The vampire looked at the eye-catching little red face, raised his hand and said hello: "halo~"

Hearing the voice, 001 looked through three human beings who were in the way: "It's you!"

The vampire grinned, as if meeting a friend he hadn't seen for a long time, the smile was extremely familiar.

"Yes, it's just me. It's been a long time."

001 gritted his teeth: "You are dead."

His tone was very hot, and he didn't feel the excitement and excitement of seeing acquaintances at all.Because he only remembered that it was the person in front of him who slashed his neck with a knife.

After saying this, 001 turned the chainsaw in his hand.

Seeing the chainsaw with an afterimage in 001's hand, the vampire gave Shen Xiu a sideways look: "That's what you said, the speed of rotation is not fast?"

Shen Xiu was taken aback: "This...was quite slow just now."

001 laughed when he heard the words: "Hey, don't talk nonsense, human beings, when will my chainsaw be too slow?"

Shen Xiu, whose lie was exposed, was a little bit annoyed, but he didn't speak, and glanced at Sai, who turned his head with a somewhat embarrassing expression, then Shen Xiu pursed her lips and said.

"Brother, we just answered your question, and you promised to help us."

Vampires think that the vampire is a race that keeps its promises.We are faithful to our promises, and we keep our promises...but humans are to us, not us to humans.

So the vampire spread his hands with a sincere expression: "Oh, really? But you don't know, can't you trust a man's words?"

The vampire who poured a basin of dirty water on the man for no reason saw Shen Xiu's complexion as colorful as a palette, and he thought about it again, he couldn't be so terrific as a ghost.

But in the current situation, he was hungry, and there was no way out after the pursuers, Shen Xiu and the others could not escape even with their wings.Vampires can't save them at all.

At this time, 001 took a few steps forward, with a grim face: "Come on, let me purify you dirty human being."

Sai, who was next to him, saw the wire monster walking forward, his face paled with fright, but his eyes lit up again when he heard what he said, he pulled Shen Xiu back, and then murmured: "Look at that monster, it Seems to be eyeing Van Helsing."

Shen Xiu looked over and found that 001 was really staring at the vampire, so she couldn't help but gloated.

Seeing 001 approaching, the vampire put a smile on his face: "Why, do you want to try again after breaking your neck?"

"Ha." 001 also laughed, and he turned sideways to reveal the three iron brothers behind him, "I'm afraid you are going to taste what it's like to have a broken neck. Because I'm not the only one at the moment. But you seem , to fight alone."

When the four tin men stand side by side in front of your eyes, their movements are in unison, and the chainsaw in their hands is whirring.There are still a considerable number of tin men walking out of the glass cover and walking towards you behind you.

May I ask, how should human beings survive in this situation?

The blood race in the center of the deep center raised his eyebrows and smiled calmly, and ran back quickly before the Tin Woodman walked out of the laboratory behind him.

The speed is so fast that the Tin Woodman 001 can't match it.

However, 003 and 004 chased after them.

They watched the vampire run straight into the research room, looked at each other and raised the chainsaw, and immediately prepared to catch the turtle.

However, when they opened the door of the research room, they found that the inside was empty, and a large living person disappeared without a trace right under their noses.


The vampire flapped its wings leisurely, opened the big cover with 01 written on it, flew into the pipe, left behind the noisy chainsaw, and returned to its original room.

After returning to the dimly lit room, the vampire heard a loud grunt from his stomach, and the vampire couldn't help but slapped his head.

"Hey, I should have eaten something before I met Shen Xiu."

But now, it seems that he can only go out and find some more food.The puny bat gave a humane sigh and flew out the door.

Originally there was only a corridor outside the door, and there was no way out of the closed one, but maybe because they needed to come in and carry away 001's body and head, so now a door was wide open.

So the vampire flew out of that door.

The environment outside the door is completely different from the inside, bright and clean. The vampires are flying left and right, looking for a human, preferably a fragrant one.

But from a distance, the vampire saw the bald man walking over with a familiar doctor and a large group of people.He flew to the ceiling and was about to fly over the crowd, but he vaguely heard the doctor below say "blood race".

The vampire's wings froze for a moment, and flew lower quietly.

"Boss, we think the subject of observation 01 may be a vampire."

The vampire heard the bald head reply, "Why?"

"Because we didn't observe any image of him in the camera, and in the mouth of No. 001, the speed and strength of No. 01 are by no means a human being can possess. Just now, my assistant and I suddenly felt dizzy and weak in limbs. According to the doctor's test, the blood content in our two bodies suddenly decreased by 20.00%. Combining the above possibilities, the probability that the observation subject No. 01 is a blood race reaches 80.00%. "

The doctor paused, then lowered his voice and said, "Boss, if he is really a vampire, then is your illness..."

The bald head pondered for a moment, then suddenly quickened his pace: "Take me to his room to have a look."


The vampire followed them and returned to the room.

The bald head saw the deep hole made by the vampire in the corridor outside, and he couldn't help showing surprise. When he entered the room, he saw the round and big gap in the wall like a watermelon, and his eyes showed hot madness, like It was like seeing God.

He turned his head and said to the doctor: "Quick...quick...order, from now on, it will be completely blocked, and all exits and entrances will be strengthened. Once found..." The bald head was talking excitedly, but suddenly stuck.

He looked at the doctor: "What does the observation subject No. 01 look like?"

The doctor was also stunned: "This... the subject of observation 01 was sent into the room as soon as he came in. None of us have seen his appearance."

The bald head shook his head: "No, it's not right. Someone has seen..."

The vampire didn't listen to what he said later, because his stomach was so hungry that he couldn't take it anymore.Although there are a large number of people below, there are too many people here to deal with, so the vampire left here first to find a single human being.

Finally, he flew and flew, and found a human with decent taste in the corner. After landing, he took off the heavy human helmet with both hands, and opened his mouth to bite his fragile neck.


The vampire let out a long breath, feeling alive again.

He put down the unconscious human in his hand, wiped his mouth, picked up the human, and then led the human to look around, as if looking for something.

What is he looking for?

Suddenly, the vampire's eyes lit up, and it turned out that he saw a laboratory.There were a few people in protective suits busy researching something. The vampire walked in and asked after "stunning" the researchers as before.

"Do you have any vacuum bags here?"

"Yes, I'll get it." A researcher said in a trance, but the speed of taking things was not trance.

Seeing the two bags handed over to him, the vampire left the laboratory satisfied.

Then he found a corner and put the human off his body, hummed a little song and drew two bags of blood from him, carefully put away the blood bags, and finally touched the human's pale little face with distress.

"Yo yo, poor little girl, why is your face so pale? Eat more red meat to make up for it~"

After saying this, the vampire pulled the human out, ensuring that the human could be discovered by other humans, and left here contentedly with two bags of blood.

He held his head high and patted the blood bag in his arms: "Then you don't have to worry about being hungry."

After solving the source of food for the next 24 hours, the vampire was about to find another place to have sex, but found a stumbling figure pounced on him.

The vampire dodged.

Then I saw a familiar figure crying with pear blossoms and rain.

Shen Xiu stood in front of the vampire, crying brokenly: "Brother, please save us."


Have you escaped?

Although the vampire didn't believe that Shen Xiu, an ordinary human being, could escape from so many tin men.But he didn't show anything on his face.

"My God! You escaped! That's amazing!"

He said to Shen Xiu in a surprised tone.

But when Shen Xiu heard these words, tears welled up in her eyes, she looked extremely pitiful, Shen Xiu looked at the vampire motionlessly, as if she was looking at a heartbroken man.

The hard-hearted vampire was unmoved, with sincere doubts on his face: "What's wrong?"

Shen Xiu blinked her tears: "Brother, you agreed to play games with me, but in the end you left us and ran away!"

Faced with such quality control, the vampire frankly said: "Yes, am I playing games with you?"

"Where is my brother playing games with me?! We have been in the game for almost two days, and my brother told me that I haven't seen as many monsters as I have seen!"

"But, don't we just need to be in one game?" said the vampire.

Shen Xiu wiped away the tears left behind, and said with a sob: "But...but... I want my brother to be by my side!"

Hearing this sentence, the vampire shook his head: "No, no, I'm too good. You can't take me, I'd better play by myself."

"How could it be?" Shen Xiu stepped forward anxiously, "Even if brother is very good, we will still take him with him!"

The vampire looked at the landlord who was about to post it in front of him, and took a few steps back: "No way..."

"No, no, brother, we will definitely take good care of you! After we escaped from those monsters just now, we found a safe place. Come with us, brother. It will be fine until tomorrow!"

Shen Xiu stepped forward and wanted to drag the vampire away.

But the vampire was rock-solid and motionless.

Shen Xiu's tears began to roll in her eyes again: "Brother, we don't blame you for leaving us among the monsters, because in that situation, if I were your brother, you would definitely run away in fright. .But we don't have to run away now, we can stay in one place until the end of the game!"

The vampire felt that Shen Xiu's last words were really deceptive. Let me ask, who wouldn't want to fight till the end in a scary escape game?

However, if you walk behind Shen Xiu, it may be thousands of miles away from the word 'gou'.

But with a blood bag in my chest, I have it in the world.

So the vampire nodded, staring at Shen Xiu with blood red eyes: "Okay, then let's go."

When Shen Xiu was looked at by those eyes, her heart tightened, and she felt that everything she did was seen through by the other party, but this was impossible, Shen Xiu shook her head secretly, took a deep breath, and happily raised the corners of her mouth.

"Then let's go."

The vampire followed behind Shen Xiu to a stairway. The stairway was completely dark, and the cold concrete floor could be seen faintly.

After arriving here, Shen Xiu took another deep breath, and nervously said to the vampire, "Brother, let's go up the stairs."

Seeing the tension hidden in Shen Xiu's eyes, the vampire nodded uncertainly.

Then she followed him up the stairs, and after Shen Xiu turned a corner, she suddenly ran away ten meters away.

The vampire stayed where he was, a silver light stabbed at him quickly, and the vampire calmly raised his hand to take it.

Then he raised his eyelashes and looked at a dagger made of sterling silver in his hand, raised his head with a half-smile and looked at the Tin Woodman who appeared on the stairs at an unknown time.

"The dagger is fine."

004 on the stairs looked at the vampire expressionlessly, and then laid out a huge network with lightning speed. Under the illumination of the lights, layers of silver light flowed on the network.Moreover, the network is so huge that it almost covers the entire staircase tightly, and when it encounters an object, it will quickly wrap around it, tightly and tightly.Moreover, although the network is large, the grid is extremely small, even if it becomes a bat, it is difficult to escape.

The network was spread all over the place, and the vampire seemed to be dodging carelessly, and was tightly bound by the network in a daze.

The immobile vampire still held a dagger in his hand: "Why are you so fierce?"

004 saw that the vampire was firmly fixed by the network, unable to move at all, so he jumped down the stairs and picked up the vampire and walked up the stairs.

The vampire lay peacefully on 004's shoulder, neither noisy nor fussy, as if giving up struggling.

004 walked up three flights of stairs, brought the vampire into a room, threw it on the ground and stood aside, the vampire moved his eyes, and found the familiar 004 and the unfamiliar 001 and 002 standing beside 003 After that, he greeted with a smile: "Meet you again."

This time 001 looked calm, he snorted coldly: "I said, you are dead."

The vampire frowned slightly: "I praised you for being good-looking and handsome, but did you treat someone who once sincerely praised you like this?"

001 said disdainfully: "I don't want to hear what you said at all. I just want to watch you cry and tell me your inner fear and regret, and then saw you in half."

"Hey... so bloody."

The vampire turned his head away in disgust.

At this time, the sound of footsteps came from behind, and the vampire looked around...

"Oh, it's really you." When the vampire saw the person coming, he turned to a chair beside him out of the corner of his eye, so he jumped up, jumped to the side of the chair and sat on the chair.

The visitor saw the vampire bouncing up and sitting on the chair, and said calmly: "I advise you, don't struggle. Otherwise, it will hurt even more."

"Huh? Why does it hurt?" The vampire was puzzled, followed the gaze of the visitor to see the silver network on his body, and smiled: "You say this, it is really difficult for you. What to do in such a short time Come out with such a big network.”

I once saw a lot of vampires in the laboratory, and I have a deep impression on this man.

This man seems to be not only a bald head, but also the boss here.Now this gentle appearance does not show the fanaticism seen in the laboratory before.

"After all, you are a famous blood clan, so naturally we can't take it lightly." The bald head said with a smile.

The vampire agrees very much: "You are right, after all, we vampires are very powerful. Especially in terms of life."

The vampire adjusted his sitting posture and sat comfortably, "Speaking of which, you invited me here with such great fanfare? Do you want me to give you eternal life?"

The bald face twitched: "No, of course not. I invited you here, just to ask you to do me a favor. It's not immortality, it's something you can easily do now."

"Oh, there seem to be few things I can easily do now." The vampire pointed to the network on his body.

"No, no, this matter is really easy for you. First of all, I need you to know that we should never help ourselves. The one we need to help should be the benevolent God."

A vampire who doesn't understand religion very well: "I don't understand why the benevolent God needs your help, won't he help himself?"

The bald man ignored the vampire's words, he suddenly moved closer, his brown eyes fixed on the vampire.

"Help me and disappear into this world."

The vampire looked into those brown eyes and shrugged his shoulders calmly, unaffected by his fierce, hateful tone.

"No, I refuse."

"You refuse? Why do you refuse. Your blood race is born with original sin, an evil that cannot be tolerated in this world. You are sucking fresh life, and you are guilty of human beings. You deserve to be sent back to the dark hell! The only thing you can do to help God is to use that dagger in your hand and drive it into your cold chest."

Hearing the words of refusal, the bald head became manic, and his gentle appearance showed ferocity.

"...First of all, I don't want to help God. Second, people need balanced nutrition. Don't we blood people don't want it? You are racist."

The vampire said slowly.

The bald head looked at the calm vampire, his expression changed several times, and finally he lowered his head and took out a book with yellowed pages from his bag, opened it and read.

"I have seen many shameless human beings. They live in this world like vermin. They are full of stench and do nothing to the world. Just like this No. 0029 observation subject... Let me see what he is like What about pests. Oh, it turned out to be a gambling pest, which is not good. Observation object 2133 is a pest that buys and sells people, which is not good. Observation object 0823 is a greedy and lustful pest. not good……"

The author has something to say: Vampire: Oh, you are discriminatory!


Thanks to the little angels who threw mines: Black Manjushahua, Ember Feather, and you one for the thousand and one;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 20 bottles of forget-me-nots; 1 bottle of Qiye, Xueji, Do you want to be smart when reading the text, and Qi Bo;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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