After Liyoumen moved back to live in the city, Youxia resumed the course that had been interrupted for a while, which made his daily life more busy.

And after getting Youxia's consent, Rice really signed up for the army to go to the Eastern Continent, and set off for Bayswater with the Sunshine Army in the early morning three days later.

The day before the departure, the two went back to the second floor of the cosmetics store and spent the whole afternoon on the soft bed in an environment where no one was disturbed...

Afterwards, both of them naturally took a good bath, but when they returned home and saw the clear eyes of the upper wood elf elder, You Xia still felt particularly guilty.

Li Youmen didn't say anything, but he doubled the learning volume of ancient elf language and ancient giant language that night.

There is also the mind to engage in objects, which is the result of not being tired enough to study.

Rice left in the early morning. Youxia studied too late last night and slept too deeply, so he couldn't hear him leaving, so he missed the chance to say goodbye. He felt quite sorry.

However, although he failed to say goodbye to Les, he personally sent Augst and Yashar out of the house.

Yes, when Rice is going to the Eastern Continent this time, August and Yashar will also go together to help him seize the throne.

Two days ago, under Youxia's intentional disclosure, Yashar learned that Lais was going to snatch the throne of the dragon king to avenge his mother. He decisively stated that he would go with him and help Les when necessary. a handful.

Seeing that he couldn't persuade his teacher, Auguste had to go with him, and finally found the teacher's body. He was really worried that Yashar would be gone forever.

Since Rice set off with the army, and both of them were shady, they couldn't follow the army, so the two made an appointment to set off separately, and wait until the Eastern Continent battlefield to find a chance to meet again.

On the day Augst and Yashar left, Youxia specially invited them to have a sumptuous lunch at a hotpot restaurant—to be precise, he invited Augest to eat alone, after all, Yashar didn’t need to eat.

"Hey, I really can't bear to leave here!" At the dinner table, Ogst ate the food while sighing, "It will take at least two or three months to go to the Eastern Continent. If I can't eat the food here, I will die of pain. of."

"You help me take care of Les. As long as he can come back safely this time, I will set you up as a lifelong gold member of the hot pot restaurant." You Xia picked up a large colander and scooped food into his bowl, with a smile on his face He said flatteringly, "From now on, when you come to the store, you can order whatever you want for free, and the boxes on the second floor are always reserved for you."

"That's not trivial!" Ogste snorted softly, but then his expression drooped when he thought of living without fried chicken, milk tea and hot pot for two months.

He shook his head and sighed, picked up a chopstick of Flammulina velutipes dipped in the sauce, put it into his mouth, chewed it creakingly, and comforted himself: "Forget it, it's rare that I can travel with my teacher at this age, Thinking back to hundreds of years ago, when I was an intermediate mage, I slept with my teacher and slept in dilapidated hotels all the way, gnawed on bread and roasted meat, and it was just a memory.”

It's all starting to get sweeter!

You Xia couldn't help laughing, and said: "Don't be discouraged, I still have equipment to give you this time, so I shouldn't let you eat bread all the way to the Eastern Continent."

Augst noticed an unusual aura, raised his head and asked, "What's good?"

You Xia raised the corners of his lips mysteriously, took out a space bracelet given to him by a wood elf elder, and took out a rectangular can from the space bracelet and put it on the table.

This can is about the size of two palms, very deep, and heavy in weight. It looks like it can hold a lot of things.

August asked, "What's in it?"

"Convenience hot pot." You Xia replied, and lifted the iron sheet of the can, only to see a piece of red soup inside, although it was cold, it could still smell the sour tomato aroma.

Not long ago, the first batch of preservatives ordered from Burnis officially passed the test. Considering that Les was about to leave for the Eastern Continent, Youxia immediately found the dwarf's alchemy factory and ordered this batch of hot pot cans. The goods were requested too urgently, the cans were made of iron, and the cost of a single box was very high, so You Xia dared to make this kind of thing now that he was not short of money.

The day before Rice left, he put a space ring filled with various medicines, daily necessities and convenient hot pots on his lover's finger. The convenience hot pot was put into this space bracelet and given to the other party. I hope that August can eat better on the road.

August took the heavy can, scooped it in with a spoon, and immediately scooped up a large piece of beef. In addition, there were some common mushrooms, vegetables and meat wrapped in the thick tomato soup. The variety is very rich.

He scooped up a piece of beef and chewed it in his mouth, his eyes lit up immediately: "This tastes the same as tomato pot!"

"Because it's made from the soup base of the tomato pot in the kitchen and some ingredients!" You Xia explained: "We have done a test, and after adding antiseptics, this can can keep fresh for two and a half months. During this period, it is best not to eat any more.”

"Two and a half months, that's enough." Augest had a beaming expression on his face, as if he had found a new hope in life.

He put the space bracelet that Youxia gave him into the rag bag he carried with him, and asked: "How many instant hot pots are there in total?"

"The time is too short, and only 49 boxes have been made. You and Les split half and half, each with [-] boxes." You Xia said truthfully, "But now you have opened a box here, and there are only [-] boxes."

"That's all. One box a day, not enough for two months."

"You won't eat this every meal, you'll get tired of it."

August snorted softly, "I'd rather get bored than eat bread."

"If this is the case, you can divide one box into two meals, and it's still quite enough," Youxia said helplessly, "You should bring a pot with you when you go out, right? Pour half of it into the pot, add some water to boil, if there are some local fresh vegetables and ingredients around you can also put in and cook together, the taste will not be bad, oh yes, I am worried that you will get tired of eating, I have prepared some at the bottom of each pot , the taste is engraved on the outside of the can, and you can open whatever you want to eat at that time.”

"That's a good idea!" Augst nodded, and then looked at him and sighed teasingly, "I'm also in the hands of the little devil dragon, you have really worked hard to make him eat better .”

You Xia smiled, but did not deny it.


After eating the hot pot that day, Augest took Yashar directly with the teleportation scroll and left the city of Ross.

As soon as they left, Youxia returned home after finishing work, only Liyoumen and a sycamore goblin were left in the huge house.

Little goblins can't speak, and Liyoumen is a taciturn type. Living with them is almost the same as living with yourself. For the first time, Youxia felt the desertedness of the big house. At this moment, he actually missed the milk tea shop. Upstairs the small room was up.

That night, because Les was away, Youxia looked at the face of the little goblin Charles, who was quite similar to Les, and unconsciously began to eat meal replacements again. Originally, the little goblin lived in the study, but today I specially made a small bed on the bedside table for it, and let it sleep in the bedroom.

As a result, he hadn't eaten two bites of this meal replacement, and he had just coaxed the goblin to sleep in the bed, when he got up and turned around, he saw a large Les Hodge standing in the room.

The other party should have been transferred from the wilderness. At this time, he was still wearing a heavy knight's armor, and his whole body was cold, as if he had just returned from a certain snow field.

You Xia was stunned for a moment before reacting and asking: "Why are you back?"

Rice began to take off his armor and replied: "We are going to the Eastern Continent through Bayswater's magic teleportation array. Bayswater is not far from Rose City, so I will come back at night for the last half a month. I'm afraid I won't be able to wait until the Eastern Continent Yes, it will take several days to teleport through space.”

"Aren't you tired when you come back every night?"

"Not tired." Les took off his armor and shoes skillfully, then turned around, wrapped his arms around Youxia in his arms, and whispered in his ear with a slightly nasal voice: "This way I won't be tired anymore."

You Xia felt that he was hugging her like a big child hugging his beloved teddy bear, and couldn't help sighing, raised his hand and patted his back, and then said: "In this case, go take a hot bath Well, you can rest early."

Les let out a "hmm" and raised his eyes, just in time to catch the little goblin's curious little head poking out from the quilt at the head of the bed.

Les frowned, guessing that Yuxia must have let him sleep here because he felt that sleeping alone was deserted.

Now that he is back, there is no need for the substitute to stay here. Thinking of this, Les mouthed mercilessly at the little goblin: Go out and sleep in the study.


Good guy, it knows that all the favors of this person are false.


For the next half month, Rice would come back to sleep every night, put on his armor and leave at dawn, until he came back one day and told Youxia that the army would arrive in Bayswater tomorrow. On the second night, he really It didn't appear again.

In any case, with at least half a month of buffering, Youxia finally slowly adapted to and accepted the life without his lover, and he was not as anxious and unaccustomed as when Les left because he needed to awaken his blood.

After Les went to the Eastern Continent, his schedule became very regular. He dealt with business issues in the store during the day, and learned magic and language from Liyoumen when he came back at night. He lived a busy and fulfilling life every day. of.

One day in early December, a light snowfall suddenly fell in Ross City. The snowflakes fell on the branches and the ground, and turned into wet snow before it accumulated. The snow soaked the tree trunks, and the ground was wet.

The weather was slightly cloudy in the morning, and because of the light snow, the entire Schleivogel Street looked a little bit cold.

You Xia walked up the steps of the perfume shop on the wet ground, rubbed the soles of his feet on the carpet at the door, and turned the door handle, the cold touch of the copper handle really made goose bumps on his arms.

Opening the door and walking into the store, a warm and fragrant atmosphere rushed over. You Xia felt emotional. Fortunately, the stores in the system are all temperature-controlled. No matter how much the weather outside changes, the inside will always maintain the most suitable temperature for the human body.

Seeing the boss coming in, the two employees greeted each other.

Seeing that they were busy adding goods to the cabinet, You Xia asked, "Is there a shortage downstairs?"

"Yeah," replied Gilbert, "there was no shortage. Just before you came, a big business deal was made. A bearded businessman came and bought 120 bottles of perfume. The inventory downstairs was almost wiped out." He emptied it."

"I see." You Xia nodded, not surprised by this.

Since the opening of the perfume shop, there have been many businessmen who have come to his shop to buy in large quantities. You Xia has also seen some experience. The five bottles and ten bottles bought in the shop are usually given away or purchased on behalf of others. If you buy hundreds of bottles, you must sell them to other countries to make a difference.

However, since another hundred bottles of perfume were sold in the morning, the last perfume should also be unlocked.

Youxia sat down on the sofa in the middle of the store after thinking about it, and then opened the game menu.

Click on the perfume shop to look through the list, and sure enough, the last perfume icon called "Madame Butterfly" has been lit up.

So far, all thirty bottles of perfume including the initial variety in the perfume shop have been unlocked.

Of course, the unlocking is all unlocked. In fact, there are only eight new perfumes in the store. The remaining 22 new perfumes, Youxia decided to temporarily maintain them before Abdul developed a new perfume. The frequency of new releases every half a month, so that the gap before new products will not be left too long, can keep customers fresh, and allow each old perfume to be fully displayed.

22 new products, almost enough to maintain the freshness for a year, I hope Abdul can work harder and try to become a veritable perfumer within a year!

After closing the game panel, there was nothing else to do, and You Xia didn't bother to get up, just looking at the winter street outside the door, lost in thought.

A luxury carriage studded with jewels happened to pass by on the street, and while he watched the luxurious carriage leave aimlessly, he thought to himself: even the carriage is so beautifully decorated, the real rich people in Rose City are really rich beyond As far as people can imagine, as a businessman, he really feels sorry for not helping them spend some extra money...

Now that the perfume store's business has stabilized, it's time to prepare for the next luxury store!

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