[E-commerce on the second floor]: My D-level cooperation copy is different. My teammate led us to destroy the team at the beginning of the game. I remember that I was trying to see what was moving in the cabinet, and all I could hear was the sound of the game. Said that the customs clearance failed, please prepare to leave the instance.I rely on me to come out and ask, it turns out that there is a rubbish thing who wants to molest someone's NPC with half a day's protection period, so he reported it directly, and then the game customer service will give that person a permanent title on the spot, and in the future, as long as it is a Negal game or is Anyone who cooperates with Negal Games can no longer play that person.Therefore, I would like to advise everyone here: Civilization games, don't embarrass human beings.

[The landlord Yang Aba]: The second floor is so right!

[Third Floor Inuyasha]: That's right!Civilization Game!Be a civilized human being!

[Super cute on the fourth floor]: The D-level single-player dungeon I played is named [Sleeping, Watching, Accompanying], and the clearance condition is to survive for 3 days.I was standing in a room when I started the game. At that time, I saw a bed in the room, and the space under the bed was not small. A particularly terrifying eye is also looking at me!But it's a good thing he didn't climb out to scare me, otherwise I might just quit the game.Later I thought, isn’t it just to survive for three days, the big deal is to sleep for three days without eating or drinking.

[Original]: Too much effort, the previous post that ate a few vegetable leaves in three days and three nights can’t be you, right?

[The fifth floor is super cute]: No, there are no vegetable leaves in my dungeon!This is so angry!At that time, there was a half-day protection period in the game, but I didn't dare to move, so I hid in the corner. At night, I was very hungry, and then I smelled a very, very good smell of meat... I couldn't hold back, so I go out. (Vampire PS: I understand you!) The corridor outside the door is ten meters long, dark and narrow. I was timid at first, but I was really hungry, so I closed my eyes and covered my ears and rushed over.After passing the corridor and going down the stairs, I saw a western food on the table, and the aroma was really amazing.

Vampire: I agree, the scent is really amazing.

[Durian Melaleuca on the sixth floor]: Don't stop, sister, keep talking.

[Quail eggs on the seventh floor]: Are we hungry in the game because our real bodies are hungry?

[Stimulation on the eighth floor]: No, the seventh floor, the speed of the game is different from our reality. Basically, a three-day game is only a few hours in reality, and the game will affect your health when you enter the game. A scan check, if it doesn't work, you can't enter the game.As for the feeling of hunger in the game, it is because the game makes you feel hungry. In fact, there is no problem with the real body.

[Snow White on the ninth floor]: But if you are hungry in the game, you'd better eat something, otherwise you will be so hungry that you will feel dizzy and weak. Don't ask me how I know.

[Boston on the tenth floor]: Here is a friendly reminder, everyone can go to the mall to buy some food to bring into the game, because most of the devil's recipes are different from ours.

[Madam on the [-]th floor]: What a devil's recipe, hits the nail on the head, brothers and sisters, listen to my advice, before the game starts, you must go to the mall to buy food, because the devil's recipe is really different from ours.

[The twelfth floor is super cute]: Thank you, I have had the honor to taste the devil's recipe, and I have already bought a backpack full of instant noodles.

[The thirteenth floor is super cute]: Okay, let me continue.At that time, I smelled the aroma and just wanted to eat, but I vomited after taking a bite of the steak, because the sauce on the steak was full of blood!There was a glass of red wine next to it, so I thought about it, but the red wine was also blood!I swear, I'm not usually so reckless, but I was taken aback at the beginning and hungry for a day, and my brain was so full that I ate everything I saw.

Later, in order to wash away the smell of blood in my mouth, I opened my mouth and yelled and almost came down, only to find a bathroom in the original bedroom.I brushed my teeth for a long time, and when I raised my head, I felt something was wrong. I looked at it for a long time, and finally found that there was no blood at the corner of my mouth in the mirror. The halazi is really about to flow out, but I am clean in the mirror, but I look like a fool outside the mirror.

[Idol brother on the fourteenth floor]: No...it might really think so.

[Fifteenth Floor Inuyasha]: It's a little bit scary and a little bit funny, it reminds me of my game scene at that time.

[Sixteenth floor idol brother]: The NPC in my dungeon thinks I'm a fool.

[The seventeenth floor is super cute]: Fortunately, I already brushed my teeth clean, otherwise I might have to scream while brushing my teeth.

[Durian Melaleuca on the [-]th floor]: hhhhh there is a picture.

[The nineteenth floor is super cute]: Then I retreated into my corner.I fell asleep at night, didn’t I, but I was half asleep and half awake and always felt that there was something behind me, but behind me was a white wall!

[Madam on the [-]th Floor]: Is there something built into the white wall?

[Super cute on the 21st floor]: I... how can I prove it? Could it be possible to smash the wall with a hammer? . .No, no, it was too rua scary, anyway, I just pretended to be dead, and then the next day, I found a window in the room, but unfortunately it was very hard.And the one under the bed!It even ran out to scare me, it's really ugly!Still want to grab my feet and drag me under the bed!I was anxious and scared at the time, so I jumped onto a cabinet that was about one and a half meters away, and it crawled back unexpectedly.

[Boston on the 22nd floor]: This may be the ghost under the bed. Because they live under the bed all the year round, they lose the functions of standing and walking, and the corners under the bed are easy to be ignored, so most of the ghosts under the bed are ugly and dirty.

[No. 23 on the 219rd floor]: Finally someone played the same copy as me, and me too: heavy love.Sister, did you pass the test in the end?

[Super cute on the 24th floor]: Passed the level, I passed the level by pretending to be deaf and blind on the cabinet!

[No. 25 on the 219th floor]: Damn, it's that simple? !Wo Ri asked me why I did that just now, leaving tears of remorse.

[Durian Melaleuca on the 26th floor]: Upstairs, hurry up, tell your story!

[No. 27 on the 219th floor]: I was similar to the super cute one in front of me, but I was relatively new. When I came up, I beat the ghost under the bed and the ghost in the mirror. Later, I got their favorite numbers and letters. I think this must be A very important clue. Sure enough, I found a locked iron door on the first floor. After I opened it with letters and numbers, there was a table for developing photos. The photos are all of me. It is the first time in my life that I see trypophobia when I look at my photos!

[The 28th floor is super cute]:! ! !abnormal! ! !

[Madam on the 29th floor]: Ann, voyeurs are all small cases inside.

[No. 219 on the [-]th floor]: This is not important. What is important is the note next to it. The words "Diary" on the cover are so big that I can see them even when myopia is a thousand degrees.

[Floor 31 I love reading]: It's a crooked floor. At certain times in the dungeon, myopia of [-] degrees really saved my dog's life.

[No. 32 on the 219nd floor]: Diary!How could I let go of such an important clue!Although the tears of regret I left behind are also because of it!I remember I was so ecstatic, as if victory was in sight.I couldn't wait to open the diary, browse through a pervert peeking at my entire mental process, and then squeeze, I successfully summoned the strongest boss in the instance!

[No. 33 on the 219rd floor]: That notebook is the factor that triggers his appearance. As long as you read that notebook, the Boss will appear behind you. Although this Boss is peeping, taking photos, and writing diaries, But it is an out-and-out ruthless person, and grabbed me as soon as it came up: "My little cutie, you let me show up, you are mine."

[No. 34 on the 219th floor]: Oh yeah, and then I was chopped up by the Boss with the kitchen knife hanging on his waist.At that time, I realized that this is...heavy love.But fortunately, at least the game will not give you the reaction to the pain of fatal injuries, and after the boss was cut down, I returned to the initial space of the game, and did not cause greater follow-up damage to my young mind.

[The host on the 35th floor]: The vivid image of the point, sleeping, watching, accompanying, sleeping with someone, looking in the mirror, someone watching, and finally leaving you, no matter it is meat or anything, you are in my body , stay with me, never leave.

[Durian Melaleuca on the 36th floor]: Don't talk about it, it has a sense of picture.

[Super cute on the 37th floor]: So, this dungeon actually just needs to be like me, right?

[Floor 38 I love reading]: Yes, yes, yes, some dungeons are enough.

[Madame on the 39th floor]: In the current D-level dungeon, most of the fatal factors must be triggered. For example, the goal of customs clearance is to survive for a few days, and the most important thing is actually the dog.But the latter high-level copy is hard to say.

[Boston on the [-]th floor]: Actually, don't be too afraid if the fatal factor is triggered, as long as you can beat others.Maybe there will be some additional rewards.

[No. 41 on the 219st floor]: I understand, the reason for my failure is not because of my strength, but because of my cooking.Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooery

[Bill Gates on the 42nd floor]: Wow, you played so wonderfully. I played the D-level cooperation mode. I followed the rules with my teammates throughout the whole process. First hide, find out the situation, then find clues, and then complete the clearance conditions .


Seeing this, the vampire closed the post thoughtfully: So, do you have so many different ways to play?Moreover, the way of customs clearance does not seem to be limited to the goal of customs clearance.

The vampire passed his fingers over his eyes, and suddenly remembered a sentence in his diary: eyes like ruby ​​are really suitable for him.

Oops, that's too bad, I don't know if the mall sells colored contact lenses.

The author has something to say: If you turned around and met a ghost, what would you choose?

A. Backhand punch

B. Call first for respect

C. Play dead in silence

D. Quietly take off the 1000-degree glasses

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