World-class infrastructure maniac

Chapter 83 "The other party is typing..."

Qian Xuyang and his colleagues talked and laughed, but no one knew that the accident would happen so quickly.

At first, they only saw Li Feng standing by the car alone, waiting for their return journey.

Then, a tall man with a hat came up.

On the spacious and open approach section of the Yuping Bridge, there are countless workers, journalists, and residents walking around.

They didn't pay attention to it, they were still chatting about whether to work overtime tonight, and directly wrote the inspection report.

However, Qian Xuyang heard a strange shout that sounded like English and Chinese.

The moment he turned his head to look in surprise, he saw a familiar weapon——


The gunshots were extremely loud, like a signal, and the surrounding area became silent.

Qian Xuyang reacted exceptionally quickly and rushed over to support the fallen Li Feng.

No matter how dull a person is, he will know what happened when he hears the gunshot and sees this appearance.

Xu Gong, who was in charge of this area, looked pale and serious, and immediately stared at Yuan Pao's back, shouting loudly: "Catch that man! He's a fugitive!"

The Filipino workers who were watching blankly heard Xu Gong's familiar voice, and their expression changed from stupefied to angry in an instant.

They rushed at the fleeing attacker from all directions, and cornered the guy who dared to shoot on the open road!

It's a pity that Qian Xuyang couldn't see the end of the gunman. His face was pale, and he kept pressing Lifeng's gunshot wound in the bumpy car that started suddenly.

Maybe it was because Li Feng avoided the vital point a little bit, maybe that man's marksmanship wasn't accurate enough.

The wound was on the abdomen, and the severe pain had already made Li Feng pale and fainted, and almost all the blood was stained on the towel covering the wound.

Qian Xuyang's hands were shaking, his ears were buzzing, and his surroundings were filled with the voices of colleagues eager to contact him.

"Hey, embassy, ​​we are the Yuping Bridge project team, we need help!"

"Where is the best gunshot wound doctor in the Philippines? Address, give me the address!"

"Go to the nearest Memorial Hospital! The medical aid team to the Philippines is there!"

The medical aid team to the Philippines became the only light in the darkness.

Sitting on the bumpy car, Qian Xuyang didn't know whether tears or sweat flowed from his cheeks. He felt trembling all over and his teeth trembled, but he heard the name of the medical aid team to the Philippines.

The Chinese people in a foreign country, in the midst of extreme despair, have regained hope.

"Lawyer... Our doctor is here, we will be there soon..."

Qian Xuyang's voice was like a gnat, and his tone was trembling, as if he was comforting himself.

Because Lifeng's lips and teeth were white, his face was pale, and his breathing was short and heavy.

Only the deep cries of pain revealed by gritted teeth made Qian Xuyang realize that he was still awake.

Qian Xuyang has practiced guns and hunted.

He knew how terrible bullets were. He had seen bullets take the lives of powerful creatures in an instant.

It is impossible for ordinary people to overcome sudden pain with willpower like in movies and TV shows, let alone respond to his comfort calmly.

This is the second time Qian Xuyang has noticed that Li Feng is also an ordinary person with flesh and blood.

But he would rather that Li Feng would always be Iron Superman, calm and invulnerable.

Qian Xuyang's heartbeat kept bumping along with the crazily galloping of the vehicle.

It seemed that the blood seeping out of the towel would not coagulate, making him smell a sticky fishy smell full of fear.

Suddenly, a clear voice broke through the chaos, dispelling all his fear——

"The medical aid team to the Philippines is ready for the operating room!"

Qian Xuyang suddenly wiped his face and shouted at the driver's seat: "Hurry up!"

His voice carried trembling crying that he didn't realize, and he was hoarse.

The Yuping Bridge project team held an emergency plenary meeting temporarily.

Santos, the Philippine construction company, and representatives of the Chinese aid to the Philippines arrived at the scene quickly.

The moment they meet, they complete the exchange of views.

The closing of the Yuping Bridge is just around the corner, the gunman has been arrested on the spot, and there are all the witnesses and evidences. The black hands who plan everything behind the scenes must not be allowed to stir up the muddy water and cause international disputes.

The top priority, the most important thing in front of them, is to ensure the smooth closing of the Yuping Bridge.

Two thousand Filipinos and more than 100 Chinese stood in the square, and the atmosphere couldn't stop the commotion. It didn't look like an ordinary meeting at all.

Many of them have heard about the shooting.

Just as it is common for gangsters to injure workers and destroy construction projects.


Lifeng didn't come back.

"Good evening, gentlemen."

Santos' voice from the stereo suppressed the noise in the arena.

He said: "I believe everyone has heard about the riots that took place today. A gangster who deliberately sabotaged the bridge mixed in with the crowd and injured our Mr. Li. Fortunately, he was subdued by our brave friends. Unfortunately, Li He was sent to the hospital and is being rescued."

Before he could speak, there was a loud noise from the audience.

The Filipinos at the construction site of the main bridge project are full of admiration for the law, especially after experiencing the explosion of the Yuping Bridge, they couldn't restrain their surprised voices because of the soul entanglement of life and death.

Santos did not comfort him softly, but said loudly, "We can't panic! Mr. Lu is concerned about the closure of the Yuping Bridge. Even if he enters the hospital, we must let the bridge be completed smoothly!"

"All the bastards who didn't want the Yuping Bridge to stand on the ground of the Philippines, made explosions, hired gunmen, just to see us panic and abandon this bridge!"

"We can't give up!" Santos's calmness on weekdays has turned into anger in the night, "When the Yuping Bridge is completed, we will go to the Philippine Daily and tell the world - this is a bridge built by heroes , it is just like our friendship with China, indestructible!"

The beautiful sight of being listed on the Philippine Daily was once the honor that all members of the Heroes List longed for.

To be commended, to be on the news, to become a hero recognized by the country, and to be admired by hundreds of millions of people is the ultimate wish of almost every outstanding employee.

However, this wish suddenly became readily available, but the venue was like a deep ocean, brewing an incomprehensible undercurrent.

Santos frowned slightly.

He thought that the workers would be inspired, would raise their arms and shout, and would swear passionately to fight for the Yuping Bridge.

But they were quiet, looking at each other's companions, their faces were full of...

A low mood he couldn't read.

Suddenly, there was an impolite shout from the audience, "So, where is Mr. Lu?"

His question immediately echoed like a stone thrown into a calm sea.

"How badly was Mr. Li injured?"

"Why didn't you tell us which hospital he was in?"

"Where's the bastard who shot? Huh? Just hand him over to the police and let him go quietly!"

The night was dark, filled with workers' distrust of Santos.

Santos recognized the guy who was leading the shout.

A gangster who made a fuss and thoroughly investigated the pile foundation, invited experts overnight, and promoted the appearance of the hero list in advance.

"Mr. Keo." Santos called out his name, looked straight into his eyes, and replied seriously, "I'm sorry that we can't disclose more information for safety reasons. But I promise, when he wakes up, he will definitely I will be very happy that you have built the Yuping Bridge so well. I will also be proud of all the staff of the Yuping Bridge for achieving the highest achievement in the hero list."

He mentioned excellence every word and every word, hoping that those who are eager to be recognized can let go of their anger and become rational.

It's a pity that there is no rationality in the Yuping Bridge at this time.

"Who needs to be excellent!"

Ke Ao's eyes in the audience were burning red, and he spit out a mouthful of saliva, which was as vulgar as ever.

"We want Mr. Li to come back safely!"

Qian Xuyang stood outside the operating room door, his mind buzzing all the time.

He kept answering and answering the phone, but every syllable he spoke seemed to be knocked in a different space, full of trembling that he couldn't restrain, and he had to force himself to calm down.

"We have sent lawyers to the hospital, they are our medical aid team to the Philippines."

"The doctor who rescued the lawyer was Dr. Xie from the Tri-Service Hospital. He will be fine. The nurse said he is very good at treating gunshot wounds."

"Uh, uh...we're all there."

Colleagues who follow Law Feng to conduct inspections are all guarding outside the operating room.

They must be responsible for delivering news and helping with hospital procedures.

Even the three big men squatting outside the operating room were panicked and full of anxiety and fear.

Everyone's mobile phone is busy.

The mobile phones including Lifeng in Qian Xuyang's hand kept turning on the screen, calling for the owner to answer.

Those in charge of the project, those of Chinese personnel stationed in the Philippines, and those of Filipino architects.

Qian Xuyang had some impression of those names, but he didn't pick up any of them.

He was waiting for some calls that were extremely important to Li Feng, but he was afraid of actually waiting for them.

Qian Xuyang's hands were covered with bloodstains that could not be wiped off, and he stared nervously at Lufeng's phone turning on again and again, but he was especially glad that there were no notes such as "Dad", "Mom" and "Dear" on the screen.

Because, he didn't know how to face Li Feng's family.

It wasn't until his own mobile phone rang again that Qian Xuyang's tense emotions eased a little.

The caller was Secretary Fang of their party branch in the Philippines.

When Lufeng was sent to the operating room, Qian Xuyang contacted Secretary Fang and asked to take out the memo written by Lufeng before leaving the country.

It is said to be a memo, but many people write it as a suicide note.

As big as an accident, who should be notified by the organization and who should be taken care of, as small as bank passwords, insurance and wealth management, and even private money, can all be clearly written up.

At the critical moment, people like Qian Xuyang will deliver the news for them.

Or, fulfill the wish written in the memo for them.

Qian Xuyang didn't want to take out Lu Feng's memo.

But he couldn't delay notifying Lu Feng's family because of his emotions.

"Secretary Fang." Qian Xuyang's voice was low and hoarse, "Did you find the lawyer's memo?"

"Yeah," said the other side, "but Lifeng wrote in the memo that as long as he can be saved and he still has breath, he should not notify his emergency contact. Hey, I'll take a photo and send it to you."

Qian Xuyang understands Lufeng's mood, and no one wants to worry his family members far away in the motherland because of trivial matters.

However, after listening to Secretary Fang's words, he was faintly confused.

Qian Xuyang asked: "His emergency contacts... aren't his parents?"

"No." The other end of the phone was silent for a moment, then replied, "It's Yin Yiqiao."

In the last 10 minutes of the news, the International News Association showed that the people of the world are in dire straits.

It's like the Philippines tonight.

Yin Yiqiao sat in front of the computer, staring at the TV, listening to the host's solemn report.

The Philippines finally gave up illusions and took up arms again.

The president issued an order to send troops to suppress the bandits, tearing up the so-called peace agreement with the bandits.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs also strongly condemns the actions that harm Chinese members and resolutely opposes all forms of terrorism.

Yin Yiqiao had heard about the injuries of the Chinese construction personnel.

Those wandering gangsters, similar to those who have been meticulously divided, injured Chinese and Filipinos, but they would not touch Americans.

The news was short, giving a tragic scene of the battlefield.

Those scenes of soot scattered easily reminded Yin Yiqiao of the Yuping Bridge after the explosion, and immediately aroused all his irritability.

Li Feng said not to worry, how could he not worry.

After staying in the peaceful and peaceful environment of China for a long time, it seems that he can't bear Li Feng to be alone in the country full of guns and bullets.

Even if they had experienced several bombings and shootings in England, he couldn't convince himself that he was at peace with peace of mind.

The computer beeped, and Zotter's tanned face reappeared in the video call.

This musician, who followed his mother's orchestra to tour Africa and played the sounds of nature, fell in love with tan and completely became one with his African brothers.

Coupled with his shiny necklace and earrings, it seems that the next second will start yo yo yo check.

He passed over a music file and asked, "Brother, do you think this is okay?"

Everyone's good brother Yin Yiqiao restrained his emotions and listened carefully to Zotel's new work.

The beat of the tambourine sounded in the room, and the sound of the whistling wind swirled like a mountain stream.

After experiencing the baptism of African nature, the music created by Zotel is more suitable for Yin Yiqiao's desired style.

"Well, not bad." Yin Yiqiao smiled and dispelled the seriousness in his heart, "Xiaofeng must like it."


Zotel was so happy, he smiled so hard that he couldn't see his teeth, and said with big white teeth: "I really want to know how Brother Feng will comment on my new work this time. Unfortunately, when I sent him the news, he kept Didn't call me back!"

The grievance spread on the child's black face.

Yin Yiqiao accepted him as a senior, so naturally he should act like a senior.

"Xiaofeng is too busy, and the Philippines is not peaceful recently, and the Yuping Bridge is about to close, so I definitely don't have time to return to you. This is also responsible for your works, and I don't want to perfuse your creations."

Zotel held his face regretfully and happily, "I know. At the beginning, I and Brother Feng just chatted one after another. The longest time he delayed replying to me by almost two months. I'm used to it."

Afro-punk Xiaozuo looked at people with white eyes, "When is senior brother going to release "Shanshui Xiaoyao"?"

Yin Yiqiao glanced lightly, "Wait for him to come back."

Yin Yiqiao is always waiting for Li Feng, and also worried all the time.

However, Lifeng had already said that he might not be free, so he kept quiet and did not bother the socialist builders who were obsessed with work.

Sometimes, Yin Yiqiao thought it was funny to wait like this.

Sometimes, I feel very flustered.

It was as if he had specially spared his schedule, sitting in front of the TV and waiting for the news of Yuping Bridge closing.

His heart was indescribably depressed, and he even had the illusion of being out of breath.

The bridge, which bears the countless expectations of China and the Philippines, has gone through ridiculous tribulations of mis-projection, and finally announced its closure in the eyes of the public.

The figure of the president and the smile of the ambassador to the Philippines became the protagonists of the news.

This time, the camera panned over more than 2000 Filipino workers, highlighting the scene where the president, accompanied by officials, waved and shook hands cordially with them.

From the beginning to the end, there was no shadow of Li Feng.

There was joy in the news.

The air outside the news was stagnant.

Yin Yiqiao's mind sank, and every word she sent to Lufeng was full of doubts.

"You didn't participate in the closing ceremony of the Yuping Bridge?"

His heart was beating violently, and the blurred thoughts suddenly turned into actual actions.

Yin Yiqiao turned on the laptop, quickly tapped the keyboard with his fingers, and entered the name of the destination airport.

Just a second before he was about to fly to the Philippines, the mobile phone in front of him vibrated continuously, as if frantically urging him to check the news.

Lifeng: Participated.

"The other party is typing..."

Li Feng: But the effect of the hero list is too strong. If I go on the news again, the Filipinos will confess me, so I specifically told them not to shoot me.

"The other party is typing..."

Lifeng: I don't want to be unable to come back.

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