Liyoumen's incentive strategy is still very effective. In order to get the news about the abyss battlefield, Youxia cheered up, discarded distracting thoughts, and practiced magic more attentively than usual. Sure enough, within two hours, he successfully cast last night's magic spell. Learned water magic.

After learning magic, Youxia asked Liyoumen for a reward for the first time.

After checking his study results, Li Youmen didn't lie to him perfunctorily, but sat down seriously and told him what he knew.

"This battle was initiated by the abyssal demons, and now it has involved the human nations of the Eastern Continent and various other tribes. It is the most influential and extensive war in the past 300 years. Although our ethnic group did not participate, the king also did." Send cavalry archers to observe the situation in secret." Li Youmen briefly explained his source, and then said, "The latest news is that just yesterday, the Mage Union has found the person who used the magic spell of the dragon king Ude. limit."

You Xia was slightly surprised, and quickly asked: "What is it?"

"Sacrifice," Liyoumen replied calmly, "every time he uses the spell, he must sacrifice something, and it must be something related to himself. The more important the sacrifice is to him , the more powerful the spell he can cast will be."

"For span?" This was the first word that popped up in You Xia's mind after being brainwashed by various TV dramas.

Li Youmen shook his head: "The lifespan is not that important to the dragon as a long-lived race, unless he uses a hundred years as a unit when he sacrifices."

You Xia thought about it, it would be terrible for ordinary people to lose ten years of life, but for the long-lived race, ten years is nothing at all.

"Then what sacrifice did he use?"

"I think if he is smart enough, the item he sacrificed should be a certain part of his body," Li Youmen said his speculation, "For example, the price of cutting off a finger is exchanged for a priest who has a splitting headache, It is difficult to perform spells, and at the cost of peeling off the scales of the body, curse a certain mage to die of festering and melting."

"Peel off the scales?" You Xia substituted into the little dragon cub, and his scalp felt numb just thinking about it, "Will he really use such a painful method?"

"Yes." Li Youmen replied decisively, "I said that every abyssal dragon has experienced countless painful fights and cruel tempers in the process of adulthood, and physical pain has never affected them."

You Xia frowned, and couldn't help but see a bloody Les surrounded by undead.

"Besides, their self-healing ability is very strong. Although each sacrifice will cause him to lose a part of his body, as long as he hides and cultivates, he will soon return to his original state, and he is cursed by his skin to fester and melt to death. The sorcerer who was there never came back."

When Li Youmen said this, he frowned slightly.

You Xia happened to catch the change in his expression, and guessed that the example he gave might be a cruel example that happened on the battlefield, and it was only because he was a cub that he told it to himself in this way.

He swallowed, and asked, "Then, does such a discovery have any effect on defeating that Demon Dragon King?"

"After discovering this limitation, the failure of the Demon Dragon King is only a matter of time."

Li Youmen calmly analyzed it to him as if he was in a class: "Every time he uses a powerful spell, he needs a period of time to recover, and this period is his weakest period.

"It is true that no matter how weak the Demon Dragon King is, he is also very powerful, but as long as those mages are smarter and confront him after he casts the magic spell, it will be easier to kill him than when he is healthy much.

"Even they don't have to do it themselves, as long as they disclose this news to the abyss, there will be internal strife among the dragon clan, because their nature is like this, rebellious, rebellious, and there must be more than one who wants to compete for the throne of the dragon king." That dragon hybrid."

Youxia thought for a moment, then said carefully: "If I were the Demon Dragon King, I would definitely hide and do it secretly when casting the spell, and then cultivate my body in a place where no one can find me."

"Well, so this is a game of time," Li Youmen said, "If this Demon Dragon King can hide forever and not be found by anyone, then the mainland race will lose the most."

You Xia frowned, no matter how he thought about it, he felt that it was very difficult to deal with this dark and shady Demon Dragon King.

"Then is there any prerequisite for him to cast a spell, such as the need to get the name of the person he cursed, or blood, hair or something?"

Li Youmen shook his head: "I don't know about this, but I guess it shouldn't be necessary. The reason why the spell can be successfully cast is actually relying on the power of sacrificing the gods. According to our family's experience in sacrificing the gods, As long as he can describe the person he wants to curse in words or in a certain way, he doesn't even need to meet the other person, and he can let the god who takes his sacrifice directly lock on the person he wants to curse."

You Xia: "For example, I want to curse the current president of the Mage Union..."

Li Youmen nodded: "Yes, this is enough."

This ability is too scary...

You Xia couldn't help but secretly sighed in his heart, although he had always wondered why there was such a heaven-defying ability of speaking spirit spells, he never thought that this could be linked to God.

Li Youmen seemed to see what he was thinking, and reminded: "Don't think that gods are terrible because of this, there may be evil gods doing some horrible things, but they will also be restrained, gods cannot walk in the world, So they have to do a fair deal if they want to get something."

"I see, it's equivalent to God using money to do things." You Xia expressed his understanding, and then he asked curiously: "Why do you know so much about God?"

"It's all the summary of the priests of the past. When you become a priest and read those classics, you will know."

What Li Youmen said was taken for granted, as if he had already determined his career development path in the future.

You Xia raised his eyebrows slightly, but he didn't express his thoughts clearly, after all, who can tell what will happen in the future!


Perhaps it was influenced by the conversation with Liyoumen. That night, Youxia had a dream. He dreamed that the weak Demon Dragon King was hiding in a certain cave after casting the curse. Les suddenly appeared beside the Dragon King.

In the dream, Les was wearing the armor of the Sunshine Army, and his expression was extremely cold. Just as he raised his sword to stab the opponent, the Dragon King suddenly opened his eyes.

You Xia woke up suddenly, with the blood-red vertical pupils of the Dragon King still in front of his eyes.

He took a few deep breaths, and the pictures in the dream and the nervousness began to recede gradually. After a while, he recalled the pair of red pupils he saw in the dream, and for a moment he couldn't tell whether the eyes belonged to the devil or not. Dragon King's is still Rice's.

Because of this thrilling dream, You Xia lost all sleep for the time being.

He glanced at the wall clock, it was almost two o'clock in the morning, he sat on the bed in a daze for a while, then changed his clothes and got out of bed, deciding to renovate the house he got today.

Los City is still very cold in the early morning of winter. Even though Youxia, as an elf, has much better physical fitness than ordinary people, walking in the cold and windy streets in this kind of weather will inevitably shiver from the cold. The skin is frozen cold.

But this season also has an advantage, that is, the late night in the city center finally looks like a late night, the whole square is completely silent, and there is no one on the road, so Youxia can renovate the house without worrying about being bumped into by anyone.

The first thing he changed was the dilapidated gallery.

Standing on the phantom road facing the door, Youxia first released a few lighting spells to illuminate the space in this area, then opened the game panel, and skillfully dragged out the huge phantom of the luxury store and placed it in the On the old house in front of you.

In the blink of an eye, a snow-white two-story building appeared next to the art gallery.

You Xia commanded the magic light ball to approach the house and carefully observed the exterior of the house.

Since the original old gallery had a boxy structure, the systematically renovated shops are also boxy, with no eaves or corridors, and even the roof is flat.

Although it has a very simple structure, this shop is actually very beautiful.

Viewed from the outside, the store is divided into three parts as a whole. The third part on the right is a completely white wall, and the inside cannot be seen. The two-thirds on the left are divided into upper and lower floors. It is a floor-to-ceiling glass door with a black frame similar to a grocery store, but the upper floor is a wall with hollow patterns, as if the regularly repeated patterns on the clothes of a certain ethnic minority have been applied to the construction of the house, making this house Suddenly it became unique.

You Xia had never seen such a design before, and he had to admit that he was a little amazed by the hollowed-out wall.

If it was just a low-key and simple house, with such a wall, the style of the whole shop has been doubled, and even the most common white wall has become high-end fashion.

"This looks like a luxury store." Youxia sighed in a low voice, then put away the lighting magic, pushed open a movable door on the first floor to visit.

Turn on the lamps, and the warm yellow bright lights illuminate the environment on the first floor.

As you can see from the outside, the storefront on the first floor is mainly concentrated in the two-thirds area of ​​the entrance on the left, and there is only a small guest rest area and a metal staircase leading to the second floor in the space on the right.

The interior decoration of the store is mainly in gold and black tones. When you walk in the door, the first impression you give people is that it is luxurious and exquisite, whether it is the metal and glass product booth in the center, or the black marble used as a partition Whether it is the cashier counter or not, both of them reveal a cold and noble concept.

You Xia walked around the shop slowly, thinking as he walked, if he were to change into his former self, he would definitely not dare to walk into such a shop, because he would not be able to afford it after seeing the decoration.

Later, he noticed that there were specially designed poster frames on the wall pillars and in front of the counter in the store, which were very similar to those in the cosmetics store. It is estimated that the products here will also have to be advertised on posters.

If the luxury goods sold were hair crowns, rings, bracelets and watches, then the original model, Li Youmen, could be used directly—Youxia immediately made arrangements.

After visiting the first floor, he stepped on the stairs to the second floor.

The second floor is also the store area, with the same decoration style as the first floor. The difference from the first floor is that there is a large floor-to-ceiling glass window on the back wall of the second floor, which should provide good lighting during the day.

In addition, the walls on both sides of the second floor are also designed with black and gold lattice booths with concave and convex and different shades, which is very post-modern.

You Xia looked at the size of the grid space, and reckoned that it should be specially used to display bags and other luxury goods.

At present, the store is empty and there is nothing special to visit. Youxia walked around the counter and observed the hollowed-out wall for a while. After confirming that the glass inside the wall cannot be opened, he went straight down. upstairs.

Due to the limitation of the floor of the original house, this store has no bedroom or other place for people to sleep and rest. Even the guest rest area on the first floor is not a soft sofa and chairs, but a few cold back chairs , and a black metal coffee table.

Seeing this, You Xia didn't stay in this store for long, and after turning off the lights and locking the door, he braved the cold wind and went to the diagonally opposite apartment.

At this time, it was about three or four o'clock in the morning, and the sky was gray and already a little white. The hazy skylight outlined the dark outline of the apartment building, forming a huge shadow with the surrounding buildings.

During the day when he signed the contract with Pickett, Ushat deliberately confirmed to the other party that all the residents in this building had moved out. Afterwards, he himself checked with magic, and indeed there was not even a cat left inside. So now the whole building is empty.

Anyway, I have come here, so I might as well change the hotel tonight, so as to save myself from going out in the middle of the night.

Thinking so, You Xia opened the game panel again, dragged out the phantom of the ninth-level business hotel, adjusted its position, and placed it on the apartment building in front.

At the moment when reality and reality overlap, a tall and transparent all-glass hotel appears in the original apartment building.

The glass of the building reflected the dim brilliance of the sky, giving off a pale and fuzzy light, which made the surrounding environment a bit brighter all of a sudden.

Youxia raised his head and looked at the hotel with a completely different architectural style from the surrounding ones, and felt instantly awake.

Immediately afterwards, he felt as if he had done something bad, and his heart was pounding so nervously.

My God, this is downtown!

Civil servants who come to work in the city government building tomorrow will go crazy when they see such a shiny glass hotel next door!

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