"Restoration." Rice said lightly, he knew that this was the natural magic that the elves were good at.

However, Youxia, who successfully cast the recovery magic, looked shocked by his actions, and picked up a fallen leaf to repeat the magic again.

Then I saw him put down his broom, and ran to the store door happily.

Les didn't know why, so he also left the window and returned to the bed.

Just laying down on the head of the bed, there was the sound of going upstairs, and after a while, a smiling wood elf appeared in the room.

You Xia was simply too surprised, he never thought that after practicing for so many days he hadn't learned the restoration technique, he would succeed in such a random attempt just now, so that he didn't react immediately!

Recalling the moment when he successfully cast the magic, he just wanted to make him happy because he saw Rice hiding behind the blinds, and maybe he also had a wish for Rice to recover as soon as possible. In short, in this casual state Next, he cast the magic very smoothly, just like August said he suddenly became enlightened.

All thanks to Les.

So after entering the room, the first thing You Xia said was "thank you".

Rice was a little dazed, thinking he was referring to what happened yesterday, and said, "I just happened to pass by, and I can't ignore the magic wolf when I see it."

"I don't mean that. Of course, thank you for what happened yesterday."

You Xia sat down beside his bed, held the bright yellow sycamore flower in his hand and shook it in front of his eyes, and said: "I just started learning magic recently, and it was just the first time I successfully cast a spell, thanks to you, thank you .”

Rice was stunned: "First time?"

You Xia smiled and nodded.

Rice's eyes fell on the sycamore flower he was holding in his hand, and he asked calmly, "This, can you give it to me?"

"you want?"


"Then here you are."

You Xia didn't quite understand why he wanted such an ugly flower. The sycamore flower was quite inconspicuous among the flowers he had ever seen. It had neither beautiful colors nor delicate petals. Memorials also wither quickly.

But seeing that Les liked it, he didn't say anything.

Les lowered his eyes, and gently brushed the yellow-green flowers with his fingers. The soft hairs on the flowers seemed to respond to his touch, and every inch contained Yousha's magic.

Thinking of this, he quietly looked towards the bright and colorful sycamore leaf in You Xia's hand.

I want that too.

Just when Rice was wondering whether to bring the other leaf, Youxia suddenly said solemnly: "Can I ask you a question?"

Les raised his eyes: "What?"

"In your heart, what kind of person is City Lord Hero?"

Rice paused: "Why do you ask that?"

You Xia sighed and explained: "I believe you can also see that those demon wolves yesterday were targeting the milk tea shop, or simply put, they were targeting me."

Rice frowned: "Who did it?"

"Lynn Lake."

Rice quickly thought of the point: "Because of the tea?"

You Xia nodded: "That's why I want to ask you what kind of person the Lord of Ross is. He came to ask me before if he wanted to cooperate, but I refused at that time. Now it seems that to deal with Lynn, maybe I have to borrow your money." Father's hand."

Les lowered his head to think, and after a moment of silence, he said, "He meant the same thing."


"He came to you to cooperate, also to deal with Lynn Lake."


Les said slowly: "The one who was sent to attack you yesterday was not an ordinary forest wolf, but a wolf that had taken the madness potion. The madness potion is definitely not something that can be traded on the market. The forest wolf should be sent by a third party."

"You mean..." You Xia seemed to have grasped something, "The black market?"

"Yeah." Les nodded, while Yuxia was immersed in thinking, he pretended to inadvertently pulled out the sycamore leaf in his hand, and continued: "Viscount Lake and the underground market People in power have maintained good relations."

Youxia didn't care when he saw Ye Zi being taken away by him, and asked her own doubts: "Then what does this have to do with your father's decision to solve Lynn?"

"Shi'an, the owner of the black market, is a notorious slave trader. My father has always wanted to find a chance to solve him, but because the snake orcs are too cunning, they have interests with many noble officials in Los Angeles. There are many powerful mages and pharmacists, and my father has been unable to do anything about him."

"Ah..." You Xia suddenly realized: "So he wants to start with the Viscount who has the deepest relationship with Shi'an?"


"In that case, won't it be very dangerous for me to cooperate with him?"

"Yes." Rice replied without hesitation, "I think he brought Roderick with him that day, perhaps to let him see how strong your magic is."

"But I didn't know magic back then."

"So Roderick probably didn't see anything, but it is generally believed that the elves are a race that is good at bows and arrows and magic. Maybe he will think that his level is not enough, so he can't see your magic level."

"Isn't this a big misunderstanding..."

You Xia was both helpless and amused, and felt very passive right now.

Once he joins forces with the city lord, he doesn't have enough strength to protect himself, let alone Lin En and Shi'an, just the other tea merchants can tear him to pieces.

He still thought things were too simple before.

Rice seemed to see his worry, and said softly, "Do whatever you want, and I will protect you."

You Xia glanced at him, smiled and shook his head.

Rice is very powerful, with one sword and one berserk demon wolf, black blood all over his body without blinking his eyes.

But in the only two meetings, the other party made himself dripping with blood, and the injuries became more serious each time. You Xia was frightened by his desperate style of play.

He said earnestly: "You should heal your injury first, to be honest, if you encounter this kind of situation in the future, you must put your own safety first, don't be so stubborn, you almost fell this time. "

Les stared at him blankly, as if he wanted to say something, but couldn't say anything, and finally just obediently responded.

"Okay, I won't delay your rest." You Xia got up and said, "I'm going to visit the new store later, if you need anything, you can contact me at Tongjing."

He pointed his eyes at the April bronze mirror on the bedside table. He found this mirror when he was changing clothes for Les. Yes, it is completely unusable, so Youxia threw it away.

Seeing this mirror, Laston suddenly remembered that he had been changed, and the tips of his ears turned pink again.

Due to the dim light in the room, You Xia didn't notice anything wrong with him, and when he walked to the stairs, he turned around and said, "By the way, you should be very hungry now, I'll bring you a lunch later, bread and butter How about hot milk?"

Les raised his head, and replied in a slightly shy tone: "Yes."

"If you are bored, you can also call Locke to play. It is that cat. You should have seen it. It is very smart and can chat with you."

Rice nodded again: "Okay."

Watching the elf disappear on the stairs, Les put his right hand on his chest, and the violent heartbeat felt in his palm.

The feeling of being cared and cared for after being injured was far warmer and hotter than he had imagined, so hot that it even made one feel a little flustered.

But this feeling is not only not bad, but also very happy.

After a while, he took out the sycamore leaves to play with, smelling the fragrance of the young sycamore leaves, he couldn't help pulling the corners of his lips upwards, a smile appeared between his brows and eyes.


When Youxia arrived at the fried chicken restaurant, it was the busiest time at noon. The restaurant's dining area was full of customers, and there was still a long queue in front of the counter. Darren and Demi were circling to collect the dishes and wipe the table.

Because August has not come back, You Xia worried that Lynn would send someone to attack again, so he decided to temporarily close the milk tea shop before the military guarantee came back, and at the same time give the staff a few days off, as this month's adjustment retired.

It's just that they didn't expect these two employees to be so restless, and they didn't take a good rest during the holidays. Instead, they started serving dishes and washing dishes in a fried chicken shop.

But the store is really busy, maybe someone has advertised it to the store, or maybe the fried chicken and grilled wings are too delicious, and they float to the street to attract customers. In short, the business at noon today is really better than expected.

Seeing that old Chad was sweating profusely from work, You Xia simply went into the cashier area to help order and pack.

This busy work lasted until two o'clock in the afternoon before it gradually calmed down, until the clock in the store pointed to three o'clock, and there were finally no customers at the door.

Barry and Bazahei floated out of the kitchen looking drained, and sniffed the iced Coke prepared by Old Chad.

You Xia asked: "Are you tired? If you can't bear it, do you need me to recruit two more apprentices?"

Hearing this, Barry cheered up: "No, we can get over with work."

Old Chad said with a smile: "Several guests today praised the delicious food you cook, and the owner of the laundry shop also said that you are the chef who made the best chicken he has eaten in Los Angeles."

When the two goblins heard this, their expressions were a little smug.

Bazahei kept wriggling his body in joy, his mouth was almost grinning to the sky, and he pretended to be modest and said: "It's all thanks to Mr. You Xia!"

Barry also said: "Thanks to Mr. Youxia's teaching, we can make such delicious food. I never knew I had such a talent before."

Darren and Demi looked deeply touched, and nodded in agreement.

Several employees gathered in the dining area to praise and chat with each other, boasting that the boss had rested for more than half an hour, and as the sun gradually set, they would fall into the busy dinner time again.

You Xia stayed at the fried chicken shop until it closed at [-]:[-] pm. While everyone was cleaning up, he sat alone in the corner by the window and opened the fried chicken shop in the game menu to check the business status of the day.

Yesterday, because of the mad wolf accident, the sheriff patrolled the street for a long time, checking every corner of the block for abnormalities, which caused the traffic on Nightingale Street to drop sharply, and most shops closed early, including bombers. The chicken shop is also among them, so in fact, only 38 fried chickens were sold yesterday.

In comparison, today's business is pretty good. A total of [-] broilers were sold, and the total profit was as much as [-] silver. It was only a little worse than the milk tea shop, but it was far inferior to the milk tea shop in terms of turnover alone. , perhaps because the main food varieties on the menu are still too single.

However, the [-] pieces of fried chicken sold today plus yesterday's quantity are just enough to unlock a new meal.

You Xia opened the food menu of the fried chicken shop, and saw that the icon of "Beef Burger" ranked fourth had been lit up.

Tsk tsk, as soon as the burger comes out, it immediately tastes like a fast food restaurant!

Anyway, it was still early, even though You Xiadang bought the ingredients and entered the kitchen, he taught the two goblins how to make the new meal.

Goblins are a very smart race, and making hamburgers is not difficult. After only a few attempts, Barry made a beef hamburger that met Youxia's requirements.

"Yes, beef burgers will be added to the new menu as a staple food tomorrow." When everyone tasted the new dishes, Youxia arranged, "Mr. Chad, please continue to strongly recommend fried chicken tomorrow, if anyone doesn't like it Fried chicken, you can try to push the burger."

"No problem, I will definitely be able to sell more than a hundred pieces of fried chicken tomorrow." Old Chad said confidently.

Afterwards, considering that there was an injured patient who hadn't eaten dinner at home, Youxia asked Barry and Bazahei to make a burger and grilled wings to take away.

It was dusk when we returned to the milk tea shop, the light and elegant moonlight fell on the steps at the door, and the shadows of the trees swayed gently in the breeze.

You Xia first heated a cup of milk downstairs, and then went upstairs with the packing bag.

Once upstairs, he noticed that the atmosphere in the room was strange.

Les leaned on the bed in a daze, while Locke squatted on the chair opposite the bed and licked his fur. The furthest distance was between one person and one cat. There were still a few broken sycamore leaves scattered on the floor.

You Xia raised his eyebrows: "It seems that you don't get along very well?"

Rice glanced at Locke, Locke glanced back at Rice, and then one person and one cat turned their heads away at the same time.You Xia chuckled, put the milk and packing bag on the bedside table, and said to Rice: "This is dinner for you. The beef burger inside is a new product that our chef has just learned. Try it to see if it suits you. Taste of the locals.”

"Hmm." Les responded lightly, opened the packing bag and took out the carton inside, and a tempting fragrance wafted from the box.

Opening the lid and seeing the towering burger inside, Les couldn't help showing a little curiosity in his eyes.

He sometimes cuts the bread open and eats it with bacon or cheese, but this is the first time he has seen two slices of bread that match the size and add a variety of meat and vegetables to it.

Les picked up the whole hamburger, seeing that the heavy weight didn't look like he could bite it off in one bite, so he asked, "How do you want to eat this?"

"Eat it like this, if you really can't bite it down, you can eat it separately."

Les nodded, flattened the burger a bit, then brought it to his mouth, opened his mouth hard and took a bite.

Unexpectedly, he thought that the bread with a lot of things would taste strange, but when he really tasted it in his mouth, he mainly tasted the taste of bread and beef.

The bread is slightly sweet and soft, the beef tastes fresh and tender, thick but not heavy, and the rest of the vegetables and sauces are just the right accessories, and you will feel very satisfied after one bite.

"By the way, what happened to the broken leaves on the ground?" You Xia asked suddenly.

Hearing this, Les looked sideways at the cat pretending to be licking its fur, and felt a little angry.

In the afternoon, because he forgot to put away the leaves of the sycamore tree, he only took a nap, and when he woke up, he saw that the leaves had been torn to pieces by the cat.

Fortunately, he woke up early to save Wutonghua from suffering!

But losing his temper with the cat because of a leaf, it seems that he is very preoccupied.

So Youxia asked, and Rice just looked at Locke coldly, and said, "It did it."

As soon as his words fell, Locke jumped down from the chair lightly, and while "meowing" loudly and softly, he walked around to Youxia's feet, and his fluffy long tail hooked Youxia's ankle intentionally or unintentionally.

"Are you hungry?" Youxia didn't pay much attention to the sycamore leaves. Seeing the white cat looking at her with coquettish eyes, she habitually picked it up and put it on her lap, stroked the cat's little head and said, "Hey, wait a minute." I'll cook for you soon."

Although Locke's IQ is comparable to that of a human being, his body is still that of a cat, so he can't just feed him what people eat.

When Les heard that Youxia was going to cook for the white cat himself, the hamburger in his hand suddenly became stale.All he eats is what the chef makes, it's just a cat, why?

Locke seemed to be able to hear his inner voice, and while enjoying Youxia Shunmao's service, he turned his face to Les, his blue eyes squinted comfortably, as if to say: I'm a f*cking kitten!

Les pursed his lips into a straight line, staring at the cat in the arms of the elf, a strong jealousy filled his heart.

want to replace it...

But he does not have the pure and lovely appearance of the white cat, and even becomes quite ugly and terrifying after being demonized.

Thinking of this, Les suddenly became depressed, picked up the beef burger and took another big bite.

"By the way," Youxia saw him eating a burger, and asked after thinking about it, "From your local taste, how is this new product? Is it delicious?"

Les bowed his head in silence.

"Isn't it delicious?"

Les shook his head silently. On the one hand, he felt that he was a bit too contrived, and he started to swell after receiving Youxia's concern, but on the other hand, he just couldn't control his emotions and wanted to show his dissatisfaction. Get more attention this way.

Sure enough, You Xia was distracted by him, and seeing that the other party remained silent, he thought that the hamburger was really not to his liking.

You Xia pondered for a while, people who are sick probably will lose their appetite, and would prefer to eat light food, just eat some meat and milk with high protein, it is really easy to get bored.

"Or don't eat this, I'll make you some fruit salad vegetable soup or something."

"No." Les said vaguely.

"Don't force it, just change it if it doesn't suit your appetite, and I'll make it for you if you want to eat?"

Be coaxed - Les thought in his heart, a strange sweet taste spread in his heart.

He raised his head and said in a gentle and innocent tone: "It's really not necessary, it's delicious."

Locke looked at Les with a ghostly expression on his face, paws kept pulling the elf, trying to draw his attention back.

It turned out to be the opposite, You Xia thought it was thumping and wanted to get off the ground, so she put down the cat, got up and said to Les: "I'd better make you a vegetable soup, add some vitamins, and cook a meal for Locke by the way .”

Locke: "?"

Wait, how did it become incidental instead?

Les didn't know what vitamins were, but from Yuxia's tone, he judged that it was a good thing that was good for the body, so he gave a cute "hmm".


After dinner it was time to go to bed.

Last night, in order to take care of the wounded, Youxia slept on the sofa downstairs, which was quite uncomfortable. Today, since Les has woken up and the bed is quite big, he probably won't press on Les's wound. , and asked, "Can I sleep with you at night?"

Les was playing with the velvet of the relatively fresh sycamore flower, and when he heard the content of the question, he panicked and dropped the flower in his hand on the bed.

Seeing the helpless look of the other party, You Xia laughed and said: "Don't panic, if it doesn't work, I can also go to the hotel next door to stay for one night, the teacher's room is still reserved there, anyway, it is empty..."

Before he finished speaking, Rice moved to the side of the bed to leave a large space for him.

You Xia blinked, guessing: "Does this mean you don't mind?"

Les couldn't make a sound, he was afraid that Yuxia would misunderstand what he meant, so he sat up and moved to the side again.

Seeing that he was about to touch the glass on the bedside table, You Xia hurriedly stopped him: "Don't move, the place is big enough."

Leston stopped his movements suddenly, and stared at him with his dark pupils undisguised. He was obviously expressionless, but he could feel some anticipation from the emotion in his eyes.

You Xia caught a glimpse of his naturally drooping eyelashes, the slender eyelashes seemed to be flickering when he looked at him with clear eyes.

Inexplicably feeling that the other party's expression was very cute, You Xia secretly called him "Xiao Lai" in her heart.

Immediately he said as if nothing had happened, "I'm going to take a shower and come to sleep?"

Les sank into the bed, covering his reddened neck, and replied calmly, "Yes."


Although Les often had to share a tent with other people during the march, it was another matter to actually lie in a bed with someone he cared about.

After turning off the lights, the whole room was plunged into gray-blue darkness, and streaks of white moonlight shone on the bed through the gaps in the blinds.

Les lay flat on the bed, with the sound of quiet breathing in his ears, and his whole body was tense, for fear that a careless movement of his body would disturb the rest of the people around him.

"Hey, I should sleep on your right side," Youxia turned over suddenly, and said abruptly in his ear, "Will it press your wound?"

Rice said in a blunt tone, "No, I'm almost healed."

As soon as the words fell, Les regretted it.

You shouldn't have said that, maybe you can't stay here after your injury is healed, thinking of this, he frowned angrily.

"Really, you are amazing." You Xia's tone was extremely flat, as if he was perfunctory, and then he turned over and said, "I'd better lie flat and try not to touch you."

Les remained silent. After staying quiet for a while, he noticed that the breathing of the people around him gradually calmed down, so he quietly turned over and looked to his side, and then met Locke who was sleeping on Yusha's bedside. line of sight.

Under the moonlight, Locke's eyes scatter green light, like the flames in two kerosene lamps, staring at him firmly, his expression seems to say: Do you dare to come here and try?

When Rice's eyes were closed, they turned into vertical pupils like it when he opened them again, except that the light scattered was blood-red.

The two pairs of vertical pupils looked at each other for a second, and Locke's hair exploded.

The moment it was stared at by the pair of blood pupils, it felt an unprecedented dangerous aura, which made it instinctively lower its body.

——It’s just the lowest beast, not even a monster.

Les didn't bother to frighten it, closed his eyes again, and turned back to black eyes, looking at Youxia.

In the silence, a ray of moonlight just shone on the elf's eyebrows and eyes, and the light white and holy radiance clearly depicted the elf's slender eyelashes and the outline of the eyes.

The cool evening wind blew a faint and pleasant scent of grass and trees, and blew a few strands of silver hair scattered by the elves to his pillow. The ends of the hair gently brushed against his eyelids. Les opened his eyes without blinking, It was like seeing a silver butterfly pounce into his empty heart...

Because it was so beautiful, he suddenly felt a sense of unreality.

Are you dreaming?

Maybe when I wake up, I will find myself still in that cramped house surrounded by gray walls, lying on that cold brass bed, wrapped in a cold thick blanket...

Or when he opened his eyes and found that he was still on the battlefield, he just fell into a coma due to heavy injuries, and thus fell into a beautiful dream that he had woven...

Various weird thoughts popped up in Rice's mind involuntarily. He closed his eyes, waited for a while and opened them again. The peaceful sleeping face of the elf was still in front of him.

He couldn't help showing a smile, and then slowly fell asleep with a wonderful sense of illusion.


The next morning something happened that made Youxia happy. His good neighbor—Mr. Burnis, who had been away for almost half a month, came back.

As soon as Burnis came back, he went to the milk tea shop to pick up Locke. At the same time, in order to thank Youxia for taking care of Locke in the past ten days, he gave him two magic potions, which were put into the game backpack by Youxia.

Locke is actually very reluctant to go back. Living in a milk tea shop can not only suck elves every day, but also lie down by the glass window to sleep and bask in the sun all day long without having to do anything. , May I ask, which little cat can refuse the delicious cat meal made by the beautiful elf?

So it was easy to send the cat to the boarding at the beginning, but when it was time to go back, Burnis completely forcibly dragged it away from Youxia's feet.

When Les was blowing air by the window on the second floor, he happened to witness the scene where Locke was dragged back screaming. For this reason, he ate a small bun happily.

You Xia was quite reluctant to send Locke back, but after thinking about it, it was next door anyway, and it was convenient to pet the cat, so he immediately felt relieved.

After saying goodbye to the neighbors, You Xia carried the water bottle and watered the potted plants at the door and the butterfly flower seedlings in the flower bed.

He asked the buddy from the florist next door to help plant these [-] butterflies yesterday. Unexpectedly, a small green seedling sprouted this morning, covering the originally dark soil, and it was extraordinarily vibrant. .

After pouring the water, You Xia was about to get up and enter the house, but when he turned around, he saw a mysterious man in a dark blue cloak and a hood appearing at the entrance of the alley at some point.

Seeing that Youxia had found him, the blue cape raised his legs and walked towards him, stopping at the foot of the doorstep.

"The door is not open today." You Xia walked up the steps and walked, bent down and put the copper pot on the flower stand.

The blue cloak was silent for a few seconds, then took off the hood, revealing a head of not so noticeable short linen gray hair and a pair of beautiful blue eyes.

These eyes are so memorable, Youxia immediately recognized him as the butler who got down from the carriage that day to deliver messages for Lynn Lake.

You Xia suddenly became vigilant, frowned and asked, "What are you doing here?"

The young man parted his lips and smiled modestly and confidently. He nodded and said, "It's a pleasure to see you again, Your Excellency Elf. I'm sorry for speaking rudely to you last time, but that was not what I wanted."

Youxia was puzzled, and confirmed again: "Are you the butler of Viscount Lake?"

"That's right." The young man shrugged his eyebrows unnaturally, walked up the steps and stood in front of him with a smile, "Please allow me to re-introduce myself, my name is Pearl, I used to be a knight, I... It's on your side."

The second half of his sentence was intentionally lowered, but Youxia, who was only half a foot away from him, could still hear him clearly.

He looked up into Pearl's blue eyes, and after a few seconds of silent stalemate, Youxia pushed open the glass door and said, "Please come in."

Pearl pursed her lips and smiled: "Thank you for your trust."

Youxia led him to the reception area to sit down, and Pearl took the initiative to pull up the curtains, leaving no gaps for people to peep.

You Xia simply brewed two cups of green tea and put them on the coffee table, and sat down opposite Pearl. Just as he was about to ask him what he meant by "stand by your side" in the sentence just now, he heard a voice coming from the stairs. footsteps.

Les was still wearing a nightgown, with silky long hair hanging down his chest and back. He was obviously dressed in a lazy manner, but he was holding a black iron sword full of evil spirits in his uninjured right hand. The relaxed atmosphere suddenly became tense.

You Xia froze for a moment: "Why did you bring the sword?"

Les glanced at Pearl, who had already taken off his cloak, and sat down beside Youxia in silence, with both hands on the hilt of his sword, looking across.

You Xia asked in a low voice: "Is the injury okay?"

Rice replied ambiguously: "It's okay."

In fact his wound was almost healed, but he didn't want to tell the truth.

Pearl didn't seem to be surprised by the appearance of Les. He looked at Youxia calmly and said, "Since Mr. Hodge is here, can I speculate that you are going to throw an olive branch to the city lord and jointly suppress the tea market? Where is the Viscount?"

As soon as his words fell, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly fell into silence.

Youxia's face was calm, but his heartbeat continued to speed up. Although the cause and effect may be a little confusing, what Pearl speculated was exactly what they were going to do.

Rice still had a calm expression: "What do you want to say?"

"Don't be nervous, I've said it all, I'm on your side." Pearl said relaxedly.

Rice's tone was cold: "What about the proof?"

"The viscount can't keep so many demon wolves, they are all sent by Shi'an." Pearl said meaningfully, "In the underground market, I saw his order with my own eyes."

Rice: "Say something useful."

"Yeah, I think you can guess it too, but you definitely can't guess where Shi'an tested the berserk potion."

Pearl raised his beautiful blue eyes and looked at the two, "The experiment of berserk transformation is an evil experiment jointly banned by many countries and the Pharmacist Alliance. Guess, if this news is told to the city lord..."

"Bilindero Town." Rice suddenly interrupted him.

Pearl seemed to be choked, and opened her mouth in vain, but the words she was about to say were blocked in her mouth.

Seeing his expression, You Xia knew that Rice was right, and couldn't help lowering his voice and asking the people around him: "You already knew?"

"I just found out." Les glanced at Pearl and explained briefly: "He belongs to Lynn, and the only scope he can supervise is his master's territory."

"Well, you reacted quickly, yes, it is indeed in Bilindro," Pearl showed a helpless smile, "The Viscount and Shi'an reached an agreement to give a piece of hidden and unadministered land in Bilindro Give that snake clan orc a berserk experiment in exchange for the prosperity of the Lake family in the Los Angeles tea market."

"Why did you tell us this?" Youxia wanted to ask a long time ago, but because Pearl was in control of the rhythm when he came, he never had a chance to ask, and now this topic was finally broken by Rice .

"Of course I have my purpose."

"If you don't tell us, how can we trust you?"

"Well, if you must know, then my target is Lynn Lake."

The young man raised his eyebrows, smiled and said vicious words: "I want him to die, the worse the better."

"Get to the point." Rice said unmoved.

Pearl met Rice's indifferent gaze, and for the first time seriously looked at the other's obviously sick face.

Les's skin is pale, almost pathologically pale, and even so, it's overwhelming when those black eyes look straight at you, motionless.

It's like being stared at by a cold-blooded animal in a state of starvation, no matter how much pain and suffering you have, he doesn't care at all.

The rumors are correct, the son of the city lord is indeed a descendant of an evil monster—Pearl thought to himself.

As if realizing that there was no way to answer this matter, Pearl put away her smile and said lightly: "I have a beloved girl, she is beautiful, kind, innocent and lovely, she is my fiancée, the person I love the most, but After I returned from one of my campaigns... she was destroyed."

He obviously didn't want to say more about this matter, neither how it was destroyed nor who destroyed it, but both listeners felt something from his downcast eyes.

Rice: "No direct proof?"

Pearl said sarcastically: "You don't have to believe me, but at the same time, you will also miss a great opportunity to catch Si'an."

"I see." Youxia felt that Les was trying to provoke him, so he changed the subject in time, "But you only said that the berserk test is in a hidden place in Bilindro, where should we go to find it?"

"I don't know the exact location yet, but I already have a rough guess." Pearl quickly cheered up, but there was no smile on his face, "If you are willing to believe me, you can send me a message In this way, once Lynn wants to attack you, I will notify you in advance."

This is equivalent to burying an eyeliner, You Xia naturally agrees with both hands.

After thinking for a while, You Xia said: "There is a well-known business agent in the south gate, named Diss, you tell him the news, and he will pass it on to me."

"Is this all right?"

"No problem." You Xia thought to himself, Diss's character is still very passable, as for whether his mouth is strict or not, he believes that as long as the money is in place, the other party will know what to do.

"Okay, it's settled." Pearl said, getting up and putting on his cloak, "I can't stay here for long, so you two gentlemen, I hope we can cooperate happily.

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