You Xia didn't care about her words, and asked directly: "I want to ask you, why can't Les learn advanced magic?"

Ofina raised her eyebrows lightly with an expected expression and said, "It's okay to tell you, anyway, it's probably recorded in your wood elves' books."

She took a sip of water to clear her throat, and then said slowly: "The rumor that the magic dragon is a descendant of a fallen supernatural dragon is true, but it is not accurate. To be precise, it is a descendant of a fallen and dead supernatural dragon."

She added the accent on the word "death", and Youxia suddenly remembered that when Li Youmen gave him the science dragon for the first time, it was mentioned that the abyss dragon was born surrounded by the undead and black flames ethnic groups.

"As for supernatural dragons, you should also know that the difference between them and elemental dragons is that elemental dragons are naturally close to magic elements, while supernatural dragons are limited in this respect. They don't have the talent to learn magic, but they can awaken their bloodline inheritance. powerful abilities."

Ofina began to tear the bread little by little, and said while eating: "I have never seen a supernatural dragon, and I don't know how many kinds of supernatural powers a real supernatural dragon can awaken. Only one ability of Black Flame can be awakened, which is innate, but I am different, I have awakened two, so I became the master of the abyss, Ude is also different, he also awakened two, the second The seed is better than me, so he also became the master of the abyss."

In the second half of the sentence, she said it in a self-deprecating tone.

Youxia guessed that the Ude she was talking about should be the current Demon Dragon King.

"Since Les was born by me, there is a high probability that he can also awaken two abilities. However, if he has not turned into a dragon until now, there is no need to mention the others."

You Xia didn't tell her that Les had turned into a dragon, but only asked, "What are the conditions for awakening the bloodline?"

"Of course it is fighting. The more high-pressure and cruel living environment, the more it can force the desire to grow and become stronger. If you are always content with the status quo, then you will never grow up."

Ofina said in a flat tone, "The immature dragon cub can't live long in the abyss. It's okay if he can maintain his current state, but the blood of the human race is very weak after all, and sooner or later he won't be able to bear it." One day, when the time comes, he will still be a useless cub, I am afraid that the boundaries of the human race will not be able to accommodate him."

You Xia nodded slightly, Li Youmen also said the same thing.

It was because the blood belonging to the magic dragon began to awaken that Les would become a magic dragon, which Youxia knew early on.

It's just that before, he always thought that the awakening of the blood was uncontrollable, but now after listening to Ofina's explanation, he realized that the key to awakening the blood lies in the surrounding environment.

In retrospect, Rice happened to be a warrior before he knew himself, and he had been fighting on the battlefield of the human race. According to Ofina, if he wanted to grow up, he had to go through hardships, so in fact, the path he took was the right one, but it was his own. After staying here, his life began to stabilize. Not only was the awakening of his blood interrupted, but after he returned to human form again, because he rarely encountered things worthy of his emotional ups and downs, Les, not to mention demonization, even the color of his eyes Both rarely change.

There's nothing wrong with being content with the status quo, Youxia thought, but with Les' character, he might not be willing to do so.

He couldn't help but feel a little tangled in his heart. On the one hand, as a human-devil hybrid, Les has suffered psychological torture several times more than ordinary people since he was a child. He really can't bear the other party to suffer more pain. He also knows what kind of path is more suitable for the other party. He should respect his lover's ideas, and the choice should be left to Les himself to decide...

Just as he was so hesitant, the sound of a person's light footsteps suddenly came from the door of the restaurant.

Ofina and Youxia turned their heads at the same time, and then saw Les in black at the door unexpectedly and reasonably.

The moment he saw You Xia, his expression was obviously stunned, and his footsteps also stopped instantly.

The two looked at each other for a few seconds, You Xia raised his eyebrows, leaned sideways on the back of the chair, and asked leisurely: "Didn't you say that you are going to do military camp missions?"


The lie was exposed on the spot, Les' complexion was stiff, and a blush appeared on the base of his ears.

After a moment of silence, he lowered his eyes slightly and said, "I'm sorry."

His apology was too straightforward, and You Xia didn't know what to say for a while.

Besides, he could also understand why the other party did this.

"Come here." He gave up and said.

Only then did Les walk over again, until he sat down next to Youxia, he maintained a quiet and obedient posture, neither spoke nor greeted Ofina.

Ofina couldn't help but rolled her eyes when she saw this, and muttered softly, "Looks like a little daughter-in-law."

Both Youxia and Rice heard it, but they pretended not to hear it.

Afterwards, since even the subject of the topic came here, You Xia didn't need to be entangled in concealing anything, and directly told the other party everything he had just heard.

As expected, Les was determined to fully awaken his dragon blood.

But he didn't want to leave Youxia either, so he asked, "Do I have to go to the abyss to fully awaken the bloodline?"

"Go to the abyss?" Ofina snorted softly, and twitched the corners of her lips a little helplessly: "The abyss is not as easy to mess with as before, and I wonder what that idiot Ude will do, like you Such a person who has no ability at all, and has not survived for two days after entering, probably becomes someone else's food."

What Youxia has always heard is how the jungle can eat the strong and the competition is cruel, but she didn't expect that according to Ofina, the former abyss actually belonged to the category of "good mix".

"Then what should we do?" Les asked without changing his tone.

"Simple, I have a way to create an environment for you to stimulate the awakening of your blood," Ofina said lightly, "but in exchange, I have one condition."

"Is there still an exchange?" You Xia couldn't help but frowned.

Although he was prepared not to judge Molong's three views with common sense, as a mother, such an indifferent attitude towards his own son was beyond his imagination.

Rice didn't care, and asked directly: "What do you want?"

"I need you to help me pay the rent here," Ofina glanced around, and said, "Then give me a few coins to eat, I don't need much, just a few silver coins, I can have enough This dry white bread."

Hearing this request, You Xia couldn't believe it: "That's it?"

"Maybe there will be some other entrustments at that time, but it's not a big deal, so let's not talk about it now."

After saying that, seeing the suspicious expressions of the two young people opposite, Ofina smiled: "I didn't lie to you, it was just a little favor."

I don't know if it's because of the dim light in the room, or because the environment here is too dilapidated, looking at her smile at this time, You Xia actually felt a bit bleak.

His heart softened, and he said, "I can help you pay for the hotel room in the city."

Ofina pursed her lips and shook her head: "Forget it, I still have two subordinates, both of whom are so ugly that they can't be uglier. Without a certificate from the Mage Alliance, they can't enter the city."

Immediately without waiting for You Xiaduo to persuade them, she urged them to leave and said: "That's it, you come here to find me tomorrow, no, the morning after tomorrow. I said I would help you awaken your blood, and I will definitely do it."

Les stared at his mother for a few seconds, his eyelashes trembled slightly, and replied, "Yes."

Ofina grinned, leaned back on the chair and said in a lazy tone: "Remember to bring more delicious food when you come."


Since talking with Ofina that day, Youxia hadn't seen her in the city until the morning of the third day, when Les went to the town of Bilindro outside the city as agreed.

You Xia originally wanted to go there together to see what the so-called environment that could stimulate the awakening of the dragon's blood was like, but before he set off, he was stopped by several officials from the Finance Academy.

The "gentleman" sample clothes were rushed out last night and delivered to the financial officer's mansion. After trying them on, Jason Cade was really satisfied. Uniforms and work uniforms for civil servants are handed over to Natsumoto Clothing Store for making.

After all, it is a big order, and the cooperative unit is the city hall. This business deal will not only stabilize the development of the clothing store in the next five years, but even affect the fashion of the entire city, so it has to be taken seriously.

You Xia spent most of the day negotiating the details of the contract with them. At noon, he specially invited a few people to a hot pot restaurant for lunch. The treat was delicious and delicious, and the contract was finally officially signed at three o'clock in the afternoon. .

And not long after he sent away several officials, thinking that he could finally find time to go to Les to see the situation, the hired mage of the city lord came to the store to find him again, with the purpose of delivering a letter.

"It's a letter from Duchess Duchess." Because he was in a hurry to go back, Roderick didn't go upstairs, but just stood in the shop on the first floor and handed the thick envelope to Youxia, and explained: "She passed me I sent a letter to the headquarters of the Mage Union in Bayswater, this time, perhaps to save time, I entrusted a certain mage friend to help send the letter, and it was delivered to me."

Holding the thickness of the envelope, Youxia guessed that the contents must be the manuscript sorted out by the duchess, and smiled shyly at Roderick: "I'm sorry."

"It's okay." Roderick shook his head slightly, and left here after finishing the matter.

After he left, You Xia took the envelope upstairs and opened it, and took out a piece of letter paper and a stack of drawings from it.

Most of the words of greeting were written on the letter paper. He only read it scribbled, then put it aside, and then flipped through the manuscript of the design drawing.

After looking at it, he found that most of the dress designs sent by the Duchess were more solemn dresses, and there were very few everyday wears, and most of them were popular styles that Bayswater nobles liked. Such clothes might be sold as custom-made ones. , but can't produce and sell in large quantities. Even if he buys the design draft, I'm afraid he won't be able to make any money for him.

But I have to say that there are several dress styles in it, even a layman like You Xia thinks they are quite beautiful and gorgeous. Even if such clothes are destined to not sell a few, he is willing to make them and display them in the store. In this way, it is not only pleasing to the eye, but also makes the dress styles in his store more abundant.

That's right, You Xia has been dissatisfied with the empty display cabinets in her store for a long time.

Speaking of adding styles, he suddenly remembered that today he sold a total of [-] sets of "gentleman" suits. Although there are not many that really meet the system standards, most of them are low-end and mid-end versions, but they are still enough for him to unlock. Two new styles are available.

In fact, after unlocking "Gentleman" before, he unlocked a new style last night, which is a ladies' suit corresponding to "Gentleman", named "Lady".

When seeing this suit, the first idea that flashed in You Xia's mind was bundling sales.

He remembered that Mrs. Wendy was also working at the City Council, but for some reason, when Jason discussed the topic of uniforms with him, he never mentioned the issue of female officials' overalls.

So not long ago, when signing the contract with the officials of the Finance Academy, he specifically asked if it was necessary to customize female uniforms. Jason's answer was that there were only a few female officials, and it didn't matter if they didn't customize them.

"Even if it is made, they may not be willing to wear it." He said so simply.

So You Xia's idea of ​​taking the opportunity to bundle and sell a few more pieces fell through.

Having said that, I received such a large stack of design drawings from the Duchess today, I must let Silio and Sepule carefully screen them in the evening, and select a few as the second batch of new models on the shelves. Several new styles that are unlocked can also be put together.

Thinking of this, You Xia turned on the system and checked the two newly unlocked suits.

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