Accompanying the two princes was a bit tiring. After that night, Youxia didn't go anywhere else and went home directly.

Tonight, Li Youmen went to the Xinzu Land and hasn't come back yet, so it's rare that there are only the two of them in the house.

Although the weather has warmed up, but at night will still feel the remnants of winter cold.

You Xia was sitting on a single green leather sofa, holding a map in his hand, and a hand-woven blanket covering his legs. A fire was burning in the fireplace in front of him, and there was a slight crackling sound when burning.

Harris sat on his shoulders and accompanied him to look at the map.

When Les came over with the biscuits, what he saw was such a warm scene. He couldn't help but stop, and a warm current flowed slowly in the bottom of his heart for no reason.

At this moment, Les thought that if he could draw, he could draw this scene and hang it in the corridor at the entrance, telling himself that he has a family now.

Youxia suddenly smelled the scent of desserts, and when she turned around, she saw Les standing beside the sofa with a plate in his hands, wondering what he was thinking.

He looked at the steaming biscuit in the other party's hand and asked, "What are you doing?"

Les bent his lower lip slightly, walked over and handed the biscuits to Youxia, and said softly, "Try it."

"You did it?"


You Xia picked up a biscuit and looked at it, and found that the biscuit was still in the shape of a little dragon, he couldn't help laughing and said: "You have been tinkering with this in the kitchen for so long just now?"

Les looked at him seriously and nodded.

"Actually, it's quite cute." You Xia said, eating the little magic dragon biscuit in one bite.

The biscuits are well baked, crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, and the sweetness is just right. After eating one, it is a bit addictive.

He brought the whole plate over and put it on the lap blanket, handed one piece to Charles, took another piece and put it in his mouth, and commented: "It's delicious, make me a snack."

Les watched him bite the little dragon one by one, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Afterwards, Yuemo was worried that his mouth would be dry after eating too many biscuits, so he got up to make a pot of black tea again.

After a while, he came over with steaming black tea, and seeing Youxia was still holding up the parchment attentively, he asked, "What are you looking at?"

You Xia lazily replied: "Map."

Les put the tea set on the coffee table, stretched out his ruthless iron palm, picked up Charles who was sitting on Yuxia's shoulder holding a biscuit and grinding his teeth, put it on the carpet, and then leaned over to Youxia's shoulder to see The map in his hand.

"This is... a map of Rose City." Although there was no place name marked, Rice still recognized it at a glance.

Yuxia responded.

"Where did you get it?" It stands to reason that only the military headquarters and the city lord's mansion have such things.

"Your son did it."

Les froze for a moment, and then realized that the "son" he was referring to was Charles.

He turned his head and glanced at the little elf who flew to the side cabinet to eat biscuits, a little puzzled: "The map it drew?"

"Well, it's not doing nothing at home every day, I just let it go out for a while, and then I don't know when it started, it fiddled with the map in the study, I thought it was playing, but I didn't expect It was really drawn by him." You Xia explained.

The goblin heard them talking about herself, sat on the cabinet and flapped her wings.

Rice glanced at it, then looked at the map, and said, "The drawing is very detailed."

"That's right, I don't even know some trails."

Youxia stared at the map, and drew his finger along the end of the street in Schlevog to the Maria district in the west of the city.

Les noticed his movement and asked, "What are you thinking?"

You Xia sighed softly: "I want to find a high-rise building to open a shopping mall, but from this point of view, there is no suitable place in the city center."

"What is a mall?"

"It's a building that gathers all kinds of shops." You Xia explained to him, "For example, if I open a milk tea shop, a fried chicken shop, a bakery, and a hot pot restaurant on the first floor of my hotel at the same time, If I open some other shops in the building, my hotel can be called a shopping mall.”

Les nodded in understanding, then lay down on the back of the sofa, looked at his lover's profile and asked, "Does it have to be a tall building?"

"Actually, it's okay to buy land." You Xia clicked his tongue lightly.

Because Xia Zhisen was not well-known before, he had to open his shop on the street if he wanted traffic, and the busy streets were often crowded with shops, so there would be no spare land for him to miss, so he could only rent or buy ready-made ones. shop.

But shopping malls are different after all. A large comprehensive shopping mall is itself a street. It can completely open up a separate place for this street, and customers will naturally be attracted to it.

What's more, Xia Zhisen's reputation is now big enough. Every day, businessmen from various countries in the mainland come to Rose City to visit the elf shops and buy Xia Zhisen's products. He is confident that even if he does not rely on the flow of people in the city center, It can also keep the shopping malls in operation, and even rely on the shopping malls to drive the economy of the surrounding areas.

It's just that the location of this shopping mall can be located away from the city center, but it can't be too far away, otherwise everyone will not go there if they find it troublesome.

This is exactly what Youxia was worried about.

He looked at the map and pondered for a long time, and finally set his sights on the Maria district in the west of the city. That area is a poor area. First of all, the land is not too expensive. Secondly, from the map, it is actually the same as the street of Schlevoger Street. The end is only separated by a wall. As long as the wall is opened and the woods that separate the two places are moved, perhaps, he can make his large shopping mall the new end of Schlevoge Street.

"You want to buy this land?" Rice pointed to the slum area on the map that borders Schlevoger Street.

"Have the idea."

Rice was silent for a while, and said softly: "Since Shi'an was expelled from Los Angeles, the underground market in Maria District has been relatively stable, but it is still not as safe as the outside."

"I'm also worried about this," Youxia said, "and the city lord may not agree with me to break through the wall. From the perspective of other urban residents, they may not want Schlevog Street to be connected to Maria District."


"Then what should we do?"

Les turned his head, met his beautiful emerald green eyes, thought for a while and said, "I can't buy this land, you can go to my site, and you can open a shopping mall wherever you want."

You Xia couldn't figure out whether he was joking for a moment, and asked, "Is your territory, the abyss?"

Rice responded solemnly: "Yes."

You Xia really imagined the possibility of putting the mall into the abyss, and then shook his head again and again: "It's impossible, I opened the mall into the abyss, how do I attract business, how do I recruit people, my store in Rose City What should I do? Besides, will the demons pay obediently when they buy things?"

Les nodded, shook his head again, and said, "I'm not here, they might smash up your store."

"Then why are you bringing this up?"

Rice asked him, "Do you think it's worse to set up shop in the abyss, or the ghetto?"

"Of course it's an abyss, no matter what the slums are, it's also inside the city of Ross." After Youxia finished speaking, he suddenly opened up.

That's right, no matter how the slums are, they are still the territory of the human race. No matter how chaotic the underground market is, they dare not bring it to the ground. He even dared to consider the abyss as a location for shopping malls, so the difficulties in the slums are nothing.

"If you think about it this way, as long as you can convince the city lord, it can actually work."

You Xia muttered softly, thinking while saying: "As for the thoughts of other residents in the city, there may be some complaints at first, but when the mall is completed, as long as we do a good job in security, it can be reversed slowly with time."

"Yeah." Rice nodded, "Father has been troubled by the poverty and security issues in Maria District. Perhaps, he is waiting for a turning point."

You Xia felt that he had believed his evil, and when Rice said that it was no problem to open a shop in a slum area, he really felt that there was no big problem.

He immediately made up his mind and said, "That's fine, let's meet with the City Lord tomorrow to have a talk."

Now the hotel only entertains the two princes. With Pearl in charge, there is no need to worry about it for the time being. The luxury store is also selling goods steadily every day, unlocking new types at a slow speed. With Supri here, he can let go Decentralization, as long as you go to see it every few days.

Thinking about it this way, it is indeed time to shift the focus to the next plan.

"If it really doesn't work when the time comes, I'll take back the mall and drive to your abyss." Youxia said jokingly, "If the devil comes to make trouble, you will guard the gate for me."

There was a smile in Rice's eyes, and he nodded happily, "Okay."


"Are you sure you really want to buy this place?"

In the living room of the Santo's Mansion, a map of the Santo's own was spread out on the coffee table. Hero raised his head and said solemnly: "Think carefully, if you can't build this place, you will suffer a great loss."

"This is the only area in Los Angeles that is open enough. If I had other options, I would definitely not choose this place." Youxia said truthfully,

Herro nodded, and while looking at the map, he gently clasped the table with his knuckles.

After contemplating for a long time, he slowly opened his mouth: "The high wall between Schlevoge Street and the slums cannot be dismantled. If you just open up a passage and open another door, there is no problem. However, there will be How many people are willing to enter this door?"

"The risk is indeed quite high." You Xia said, "However, since I have come here, I have already prepared for the worst. Even if it really fails, I can afford the loss of the initial investment."

Having said that, he turned his head to look at Les next to him, recalling the conversation last night, he couldn't help but raise the corner of his lower lip.

He has long thought that if he really can't continue to operate at a loss every day, at worst, he will take back the mall and run away. Even if he gives up recruiting other merchants to settle in, it is not a bad idea to open a mobile mall with only system stores.

The city lord noticed his gaze, and shifted his gaze to Les. He only glanced at it, and quickly looked away as if nothing had happened, and said, "Then let's talk about specific matters."


You Xia not only wants to open a shopping mall, but also wants to build a small square and boulevard park around it.

He thought that in this case, only by improving the public area and greening can more people flow be attracted, so the enclosed area is also very wide, almost as large as the city hall square including the city hall building .

After buying the land, the issue of demolition and relocation of the poor was immediately followed. You Xia had already considered this step. When signing the contract, You Xia borrowed the manpower of his guard from the city lord.

According to the procedure, he had the guards disguise themselves as ordinary people and go door-to-door to verify, then formulate plans and compensation agreements, and finally issued a formal demolition announcement.

Perhaps because it was the first time they encountered such a thing, most residents in the slums could not believe it was true when they heard that they could exchange their shacks for a large amount of demolition money. The shacks they lived in were all for nothing. The previous residents died or moved out, and they moved in when they found an empty shack. They couldn’t figure out how such a dilapidated house could be exchanged for money.

The residents here are basically illiterate, and they can't understand the notices posted on the wall. The guards of the city lord can only patiently explain the situation to every resident who comes to inquire, and tell them the news that the wood elves are going to build a new building here. , and those who show themselves to be the lord of the city will never deceive them and so on.

After going on like this for a few days, finally the first daring poor household came to the escort and said that he was willing to sign an agreement and move out of here immediately after receiving the demolition money.

This poor man is called Bao Beile.

Bao Beile was not a poor man at the beginning, but he accidentally injured an arm when he was working at a young age and became disabled. For this reason, the original boss fired him after giving him a sum of compensation, but he was young at the time He was full of energy, and he didn't want to do hard work with low wages. Unexpectedly, he became more and more impoverished, and finally had to move into a slum area. Originally, he wanted to live temporarily for a few days. It's like magic, once you're in, you can't get out.

When he really got a large amount of demolition money, Bao Beile felt like he was in a dream. He returned to the shack where he had lived for more than ten years. It had been sealed up, but he didn't mind. With a considerable amount of demolition funds, he finally had the courage to leave here, rent cheap houses in other urban areas, and start a new life.

He swore he would work hard and never come back here again.

Considering the chaos in the slums, Bao Beile was sent out of the Maria district by the escort, and many residents of the slums witnessed this scene with their own eyes.

With this example, the subsequent compensation for demolition will be much easier.

Of course, although the vast majority of the poor moved out of the slums happily, there will also be a few bad and stubborn people who did not get enough money for the demolition and tried to occupy other people's land to defraud money. You have to send out the guards to punish him.

But generally speaking, the process of demolition is going smoothly. The slums are basically shacks. As long as everyone has moved out, it is very easy to bulldoze that area, and you don’t even need to ask for help. Youxia himself It can be done by magic.


In the evening at the beginning of April, Youxia brought Rice to the empty land that had been cleared.

The sun sinks slowly from the west, and in the distance, a low-rise house can be vaguely seen into a black silhouette by the setting sun.

After the demolition of the sheds was completed, an engineering team was invited to start the construction of the boulevard park that separates the shopping mall from the surrounding sheds. The construction in this area is relatively easy. Plants are just what the wood elves are good at. Youxia also made the sycamore tree goblin It works, Charis is good at tinkering with gardening.

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