Wu Yingqi has heard too many slogans from young people.

Those young people who are fledgling and have just entered the society are always full of enthusiasm and are willing to contribute to the country without asking for anything in return.

Then, with the boring work day after day and the blows of life year after year, their fighting spirit will gradually wear off, be eroded by the dark side of society, and finally forget their high passion and lose confidence very fragilely.

Or even go to another extreme.

He should have calmly faced Lawyer's "choice" and calmly let the meeting proceed to the questioning session.

However, facing those unwavering eyes, Wu Yingqi actually felt——

Perhaps, Li Feng will not easily shake his belief.

Because his library design shows his amazing architectural talent, anyone with eyes knows where his talent lies.

But such a promising young man still chose to return to his motherland, gave up architectural design, turned to research on the Qushuiwan Bridge, and designed a cross-river bridge with a budget of less than 7000 million.

Just for a "possibility".

Wu Yingqi knew clearly that Li Feng was not a whim, let alone sweet talk.

All the hard work he put in for his words was condensed in the information on Yuejiang Bridge.

Bridge design is not an easy sketching project.

Even with the successful precedent of the Qushuiwan Bridge, not everyone can easily copy the triangular steel support.

The data and graphs placed in front of Wu Yingqi are more real than any oath.

The conference room was quiet, as if everyone was silent and thoughtful by Lu Feng's words.

Wu Yingqi hesitated for a moment, and finally said again: "As the dean of the bridge branch, I very much welcome you to join our design institute and become a member of the national bridge construction. But... as a designer, I have to remind you that we His work is not as noble as you might think."

"The survey and design tasks of our bridge branch are all in cooperation with the National Construction Group. Most of the projects involved are located in remote mountainous areas and wilderness. I have worked for more than 30 years. As long as I have a project in charge, it is absolutely white plus black, five plus two, No matter how bad the weather is, you have to withstand the pressure to work. It is normal to be unable to go home for a year or two when the work is urgent. In addition to the wages, salaries and insurance stipulated by the state, the subsidies issued by the State Council are negligible, and the returns you get are also There is no way to compare with successful architects."

"Moreover, you have to face a lot of futile efforts. Because not every project can be successful just like crossing the river bridge, just relying on hard research."

Wu Yingqi's words made the meeting room uncontrollable.

"Come on, come on, Wuyuan's reservation-style persuasion program."

"It's not persuasion, it's vaccination, it means 'don't let me catch you being lazy', don't say it's not predictable!"

The designers and researchers who can stay in the bridge branch have all received the ideological education of Dean Wu in large and small meetings.

Their Wu Yuan is a technical leader, who speaks frankly and never pretends to be empty.

Crazy praise that should be praised, and never show mercy to those that should be criticized.

What is "If you don't want to do it, leave as soon as possible, we can save places and recruit new people".

What is "There is a better way out, I also wish, but I hope you don't delay the work at hand, Momojiu is not a man."

The male employees strongly expressed gender discrimination, and asked the female employees, "Why didn't Wuyuan say that Mo Mo Chirp looks like a woman".

Then I was perfunctory by the unique sisters and sisters, "If you have any opinions, you can ask Wu Yuan to raise them, and don't bother me to draw pictures."

The atmosphere of the bridge branch has experienced the test of the project and is exceptionally harmonious.

But they don't understand—

"Why did Courtyard Wu specifically tell Lu Feng this?"

"Because... Lufeng is more promising in architectural design."

Everyone present can feel Wu Yingqi's appreciation for rhythm.

The specially held exchange meeting will be used as the interview site.

Specially told Lifeng to improve the portfolio.

I specifically asked Li Feng why he didn't continue to follow the path of an architect...

This kind of unprecedented treatment is also the first time for many people.

Therefore, countless eyes were fixed on Li Feng, ready to see how this outstanding talent would show his loyalty to the stubborn Dean Wu, and once again pledge his lifelong struggle for socialism.

However, after listening to Wu Yingqi's words, Lu Feng was not surprised or hesitated, but only smiled slightly.

He said: "I have learned about the situation of the State Council, and I am fully prepared for the setbacks I will encounter in the bridge design work. Moreover, I am not short of money, can work overtime, and will not get married."

"please do not worry."

In an open interview, what spread the most was not how good Lufeng was, how comprehensive the considerations of Yuejiang Bridge were, and it wasn't the two-hour-long answer given by Lufeng.


"Do you know the style of applying for the job? Just design the cross-river bridge. Wu Yuan asked him, can you bear hardships, can you bear not going home all year round and low wages, guess how he answered?"

"He said - I don't need money to work overtime without getting married!"

The National Academy of Design has been struggling to retain outstanding talents.

Many successful employees will consider moving to private design companies once they have a new way.

As a normal personal choice, the National Council has no choice but to strengthen ideological education and emphasize national responsibility. Most people envy the high salaries of the resigned staff, and then work overtime silently.

Now, there is an excellent talent who came back from studying in the UK and thoroughly studied the Qushuiwan Bridge.

The opening is: If you don’t lack money, you can work overtime without getting married!

It is simply a perfect drawing tool, which shocked a group of people shouting for experts, how could it be possible for the Wu Court not to keep them.

Even after the interview was over, the topic of legal style in the Bridge Branch was still hot.

In less than a day, everyone at the National Design Institute knew that the Lu Feng who designed the cross-river bridge and returned from studying in the UK was so amazing that he convinced Dean Wu of the Bridge Branch.

Human curiosity reaches its pinnacle on this kind of gossip.

Even if they were not from the Bridge Institute, they found friends from the Bridge Institute, asked for interview videos, portfolios, and PPTs, and worshiped the boss.

Law Feng's videos and materials have become learning materials and spread everywhere.

The Bridge Branch praised his bridges.

The Road Branch praised his awareness.

As for the architectural branch, after seeing the design of the library, why such an excellent designer didn't choose the architectural branch!

While listening to Lifeng's declaration that he has no shortage of money and can work overtime and not get married, the branch of architecture shed tears as he looked at the concept design of the warm and quiet library.

Architects who can design such a library, even if they submit their resumes to their branch of architecture, will definitely be admitted within minutes.

They are full of envy, jealousy and hatred.

Why is such an outstanding talent going to build a bridge? !

Wouldn't it be better to design the strongest building on the surface of the motherland?

What a cheap bridge house!

Suddenly someone asked: "Why does this library look like the one just built in England?"

As he spoke, he pointed out the photos he had saved on the Internet.

The newly completed Leith Public Library has a similar leaf curve.

Colleagues from the Institute of Architecture came over to take a look, and said, "It's just that the eaves are a bit similar, right? Besides, this library in the UK was designed by CE Architects."

The achievements of CE Architects are impressive.

In a place where international architects are gathered, casually handed in is an architectural work that shocked the world.

Although the building of the library has not yet been completed, it has the CE mark, which immediately stands out from the crowd.

It would definitely not be something designed by an unknown architect like Li Feng.

I was reminded by a colleague that the people who thought the two libraries looked alike just now suddenly didn't look like each other.

"That's right. If that law can participate in project design in CE, how can it be possible to go to the Bridge Institute, it should come to our Architecture Institute!"

UK, CE Architects.

Having just completed work on the exterior of the Leith Public Library, the architects have all been given a short break.

In the office, the assistants have leisurely started planning trips.

The computer screen is full of videos of tourist attractions, blue sky and sea, and infinite scenery.

"I think the Maldives is pretty good, I can lie on the beach and bask in the sun all day."

"Should go to Las Vegas!"

"The Netherlands is also good. I was in a hurry when I went last time, and I didn't have time to have a good time."

Suddenly, a gentle piano sound came from the room.

Jason turned his head and saw a beautiful building displayed on Anna's computer screen.

The cyan walls and leaves reflect each other, and the harmony is so harmonious that even music can't disturb its tranquility.

He worked overtime until he was in desperate need of rest, and he was startled and asked, "Where is this?"

"Where is what?" Anna sighed. "It's just a modeling video. I was listening to Zotel's music, and he disappeared for another whole month."

Anna is a loyal fan of Zotel and often shares the creations of this excellent musician with Jason.

However, no matter how good the music is, it can't stop Jason's regret.

"Oh, I thought the video was a building of some country, and I just wanted to take a vacation to see it with my own eyes."

As an architect, he is naturally sensitive to buildings.

Relying on the passing shadows on the computer, it is enough for him to distinguish the excellence of these buildings.

The topic brought up by music fell into the common faults of architects.

Before they could react, I couldn't help discussing the modeling in the video and how to complete the construction.

"Although it is cyan, I found that the light on the roof is actually the reflection of the leaves, not all the coating."

"How about the glazed tiles we used in the Leith Public Library? The light reflected by those tiles is very similar to the light flowing on the eaves of his house."

"No, no, look at the details on the edge. The glazed tiles in our library can't achieve such a transparent reflection. It should be replaced with a metal material."

"What are you talking about?"

The cold and stern voice came, and the atmosphere suddenly became dignified.

They looked up in surprise, and saw Yin Yiqiao, who was supposed to have a good rest, casually wearing a windbreaker, holding a stack of documents.

His expression was as serious as ever, and he walked straight over.

"The acceptance form of the Leith Public Library, the site survey of the Flamenco Concert Hall, and the modification plan for the design of the Aura Building."

As he spoke, he placed the documents on the assistant's desk.

I didn’t forget to work while on vacation, and my assistants felt chilly in an instant, and Maldives and Las Vegas were all waving goodbye to them.

Ever since China's Tenglong Group came, they felt that Yin Yiqiao was not very happy.

Normally, Yin Yiqiao would chat with them a few words and ask them about their health.

Recently, they have been doing official business, exuding an air of refusal to be thousands of miles away from others, and even took them around to complete the design project in a hurry.

At the meeting at that time, from their point of view, Tenglong Group was not rude.

The person who came to negotiate is the vice president.

The conditions given are also quite favorable.

However, Mr. Yin's attitude obviously changed after he learned that the Tenglong Group's cross-river bridge would be designed by Stephen Laingt, overturning the previous plan.

Mr. Yin's tone was still gentle, and he refused very decisively.

And Yin Yiqiao's face was as cold as ice.

When Jason, the assistant, saw it, he felt incredible.

Jason has worked in CE for two years, and he has never seen the two Mr. Yin treat customers from China like this.

Although Yin Yiqiao often has a cold face, Mr. Yin has always been as warm as a spring breeze to the customers who come from China. Even if they can't cooperate in the end, they will give the best advice.

If Jason didn't know how good the relationship between Mr. Yin and Mr. Ryan was, otherwise, he would definitely think that Mr. Yin and Mr. Yin had an intractable feud.

So that the grandparents and grandchildren shared the same hatred.


Yin Yiqiao started to take them to rush to the Leith Public Library together, even refusing to let go of a little vacation!

Jason took the documents from Yin Yiqiao, and had to ask, "Do these three tasks have to be done in advance?"

"Yeah." Yin Yiqiao didn't want to talk too much, "After the library is accepted, go directly to Madrid. As soon as possible, I don't want to waste time."

As he spoke, he glanced at the blue building on Anna's screen out of the corner of his eye.

The Chinese-style cornice building, with a strong natural flavor, is very in line with his preferences.

The peaceful and peaceful scene calmed his mind slightly.

Yin Yiqiao softened his tone a little, and complimented politely: "This modeling is good."

Finally seeing that Yin Yiqiao wanted to chat, Jason immediately joked, "Of course, this is a great Australian musician's work."

"Musician?" Yin Yiqiao raised his eyebrows and looked at the building.

He hadn't seen a musician who could do modeling.

"Yes, musician!" Anna replayed the video excitedly, and said seriously, "Listen, this is music that only exists in heaven."

The video played from the beginning, and Yin Yiqiao listened to the music with dignity, while admiring the green and green scenery.

He's busy and needs work to fill his spare time so he doesn't feel idle.

However, the landscape-like scenery in front of him made him peaceful and calm, and he was willing to spend time slowly admiring it.

There was a symphony that was gradually becoming more and more exciting in his ears, and Yin Yiqiao felt that it was noisy when the tone was supposed to be elegant and calm.

"The music is mediocre, not worthy of this building."

As he spoke, he went straight to Anna's desk, took the mouse, and clicked on mute.

Anna's music works were evaluated as "unworthy", which perfectly hit her anger point.

"Why! Yin," she protested vehemently, "Zotell is a musical genius!"

"Music geniuses don't understand architecture at all." Yin Yiqiao dragged the progress bar and observed the silent building.

He said: "This is a landscape city architecture, which emphasizes being close to nature, quiet and peaceful. It does not need pianos, violins, or symphonies at all. All it needs is the sound of nature."

Yin Yiqiao looked at the building carefully.

It rises from the mountains and stands between the mountains and forests. It looks like the casual work of a modeler, but the polishing of each side meets the requirements of the architectural design model.

"The person who made this model should have solid architectural knowledge. His cornices, bridges, window lattices and columns seem to be arbitrary, but in fact they completely meet the mechanical standards. What's even more incredible is that he created a modern ancient building that blends with landscape."

Ancient buildings always have a sense of abruptness in modern life, often tearing the dimension of time and space, and instantly distinguishing "ancient" and "modern".

But Yin Yiqiao has seen countless ancient Chinese architectural features in this building, but still feels that it is a modern building suitable for modern people to live in.

Obviously coming to the office to continue working, Yin Yiqiao dragged the progress bar of the video, and analyzed the uniqueness of this imaginary building to the assistants bit by bit.

Its external structure, overall coordination, and the internal mystery vaguely revealed in the video.

Yin Yiqiao froze the picture, evoked a slight smile, and pointed to the faint light shining from the corner of the eaves.

"He used multiple layers of bent wood as a support to make the most traditional Dougong, which is obviously a modern building, but he wants to restore the structure of an ancient building in this detail. It's interesting."

Perhaps only when talking about architecture, Yin Yiqiao, who is indifferent and serious, will reveal his hidden tenderness.

The assistants listened attentively to his interpretation of the modeling in the video, and slowly got to know a distant and unfamiliar world of ancient Chinese architecture.

When Yin Yiqiao pointed out the unique design in the modeling, even Anna couldn't refute his point——

Zotter's music is indeed not worthy of this building.

Because it goes far beyond the scope of conceptual works, it is a real design that can be completed and is worth practicing, and it perfectly integrates the three major themes of ancient and modern, landscape and humanities.

Yin Yiqiao became very interested in this modeling.

However, when the progress bar continued, he suddenly discovered something, and the screen stayed on the close-up of the edge of the building.

Next, zoom in on a corner.

The high-definition video is enough for him to see the patterns on the corners and edges.

It was a sculpture shaped like a bird's feather, winding and clinging to the edge, endowing the tall building with the gentlest corners.

It also made Yin Yiqiao stare blankly.

Such a purely Chinese pattern also aroused the assistant's curiosity.

Jason: "This should be some auspicious pattern in China."

Anna: "It's a bit like the carvings that I like to use on the railings and walls. What kind of bats, dragons, and phoenixes, this one looks a bit like a phoenix."

"No." Yin Yiqiao laughed, his tone full of nostalgia, "This is not a phoenix."

It's not an auspicious pattern.

He has seen such a unique texture many times.

Attached to the smooth and sharp building, it brings the gentleness unique to the designer.

His smile surprised the assistants.

It had been a long time since they saw Yin Yiqiao smiling so happily.

Although short, but from the heart.

It seemed that this pattern from China swept away the anger he had accumulated all along.

From a devil to a good boss with a gentle temper.

Jason asked in surprise, "Yin, what exactly is it?"

"Nothing to do with you."

Yin Yiqiao returned to his usual inhumanity, and did not intend to answer questions for the assistants. His depressed mood finally got better because of this building.

With a glance, he quickly wrote down the name of the video, then turned around and changed his previous plan.

"Jason, just now the three projects have been postponed for one week for me, and I'm going on vacation."

Working in CE is often a roller coaster of emotions.

Jason, who was mourning over the holiday just now, was suddenly sunny, "A vacation? That's great! Oh no, I mean, where are you going?"

"China, help me book a plane ticket..." Yin Yiqiao looked at the itinerary, "Tomorrow."

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