No pleasure is more lovable than straightforward interest.

The vampire felt sincerely.

The human-like light and shadow asked with a smile: "May I ask if the player discloses his or her information? If so, the player's profile picture and name will be displayed on the Tian Rank leaderboard."

The vampire thought about it and refused.People are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong, so keep silent and get rich.Vampires who have been immersed in the philosophy of human life for a long time are well versed in its principles.

Then after dealing with the dungeon, the vampire returned to reality.

When he sat up from the game cabin, he felt some weight on the tip of the hair on the top of his head. When he reached out to touch it, he found it was a soft white feather.Under the sunlight, this feather looks extremely holy, as if it fell from an angel. This is a rare white item that is loved by vampires.But at this moment, the vampire's gaze focused on the feather was a little cold.

After a while, he let go, watched the feathers fall lightly, and then got up and contacted his employer, the human who hired him with a lot of money to bring Mo Wang back to reality.

After contacting the employer and confirming the employer's statement that Mo Wang's spirit has not yet fluctuated, and he still stays in the game world, the vampire laughed. If Mo Wang was a human being, he might still be worried, but now he knows After Mo Fan's identity, the vampire only felt that it was because Mo Fan didn't want to come back now.

So he asked the other side to monitor the data, and he will be with Mo Wang in the next dungeon.

After saying this, the vampire was idle and bored, thinking of his former 'friends'.

A coal boss who is as rich as a country but is as cheap as a skin, Zhen's family has a mine, and the mine is in an oil field.

The kind but murderous leader has a close relationship with the royal family and likes all kinds of small crowns the most.

There is also a high-functioning anti-social personality who haunts the barren mountains and mountains, and loves to be a double agent to earn two wages for one job. (This job used to fascinate vampires. Who wouldn’t love to get two wages for one job?)

Time passed quietly, and the vampire suddenly missed and didn't know what happened to his old friends.

The vampire, who chose to come back after only five years, was a little too lively at this moment because he was so humble.Maybe the game gave him a different idea, or maybe it was the prince and the castle in the dungeon that stimulated him. The vampire who hides in the city wants to visit his old friends on a whim.Anyway, he just accepted an order, and with the strong support of Niegal Game Company, Fu's little bit of vampires just left.

That afternoon, he came to the door of the stingy rich man. The rich man was holding the little beauty with his left arm and the handsome guy with his right hand, with a smug smile on his face.But this smile disappeared without a trace when he saw a young man with black hair and black pupils out of the corner of his eye.

The vampire looked at the little old man, a little surprised: "Hey, where's your wife?"

The old man hated his behavior of dismissing all the bodyguards for pleasure, but no matter how regretful he was, he still had to answer honestly: "Dead."

This is a god of death, the real kind.The old man who is so rich as a country does not dare to do anything wrong.

The vampire raised his eyebrows: "You killed it?"

The old man's face darkened: "She is dying of old age."

"Oh, what about your son?" the vampire asked.

The old man: "In a foreign country, why do you have something to do? You came here suddenly."

The vampire smiled brightly: "It's nothing, I just miss you."

Go to the Temple of Three Treasures for nothing, although he is a foreigner, but because of the vampire's "visiting" several times, he, a native foreigner, can already speak this Chinese saying very smoothly.

"I remember, you hired me to do something more than ten years ago."

"Yes." The old man smiled stiffly: "I hired you to kill my eldest son."

The vampire smiled: "Why weren't you very happy when you mentioned this?"

Old man: "Because you didn't kill him!"

"But I didn't let him know that his dearest and most respected father wanted to kill him!" The vampire retorted righteously, "Besides, you mentioned an oil field, but in the end I only had a few tons of oil. It has been resolved with great mercy!"

The old man didn't want to hear about the dark history, so he could only say, "Tell me, what do you want?"

The vampire's smile was even brighter: "You bought a piece of land for decades. That piece of land is very special. It is desolate and there is no sign of human existence, but there is a huge and luxurious castle. I want that piece of land."

The old man gasped: "Impossible!"

He was obviously very careful when buying that piece of land, how could the person in front of him know about it? Moreover, the value of that piece of land is immeasurable, just take that castle and the countless treasures in it, it is already a treasure in the world .For so many years, he has been careful not to reveal any news, and he has not even brought out a single treasure.I'm afraid that some people will find out and come to rob him.

Hearing the human's strong rejection, the vampire was not angry, but still smiled, wearing a suit like the most elegant gentleman in Britain.But the words he spit out have nothing to do with elegance at all.

"Maybe you didn't understand what I meant. I'm not asking for your opinion. I'm just notifying you, as the owner of the castle, to return the castle to me."

A pair of black eyes, deeper than the night, deeper than the sea, but in the middle of the flow, there is a strange scarlet that is about to break free.

The old man walked over in a strong wind and waves, but at this moment under the gaze of these eyes, he wished to raise his hands and present the castle respectfully.

However, the fear in my heart is still not as good as the temptation of wealth.

After a long silence, the old man once again refused.

It's just that his heart was up and down after all, and what he said was not so decisive.The old man thought in his heart, as long as this person backs down, buys things with money, and as long as he doesn't give it for nothing, he will definitely agree to give him the castle.

However, before the old man's head hit the ground, he didn't wait for the vampire to back down, only for a silver flash.

The vampire was shaking the silver knife and fork up and down in his hand, always feeling that there was something wrong with the feel. Later, when he remembered the kitchen knife, he couldn't help feeling that the kitchen knife was still easier to use.

Seeing the old man on the ground, the vampire's eyes fell on the man and woman shaking like a sieve.

Thanks to hypnosis Dafa and thanks to the development of the Internet, vampires can easily wipe away the traces of their own arrival.

Okai, I have seen 1/3 of my old friends, and there are still 2/3 of my old friends.

The vampire thought so, and rushed to the next site without stopping.

The leader who talked freely from afar, and the murderer who dug a hole, all sneezed loudly at the same time.

The author has something to say: There is a quiz with a prize: What is Ah Xue doing?


Thanks to the little angels who cast mines: Shining little night cat, dazed... 1;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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