Youxia finally understood why Rice said that he was no different from other dragons.

After this night, the innocent and restrained Xiao Lai has become a thing of the past. Now Niu Hulu Xiao Lai is not only domineering, greedy, and demanding, but also has a strong desire to possess and control, although these characteristics are currently only in him. In front of him, he seems to have the basic qualities of an abyssal dragon.

After having substantial intimate contact, this adult dragon no longer restrains his nature, and becomes more and more clingy to the naked eye, especially he can also use space magic. Except when going out to make money, the rest of the time is almost every He stays by You Xia's side all the time, and when there are outsiders around, he just sticks to his shoulders and holds hands. Once there is no one else, he is seductive and half-forced, always wanting to do some intimate things with his lover.

Unknowingly, You Xia's time to get up was delayed more and more late, until this morning, because he had an appointment to sign a franchise contract with Ferencz, he had to get up early.

When I woke up, the curtains were all drawn tightly, and the room was dark.

Youxia sat up lightly, stretched out her foot to test the position of the slipper, just as she put one foot into the slipper, there was a sound behind her.

"Where are you going?" His voice was lazy, with a hoarseness when he was still asleep.

Youxia turned his head, and Les was lying sideways on his pillow, his thick black hair was scattered on the bed and pillow, a few strands covered his cheeks, making that face pale and blurred.

He still had his eyes closed, probably not very sober.

"I'm going to work." Youxia replied, subconsciously lowering his voice: "I made an appointment with Ferenc to sign the contract this morning."

Rice moved to his side, pressed his face to his waist, and wrapped his two arms skillfully around his waist.

Feeling the familiar strength in the waist, You Xia couldn't help the back feeling sore and soft, this is the aftereffect of doing it for several days, the energy of the magic dragon, even his wood elf's body is not very bearable.

Rice asked dully, "Who is Ferenc?"

"It's the original owner of the perfume shop. I told you before that he wants to join our perfume shop, and the first batch of orders have been placed."

Les said "Hmm", and then there was no movement, only the sound of his flat, almost inaudible breathing in the air.

You Xia sighed, and pulled his hands away from his waist, but just as he was about to get up, those two arms were circled up again.

"Let's go later." Les whispered.

Because the other party's face was pressed against his waist, You Xia felt that the voice almost came up along his spine.

"No, we made an appointment, and we'll be in the store at nine o'clock, and it's already eight o'clock." You Xia broke his hand away again, and then quickly got up and jumped aside before the other party could react.

As soon as Youxia left the bed, Les opened his eyes and woke up. He sat up from the bed, stared at the elf who was getting dressed motionlessly, his eyes were dark, and he didn't say a word.

"Are you going to do military camp missions today?" You Xia turned around and asked when he heard him lift the quilt.


"Then you should get up too, we are really going to bed later and later."

After getting dressed, You Xia went to open the curtains, maybe because she got up late a few days ago, the temperature rose after the sun came out, it was rare to get up early today, only to find a hazy layer of white mist on the window glass .

"So it's already so cold." You Xia muttered, then turned to wash.

When he came out after washing, Les had already got up and was standing by the bed, slowly getting dressed.

Considering the strong wind outside, You Xia put on another cloak, and arranged: "I bought breakfast today, and then I went directly to the store to eat it, you just prepare your own."

Les responded, seeing him putting on his shoes and preparing to go downstairs, he suddenly said, "Why don't you take a breath before leaving?"

"Suck what?" You Xia looked back at him, and immediately realized: "Oh, suck dragon?"

Les turned his head and thought for a while, and nodded when he felt that there was no problem with what he said.

You Xia pulled the corners of his lips and smiled, then walked in front of him, buried his head in his collar and took a deep breath of the "joyful" lingering fragrance.

After a whole night, the warm skin on the neck still exudes an intoxicating scent of petals, but fortunately the scent has faded away, otherwise he probably would have it again.

Speaking of "dragon sucking", You Xia remembered it and asked, "By the way, when will you show me your dragon form?"

Les opened his mouth slightly, hesitated for a few seconds, and replied, "Next time."

Feeling perfunctory, You Xia bit his Adam's apple angrily.


With previous experience, the process of joining Ferencz was very smooth this time, and it took less than two hours to finalize the contract and the first batch of goods.

Because there are already enough goods in the upper floor of the perfume shop, there is no need to go to a large warehouse to buy them. Therefore, Ferenz hired a carriage in the afternoon and transported the first batch of goods directly from the perfume shop. .

After watching Ferencz leave, Youxia returned to the second floor of the perfume shop, sat down on the sofa in the living room, and while resting, opened the game panel to check the newly unlocked products.

Since the price of perfume is really too high, and it is not something that is needed by the public, the quantity sold since the store opened is very limited.

From the opening of the store to two days ago, the total number of bottles of the three perfumes sold just reached [-]. As a result, after this week of operation, the system only unlocked one new product.

The name of the new product is called "Orange Garden".

This perfume is also a very distinctive type. The smell of citrus runs through all the time, like immature oranges. After peeling off the peel, the sour and cool green tangerine smell overflows. At the beginning, I may not be used to it. After a while, When the sweetness of its pulp permeates a little, it is like a ripe orange, exuding a sour and sweet fragrance.

Although You Xia thinks it tastes pretty good, it is very suitable for young teenagers and girls to use, but unfortunately in this world, it doesn't seem to be very popular. Two days have passed since it was put on the shelves, and a total of few bottles have been sold.

After all, the rich people in Rose City are limited, and people will not come to buy the same products repeatedly. The sales volume of the perfume store has dropped significantly compared to the first two days of opening. Fortunately, there are large quantities of purchases from franchise stores, otherwise new products will be unlocked next time. I don't know when to wait.

You Xia rejoiced and opened the product page of the perfume shop.

The total number of perfumes that Ferenczi purchased this time is 320 bottles, just enough to unlock three new perfumes.

He turned to the product icon below, and sure enough, he saw that three new perfume icons had been lit up. The names of the perfumes were "Oak Tree", "Wine Cellar" and "Ink".

Same as last time, You Xia bought three bottles of relatively cheap eau de toilette. He sprayed some "oak tree" on the test paper first, and after the tranquil fragrance came out, he opened the introduction card to check the fragrance description:

【Sitting under the shade of this ancient oak tree, pillowed on the soft moss on the trunk, feeling the fragrance of grass and flowers blown by the wind, I was in a trance and fell into a drowsy sleep. 】

After reading the text, You Xia smelled it again, and it seemed to be quite vivid.

He originally thought that "oak tree" would be the kind of deep and simple woody fragrance, but unexpectedly, its taste was a light floral fragrance at first, and after a while, it began to emit a vague tobacco smell, The two soft flavors are blended together, light and dense, as if they will lead people into a dream in the next second.

This seems to be suitable for a hypnotic perfume——Youxia sighed inwardly, put the introduction card aside, then picked up another bottle of perfume called "Wine Cellar" and sprayed a little on the test paper, picked up the introduction book read:

[Opening this cellar that has been dusty for a long time, the sun illuminates the dust flying in the air, and I walked into this cellar full of wine, as if I walked into the glorious time a hundred years ago...]

As the introduction, the wine in the "wine cellar" is not strong. After the first note is slightly spicy, it gradually turns into an old dry wood smell, but the old wood smell is not unpleasant , but extremely soft, mixed with a touch of wine, people's mood suddenly calm down.

You Xia felt that this should be a perfume that is more suitable for men. After it is put on the shelves, it can be mainly promoted to those senior officials of the Municipal Council who wear full suits of "gentlemen".

The last fragrance is called "Ink" and, as the name suggests, it is translucent dark gray in color.

You Xia is quite curious about the perfume with this name, and the smell of ink is not pleasant in his impression.

Skillfully spraying perfume on the test paper, You Xia couldn't wait to open the introduction card and read its fragrance description:

[On a quiet autumn afternoon, I wrote a reply letter to you at my desk. I revised the content of the letter several times, but I was still not satisfied. Before I knew it, the pen ran out of ink. At this time, the cat you sent me jumped onto the desk. Dissatisfied with my negligence, he kicked over the ink bottle willfully... I saw the plum blossom-like paw prints on the snow-white letter paper, and I couldn't help smiling with satisfaction. 】

The description this time is more abstract. No matter how you smell it, You Xia can't smell the ink. The more obvious smells are agarwood, sandalwood, cedar wood and the like.

Although it has nothing to do with ink, but such a quiet and calm aroma does feel like a study room, and you can give a bottle to the Elf King later.

After smelling all the three perfumes, You Xia added a batch of goods to the warehouse. In addition to the old ones that had just been sold, some new ones were also bought in, and they are going to be launched slowly in the next period of time.

After coming out of the perfume shop, as a big boss with shops all over the place, You Xia rushed to the clothing store on the street without stopping.

Just last night, the last suit "Daughter of the Sea" in the clothing store was unlocked. So far, all the ideas provided by the game system for this store have come to an end. Contributions of a designer and the Duchess were made.

Thinking of this, You Xia inevitably felt a little stressed.

When they arrived at the studio on the third floor of the clothing store, Silio was drawing design drawings as usual, while El was sitting on a chair beside him reading a book.

You Xia handed the last blueprint to Silio, and told her that she would not be able to produce new blueprints in the future.

"Don't worry." As soon as she saw the renderings of "Daughter of the Sea", Silio suddenly became interested, and immediately fell into the research of the new picture style, and at the same time did not forget to comfort You Xia: "I may not be able to A lot of novel ideas came up, but relying on the blueprints you brought, this store can still operate for at least a few decades."

You Xia thought to himself, decades are not too short, and when that time comes, he may not have the patience to continue to open the store.

He pulled out a chair and sat down at the table to rest, and suddenly found that Il put down the book at some point, and stared at him meaningfully.

You Xia felt uncomfortable being watched by him, and couldn't help asking him: "What's wrong?"

"Don't just go to see Liyoumen like this." Yi Er made such a nonsensical remark.

Hearing Liyoumen's name, Youxia sighed helplessly, thinking that he was about to start his daily routine again, but at this moment, he heard the other party's tone calmly say: "At least wash your body well, it's full of demons. With the aura left by the dragon, they can see through your relationship at a glance."

After the words fell, Youxia felt the surprised gaze of Silio looking up at him, and the roots of her ears turned red for a moment.

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