World-class infrastructure maniac

Chapter 90 The best gift to the motherland

A hot topic on the Internet, there is always the figure of the South China Sea Tunnel.

Because the last section of the immersed tube in the Nanhai Tunnel has been announced in the official news and will be installed in the near future.

Even a guy like Zotel, who has just finished his tour, has to devote himself to the preparations for the South China Sea Tunnel concert, waiting for the notification from the project team, and immediately start their long-awaited performance.

Although no one answered Zotel's message, he wasn't worried at all.

After the completion of the South China Sea Tunnel, their natural music skills honed in Africa will be on the real stage.

He believed that Li Feng would guard the Nanhai Tunnel and wait for the news with him.

As a result, there was a lot of discussion on the Internet, but no accurate reply could be obtained.

Lu Feng, who has long since switched from an architect, is sitting on the engineering work boat of the Nanhai Tunnel Project Team.

Unaware that he was on the Internet, he had changed careers again, resumed his old career, and lived with Yin Yiqiao.

Li Feng stared solemnly at the unfathomable sea water, obviously he couldn't see anything, but he kept calculating the time for the immersed tube to reach the seabed and carry out the docking task in his mind.

The last immersed tube successfully entered the water two hours ago.

According to the process mentioned by Mr. Weng, the installation of the immersed tube will be completed within ten hours.

The entire immersed tube project team has a more serious atmosphere than that of the cross-sea bridge period.

The relaxed and leisurely time he and Yin Yiqiao walked through the countryside disappeared the moment he returned to the South China Sea Tunnel project team.

It is very easy for Li Feng to get involved in such a tense atmosphere, even if he can only stay quietly outside the main control room.

"Don't think about it anymore." A worry sounded from beside him.

Immediately, the back of the neck, which was slightly cooled by the wind, was covered with gentle temperature.

Yin Yiqiao rubbed the back of Lufeng's neck with his hand, as if he was kneading a cat that couldn't be seen, "Why is Boss Weng not allowing you to enter the main control room, and it can't stop you from worrying?"

Lufeng was seriously injured, and the only condition Weng Chengxian allowed him to board the ship was that he hoped that Lufeng could easily witness the completion of the Nanhai Tunnel.

Instead of frowning like now.

The senior brother pinched the law wind into obedience.

He shrank his neck and stretched his brows, and said helplessly, "I'm worried."

The engineers of the engineering operation ship came and went, and they were so busy that they were in a completely different world from Li Feng who was standing aside watching the sea.

Lufeng didn't know what the immersed tube needed to consider, but he knew very well that the difficulty of installing a section of immersed tube was no less than that of any bridge seat built for a cross-sea bridge.

This azure sea is full of challenges above and below the sea.

Every time he blinked, he couldn't help thinking about what difficulties Mr. Weng, Qu Fei, and the engineers of the Nanhai Tunnel Immersed Tube Project Team had encountered under the calm sea.

"What are you worried about? Don't believe in Mr. Weng's ability?"

"Of course not." Lifeng knew better than anyone how strong the South China Sea Tunnel project team was.

Even Qu Fei, who seemed extremely unreliable, did not discredit Mr. Weng during the construction of the South China Sea Tunnel.

This is a group of the most outstanding builders in China, and they have poured their lifelong learning into this unprecedented bridge and tunnel.

However, it was impossible for him not to worry.

The combined length of all the bridges that Lufeng has designed is less than one-third of the length of this bridge and tunnel across the South China Sea.

All the difficulties and crises experienced by those bridges that crossed rivers, mountains, and silt are not worth mentioning in front of the Nanhai Tunnel at this time.

Hundreds of media outlets are ready, and the slightest disturbance in the immersed tube construction area can be spread across the world in an instant.

Tens of thousands of South China Sea Tunnel Builders are all over the country, waiting for the news they expect from the main control room.

Even if Li Feng is sitting on the side of a calm ship, he can still feel the turmoil inside.

Several kilometers of ships were coming and going, and helicopters and drones circled repeatedly. He really couldn't tell whether these were onlookers outside the bureau or the helpers requested by the main control room.

You can only hear the sea wind howling, and the sea is calm.

Nearly 40 meters deep seabed, the installation that everyone pays attention to is in full swing.

He is just one of the tens of thousands of participants in the South China Sea Tunnel, but it is difficult to give up the responsibility on his shoulders.

"No, I can't think about it anymore." Without waiting for Yin Yiqiao to remind, Lu Feng raised his hand and rubbed the numb cheeks blown by the sea breeze.

He took out his sketchbook, forced himself to divert his attention, and wrote while writing: "After we visit teachers in England at the end of the year, we can walk along the Coastline Museum to the Leith Library."

"It is said that autumn in Spain is beautiful. I will take an annual leave in autumn and we will go to the Flamenco Concert Hall together. I have long wanted to see the dancer logo you designed on the roof of the concert hall."

Yin Yiqiao thought that Lufeng would draw a schematic diagram of the South China Sea Tunnel stroke by stroke, and describe every thrilling construction of this tunnel.

But Lufeng was so serious that he filled his itinerary with Spring Festival and annual leave.

Every destination is related to him.

The employees of the National Institute of Design have never had any travel when they want to go, only construction sites where they want to go.

Yin Yiqiao asked with interest: "Why do you suddenly want to see these buildings?"

The tip of Lufeng's pen paused, and hesitantly said: "Because I want to accompany you."

When Lu Feng returned to China, he always wanted to use the short vacation to accompany Yin Yiqiao to wherever he wanted to go.

It's a pity that in the end, it seemed that the senior brother made a concession to indulge in his design.

It's not that Lifeng didn't feel annoyed.

But he was always trapped in the gentleness of his senior brother, and he couldn't get rid of the double indulgence of his senior brother.

He said: "You always accompany me where I want to go, and I want to accompany you where you want to go."

Yin Yiqiao found this unprecedented experience interesting.

Even if Yin Yiqiao didn't want to go back to her own design path at all, she would still smile expectantly in Lu Feng's expectant sight.

"It's better to go to Conness Building first, and then to Leith Library."

Yin Yiqiao turned on the phone and pulled out a map of the UK, "The road along the coastline-Conness-Leth is easier to walk. If we need to rest, we can find shops and hotels at any time."

"so smart?"

Li Feng stopped writing and looked at the British road map that he had almost forgotten.

Yin Yiqiao patiently told him, "Because of taking this tourist route, you can watch the sunrise on the coastline and the sunset in Leith, which is just a whole day. I don't know which tourist enthusiasts are in China. They take pictures along the way and bring them to me. Fire."

The ce architectural works located in the UK have always been a must-see place for travel enthusiasts all over the world.

They leaned together, discussing their future travel plans, watching the popular short travel videos they found in their hands, and dispelled the solemnity brought by the immersed tube of the South China Sea Tunnel.

However, travel planning is exceptionally short-lived.

When the belated night fell on the ocean, Li Feng could no longer pretend to be indifferent, and stared persistently at the master control room.

The lights there were bright, and it was so quiet that no sound was leaked.

When the time came when the installation was scheduled to be completed, the only sound that could be heard was the crashing of the waves against the side of the ship, and the whirring of the flags as the sea breeze blew.

At this time, Yin Yiqiao would not stop Lifeng's anxiety, because even he couldn't help frowning.

Finally, a tall figure stepped out of the main control room.

"It's done."

Qu Fei's voice was hoarse, and he smiled tiredly, "The South China Sea Tunnel is completed."

In the South China Sea shrouded in darkness, there is no cheering and howling as imagined, only the same tranquility as the night.

Lu Feng walked into the main control room, which was full of engineers from the immersed tube project team, each of them sat quietly in their original positions, looking at the large clear monitoring screen in the room.

The data of the immersed tube, the detection of the ocean, and the forward image sent back by the diver.

Seeing him come in first, Weng Cheng smiled softly and said, "Lu Feng, our project is over."

His "end" is extremely light, but the meaning of the representative is extremely heavy.

The completion of a section of immersed tube symbolizes the fulfillment of the long-cherished wish of generations of bridge builders.

Standing in the spacious room, Li Feng felt that the air was so crowded that he had to be careful to breathe.

It seems that he is not the only one staring at the monitoring screen, not only the project team members, but also the tens of thousands of people who have not been able to see the construction of the South China Sea Tunnel across the strait and connecting the important islands of the motherland.

At that moment, the piles of drawings and reports were not in vain, and the countless days and nights had their destinations.

Weng Cheng first took off his glasses and wiped his eyes.

His voice was laughing and his cheeks were crying.

"This is the best gift we can give to our motherland."

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