Because of the commotion caused by the glass hotel in the city center, it is safe to say that there is no one in Los Angeles who does not know the news that Xia Zhisen's new store is recruiting people.

As we all know, the treatment of employees in Xiazhisen store has always been very good. Not only is the salary high, there are weekly vacations, but also high-quality work clothes and employee-specific welfare coupons are regularly issued, and some stores even include board and lodging. Accommodation is not included, and three meals during the working period are absolutely responsible. For ordinary people, this kind of treatment is definitely a pretty decent job worth striving for.

Therefore, You Xia decisively ushered in a flood of people at the job fair of the new store a week later.

There are relatively few employees in the luxury store, so it is relatively easy to recruit. You Xia simply recruited all the people in the morning, and the hotel only recruited a manager for the time being, as well as managers, deputy managers and other managers of various departments.

There is no way for him to do this. After all, a hotel needs too many people. It is difficult for him to spend so much energy alone to select the interviews one by one. The easiest way is for him to select the leadership team, and then let these The management selects the lower-level employees, and he is only responsible for the final decision.

The luxury store has recruited a total of seven people, six of whom are salespersons with a good image and good communication skills, and one is a supervisor, who is responsible for managing the employees and affairs of the entire store.

Originally, he didn't plan to set up a special supervisor position, but considering that there are more and more stores in his own, it is difficult to take care of it, and luxury goods are extremely expensive and can only be purchased in small quantities. Give him a summary of the products that are sold and need to be purchased every day.

You Xia hopes that this management model can adapt to the environment here. In the future, small shops like perfume shops and milk tea shops do not need to make many changes. It is best for other shops to add or promote a supervisor.

For example, in the cosmetics store, Golo, who is proficient in multiple languages, is very suitable to be promoted to the supervisor. Regardless of his age or experience, he is qualified for this position.

Having said that, the newly recruited supervisor of the luxury store is called Su Puli, a retired mercenary who is nearly half a century old now.

Although she is a little older, perhaps due to the influence of her previous occupation, Su Puli is very energetic, and her speech and behavior are energetic and capable. Those who don't know think that she is only under forty.

According to her own introduction, when she was a mercenary, she transported goods to other countries and the middle continent for many merchants, so she learned the languages ​​of Ilan and Lot, as well as some simple and daily dwarf and orc languages. At the very least, Youxia absolutely fulfilled the requirement of being proficient in at least three languages ​​in the recruitment notice.

In addition, after quitting the mercenary alliance, she also tried to open a tavern alone in the border area of ​​Sealand, but unfortunately the timing of the opening was not chosen. It happened to catch up with the war, and the business was miserable. It closed after less than a year of opening-although it was a failed attempt, it did have experience in managing stores.

You Xia inspected her character and ability, and hired her directly when she felt that there was no problem. The two quickly signed a contract, so the luxury store had a manager.

There are many benefits of having a supervisor, the most notable point is that You Xia, the boss, can be lazy. He only participated in the time-consuming and labor-intensive staff training for half a day. It doesn't matter at all, and it's all handed over to Su Puli to arrange.

Of course, beforehand, he also specially listed a form for employee training content and precautions for Su Puli, so that she could get started quickly.

On the same day, after participating in the staff training and preparing to leave the store, Youxia specially called all the staff to stand in line at the stairs, and then reminded in a serious manner: "Every product in the store, I do it when I buy it. If they are sold normally, there is no problem, but if they go to the wrong place, I can easily retrieve them with the mark, understand?"

As soon as the six employees heard it, they understood that this was the boss's warning to those who had lucky ideas, and immediately nodded to express their understanding.

Su Puli also promised: "Don't worry, I will always watch the store and never let any accident happen."

You Xia smiled slightly, and said to her: "Then, the next work will be hard on you."

"No problem." Su Puli agreed with a smile, and when You Xia walked out of the store, she put away her smile and said to the employees, "This afternoon, we will learn about goods related information……"


When the luxury store staff started training quickly under the leadership of Su Puli, Youxia received the hotel manager, department heads and deputy heads elected yesterday at the Burbina restaurant next door to the hotel.

These people, including the manager, are the first batch of hotel managers, a total of ten people.

There is also an acquaintance among them, that is, Pearl, the housekeeper of the Viscount's mansion, who helped Youxia when he was threatened by the Viscount Lynn Lake not long after he came to Los Angeles.

During the interview yesterday, You Xia was a little disbelieving when he saw the familiar blue eyes of the other party, and asked, "Didn't you leave Los Angeles?"

He vaguely remembered that the butler of the city lord said that Pearl asked them to take away a female slave of Lynn Lake, and then disappeared.

"Well," Pearl responded, his blue eyes were as clear as water, he raised the corners of his lips and smiled, "I need to earn money to support my family, after all, there are more opportunities in big cities than in small towns outside."

Maybe it's because he has lived a good life in the past six months, his expression is obviously much more lively than before, and his smile is more calm and handsome than before.

Subsequently, Mr. Pearl was hired as the manager of his hotel.

It's not that the other party was appointed as the manager out of the idea of ​​repaying or helping acquaintances, but after Youxia actually tested the other party's ability to deal with various difficult emergencies, he was finally selected from dozens of people to be the manager. Position.

After all, Pearl was the butler of the Viscount's Mansion. In this era, an excellent butler can be said to be omnipotent. Even though Pearl looks young, he is capable enough to manage and arrange all affairs in detail. , and the experience of being a knight in the early years also made his skills much stronger than ordinary people, so you don't have to worry about any troubles you can't deal with. Youxia is still very satisfied with him.

After all the hotel managers arrived, Youxia took them to the familiar site of his hotel next door—this was the first time that this huge and mysterious glass building welcomed locals to visit.

Following Youxia to the main entrance of the hotel, all the managers, including Pearl, were full of anticipation, with unrestrained smiles on their faces.

When Youxia opened the hotel door, many passers-by cast their gazes, even the civil servants of the city government building next door and the guests of the Navia Hotel across the street looked at them from the windows.

The executives felt such envious eyes, knowing that they would be used to going in and out of this building in the future, but at this moment they couldn't help but feel a little elated, and all of them proudly puffed out their chests.

"Okay, let's go in." Youxia said, pushing open the glass door of the hotel with magic.

All the managers responded one after another and strode into the hotel in unison.

After systematic transformation, the hotel's main entrance was moved to the side of the original apartment building, and the narrow main entrance facing the street was changed to a side entrance. Therefore, when everyone walked into the gate, they saw a very spacious and bright hall .

The executives followed You Xia's footsteps and walked on the clean and smooth floor that could reflect the surrounding environment, looking left and right at the surrounding decorations, shocked by the spacious and luxurious scene, they did not dare to take a breath.

The floor of the hall is paved with a brownish-yellow marble floor that is close to water patterns. You can hear clear sounds when you step on it with leather shoes. Surrounding the hall are wall columns that combine glass and marble. The arc-shaped front desk has an arc-shaped front desk, and there is a sofa area for guests to rest on the left side of the front desk.

This place was indeed as luxurious as they had imagined—everyone couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

But the thing that caught their eyes the most was the lamps above their heads.

The ceiling on the top is divided into areas by the ceiling, and the top of each area is covered with pieces of hanging glass curtains. The shapes of the curtains are different, but they are all very magnificent. It is hard to imagine that when the hotel falls into the night Finally, all the lights in the hall will be lit up, how bright and gorgeous it will be here!

It was like a dream that they were going to work in such a beautiful place, and the supervisors were smiling.

"The entire parking area including the entrance is under the management of the Front Office Department." You Xia said, looking at the supervisor and deputy supervisor in the lobby, and said to them, "Except for the very critical work of receiving guests, If there are banquets to be held here in the future, you will also be responsible for communicating with other departments."

The two supervisors whose names were called first nodded immediately, thinking that there would be no mistakes in the work they would be responsible for in the future, and they couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

Then Youxia led a group of people to the right side of the hall, and introduced the office locations of the security department, cleaning department and logistics department to everyone. After seeing the area on the right side of the first floor, Youxia took them back to the guest rest area Next, the elevator and stairwell are on the left side of the first floor of the hotel.

Similar to the style of the entire hotel, the elevator car is also made of transparent glass.

Everyone followed You Xia into the glass car without knowing why, and watched the glass door in front of them automatically close as if controlled by magic, they were quite at a loss.

Youxia pressed the floor, and at the same time gave an explanation that he had thought up a long time ago: "This is called an elevator, and it is a product of alchemy. Press the number of the floor you want to go to like this, and you can reach it directly."

Except for Pearl, all of them were ordinary people who had never been in contact with magic and alchemy. When they heard that they were in the product of alchemy, they were both excited and panicked. The surrounding glass saw that he was walking up, and couldn't help but yelled.

Fortunately, the time for the elevator to reach the second floor was very short. Before everyone had time to be afraid, the car stopped, and the glass door in front opened again. When everyone looked up, they found that the scene outside had completely changed.

"Go out, this is the second floor."

"Oh..." The supervisors were still in shock, and rushed out of the elevator door together with curious eyes.

You Xia was the last one to go out, recalling the panic and discomfort when everyone took the elevator just now, thinking that it seems that they will have to hire two elevator operators, not only to stand inside to help guests press floors, but also to deal with emergencies , but also give psychological counseling to the guests who take the elevator for the first time.

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