After the completion of the shopping mall, the wall between the end of Schlevog Street and the Maria District began to be demolished, and the construction of the square and park around the shopping mall also officially started. The engineering team in this area was hard to make appointments, and Youxia still asked the city owner for help. , Only then did a reliable dwarf engineering team be invited to build the square.

Taking advantage of this time, You Xia combined the information from the mall's investment advertisements with the recruitment notices of the nine stores she was about to open, and the staff recruitment notices of the various departments of the mall, and made them into leaflets, and invited A large number of temporary workers distributed leaflets to the door of every house in the streets and alleys.

So that evening, when many residents returned home after work, they saw several red and green leaflets stuck in the cracks of their doors.


Alser block, in a nameless alley.

Edman returned to the rental building with his head down and his cloth bag on his back. He paused before the steps at the door, raised his eyes to look at the old small building, then sighed softly, and walked up the steps with heavy steps.

The landlord, Monclo, just came out with a chair to blow the air. When he saw him come back, he greeted him in an old voice: "Edman, you're back so early."

Edman raised the corner of his mouth and replied, "Yes, Mr. Landlord."

Moncloro leaned back in his chair and asked, "How is your day, have you found a job?"

Edman's face was a little stiff, and he barely smiled.

Seeing this, Monclo understood the situation. He took out two red leaflets from a roll of advertisements in his hand and handed them to the other party. He raised his chin and said, "A young man came over today and gave me a stack of these things. The shop of the wood elf is recruiting, and before I looked carefully, I saw Xia Zhisen in the title, didn't you go to the hotel in the city center for an interview before?"

Hearing the words "Xia Zhisen", Edman's eyes lit up, and he immediately took the flyer and said, "Thank you, Mr. Landlord, I'll go up first."

When he returned to his room upstairs, Edman took a pen and paper and sat on the chair in front of the desk, impatiently flipping through two leaflets to browse the recruitment information on them.

"Hotel security...cashier...receptionist in the office area of ​​the administration department, this is fine."

Edman circled and marked all the positions suitable for him on the entire recruitment list, and listed their specific salaries and interview dates on the paper one by one. Later, he found that the first batch of interviewees were all For those who belonged to Xia Zhi Mori Mall, the interview date was three days later, and the interview location was written as the lobby on the fourth floor of Xia Zhi Mori Mall.

As a local, Edman thinks he knows Xia Zhisen's store quite well.

In fact, I don’t know when, Xia Zhisen’s shadow is everywhere in his life. Not only does he often need to go to Xia Zhisen’s grocery store to buy daily necessities, but he also cannot do without the fried chicken shop for breakfast and lunch every day. Hamburg Coke, he also went to Xia Zhisen's hotel to interview the front desk, although he was not selected.

In addition, Xia Zhisen milk tea shop is diagonally opposite the alley where he lives now, and he watched that shop open with his own eyes—Edelman has always felt that he has an indescribable sense of belonging to Xia Zhisen And pride, maybe the reason comes from here.

But where this "Xiazhisen Shopping Mall" is, he is really not sure.

"Could it be..."

Edman frowned, and a guess came into his mind. He got up and walked to the window, lifted the thick blanket curtains and looked into the distance, and faintly saw a tall white building standing in the sunset.

Is that tall building called a shopping mall?


Just as Edman was standing by the window looking into the distance, in the second-floor house directly opposite his window, the owner of the bakery, Uncle Jacobs, was also holding a leaflet and reading the information on it facing the sunset light outside the window.

"Have you read it? What is it about? Why is the flower buyer across the street so happy after reading it?"

Aunt Momeier knew few words, so she had to keep urging her husband to tell her the contents of the leaflet.

Uncle Jacas scratched the sparse hair on the top of his head, and said, "What does it mean, why can't you understand it when you put it together?"

"What can you understand? Your head is filled with bread crumbs. If you read it, I'll hear what it means."

Jacas twitched his lips, squinted his eyes and slowly read out the investment promotion advertisement on the leaflet: "Xiazhisen Shopping Mall is in full swing, with prime location, gold-absorbing shops, and hundreds of existing shops for you to choose from. Here has convenient transportation, stable passenger flow, wide and bright facade, clean and beautiful environment, whether you are restaurants, taverns, flowers, jewelry, or clothing, shoes and bags, pharmaceuticals, handicrafts, you can all enter the shopping mall.

"From now until May [-]st, one month's deposit will be paid, and one month's rent will be exempted. Low investment, high return, you can earn if you grab it, and Xiazhisen Shopping Center is renting for a limited time.

"Investment center: the office area on the right side of the fourth floor of #Xiazhisen Shopping Center, No. 370 Schleivogel."

After finishing the words, Jacas put down the flyer and looked at Mommel next to him, and asked, "How is it, do you understand?"

Momeier frowned: "Isn't the store number on Schlevoger Street only up to No. 369? Where did No. 370 come from?"

"Since it's a wood elf's shop, maybe it was created by magic again!" Jacobs said naturally.

After listening to Mo Maier, she felt that it was quite reasonable, after all, the opposite of their bakery was Xia Zhisen Milk Tea Shop.

As the first local to appreciate the magic of elves, Momeier has a strange sense of trust in Yusha.

"I understand!" Suddenly, Jacobs stood up holding the advertising flyer and said.

Mo Maier looked at him: "What do you know?"

Jacas smiled, and said in a hoarse and slow voice: "The only elf building that has appeared recently is that very tall and huge high-rise building. It just happens to be on the extension line of Schlevoger Street. I think, It should be the mall mentioned above.”

"Where is the shop rented?"

Jacas said: "Maybe there are shops for rent at the bottom of that high-rise building. Such a big house should be divided into many shops."

Mommel was persuaded by him.

"In that case, then this news has nothing to do with us." Uncle Jacob lazily leaned back on his seat after analyzing it.

Aunt Momeier: "It doesn't matter why, didn't you always want to open a store again?"

Uncle Jacob picked up the cup of milk tea and said in a slow tone while drinking milk tea: "If you open another store, you won't be able to go to Schlevoger Street. The rent of the shops there must be very expensive, and it's still in that beautiful building." .”

"That's not certain." Mrs. Mommel muttered softly.

She recalled the excited look of the flower shop owner across the street when she was holding the leaflets, and she always felt that there were other special features about the shop lease in this shopping mall. She had to go and see for herself, and she couldn't miss the good opportunity to make a fortune.


In the manager's office on the right side of the fourth floor of the shopping mall, Youxia is receiving an important guest—Mr.

They were talking about the arrival of Berpina's in the mall.

Berbina is the most famous high-end restaurant in the center of Los Angeles, and Youxia naturally welcomes him to join the mall. For this reason, he specially took the time to accompany the boss to visit all the stores in the mall, and said that apart from the ones he had already arranged Those few shops, other shops are up to the other party to choose.

After visiting the mall, the first thing Doyle Mings saw was the store in the northeast corner of the first floor of the mall. That store has the highest space and the best lighting, but it's a pity that it has been taken up by You Xia's fried chicken restaurant.

As early as two days ago, You Xia had already arranged the nine shops presented by the system.

The milk tea shop and the fried chicken shop occupy the northeast and southeast corners of the mall respectively. The hot pot shop is placed in the center of the front of the mall. The three shops are located at the entrance and exit. Both inside and outside the mall can enter the store. It is said that it is the busiest place in the mall.

The grocery store, cosmetics store and clothing store are arranged by him on the second floor. They are all big stores near the windows, and they are also very good locations. The rest of the perfume store and luxury store are next to the elevator entrance on the third floor. The shop is relatively small, while the luxury store is much larger. It is divided into inner and outer rooms, which is as spacious as the upper and lower floors of a luxury store in the city center combined.

After the system stores settled in, You Xia went to visit them one by one. I don't know if it was affected by the appearance of the mall. After entering the mall, the decoration of his stores has undergone earth-shaking changes.

For example, the milk tea shop on Nightingale Street has a fresh Mori style, while the milk tea shop in the shopping mall is more like an elegant and clean coffee shop or bar. Although there is no difference in equipment and drinks, the cups used The furniture, tables and chairs have all changed.

You Xia felt that the same cup of milk tea sold for ten copper coins in the old city would be half the amount in the mall, and triple the price, so it would be no problem to sell it to customers.

The same goes for other shops, whether it's a fried chicken restaurant or a hot pot restaurant, the interior decoration has been unified into an elegant and quiet style.

Although You Xia still prefers the decoration styles of the original shops, which have their own advantages and disadvantages, but the shopping mall is not bad, maybe some customers like this kind of shop with dim lighting and elegant layout.

Having said that, Doyle Mings couldn't choose the shop that he saw at first sight, so he had to choose another shop, which was also located at the central entrance and exit, adjacent to You Xia's hot pot restaurant on the left and right.

In addition, he also made a request: "I like the layout of your garden restaurant very much. I wonder if the area of ​​your roof garden will be considered for rent?"

You Xia raised his eyebrows slightly, he really didn't think that Dao Ermingsi would have such an idea.

The garden restaurant he mentioned is also the dining area of ​​the hotel.

As You Xia guessed before, after the hotel entered the shopping mall, the roofs on both sides of the "convex" shape were decorated into two garden restaurants.

The restaurant is divided into two areas, one side is a glass sun room, the interior is a dining area, and the other is a terrace area, with several rows of wooden awnings, which are specially built for guests to drink tea and enjoy the cool in their leisure time, and the rest of the vacant areas are all It is an area where plants are grown.

Planting is what You Xia is good at. He planted colorful roses and roses in the planting area on the day he settled in the hotel, and sprinkled the second-generation seeds of the rattan rose planted in the system in the soil outside the glass room.

With the help of life magic, the emerald green vines of these rattan roses quickly covered the glass room, and the snow-white rose flowers were in full bloom, dotted among the greenery, which was extraordinarily beautiful.

The wood elves have the advantage of controlling the growth of plants, which is very difficult for humans to realize. There is also a small garden on the roof of Dao Ermingsi's own restaurant, but it is far from being as vibrant as Youxia's restaurant. After visiting two rooftop terraces, I couldn't help but come up with this idea.

"It may not be convenient to rent out the roof terrace," You Xia considered, "After all, it is an area connected to my hotel, and it is specially set up for my hotel guests. Besides, your restaurant is on the first floor, no matter what you order It’s not convenient for food delivery or for guests to come in and out.”

Dao Ermingsi seemed to have thought of this a long time ago, leaned on the chair calmly and said, "I heard that your hotel is recruiting a chef?"


"Then why don't we try to cooperate, and Berbina can contract the restaurant of your hotel."

You Xia was a little surprised, and immediately his mind turned rapidly.

If it was a business hotel in the city center, he would definitely refuse such a request, but here, since the restaurant is divided into two areas, there are actually two kitchens in the hotel, and one kitchen is contracted for the hotel. Biner's restaurant will not affect the secrecy of his own hotel restaurant dishes.

And doing so is also good for the hotel. After all, not all guests like to eat Chinese food. If the Berbina restaurant contracts half of the kitchen, the hotel guests will have one more choice in dining. dishes, you can also choose a local restaurant.

Thinking of this, You Xia smiled at the middle-aged gentleman on the opposite seat, and said, "Your idea is very interesting, I think we can discuss cooperation in depth..."

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