea soup is paired with golden soft ham and mashed potatoes, as well as fresh cheese and fruit soup. The colors are very bright.

The main dishes are different from the past, the pork pie has been replaced by honey-glazed wings with rich sauce, the fried cod has been replaced by steaming fried chicken, and the honey sweet bread has been replaced by six delicious Portuguese egg tarts .

He had already tasted the fried chicken and grilled wings yesterday, and liked their taste very much, but it was the first time he had seen egg tarts.

Herro picked up an egg tart and asked, "What's this?"

Marshall immediately introduced: "This is a new cream meringue pie from the elf shop today. It's called Portuguese egg tart. It is said to be made with flour, milk and eggs. It is very delicious."

"Cream meringue pie, just hearing the name is very good." Herro praised, brought the egg tart to his mouth, and bit off more than half of it in one bite.

The first thing I tasted was the soft and crispy tart shell. After chewing for a few times, the thick milky and eggy flavor spread in my mouth. It was supposed to be a sweet and rich creamy taste, but it was just neutralized by the tart shell. , sweet but not greasy, I want to eat again after taking a bite.

"Not bad!" Herro stuffed the egg tart into his mouth, and at the same time inserted the grilled wings with a fork with the other hand.

One bite on the left, one bite, the combination of salty and sweet, Herro feels that he is really good at eating.

After enjoying breakfast satisfactorily, Marshall served a cup of original milk tea at the end.

Yes, after drinking all the varieties of the milk tea shop, the city owner has already begun to return to the original, and fell in love with drinking simple and raw milk tea!

Hero took a big sip from the straw, and sighed comfortably: "Finally, I'm drinking it again. I haven't had milk tea for two days since I've been closed. I feel like I'm missing something even at work in the morning."

Marshall hastily agreed.

"By the way, what happened to the mad wolf attacking the elf shop?"

"According to the sheriff's feedback, there are no suspicious persons around."

"Hmph, but it's that guy Lynn who did something stupid again!" Herro said angrily, got up with a milk tea cup and went to his study and office.

When he was about to leave the room, Hero passed a mirror and stopped suddenly.

He stared at the person in the mirror in silence for a moment, frowned, and asked, "Marshall, do you think I'm fat?"

"How could it be?" Marshall smiled and praised sincerely, "You are still so heroic and handsome, and you are the sexiest man in the entire Los Angeles city!"

Herro nodded in agreement, "Yes."

Then he raised the milk tea cup and took a big sip in a comfortable mood.

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